NFC NDEF library

Dependents:   Nucleo_NFC_Example I2C_NFC_Master Print_Entire_Nucleo_NFC01A1_Memory

Fork of lib_NDEF by Enrico Gregoratto



File content as of revision 0:3b093bd0819e:

  * @file    lib_TagType4.c
  * @author  MMY Application Team
  * @version V1.0.0
  * @date    20-November-2013
  * @brief   This file help to manage TagType4.
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
  * Licensed under MMY-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "lib_TagType4.h"

/** @addtogroup NFC_libraries
 * 	@{
 *	@brief  <b>This is the library used to manage the content of the TAG (data)
 *          But also the specific feature of the tag, for instance
 *          password, gpo... </b>

/** @addtogroup libNFC_FORUM
  * @{
	*	@brief  This part of the library manage data which follow NFC forum organisation.

 * @brief  This buffer contains the data send/received by TAG
uint8_t NDEF_Buffer [NDEF_MAX_SIZE];

 * @brief  This structure contains the data of the CC file
sCCFileInfo CCFileStruct;

 * @brief  This structure contains the information encapsuled in the record header
 *				 with few more for SW purpose
sRecordInfo RecordStruct;

/** @defgroup libTT4_Private_Functions
  * @{

  * @}

/** @defgroup libTT4_Public_Functions
  * @{
	*	@brief  This file is used to access tag type 4.

  * @brief  This fonction initialize Tag Type 4
	* @param	None 
  * @retval SUCCESS : Initialization done
uint16_t TT4_Init (void)
	uint16_t status = SUCCESS;
	uint8_t CCBuffer[15];
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;

	status = TagT4Init( CCBuffer, sizeof(CCBuffer));
	if( status == SUCCESS)
		pCCFile->NumberCCByte = (uint16_t) ((CCBuffer[0x00]<<8) | CCBuffer[0x01]);
		pCCFile->Version = CCBuffer[0x02];
		pCCFile->MaxReadByte = (uint16_t) ((CCBuffer[0x03]<<8) | CCBuffer[0x04]);
		pCCFile->MaxWriteByte = (uint16_t) ((CCBuffer[0x05]<<8) | CCBuffer[0x06]);
		pCCFile->TField = CCBuffer[0x07];
		pCCFile->LField = CCBuffer[0x08];
		pCCFile->FileID = (uint16_t) ((CCBuffer[0x09]<<8) | CCBuffer[0x0A]);
		pCCFile->NDEFFileMaxSize = (uint16_t) ((CCBuffer[0x0B]<<8) | CCBuffer[0x0C]);
		pCCFile->ReadAccess = CCBuffer[0x0D];
		pCCFile->WriteAccess = CCBuffer[0x0E];	
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction read NDEF file
	* @param	pNDEF : pointer on buffer to fill with NDEF data
  * @retval SUCCESS : NDEF file data have been retrieve
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to get NDEF file data
uint16_t TT4_ReadNDEF(uint8_t *pNDEF)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, ASK_FOR_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		status = NDEF_ReadNDEF(pNDEF);
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction write NDEF file
	* @param	pNDEF : pointer on buffer that contain the NDEF data
  * @retval SUCCESS : NDEF file data have been stored
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to store NDEF file
uint16_t TT4_WriteNDEF(uint8_t *pNDEF)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, ASK_FOR_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		status = NDEF_WriteNDEF( pNDEF);
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction read NDEF file if NDEF is identified as URI
	* @param	pURI : pointer on URI structure to fill with read data
  * @retval SUCCESS : URI structure has been updated
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to fill URI structure
uint16_t TT4_ReadURI(sURI_Info *pURI)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	pRecordStruct = &RecordStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, ASK_FOR_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		if(NDEF_IdentifyNDEF( pRecordStruct, NDEF_Buffer) == SUCCESS)
			status = NDEF_ReadURI(pRecordStruct, pURI);
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction write NDEF file from data given in the URI structure
	* @param	pURI : pointer on URI structure to prepare NDEF
  * @retval SUCCESS : NDEF URI stored
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to store NDEF URI
uint16_t TT4_WriteURI(sURI_Info *pURI)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, ASK_FOR_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		status = NDEF_WriteURI ( pURI );
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction read NDEF file if NDEF is identified as SMS
	* @param	pSMS : pointer on SMS structure to fill with read data
  * @retval SUCCESS : SMS structure has been updated
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to fill MS structure
uint16_t TT4_ReadSMS(sSMSInfo *pSMS)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	pRecordStruct = &RecordStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, ASK_FOR_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		if(NDEF_IdentifyNDEF( pRecordStruct, NDEF_Buffer) == SUCCESS)
			status = NDEF_ReadSMS(pRecordStruct, pSMS);
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction write NDEF file from data given in the SMS structure
	* @param	pSMS : pointer on SMS structure to prepare NDEF
  * @retval SUCCESS : NDEF SMS stored
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to store NDEF SMS
uint16_t TT4_WriteSMS(sSMSInfo *pSMS)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, ASK_FOR_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		status = NDEF_WriteSMS ( pSMS );
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction read NDEF file if NDEF is identified as eMail
	* @param	pEmailStruct : pointer on eMail structure to fill with read data
  * @retval SUCCESS : eMail structure has been updated
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to fill eMail structure
uint16_t TT4_ReadEmail (sEmailInfo *pEmailStruct)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	pRecordStruct = &RecordStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, ASK_FOR_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		if(NDEF_IdentifyNDEF( pRecordStruct, NDEF_Buffer) == SUCCESS)
			status = NDEF_ReadEmail(pRecordStruct, pEmailStruct);
	return status;		

  * @brief  This fonction write NDEF file from data given in the eMail structure
	* @param	pEmailStruct : pointer on eMail structure to prepare NDEF
  * @retval SUCCESS : NDEF eMail stored
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to store NDEF eMail
uint16_t TT4_WriteEmail(sEmailInfo *pEmailStruct)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, ASK_FOR_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		status = NDEF_WriteEmail ( pEmailStruct );
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction read NDEF file if NDEF is identified as Vcard
	* @param	pVcard : pointer on Vcard structure to fill with read data
  * @retval SUCCESS : Vcard structure has been updated
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to fill Vcard structure
uint16_t TT4_ReadVcard(sVcardInfo *pVcard)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	pRecordStruct = &RecordStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, ASK_FOR_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		if(NDEF_IdentifyNDEF( pRecordStruct, NDEF_Buffer) == SUCCESS)
			status = NDEF_ReadVcard(pRecordStruct, pVcard);
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction write NDEF file from data given in the Vcard structure
	* @param	pVcard : pointer on Vcard structure to prepare NDEF
  * @retval SUCCESS : NDEF Vcard stored
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to store NDEF Vcard
uint16_t TT4_WriteVcard(sVcardInfo *pVcard)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, ASK_FOR_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		status = NDEF_WriteVcard ( pVcard );
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction read NDEF file if NDEF is identified as geolocation information
	* @param	pGeo : pointer on geo structure to fill with read data
  * @retval SUCCESS : geo structure has been updated
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to fill geo structure
uint16_t TT4_ReadGeo(sGeoInfo *pGeo)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	pRecordStruct = &RecordStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, ASK_FOR_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		if(NDEF_IdentifyNDEF( pRecordStruct, NDEF_Buffer) == SUCCESS)
			status = NDEF_ReadGeo(pRecordStruct, pGeo);
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction write NDEF file from data given in the geo structure
	* @param	pGeo : pointer on geo structure to prepare NDEF
  * @retval SUCCESS : NDEF geo stored
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to store NDEF geo
uint16_t TT4_WriteGeo(sGeoInfo *pGeo)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, ASK_FOR_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		status = NDEF_WriteGeo ( pGeo );
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction read NDEF file if NDEF is identified as expected private application
	* @param	pMyAppStruct : pointer on structure to fill with read data
  * @retval SUCCESS : structure has been updated
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to fill structure
uint16_t TT4_ReadMyApp(sMyAppInfo *pMyAppStruct)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	pRecordStruct = &RecordStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, TAKE_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		if(NDEF_IdentifyNDEF( pRecordStruct, NDEF_Buffer) == SUCCESS)
			status = NDEF_ReadMyApp(pRecordStruct, pMyAppStruct);
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction write NDEF file from data given in the structure
	* @param	pMyAppStruct : pointer on structure to prepare NDEF
  * @retval SUCCESS : NDEF stored
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to store NDEF
uint16_t TT4_WriteMyApp(sMyAppInfo *pMyAppStruct)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, ASK_FOR_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		status = NDEF_WriteMyApp ( pMyAppStruct );
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction add AAR (Android Application Record) in the tag
	* @param	pAAR : pointer on structure that contain AAR information
  * @retval SUCCESS : AAR added
	* @retval ERROR : Not able to add AAR
uint16_t TT4_AddAAR(sAARInfo *pAAR)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	sCCFileInfo *pCCFile;
	pCCFile = &CCFileStruct;
	if(OpenNDEFSession(pCCFile->FileID, ASK_FOR_SESSION) == SUCCESS)
		status = NDEF_AddAAR ( pAAR );
	return status;

  * @}

  * @}

  * @}

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