


File content as of revision 0:d4c2464a3868:

#include "suli2.h"
#include "grove_gyroscope.h"

//local functions
static char _read_char(I2C_T *i2c, unsigned char addr);
static double grove_gyro_gettemperature(I2C_T *i2c);
static void grove_gyro_getxyz(I2C_T *i2c, int16_t *x,int16_t *y,int16_t *z);

//local variables
static unsigned char cmdbuf[2];
static unsigned char databuf[2];
static int16_t x_offset;
static int16_t y_offset;
static int16_t z_offset;

// Read 1 byte from I2C
static char _read_char(I2C_T *i2c, unsigned char addr)
    suli_i2c_write(i2c, GYRO_ADDRESS, &addr, 1);
    suli_i2c_read(i2c, GYRO_ADDRESS, databuf, 1);
    return databuf[0];

void grove_gyroscope_init(I2C_T *i2c, int pinsda, int pinscl)
    suli_i2c_init(i2c, pinsda, pinscl);

bool grove_gyro_write_setup(I2C_T *i2c)
    cmdbuf[0] = ITG3200_PWR_M;
    cmdbuf[1] = 0x80;
    suli_i2c_write(i2c, GYRO_ADDRESS, cmdbuf, 2);//send a reset to the device
    cmdbuf[0] = ITG3200_SMPL;
    cmdbuf[1] = 0x00;
    suli_i2c_write(i2c, GYRO_ADDRESS, cmdbuf, 2);//sample rate divider
    cmdbuf[0] = ITG3200_DLPF;
    cmdbuf[1] = 0x18;
    suli_i2c_write(i2c, GYRO_ADDRESS, cmdbuf, 2);//+/-2000 degrees/s (default value)
    return true;

/*Function: Get the temperature from ITG3200 that with a on-chip*/
/*           temperature sensor.                                */
static double grove_gyro_gettemperature(I2C_T *i2c)
    int temp;
    double temperature;
    //temp = read(ITG3200_TMP_H, ITG3200_TMP_L);
    temp = (_read_char(i2c, ITG3200_TMP_H) << 8) + _read_char(i2c, ITG3200_TMP_L);
    temperature = 35+ ((double) (temp + 13200)) / 280;

/*Function: Get the contents of the registers in the ITG3200*/
/*          so as to calculate the angular velocity.        */
static void grove_gyro_getxyz(I2C_T *i2c, int16_t *x,int16_t *y,int16_t *z)
    *x  = (_read_char(i2c, ITG3200_GX_H) << 8) + _read_char(i2c, ITG3200_GX_L) + x_offset;
    *y = (_read_char(i2c, ITG3200_GY_H) << 8) + _read_char(i2c, ITG3200_GY_L) + y_offset;
    *z = (_read_char(i2c, ITG3200_GZ_H) << 8) + _read_char(i2c, ITG3200_GZ_L) + z_offset;

/*Function: Get the angular velocity and its unit is degree per second.*/
bool grove_gyro_getangularvelocity(I2C_T *i2c, float *ax,float *ay,float *az)
    int16_t x,y,z;
    grove_gyro_getxyz(i2c, &x,&y,&z);
    *ax = x/14.375;
    *ay = y/14.375;
    *az = z/14.375;
    return true;

bool grove_gyro_zerocalibrate(I2C_T *i2c) 
  int16_t x_offset_temp;
  int16_t y_offset_temp;
  int16_t z_offset_temp;
  int16_t x,y,z;
  x_offset = 0;
  y_offset = 0;
  z_offset = 0;
  for (int i = 0;i < 200;i++){
    grove_gyro_getxyz(i2c, &x,&y,&z);
    x_offset_temp += x;
    y_offset_temp += y;
    z_offset_temp += z;

  x_offset = abs(x_offset_temp)/200;
  y_offset = abs(y_offset_temp)/200;
  z_offset = abs(z_offset_temp)/200;
  if(x_offset_temp > 0)x_offset = -x_offset;
  if(y_offset_temp > 0)y_offset = -y_offset;
  if(z_offset_temp > 0)z_offset = -z_offset;
  return true;