ACKme WiFi module + Nucleo MEMS module example. Connect and publish sensor data to M2X.

Dependencies:   M2XStreamClient WiConnect Nucleo_Sensor_Shield jsonlite mbed

Fork of m2x-MEMS_ACKme_Wifi_demo by David Kwak

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Dec 11 20:56:33 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+// include target specific defines
+#include "target_config.h"
+// include X-CUBE-MEMS1 Library
+#include "x_cube_mems.h"
+// include the Wiconnect Host Library API header
+#include "Wiconnect.h"
+// include M2X Library
+#include "M2XStreamClient.h"
+  * Connect the ACKme WiFi module directly to the Nucleo board.
+  * Connect the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 module on top of the ACKme WiFi module.
+  */
+  * Hyperterminal configuration
+  * 115200 bauds, 8-bit data, no parity
+  */
+  * This is the name of your WiFi network.
+  * Look for this name in your WiFi settings.
+  * (e.g. your phone's list of WiFi networks in the WiFi settings menu.)
+  * tip: add double-quotes around SSID to add spaces to name.
+  */
+  * This is the password of your WiFi network.
+  * Leave as empty string (e.g "") to connect to OPEN network.
+  */
+const char key[] = "0a49487bc297bc061ca49ac01eb3755f";      // Replace with your M2X API key
+const char feed[] = "db817fd389c05eca79c331b4bb6daf8d";     // Replace with your blueprint Feed ID
+const char tempStream[] = "temperature";                    // Replace with your stream name  
+const char humStream[] = "humidity";                        // Replace with your stream name  
+const char accStream[] = "acceleration";                    // Replace with your stream name  
+char name[] = "redmond_st_office";  // Name of current location of datasource
+double latitude = 47.633889;        // You can also read those values from a GPS
+double longitude = -122.138611;
+double elevation = 97.46;
+/* Instantiate the serial console. */
+int main()
+    /* Set the console terminal to 115200 bps. */
+    pc.baud(CONSOLE_BAUD);
+    /* Instantiate the X-CUBE-MEMS Library. */
+    static X_CUBE_MEMS *mems_expansion_board = X_CUBE_MEMS::Instance();
+    /* Read and output the humidity sensor id to confirm communication. */
+    uint8_t hts221_id = mems_expansion_board->hts221.ReadID();
+    pc.printf("HTS221_ID = 0x%x\n\t\r", hts221_id);
+    /**
+      * WIFI Setup
+      */
+    /* Setup wiconnect serial interface configuration. */
+    /**
+      * Here we only specify the rx buffer size and not rx buffer pointer, this means
+      * the serial RX buffer will be dynamically allocated.
+      */
+    SerialConfig serialConfig(WICONNECT_RX_PIN, WICONNECT_TX_PIN, 256, NULL);
+    /* Instantiate WiConnect Library. */
+    /**
+      * Here we only specify the buffer size and not buffer pointer, this means
+      * the internal buffer will be dynamically allocated.
+      */
+    Wiconnect wiconnect(serialConfig, 256, NULL, WICONNECT_RESET_PIN);
+    /* Initiate Communication with WiFi Module. */
+    pc.printf("Initializing WiConnect Library...\r\n");
+    WiconnectResult result;
+    if(WICONNECT_FAILED(result, wiconnect.init(true)))
+    {
+        if(result == WICONNECT_FIRMWARE_OUTDATED)
+        {
+            pc.printf("** The WiFi firmware is not supported. Run the ota example to update the firmware:\r\n");
+            pc.printf("\r\n\r\n");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pc.printf("Failed to initialize communication with WiFi module!\r\n"
+                      "Make sure the wires are connected correctly\r\n");
+        }
+        return -1;
+    }
+    /* Manually connected to the specified network (to ensure SDK backward compatibility. */
+    pc.printf("Setting network SSID: %s\r\n", NETWORK_SSID);
+    if(WICONNECT_FAILED(result, wiconnect.setSetting("wlan.ssid", NETWORK_SSID)))
+    {
+        pc.printf("Failed to set wlan.ssid setting\r\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    pc.printf("Setting network password\r\n");
+    if(WICONNECT_FAILED(result, wiconnect.setSetting("wlan.passkey", NETWORK_PASSWORD)))
+    {
+        pc.printf("Failed to set wlan.passkey setting\r\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    pc.printf("Saving settings to Non-volatile Memory\r\n");
+    if(WICONNECT_FAILED(result, wiconnect.saveSettings()))
+    {
+        pc.printf("Failed save settings\r\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    pc.printf("IP Address: %s\r\n", wiconnect.getIpAddress());
+    pc.printf("Network joined!\r\n");
+    /**
+      * M2X Setup
+      */
+    /* Instantiate the M2X Stream Client. */
+    Client client;    
+    M2XStreamClient m2xClient(&client, key);
+    /* Update device location. */
+    int m2x_response = m2xClient.updateLocation(feed, name, latitude, longitude, elevation);
+    pc.printf("updateLocation response code: %d\r\n", m2x_response);
+    /* Main loop */
+    while(1)
+    {
+        volatile float TEMPERATURE_Value;
+        volatile float HUMIDITY_Value;
+        volatile float PRESSURE_Value;
+        volatile AxesRaw_TypeDef MAG_Value;
+        volatile AxesRaw_TypeDef ACC_Value;
+        volatile AxesRaw_TypeDef GYR_Value;
+        /* Update sensors.  */
+        mems_expansion_board->hts221.GetTemperature((float *)&TEMPERATURE_Value);
+        mems_expansion_board->hts221.GetHumidity((float *)&HUMIDITY_Value);
+        mems_expansion_board->lps25h.GetPressure((float *)&PRESSURE_Value);
+        mems_expansion_board->lis3mdl.GetAxes((AxesRaw_TypeDef *)&MAG_Value);
+        mems_expansion_board->lsm6ds0.Acc_GetAxes((AxesRaw_TypeDef *)&ACC_Value);
+        mems_expansion_board->lsm6ds0.Gyro_GetAxes((AxesRaw_TypeDef *)&GYR_Value);     
+        /* Output sensor data. */
+        pc.printf("TEMP: %f HUMIDITY: %f PRESSURE: %f\t\r\n", TEMPERATURE_Value, HUMIDITY_Value, PRESSURE_Value);
+        pc.printf("X_MAG: %d, Y_MAG: %d, Z_MAG: %d\t\r\n", MAG_Value.AXIS_X, MAG_Value.AXIS_Y, MAG_Value.AXIS_Z);
+        pc.printf("X_ACC: %d, Y_ACC: %d, Z_ACC: %d\t\r\n", ACC_Value.AXIS_X, ACC_Value.AXIS_Y, ACC_Value.AXIS_Z);
+        pc.printf("X_GYR: %d, Y_GYR: %d, Z_GYR: %d\t\r\n\n", GYR_Value.AXIS_X, GYR_Value.AXIS_Y, GYR_Value.AXIS_Z);
+        /* Convert temperature to degrees Farhenheit. */
+        float temperature_f = (1.8f * TEMPERATURE_Value) + 32.0f;
+        /* Post temperature to the m2x stream. */
+        m2x_response = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(feed, tempStream, temperature_f);
+        pc.printf("Temperature updateStreamValue response code: %d\r\n", m2x_response);
+        if (m2x_response == -1) 
+        {
+            pc.printf("Temperature data transmit post error\n");
+        }
+        /* Post humidity to the m2x stream. */
+        m2x_response = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(feed, humStream, HUMIDITY_Value);
+        pc.printf("Humidity updateStreamValue response code: %d\r\n", m2x_response);
+        if (m2x_response == -1) 
+        {
+            pc.printf("Humidity data transmit post error\n");
+        }
+        /* Post acceleration (x-axis) to the m2x stream. */
+        m2x_response = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(feed, accStream, ACC_Value.AXIS_X);
+        pc.printf("Acceleration updateStreamValue response code: %d\r\n", m2x_response);
+        if (m2x_response == -1) 
+        {
+            pc.printf("Acceleration data transmit post error\n");
+        }
+        pc.printf("\n");
+        wait(30); // 30 s
+    }
\ No newline at end of file