Simple test application for the STMicroelectronics X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 Wi-Fi expansion board.

Dependencies:   NetworkSocketAPI X_NUCLEO_IDW01M1v2 mbed

Fork of HelloWorld_IDW01M1v2 by ST Expansion SW Team


HelloWorld_IDW01M1 is an example application which uses the X_NUCLEO_IDW01M1v2 mbed library.

The software can be used for testing the X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 expansion board on mbed platforms. Current supported platforms are NUCLEO-F401RE and NUCLEO-L476RG.

Example Application

The SpwfSAInterface class needs to be instantiated with the UART RX and TX pins used. Depending on the platform used, the pin numbers may vary.

E.g. For FRDM K64F board it is: D9 and D7.

For Nucleo it is D8 and D2.

SpwfSAInterface spwf(D8, D2, false);

First of all, the example application tries to connect to the SSID/AP which is provided in the program code. In order to connect to your desired SSID/AP please change the SSID/AP settings/text to the one which is used in the user's environment. Please also remember that the SSID needs to be connected to the internet.

 char * ssid = "STM"; //Please change to local SSID/AP name
 char * seckey = "STMdemoPWD"; //Please change password

After connection the program prints its own IP address and MAC address on the serial terminal over UART. Please launch a terminal application (e.g.: TeraTerm, PuTTY on Windows, Minicom on Linux) and set the UART port to 9600 bps, 8 bit, No Parity, 1 stop bit. Thereafter the program retreives the IP address of the "" webpage and outputs it to the serial terminal.

After outputting the IP address of, the program tries to connect to the address "" and socket 23. After connecting to the socket the program receives the IP Address from the server and outputs the IP Address it receives which denotes the public IP Address of the platform + X-Nucleo-IDW01M1 (node).

Further the program closes the socket, disconnects from the SSID and exits. This is just a simple "Hello World" style program for the X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 Wi-Fi Expansion Board.

Thu Jan 05 09:39:03 2017 +0000
Added secure socket connection example (one way server authentication); updated lib

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 1 /* SpwfInterface NetworkSocketAPI Example Program
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 2 * Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 3 *
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 7 *
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 8 *
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 9 *
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 14 * limitations under the License.
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 15 */
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 16
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 17 #include "mbed.h"
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 18 #include "SpwfInterface.h"
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 19 #include "TCPSocket.h"
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 20
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 21
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 22 // CA certificate in PEM format
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 23 char CA_cert []="-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 24 "MIIE0zCCA7ugAwIBAgIQGNrRniZ96LtKIVjNzGs7SjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCB\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 25 "yjELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxFzAVBgNVBAoTDlZlcmlTaWduLCBJbmMuMR8wHQYDVQQL\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 26 "ExZWZXJpU2lnbiBUcnVzdCBOZXR3b3JrMTowOAYDVQQLEzEoYykgMjAwNiBWZXJp\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 27 "U2lnbiwgSW5jLiAtIEZvciBhdXRob3JpemVkIHVzZSBvbmx5MUUwQwYDVQQDEzxW\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 28 "ZXJpU2lnbiBDbGFzcyAzIFB1YmxpYyBQcmltYXJ5IENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24gQXV0\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 29 "aG9yaXR5IC0gRzUwHhcNMDYxMTA4MDAwMDAwWhcNMzYwNzE2MjM1OTU5WjCByjEL\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 30 "MAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxFzAVBgNVBAoTDlZlcmlTaWduLCBJbmMuMR8wHQYDVQQLExZW\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 31 "ZXJpU2lnbiBUcnVzdCBOZXR3b3JrMTowOAYDVQQLEzEoYykgMjAwNiBWZXJpU2ln\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 32 "biwgSW5jLiAtIEZvciBhdXRob3JpemVkIHVzZSBvbmx5MUUwQwYDVQQDEzxWZXJp\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 33 "U2lnbiBDbGFzcyAzIFB1YmxpYyBQcmltYXJ5IENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24gQXV0aG9y\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 34 "aXR5IC0gRzUwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCvJAgIKXo1\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 35 "nmAMqudLO07cfLw8RRy7K+D+KQL5VwijZIUVJ/XxrcgxiV0i6CqqpkKzj/i5Vbex\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 36 "t0uz/o9+B1fs70PbZmIVYc9gDaTY3vjgw2IIPVQT60nKWVSFJuUrjxuf6/WhkcIz\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 37 "SdhDY2pSS9KP6HBRTdGJaXvHcPaz3BJ023tdS1bTlr8Vd6Gw9KIl8q8ckmcY5fQG\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 38 "BO+QueQA5N06tRn/Arr0PO7gi+s3i+z016zy9vA9r911kTMZHRxAy3QkGSGT2RT+\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 39 "rCpSx4/VBEnkjWNHiDxpg8v+R70rfk/Fla4OndTRQ8Bnc+MUCH7lP59zuDMKz10/\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 40 "NIeWiu5T6CUVAgMBAAGjgbIwga8wDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAOBgNVHQ8BAf8E\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 41 "BAMCAQYwbQYIKwYBBQUHAQwEYTBfoV2gWzBZMFcwVRYJaW1hZ2UvZ2lmMCEwHzAH\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 42 "BgUrDgMCGgQUj+XTGoasjY5rw8+AatRIGCx7GS4wJRYjaHR0cDovL2xvZ28udmVy\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 43 "aXNpZ24uY29tL3ZzbG9nby5naWYwHQYDVR0OBBYEFH/TZafC3ey78DAJ80M5+gKv\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 44 "MzEzMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4IBAQCTJEowX2LP2BqYLz3q3JktvXf2pXkiOOzE\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 45 "p6B4Eq1iDkVwZMXnl2YtmAl+X6/WzChl8gGqCBpH3vn5fJJaCGkgDdk+bW48DW7Y\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 46 "5gaRQBi5+MHt39tBquCWIMnNZBU4gcmU7qKEKQsTb47bDN0lAtukixlE0kF6BWlK\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 47 "WE9gyn6CagsCqiUXObXbf+eEZSqVir2G3l6BFoMtEMze/aiCKm0oHw0LxOXnGiYZ\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 48 "4fQRbxC1lfznQgUy286dUV4otp6F01vvpX1FQHKOtw5rDgb7MzVIcbidJ4vEZV8N\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 49 "hnacRHr2lVz2XTIIM6RUthg/aFzyQkqFOFSDX9HoLPKsEdao7WNq\r\n"
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 50 "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\r\n";
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 51
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 52 //------------------------------------
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 53 // Hyperterminal configuration
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 54 // 9600 bauds, 8-bit data, no parity
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 55 //------------------------------------
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 56
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 57 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 58 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 59
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 60 /*************************************
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 61 //FRDM-K64: D9->UART1_TX, D7->UART1_RX
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 62 Pin connections:
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 63 FRDM IDW01M1
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 64 ------ ---------
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 65 +3v3 <--> +3v3
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 66 GND <--> GND
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 67 D9 <--> D8
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 68 D7 <--> D2
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 69
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 70 SpwfSAInterface spwf(D9, D7, false);
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 71 *************************************/
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 72 /*************************************
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 73 //LPCXpresso11U68: D9->UART1_TX, D7->UART1_RX
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 74 Pin connections:
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 75 LPC IDW01M1
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 76 ------ ---------
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 77 +3v3 <--> +3v3
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 78 GND <--> GND
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 79 A1 <--> D8
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 80 A2 <--> D2
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 81
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 82 SpwfSAInterface spwf(A1, A2, false);
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 83 *************************************/
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 84
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 85 //NUCLEO: D8->UART1_TX (PA_9), D2->UART1_RX (PA_10)
mridup 1:daf71fa3674c 86 SpwfSAInterface spwf(D8, D2, false);
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 87
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 88 int main() {
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 89 int err;
nikapov 7:92b5480bb3e4 90 char * ssid = "STM";
nikapov 7:92b5480bb3e4 91 char * seckey = "STMDemo";
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 92
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 93 pc.printf("\r\nX-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 mbed Application\r\n");
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 94 pc.printf("\r\nconnecting to AP\r\n");
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 95
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 96 if(spwf.connect(ssid, seckey, NSAPI_SECURITY_WPA2)) {
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 97 pc.printf("\r\nnow connected\r\n");
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 98 } else {
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 99 pc.printf("\r\nerror connecting to AP.\r\n");
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 100 return -1;
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 101 }
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 102
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 103 const char *ip = spwf.get_ip_address();
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 104 const char *mac = spwf.get_mac_address();
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 105
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 106 pc.printf("\r\nIP Address is: %s\r\n", (ip) ? ip : "No IP");
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 107 pc.printf("\r\nMAC Address is: %s\r\n", (mac) ? mac : "No MAC");
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 108
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 109 SocketAddress addr(&spwf, "");
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 110 pc.printf("\r\ resolved to: %s\r\n", addr.get_ip_address());
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 111
mridup 4:40cb51547b9f 112 pc.printf("\r\nconnecting to\r\n");
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 113
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 114 TCPSocket socket(&spwf);
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 115 err = socket.connect("", 23);
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 116 if(err!=0)
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 117 {
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 118 pc.printf("\r\nCould not connect to Socket, err = %d!!\r\n", err);
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 119 return -1;
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 120 } else pc.printf("\r\nconnected to host server\r\n");
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 121
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 122 char buffer[100];
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 123 int count = 0;
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 124 pc.printf("\r\nReceiving Data\r\n");
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 125 count = socket.recv(buffer, sizeof buffer);
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 126
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 127 if(count > 0)
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 128 {
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 129 buffer [count]='\0';
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 130 printf("%s\r\n", buffer);
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 131 }
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 132 else pc.printf("\r\nData not received\r\n");
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 133
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 134 pc.printf("\r\nClosing Socket\r\n");
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 135 socket.close();
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 136 pc.printf("\r\nUnsecure Socket Test complete.\r\n");
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 137
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 138 // Start Secure Socket connection test (one way server autentication only)
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 139 time_t ctTime;
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 140 ctTime = time(NULL);
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 141 printf ("Start Secure Socket connection with one way server autentication test\n\r");
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 142 printf("Initial System Time is: %s\r\n", ctime(&ctTime));
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 143 printf("Need to adjust time? if yes enter time in seconds elapsed since Epoch (cmd: date +'%%s'), otherwise enter 0 ");
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 144 int t=0;
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 145 scanf("%d",&t);
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 146 printf ("entered time is: %d \n\r", t);
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 147 if (t != 0) { time_t txTm = t; set_time(txTm); }
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 148 printf ("The current system time is: %s", ctime (&ctTime));
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 149 if (!spwf.clean_TLS_certificate(ALL)) printf ("ERROR clean_TLS_certificate\n\r");
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 150 if (!spwf.set_TLS_certificate(CA_cert, sizeof(CA_cert), FLASH_CA_ROOT_CERT)) printf ("ERROR set_TLS_certificate\n\r");
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 151 if (!spwf.set_TLS_SRV_domain("",FLASH_DOMAIN)) printf ("ERROR set_TLS_CA_domain\n\r");
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 152 // NOTE: DNS requires UDP socket. DNS is invoked while connecting a secure socket to resolve URL to IP,
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 153 // so DNS doesnt answer as it requires unsecure UDP socket connection.
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 154 // workaroud: convert URL to IP quering DNS before secure socket creation, then connect
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 155 // the secure socket created to the retrieved IP.
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 156 spwf.gethostbyname(&addr,""); // ask DNS
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 157 addr.set_port(443);
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 158 spwf.set_secure_sockets();
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 159;
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 160 printf ("Connecting to IP: %s ...\n\r", addr.get_ip_address());
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 161 err = socket.connect(addr);
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 162 if (err != 0 )printf ("ERROR secure socket connection failed: %d\n\r", err);
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 163 else printf ("--->>> Secure socket CONNECTED to: %s\n\r", addr.get_ip_address());
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 164 spwf.set_unsecure_sockets();
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 165 socket.close();
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 166 printf ("Socket closed\n\r");
mridup 2:3a87dbea07a7 167 spwf.disconnect();
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 168 printf ("WIFI disconnected, exiting ...\n\r");
mapellil 8:74b827befe72 169
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 170 while(1) {
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 171 wait(1);
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 172 myled = !myled;
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 173 }
mridup 0:dee849b0e6e6 174 }