Wifi driver for DISCO_L475VG_IOT1A es_wifi (Inventek Systems ISM43362-M3G-L44 )

Dependents:   IoT_Final_Project IoT_Final_Project_v2 Sending_data_WIFI TestDeviceIot ... more

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A_wifi


es_wifi.c [code]
es_wifi.h [code]
es_wifi_conf.h [code]
es_wifi_io.c [code] This file implments the IO operations to deal with the es-wifi module. It mainly Inits and Deinits the SPI interface. Send and receive data over it
es_wifi_io.h [code] This file contains the functions prototypes for es_wifi IO operations
wifi.c [code] WIFI interface file
wifi.h [code] This file contains the diffrent wifi core resources definitions