Fork, renaming of VL53L1CB-2


Dependents:   X_NUCLEO_53L1CB


Charles MacNeill

File content as of revision 13:3f1b341901dd:

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause */
 * Copyright (c) 2020, STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved

 This file is part of VL53L1 and is dual licensed,
 either GPL-2.0+
 or 'BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License' , at your option.

 * @file vl53l1_def.h
 * @brief Type definitions for VL53L1 API.

#ifndef _VL53L1_DEF_H_
#define _VL53L1_DEF_H_

#include "vl53l1_ll_def.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/** @defgroup VL53L1_globaldefine_group VL53L1 Defines
 *  @brief    VL53L1 Defines
 *  @{

/** VL53L1 IMPLEMENTATION major version */
/** VL53L1 IMPLEMENTATION minor version */
/** VL53L1 IMPLEMENTATION sub version */
#define VL53L1_IMPLEMENTATION_VER_SUB         5
/** VL53L1 IMPLEMENTATION sub version */

 * PRIVATE define do not edit

/** @brief Defines the parameters of the Get Version Functions
typedef struct {
	uint32_t     revision; /*!< revision number */
	uint8_t      major;    /*!< major number */
	uint8_t      minor;    /*!< minor number */
	uint8_t      build;    /*!< build number */
} VL53L1_Version_t;

#define VL53L1_DEVINFO_STRLEN 32

/** @brief Defines the parameters of the Get Device Info Functions
typedef struct {
	char Name[VL53L1_DEVINFO_STRLEN];
		/*!< Full Name of the Device e.g. VL53L1 cut1.1 */
	char Type[VL53L1_DEVINFO_STRLEN];
		/*!< Type of the Device e.g VL53L1 */
	char ProductId[VL53L1_DEVINFO_STRLEN];
		/*!< Product Identifier String
		 * @warning Not yet implemented
	uint8_t ProductType;
		/*!< Product Type, VL53L1 = 0xCC, VL53L3 = 0xAA
		 * Stands as module_type in the datasheet
	uint8_t ProductRevisionMajor;
		/*!< Product revision major */
	uint8_t ProductRevisionMinor;
		/*!< Product revision minor */
} VL53L1_DeviceInfo_t;

/** @defgroup VL53L1_define_PresetModes_group Defines Preset modes
 *  Defines all possible preset modes for the device
 *  @{
typedef uint8_t VL53L1_PresetModes;

#define VL53L1_PRESETMODE_RANGING                   ((VL53L1_PresetModes)  1)
#define VL53L1_PRESETMODE_MULTIZONES_SCANNING       ((VL53L1_PresetModes)  2)
#define VL53L1_PRESETMODE_AUTONOMOUS                ((VL53L1_PresetModes)  3)
#define VL53L1_PRESETMODE_LITE_RANGING              ((VL53L1_PresetModes)  4)
#define VL53L1_PRESETMODE_OLT                       ((VL53L1_PresetModes)  7)
#define VL53L1_PRESETMODE_LOWPOWER_AUTONOMOUS       ((VL53L1_PresetModes)  8)
#define VL53L1_PRESETMODE_PROXY_RANGING_MODE        ((VL53L1_PresetModes)  9)

	/* ... Modes to be added depending on device */
/** @} VL53L1_define_PresetModes_group */

/** @defgroup VL53L1_define_DistanceModes_group Defines Distance modes
 *  Defines all possible Distance modes for the device
 *  @{
typedef uint8_t VL53L1_DistanceModes;

#define VL53L1_DISTANCEMODE_SHORT             ((VL53L1_DistanceModes)  1)
#define VL53L1_DISTANCEMODE_MEDIUM            ((VL53L1_DistanceModes)  2)
#define VL53L1_DISTANCEMODE_LONG              ((VL53L1_DistanceModes)  3)
/** @} VL53L1_define_DistanceModes_group */

/** @defgroup VL53L1_define_OutputModes_group Defines Output modes
 *  Defines all possible Output modes for the device
 *  @{
typedef uint8_t VL53L1_OutputModes;

#define VL53L1_OUTPUTMODE_NEAREST          ((VL53L1_OutputModes)  1)
#define VL53L1_OUTPUTMODE_STRONGEST        ((VL53L1_OutputModes)  2)

/** @} VL53L1_define_OutputModes_group */

/** @defgroup VL53L1_define_XtalkCal_group Defines Xtalk Calibration modes
 *  Defines all possible Offset Calibration modes for the device
 *  @{
typedef uint8_t VL53L1_XtalkCalibrationModes;

	((VL53L1_OffsetCalibrationModes) 0)
/*!< To perform Xtalk calibration with no target below 80 cm */
	((VL53L1_OffsetCalibrationModes)  1)
/*!< To perform Xtalk calibration with one target */
	((VL53L1_OffsetCalibrationModes)  2)
/*!< To perform Xtalk calibration based on histogram with full ROI */

/** @} VL53L1_define_XtalkCal_group */

/** @defgroup VL53L1_define_OffsetCal_group Defines Offset Calibration modes
 *  Defines all possible Offset Calibration modes for the device
 *  @{
typedef uint8_t VL53L1_OffsetCalibrationModes;

	((VL53L1_OffsetCalibrationModes)  1)
	((VL53L1_OffsetCalibrationModes)  2)
	((VL53L1_OffsetCalibrationModes)  3)

/** @} VL53L1_define_OffsetCal_group */

/** @defgroup VL53L1_define_DeviceDmaxModes_group Defines Dmax source modes
 *  Defines all possible sources for Dmax calibration for the device
 *  @{
typedef uint8_t VL53L1_DeviceDmaxModes;

#define VL53L1_DMAXMODE_FMT_CAL_DATA      ((VL53L1_DeviceDmaxModes)  1)
#define VL53L1_DMAXMODE_CUSTCAL_DATA      ((VL53L1_DeviceDmaxModes)  2)
#define VL53L1_DMAXMODE_PER_ZONE_CAL_DATA ((VL53L1_DeviceDmaxModes)  3)

/** @} VL53L1_define_DeviceDmaxModes_group */

/** @defgroup VL53L1_define_OffsetCorrectionModesBD_group
 *  Device Offset Correction Mode
 *  @brief Defines all possible offset correction modes for the device
 *  @{
typedef uint8_t VL53L1_OffsetCorrectionModes;

#define VL53L1_OFFSETCORRECTIONMODE_STANDARD ((VL53L1_OffsetCorrectionMode)  1)
#define VL53L1_OFFSETCORRECTIONMODE_PERZONE  ((VL53L1_OffsetCorrectionMode)  2)
#define VL53L1_OFFSETCORRECTIONMODE_PERVCSEL ((VL53L1_OffsetCorrectionMode)  3)

/** @} VL53L1_define_OffsetCorrectionModesBD_group */

/** @defgroup VL53L1_define_RoiStatus_group Defines Roi Status
 *  Defines the read status mode
 *  @{
typedef uint8_t VL53L1_RoiStatus;

#define VL53L1_ROISTATUS_NOT_VALID                 ((VL53L1_RoiStatus)  0)
#define VL53L1_ROISTATUS_VALID_NOT_LAST            ((VL53L1_RoiStatus)  1)
#define VL53L1_ROISTATUS_VALID_LAST                ((VL53L1_RoiStatus)  2)
/** @} VL53L1_define_RoiStatus_group */

/** @defgroup VL53L1_CheckEnable_group Check Enable list
 *  @brief Check Enable code
 *  Define used to specify the LimitCheckId.
 *  Use @a VL53L1_GetLimitCheckInfo() to get the string.
 *  @{


#define VL53L1_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS            2

/** @}  end of VL53L1_CheckEnable_group */

/** @defgroup VL53L1_ThresholdMode_gropup Detection Functionality
 *  @brief Defines the different functionalities for the detection feature
 *  @{
typedef uint8_t VL53L1_ThresholdMode;

	((VL53L1_ThresholdMode)  0)
	/*!< Trigger interrupt if value < thresh_low */
	((VL53L1_ThresholdMode)  1)
	/*!< Trigger interrupt if value > thresh_high */
	((VL53L1_ThresholdMode)  2)
	/*!< Trigger interrupt if value < thresh_low OR value > thresh_high */
#define VL53L1_THRESHOLD_IN_WINDOW        \
	((VL53L1_ThresholdMode)  3)
	/*!< Trigger interrupt if value > thresh_low AND value < thresh_high */

/** @} end of VL53L1_ThresholdMode_gropup */

/** @brief Defines parameters for Distance detection Thresholds configuration
typedef struct {
	VL53L1_ThresholdMode CrossMode;
	uint16_t High; /*!< Distance threshold high limit in mm */
	uint16_t Low;  /*!< Distance threshold low limit  in mm */
} VL53L1_DistanceThreshold_t;

/** @brief Defines parameters for Signal rate detection Thresholds configuration
typedef struct {
	VL53L1_ThresholdMode CrossMode;
	FixPoint1616_t High; /*!< Signal rate threshold high limit */
	FixPoint1616_t Low;  /*!< Signal rate threshold low limit */
} VL53L1_RateThreshold_t;

/** @defgroup VL53L1_DetectionMode_group Gpio Functionality
 *  @brief Defines conditions leading to device's IT on GPIO
 *  @{
typedef uint8_t VL53L1_DetectionMode;

	((VL53L1_DetectionMode)  0)
	/*!< Trigger interrupt on new measurement regardless of threshold
	 * just like after a VL53L1_SetPresetMode() call
	((VL53L1_DetectionMode)  1)
	/*!< Trigger interrupt if "threshold event" occurs on distance */
	((VL53L1_DetectionMode)  2)
	/*!< Trigger interrupt if "threshold event" occurs on signal rate */
	((VL53L1_DetectionMode)  3)
	/*!< Trigger interrupt if "threshold event" occurs on distance AND rate
	((VL53L1_DetectionMode)  4)
	/*!< Trigger interrupt if "threshold event" occurs on distance OR rate

/** @} end of VL53L1_DetectionMode_group */

/** @brief Defines parameters for User/object Detection configuration
typedef struct {
	VL53L1_DetectionMode DetectionMode;	/*!< See #VL53L1_DetectionMode*/
	uint8_t IntrNoTarget; /*!< 1 to trigger IT in case of no target found */
	VL53L1_DistanceThreshold_t Distance; /*!< limits in mm */
	VL53L1_RateThreshold_t Rate;/*!< limits in FixPoint1616_t */
} VL53L1_DetectionConfig_t;

/** @brief Defines all parameters for the device
typedef struct {
	VL53L1_PresetModes PresetMode;
	/*!< Defines the operating mode to be used for the next measure */
	VL53L1_OutputModes OutputMode;
	/*!< Defines the Output mode to be used for the next measure */
	VL53L1_DistanceModes DistanceMode;
	/*!< Defines the operating mode to be used for the next measure */
	uint32_t MeasurementTimingBudgetMicroSeconds;
	/*!< Defines the allowed total time for a single measurement */
	uint8_t LimitChecksEnable[VL53L1_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS];
	/*!< This Array store all the Limit Check enable for this device. */
	uint8_t LimitChecksStatus[VL53L1_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS];
	/*!< This Array stores all the Status of the check linked to last
	 * measurement.
	FixPoint1616_t LimitChecksValue[VL53L1_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS];
	/*!< This Array stores all the Limit Check value for this device */
	FixPoint1616_t LimitChecksCurrent[VL53L1_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS];
	/*!< This Array stores all the Limit Check current value from latest
	 * ranging
} VL53L1_DeviceParameters_t;

/** @defgroup VL53L1_define_State_group Defines the current status of the device
 *  Defines the current status of the device
 *  @{

typedef uint8_t VL53L1_State;

#define VL53L1_STATE_POWERDOWN       ((VL53L1_State)  0)
	/*!< Device is in HW reset  */
#define VL53L1_STATE_WAIT_STATICINIT ((VL53L1_State)  1)
	/*!< Device is initialized and wait for static initialization  */
#define VL53L1_STATE_STANDBY         ((VL53L1_State)  2)
	/*!< Device is in Low power Standby mode   */
#define VL53L1_STATE_IDLE            ((VL53L1_State)  3)
	/*!< Device has been initialized and ready to do measurements  */
#define VL53L1_STATE_RUNNING         ((VL53L1_State)  4)
	/*!< Device is performing measurement */
#define VL53L1_STATE_RESET           ((VL53L1_State)  5)
	/*!< Soft reset has been run on Device */
#define VL53L1_STATE_UNKNOWN         ((VL53L1_State)  98)
	/*!< Device is in unknown state and need to be rebooted  */
#define VL53L1_STATE_ERROR           ((VL53L1_State)  99)
	/*!< Device is in error state and need to be rebooted  */

/** @} VL53L1_define_State_group */

/** @defgroup VL53L1_define_Smudge_Mode_group Defines smudge correction modes
 *  Defines the smudge correction modes
 *  @{

typedef uint8_t VL53L1_SmudgeCorrectionModes;

#define VL53L1_SMUDGE_CORRECTION_NONE       ((VL53L1_SmudgeCorrectionModes)  0)
	/*!< Smudge correction is applied continously accross the rangings */
#define VL53L1_SMUDGE_CORRECTION_CONTINUOUS ((VL53L1_SmudgeCorrectionModes)  1)
	/*!< Smudge correction is applied continously accross the rangings */
#define VL53L1_SMUDGE_CORRECTION_SINGLE     ((VL53L1_SmudgeCorrectionModes)  2)
	/*!< Smudge correction is applied only once accross the rangings */
#define VL53L1_SMUDGE_CORRECTION_DEBUG      ((VL53L1_SmudgeCorrectionModes)  3)
	/*!< Smudge detection is applied continously but Xtalk values are not
	 * updated automatically within the driver

/** @} VL53L1_define_Smudge_Correction_Mode_group */

 * @struct VL53L1_RangingMeasurementData_t
 * @brief Single Range measurement data.
typedef struct {
	uint32_t TimeStamp;
		/*!< 32-bit time stamp.
		 * @warning Not yet implemented

	uint8_t StreamCount;
		/*!< 8-bit Stream Count. */

	uint8_t RangeQualityLevel;
		/*!< indicate a quality level in percentage from 0 to 100
		 * @warning Not yet implemented

	FixPoint1616_t SignalRateRtnMegaCps;
		/*!< Return signal rate (MCPS)\n these is a 16.16 fix point
		 *  value, which is effectively a measure of target
		 *   reflectance.

	FixPoint1616_t AmbientRateRtnMegaCps;
		/*!< Return ambient rate (MCPS)\n these is a 16.16 fix point
		 *  value, which is effectively a measure of the ambien
		 *  t light.

	uint16_t EffectiveSpadRtnCount;
		/*!< Return the effective SPAD count for the return signal.
		 *  To obtain Real value it should be divided by 256

	FixPoint1616_t SigmaMilliMeter;
		/*!< Return the Sigma value in millimeter */

	int16_t RangeMilliMeter;
		/*!< range distance in millimeter. This should be between
		 *  RangeMinMilliMeter and RangeMaxMilliMeter

	uint8_t RangeFractionalPart;
		/*!< Fractional part of range distance. Final value is a
		 *  RangeMilliMeter + RangeFractionalPart/256.
		 *  @warning Not yet implemented

	uint8_t RangeStatus;
		/*!< Range Status for the current measurement. This is device
		 *  dependent. Value = 0 means value is valid.
} VL53L1_RangingMeasurementData_t;

 * @struct VL53L1_TargetRangeData_t
 * @brief One Range measurement data for each target.
typedef struct {
	uint8_t RangeQualityLevel;
		/*!< indicate a quality level in percentage from 0 to 100
		 * @warning Not yet implemented

	int16_t RangeMaxMilliMeter;
		/*!< Tells what is the maximum detection distance of the object
		 * in current setup and environment conditions (Filled when
		 *  applicable)

	int16_t RangeMinMilliMeter;
		/*!< Tells what is the minimum detection distance of the object
		 * in current setup and environment conditions (Filled when
		 *  applicable)

	FixPoint1616_t SignalRateRtnMegaCps;
		/*!< Return signal rate (MCPS)\n these is a 16.16 fix point
		 *  value, which is effectively a measure of target
		 *   reflectance.

	FixPoint1616_t AmbientRateRtnMegaCps;
		/*!< Return ambient rate (MCPS)\n these is a 16.16 fix point
		 *  value, which is effectively a measure of the ambien
		 *  t light.

	FixPoint1616_t SigmaMilliMeter;
		/*!< Return the Sigma value in millimeter */

	int16_t RangeMilliMeter;
		/*!< range distance in millimeter. This should be between
		 *  RangeMinMilliMeter and RangeMaxMilliMeter

	uint8_t RangeFractionalPart;
		/*!< Fractional part of range distance. Final value is a
		 *  RangeMilliMeter + RangeFractionalPart/256.
		 *  @warning Not yet implemented

	uint8_t RangeStatus;
		/*!< Range Status for the current measurement. This is device
		 *  dependent. Value = 0 means value is valid.

	uint8_t ExtendedRange;
		/*!< Extended range flag for the current measurement.
		 *  Value = 1 means timings A&B are combined to increase the
		 *  maximum distance range.
} VL53L1_TargetRangeData_t;
 * @struct  VL53L1_MultiRangingData_t
 * @brief   Structure for storing the set of range results for a single ROI
typedef struct {
	uint32_t TimeStamp;
		/*!< 32-bit time stamp.
		 * @warning Not yet implemented

	uint8_t StreamCount;
		/*!< 8-bit Stream Count. */

	uint8_t RoiNumber;
		/*!< Denotes on which ROI the range data is related to. */
	uint8_t NumberOfObjectsFound;
		/*!< Indicate the number of objects found in the current ROI.
		 * This is used to know how many ranging data should be get.
		 * NumberOfObjectsFound is in the range 0 to
	VL53L1_RoiStatus RoiStatus;
		/*!< Indicate if the data read is valid or not or if this is
		 * the last valid data in the ROI.
	VL53L1_TargetRangeData_t RangeData[VL53L1_MAX_RANGE_RESULTS];
		/*!< Range data each target distance */
	uint8_t HasXtalkValueChanged;
		/*!< set to 1 if a new Xtalk value has been computed whilst
		 * smudge correction mode enable by with
		 * VL53L1_SmudgeCorrectionEnable() function is either
	uint16_t EffectiveSpadRtnCount;
		/*!< Return the effective SPAD count for the return signal.
		 *  To obtain Real value it should be divided by 256
	int16_t DmaxMilliMeter;
		/*!< range Dmax distance in millimeter.
	VL53L1_DistanceModes RecommendedDistanceMode;
		/*!< suggestion for a better distance mode choice to improve
		 *  range accuracy.
} VL53L1_MultiRangingData_t;

/** @brief Defines User Zone(ROI) parameters
typedef struct {

	uint8_t   TopLeftX;   /*!< Top Left x coordinate:  0-15 range */
	uint8_t   TopLeftY;   /*!< Top Left y coordinate:  0-15 range */
	uint8_t   BotRightX;  /*!< Bot Right x coordinate: 0-15 range */
	uint8_t   BotRightY;  /*!< Bot Right y coordinate: 0-15 range */

} VL53L1_UserRoi_t;

/** @brief Defines ROI configuration parameters
 *  Support up a max of 16 zones, Each Zone has the same size
typedef struct {

	uint8_t             NumberOfRoi;   /*!< Number of Rois defined*/

	VL53L1_UserRoi_t    UserRois[VL53L1_MAX_USER_ZONES];
		/*!< List of Rois */

} VL53L1_RoiConfig_t;

 * @struct VL53L1_CustomerNvmManaged_t

typedef struct {
	uint8_t   global_config__spad_enables_ref_0;
	uint8_t   global_config__spad_enables_ref_1;
	uint8_t   global_config__spad_enables_ref_2;
	uint8_t   global_config__spad_enables_ref_3;
	uint8_t   global_config__spad_enables_ref_4;
	uint8_t   global_config__spad_enables_ref_5;
	uint8_t   global_config__ref_en_start_select;
	uint8_t   ref_spad_man__num_requested_ref_spads;
	uint8_t   ref_spad_man__ref_location;
	uint32_t  algo__crosstalk_compensation_plane_offset_kcps;
	int16_t   algo__crosstalk_compensation_x_plane_gradient_kcps;
	int16_t   algo__crosstalk_compensation_y_plane_gradient_kcps;
	uint16_t  ref_spad_char__total_rate_target_mcps;
	int16_t   algo__part_to_part_range_offset_mm;
	int16_t   mm_config__inner_offset_mm;
	int16_t   mm_config__outer_offset_mm;
} VL53L1_CustomerNvmManaged_t;

 * @struct  VL53L1_CalibrationData_t
 * @brief   Structure for storing the Calibration Data

typedef struct {

	uint32_t                             struct_version;
	VL53L1_CustomerNvmManaged_t          customer;
	VL53L1_dmax_calibration_data_t       fmt_dmax_cal;
	VL53L1_dmax_calibration_data_t       cust_dmax_cal;
	VL53L1_additional_offset_cal_data_t  add_off_cal_data;
	VL53L1_optical_centre_t              optical_centre;
	VL53L1_xtalk_histogram_data_t        xtalkhisto;
	VL53L1_gain_calibration_data_t       gain_cal;
	VL53L1_cal_peak_rate_map_t           cal_peak_rate_map;
	VL53L1_per_vcsel_period_offset_cal_data_t per_vcsel_cal_data;
	uint32_t  algo__xtalk_cpo_HistoMerge_kcps[VL53L1_BIN_REC_SIZE];
} VL53L1_CalibrationData_t;

/** VL53L1 additional Calibration Data struct version final struct version
 * is given by adding it to  VL53L1_LL_CALIBRATION_DATA_STRUCT_VERSION

/* VL53L1 Calibration Data struct version */

 * @struct  VL53L1_AdditionalData_t
 * @brief   Structure for storing the Additional Data
typedef VL53L1_additional_data_t VL53L1_AdditionalData_t;

 * @struct  VL53L1_ZoneCalibrationData_t
 * @brief   Structure for storing the Zone Calibration Data
typedef VL53L1_zone_calibration_results_t VL53L1_ZoneCalibrationData_t;

/** @defgroup VL53L1_define_SequenceStepId_group Defines the SequenceStep
 *	Defines the the sequence steps performed during ranging..
 *	@{
typedef uint8_t VL53L1_SequenceStepId;

#define	 VL53L1_SEQUENCESTEP_VHV		 ((VL53L1_SequenceStepId) 0)
/*!<VHV. */
#define	 VL53L1_SEQUENCESTEP_PHASECAL		 ((VL53L1_SequenceStepId) 1)
/*!<Phase Calibration. */
#define	 VL53L1_SEQUENCESTEP_REFPHASE		 ((VL53L1_SequenceStepId) 2)
/*!<Reference Phase. */
#define	 VL53L1_SEQUENCESTEP_DSS1		 ((VL53L1_SequenceStepId) 3)
/*!<DSS1. */
#define	 VL53L1_SEQUENCESTEP_DSS2		 ((VL53L1_SequenceStepId) 4)
/*!<DSS2. */
#define	 VL53L1_SEQUENCESTEP_MM1		 ((VL53L1_SequenceStepId) 5)
/*!<Mode Mitigation 1. */
#define	 VL53L1_SEQUENCESTEP_MM2		 ((VL53L1_SequenceStepId) 6)
/*!<Mode Mitigation 2. */
#define	 VL53L1_SEQUENCESTEP_RANGE		 ((VL53L1_SequenceStepId) 7)
/*!<Final Range step. */

/*!<Number of Sequence Step Managed by the API. */

/** @} VL53L1_define_SequenceStepId_group */

/** @defgroup VL53L1_define_RangeStatus_group Defines the Range Status
 *	@{
/*!<The Range is valid. */
/*!<Sigma Fail. */
/*!<Signal fail. */
/*!<Target is below minimum detection threshold. */
/*!<Phase out of valid limits -  different to a wrap exit. */
/*!<Hardware fail. */
/*!<The Range is valid but the wraparound check has not been done. */
/*!<Wrapped target - no matching phase in other VCSEL period timing. */
/*!<Internal algo underflow or overflow in lite ranging. */
/*!<Specific to lite ranging. */
/*!<1st interrupt when starting ranging in back to back mode. Ignore data. */
/*!<All Range ok but object is result of multiple pulses merging together.
 * Used by RQL for merged pulse detection
/*!<Used  by RQL  as different to phase fail. */
/*!<User ROI input is not valid e.g. beyond SPAD Array.*/
/*!<lld returned valid range but negative value ! */
#define	 VL53L1_RANGESTATUS_NONE				255
/*!<No Update. */

/** @} VL53L1_define_RangeStatus_group */

/** @brief  Contains the Internal data of the Bare Driver

typedef struct {
	VL53L1_LLDriverData_t   LLData;
	/*!< Low Level Driver data structure */

	VL53L1_LLDriverResults_t llresults;
	/*!< Low Level Driver data structure */

	VL53L1_State      PalState; /* Store the pal state */
	VL53L1_DeviceParameters_t CurrentParameters;
	/*!< Current Device Parameter */

} VL53L1_DevData_t;

/* MACRO Definitions */
/** @defgroup VL53L1_define_GeneralMacro_group General Macro Defines
 *  General Macro Defines
 *  @{

/* Defines */
#define VL53L1_SETPARAMETERFIELD(Dev, field, value) \
	(VL53L1DevDataSet(Dev, CurrentParameters.field, value))

#define VL53L1_GETPARAMETERFIELD(Dev, field, variable) \
	(variable = VL53L1DevDataGet(Dev, CurrentParameters).field)

#define VL53L1_SETARRAYPARAMETERFIELD(Dev, field, index, value) \
	(VL53L1DevDataSet(Dev, CurrentParameters.field[index], value))

#define VL53L1_GETARRAYPARAMETERFIELD(Dev, field, index, variable) \
	(variable = VL53L1DevDataGet(Dev, CurrentParameters).field[index])

#define VL53L1_SETDEVICESPECIFICPARAMETER(Dev, field, value) \
	(VL53L1DevDataSet(Dev, DeviceSpecificParameters.field, value))

	(VL53L1DevDataGet(Dev, DeviceSpecificParameters).field)

#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT44(Value) \
#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT44TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \

#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT72(Value) \
#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT72TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \

#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT97(Value) \
#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT97TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \

#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT88(Value) \
#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT88TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \

#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT412(Value) \
#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT412TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \

#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT313(Value) \
#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT313TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \

#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT08(Value) \
#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT08TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \

#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT53(Value) \
#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT53TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \

#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT102(Value) \
#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT102TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \

#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT142(Value) \
#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT142TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \

#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT1616TOFIXPOINT160(Value) \
#define VL53L1_FIXPOINT160TOFIXPOINT1616(Value) \

#define VL53L1_MAKEUINT16(lsb, msb) (uint16_t)((((uint16_t)msb)<<8) + \

#define SUPPRESS_UNUSED_WARNING(x) ((void) (x))

/** @} VL53L1_define_GeneralMacro_group */

/** @} VL53L1_globaldefine_group */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _VL53L1_DEF_H_ */