ft. button press reset
Dependencies: mbed
Fork of BeaconDemo_RobotCodeNew by
- Committer:
- jah128
- Date:
- 2015-10-26
- Revision:
- 9:085e090e1ec1
- Parent:
- 8:00558287a4ef
- Child:
- 10:1b09d4bb847b
File content as of revision 9:085e090e1ec1:
/*********************************************************************** ** ██████╗ ███████╗██╗███████╗██╗ ██╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ███╗ ███╗ ** ** ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║██╔════╝██║ ██║██╔══██╗██╔══██╗████╗ ████║ ** ** ██████╔╝███████╗██║███████╗██║ █╗ ██║███████║██████╔╝██╔████╔██║ ** ** ██╔═══╝ ╚════██║██║╚════██║██║███╗██║██╔══██║██╔══██╗██║╚██╔╝██║ ** ** ██║ ███████║██║███████║╚███╔███╔╝██║ ██║██║ ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║ ** ** ╚═╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝╚══════╝ ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ** ************************************************************************ **(C) Dr James Hilder - York Robotics Laboratory - University of York ** ***********************************************************************/ /// PsiSwarm Beautiful Meme Project Source Code /// Version 0.1 /// James Hilder, Alan Millard, Homero Elizondo, Jon Timmis /// University of York /// Include psiswarm.h - this includes all the other necessary core files #include "psiswarm.h" // IMPORTANT!!! // Do not call the IR functions at all as they will interfere with the correct operation of this program // Instead, use the values held in the variables below; they are updated every 500ms char beacon_found = 0; // This will be a 1 when a beacon was detected during the previous 500ms window int beacon_heading = 0; // This is the heading from the last time a beacon was detected char robots_found[8]; // These will be a 1 when the respective robot [excluding self] was detected during the previous 500ms window int robots_heading[8]; // These are the headings from the last time the respective robots were detected unsigned short robots_distance[8]; // This is the maximum sensor value from the last time the respective robot was detected unsigned short reflected_sensor_data[8]; // The reflected IR values when this robots emitters are on unsigned short background_sensor_data[8];// The raw IR values when no robot (or beacon) should have its IR on char * program_name = "B-Meme"; char * author_name = "YRL"; char * version_name = "1.0"; char user_code_debug = 1; // Set to 1 to show terminal messages from "out" function [specific to this code] char display_debug_inf = 1; // Set to 1 to show debug info on display char main_program_state; char old_program_state = 255; char step_cycle = 0; char success_count = 0; char target_reached = 0; char was_turning = 0; Ticker main_loop_ticker; ///This is the main loop for the Beautiful Meme code. The code block is run once every 500mS* once all the IR samples have been collected. void main_loop() { update_display(); switch(main_program_state) { case 0: //Case 0 is the initial program: turn to face beacon if(step_cycle == 0) { char turn_status = turn_to_bearing(0); if(turn_status == 0) { success_count ++; if(success_count > 1) main_program_state = 1; } else success_count = 0; } break; case 1: target_reached = 0; head_to_bearing_program(0); if(target_reached == 1) main_program_state = 2; break; case 2: target_reached = 0; head_to_bearing_program(180); if(target_reached == 1) main_program_state = 1; break; } step_cycle=1-step_cycle; } //The head to bearing program moves towards a given bearing (eg 0 for the beacon or 180 for the opposite wall) and keeps going until an obstacle is detected in front of it void head_to_bearing_program(int target_bearing) { if(step_cycle == 0 || was_turning == 0) { // Check if we are heading in the right bearing (+- 25 degrees) int current_bearing = (360 - beacon_heading) % 360; // Current bearing should range from 0 to 359; target_bearing likewise; check the are within 25 degrees of each other char bearing_ok = 0; int lower_bound = target_bearing - 25; int upper_bound = target_bearing + 25; if(lower_bound < 0) { if(current_bearing > (lower_bound + 360) || current_bearing < upper_bound) bearing_ok = 1; } else if(upper_bound > 359) { if(current_bearing > lower_bound || current_bearing < (upper_bound - 360)) bearing_ok = 1; } else if(current_bearing > lower_bound && current_bearing < upper_bound) bearing_ok = 1; // Check if there is an obstacle in front of us if((reflected_sensor_data[7] > 1000 || reflected_sensor_data[0] > 1000) && bearing_ok == 1) target_reached = 1; else { // Now move forward if we are facing correct bearing, otherwise turn if(bearing_ok == 1) { //Check if anything is in front of us to determine speed - if it is, move slowly int t_time = 6 * BEACON_PERIOD; float t_speed = 1.0; if(reflected_sensor_data[7] > 150 || reflected_sensor_data[0] > 150) { t_time = 4 * BEACON_PERIOD; t_speed = 0.6; } if(reflected_sensor_data[7] > 300 || reflected_sensor_data[0] > 300) { t_time = 3 * BEACON_PERIOD; t_speed = 0.4; } if(reflected_sensor_data[7] > 500 || reflected_sensor_data[0] > 500) { t_time = 2 * BEACON_PERIOD; t_speed = 0.2; } time_based_forward(t_speed,t_time,0); was_turning = 0; } else { turn_to_bearing(target_bearing); was_turning = 1; } } } } ///Place user code here that should be run after initialisation but before the main loop void user_code_setup() { wait(0.8); display.clear_display(); display.set_position(0,0); display.write_string("BEAUTIFUL MEME"); display.set_position(1,0); display.write_string(" PROJECT"); wait(0.2); out("------------------------------------------------------\n"); out("Beautiful Meme Project Demo Code \n"); out("------------------------------------------------------\n"); locate_beacon(); while(beacon_found == 0) { wait(0.5); locate_beacon(); } start_infrared_timers(); main_loop_ticker.attach_us(&main_loop,BEACON_PERIOD * 10); main_program_state = 1; set_leds(0x00,0x00); set_center_led(3,1); display.clear_display(); display.set_position(0,0); display.write_string("BEACON FOUND AT"); display.set_position(1,0); char degrees_string[16]; sprintf(degrees_string,"%d DEGREES",beacon_heading); display.write_string(degrees_string); } /// Code goes here to handle what should happen when the user switch is pressed void handle_switch_event(char switch_state) { /// Switch_state = 1 if up is pressed, 2 if down is pressed, 4 if left is pressed, 8 if right is pressed and 16 if the center button is pressed /// NB For maximum compatability it is recommended to minimise reliance on center button press //pc.printf("User switch code block: %d\n",switch_state); } /// The main routine: it is recommended to leave this function alone and add user code to the above functions int main() { ///init() in psiswarm.cpp sets up the robot init(); user_code_setup(); user_code_running = 1; while(1) { wait(1); } } void update_display() { if(main_program_state != old_program_state) { old_program_state = main_program_state; display.clear_display(); display.set_position(0,0); switch(main_program_state) { case 0: display.write_string("P:FACE BEACON"); break; case 1: display.write_string("P:HEAD TO BEACON"); break; case 2: display.write_string("P:HEAD TO SOUTH"); break; } } if(display_debug_inf==1) display_debug_info(); } void display_debug_info() { char disp_line[16] = "- - - - - - - -"; if(beacon_found==1)disp_line[0]='B'; for(int i=0; i<7; i++) { if(robots_found[i])disp_line[((i+1)*2)]=49+i; } display.set_position(1,0); display.write_string(disp_line); } /// Verbose output void out(const char* format, ...) { char buffer[256]; if (debug_mode) { va_list vl; va_start(vl, format); vsprintf(buffer,format,vl); if(user_code_debug == 1) pc.printf("%s", buffer); va_end(vl); } }