Driver for the SX1280 RF Transceiver

Dependents:   SX1280PingPong RangignMaster RangingSlave MSNV2-Terminal_V1-6 ... more



File content as of revision 11:d60df50e108f:

  ______                              _
 / _____)             _              | |
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 _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
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    (C)2015 Semtech

Description: Handling of the node configuration protocol

License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project

Maintainer: Miguel Luis and Gregory Cristian
#ifndef __SX1280_HAL_H__
#define __SX1280_HAL_H__

#include "sx1280.h"

 * \brief Actual implementation of a SX1280 radio
class SX1280Hal : public SX1280
     * \brief Constructor for SX1280Hal with SPI support
     * Represents the physical connectivity with the radio and set callback functions on radio interrupts
    SX1280Hal( PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName nss,
               PinName busy, PinName dio1, PinName dio2, PinName dio3, PinName rst,
               RadioCallbacks_t *callbacks );

     * \brief Constructor for SX1280Hal with UART support
     * Represents the physical connectivity with the radio and set callback functions on radio interrupts
    SX1280Hal( PinName tx, PinName rx, PinName ctsn,
               PinName busy, PinName dio1, PinName dio2, PinName dio3, PinName rst,
               RadioCallbacks_t *callbacks );

     * \brief Destructor for SX1280Hal with UART support
     * Take care of the correct destruction of the communication objects
    virtual ~SX1280Hal( void );

     * \brief Soft resets the radio
    virtual void Reset( void );

     * \brief Wakes up the radio
    virtual void Wakeup( void );

     * \brief Set the SPI Speed
     * \param [in]  spiSpeed      Speed of the SPI in Hz
    void SetSpiSpeed( uint32_t spiSpeed );

     * \brief Send a command that write data to the radio
     * \param [in]  opcode        Opcode of the command
     * \param [in]  buffer        Buffer to be send to the radio
     * \param [in]  size          Size of the buffer to send
    virtual void WriteCommand( RadioCommands_t opcode, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size );

     * \brief Send a command that read data from the radio
     * \param [in]  opcode        Opcode of the command
     * \param [out] buffer        Buffer holding data from the radio
     * \param [in]  size          Size of the buffer
    virtual void ReadCommand( RadioCommands_t opcode, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size );

     * \brief Write data to the radio memory
     * \param [in]  address       The address of the first byte to write in the radio
     * \param [in]  buffer        The data to be written in radio's memory
     * \param [in]  size          The number of bytes to write in radio's memory
    virtual void WriteRegister( uint16_t address, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size );

     * \brief Write a single byte of data to the radio memory
     * \param [in]  address       The address of the first byte to write in the radio
     * \param [in]  value         The data to be written in radio's memory
    virtual void WriteRegister( uint16_t address, uint8_t value );

     * \brief Read data from the radio memory
     * \param [in]  address       The address of the first byte to read from the radio
     * \param [out] buffer        The buffer that holds data read from radio
     * \param [in]  size          The number of bytes to read from radio's memory
    virtual void ReadRegister( uint16_t address, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size );

     * \brief Read a single byte of data from the radio memory
     * \param [in]  address       The address of the first byte to write in the
     *                            radio
     * \retval      value         The value of the byte at the given address in
     *                            radio's memory
    virtual uint8_t ReadRegister( uint16_t address );

     * \brief Write data to the buffer holding the payload in the radio
     * \param [in]  offset        The offset to start writing the payload
     * \param [in]  buffer        The data to be written (the payload)
     * \param [in]  size          The number of byte to be written
    virtual void WriteBuffer( uint8_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size );

     * \brief Read data from the buffer holding the payload in the radio
     * \param [in]  offset        The offset to start reading the payload
     * \param [out] buffer        A pointer to a buffer holding the data from the radio
     * \param [in]  size          The number of byte to be read
    virtual void ReadBuffer( uint8_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size );

     * \brief Returns the status of DIOs pins
     * \retval      dioStatus     A byte where each bit represents a DIO state:
     *                            [ DIO3 | DIO2 | DIO1 | BUSY ]
    virtual uint8_t GetDioStatus( void );


    SPI *RadioSpi;                                  //!< The SPI object used to communicate with the radio
    Serial *RadioUart;                              //!< The UART object used to communicate with the radio
    DigitalOut RadioNss;                            //!< The pin connected to Radio chip select (active low)
    DigitalInOut RadioReset;                        //!< The reset pin connected to the radio
    DigitalOut RadioCtsn;                           //!< The Clear To Send radio pin (active low)

    DigitalIn    BUSY;                              //!< The pin connected to BUSY
    InterruptIn *DIO1;                              //!< The pin connected to DIO1
    InterruptIn *DIO2;                              //!< The pin connected to DIO2
    InterruptIn *DIO3;                              //!< The pin connected to DIO3

     * \brief Initializes SPI object used to communicate with the radio
    virtual void SpiInit( void );

     * \brief Initializes UART object used to communicate with the radio
    virtual void UartInit( void );

     * \brief Sets the callback functions to be run on DIO1..3 interrupt
     * \param [in]  irqHandler    A function pointer of the function to be run on every DIO interrupt
    virtual void IoIrqInit( DioIrqHandler irqHandler );

#endif // __SX1280_HAL_H__