NFC NDEF library

Dependents:   Nucleo_NFC_Example I2C_NFC_Master Print_Entire_Nucleo_NFC01A1_Memory

Fork of lib_NDEF by Enrico Gregoratto



File content as of revision 0:3b093bd0819e:

  * @file    lib_NDEF.c
  * @author  MMY Application Team
  * @version V1.0.0
  * @date    20-November-2013
  * @brief   This file help to manage NDEF file, to parse and identify them.
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
  * Licensed under MMY-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "lib_NDEF.h"

/** @addtogroup NFC_libraries
 * 	@{
 *	@brief  <b>This is the library used to manage the content of the TAG (data)
 *          But also the specific feature of the tag, for instance
 *          password, gpo... </b>

/** @addtogroup libNFC_FORUM
  * @{
	*	@brief  This part of the library manage data which follow NFC forum organisation.

/** @defgroup libNDEF_Private_Functions
  * @{

static uint16_t NDEF_IsNDEFPresent ( void );
static uint16_t NDEF_ParseRecordHeader ( sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct );
static void NDEF_ParseWellKnownType ( sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct );
static void NDEF_ParseMediaType ( sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct );
static void NDEF_ParseForumExternalType ( sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct );
static void NDEF_ParseURI(sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct);
static void NDEF_ParseSP(sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct);
static uint16_t NDEF_IdentifySPRecord ( sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct, uint8_t* pPayload );

/* In case of smart Poster composed with different record, 3 records supported so far */
sRecordInfo SPRecordStruct1, SPRecordStruct2, SPRecordStruct3;
uint32_t SPRecordStructAdd[SP_MAX_RECORD] = { (uint32_t)&SPRecordStruct1, (uint32_t)&SPRecordStruct2, (uint32_t)&SPRecordStruct3 };

  * @brief  This fonction check that the tag contain a NDEF message
	* @param	None :
  * @retval SUCCESS : There is a NDEF file stored in tag
	* @retval ERROR : No NDEF in the tag. 
static uint16_t NDEF_IsNDEFPresent ( void )
	uint16_t FileSize;
	uint8_t uM24SR_NDEFHeader [0x2];
	/* Check NDEF existence */
	ReadData ( NDEF_SIZE_OFFSET , 2 , uM24SR_NDEFHeader);
	FileSize = (uint16_t) ((uM24SR_NDEFHeader[0x00]<<8) | uM24SR_NDEFHeader[0x01]);
	if( FileSize != 0)
		return SUCCESS;
		return ERROR;	

  * @brief  This fonction identify the type of record
	* @param	pRecordStruct : pointer on the record structure to fill
	* @param	pPayload : pointer on the payload
	* @retval Status : Status of the operation.
static uint16_t NDEF_IdentifySPRecord ( sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct, uint8_t* pPayload )
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	uint16_t SizeOfRecordHeader, TypeNbByte, PayloadLengthField, IDLengthField, IDNbByte;
	/* Is ID length field present */
	if( (*pPayload)&IL_Mask)
		IDLengthField = ID_LENGTH_FIELD;
		IDLengthField = 0;
	/* it's a SR */
	if( (*pPayload)&SR_Mask)
		TypeNbByte = pPayload[1];
		PayloadLengthField = 1;
		if( IDLengthField == ID_LENGTH_FIELD)
			IDNbByte = pPayload[3];
			IDNbByte = 0;
		TypeNbByte = pPayload[1];
		PayloadLengthField = 4;
		if( IDLengthField == ID_LENGTH_FIELD)
			IDNbByte = pPayload[6];
			IDNbByte = 0;
	SizeOfRecordHeader = RECORD_FLAG_FIELD + TYPE_LENGTH_FIELD + PayloadLengthField + IDLengthField + TypeNbByte + IDNbByte;
	/* it's a SR */
	if( pPayload[0]&SR_Mask)
		pRecordStruct->RecordFlags = pPayload[0];
		pRecordStruct->TypeLength = TypeNbByte;
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength3 = 0;
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength2 = 0;
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength1 = 0;
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength0 = pPayload[2];
		pRecordStruct->IDLength = IDNbByte;
		memcpy(pRecordStruct->Type, &pPayload[3+IDNbByte] , TypeNbByte);
		memcpy(pRecordStruct->ID, &pPayload[3+IDNbByte+TypeNbByte] , IDNbByte);
		pRecordStruct->PayloadOffset = SizeOfRecordHeader;
		pRecordStruct->RecordFlags = pPayload[0];
		pRecordStruct->TypeLength = TypeNbByte;
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength3 = pPayload[2];
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength2 = pPayload[3];
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength1 = pPayload[4];
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength0 = pPayload[5];
		pRecordStruct->IDLength = IDNbByte;
		memcpy(pRecordStruct->Type, &pPayload[6+IDNbByte] , TypeNbByte);
		memcpy(pRecordStruct->ID, &pPayload[6+IDNbByte+TypeNbByte] , IDNbByte);
		pRecordStruct->PayloadOffset = SizeOfRecordHeader;
	pRecordStruct->PayloadBufferAdd = (uint32_t)(pPayload+SizeOfRecordHeader);
	status = NDEF_ParseRecordHeader(pRecordStruct);
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction parse the record header and dispatch regarding TNF value
	* @param	pRecordStruct : pointer on the record structure to fill
  * @retval SUCCESS : record identified and structure filled
	* @retval ERROR : Not supported 
static uint16_t NDEF_ParseRecordHeader ( sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct )
	uint16_t	status = SUCCESS;
	switch( (pRecordStruct->RecordFlags&TNF_Mask))
  case TNF_WellKnown:
    NDEF_ParseWellKnownType ( pRecordStruct );
  case TNF_MediaType:
    NDEF_ParseMediaType ( pRecordStruct );
  case TNF_NFCForumExternal:
    NDEF_ParseForumExternalType ( pRecordStruct);
    /* currently not supported or unknown*/
    pRecordStruct->NDEF_Type = UNKNOWN_TYPE;
    status = ERROR;
	return status;

  * @brief  This fonction parse the Well Known type record
	* @param	pRecordStruct : pointer on the record structure to fill
  * @retval None 
static void NDEF_ParseWellKnownType ( sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct )
	uint8_t* pPayload;
	pPayload = (uint8_t*)(pRecordStruct->PayloadBufferAdd);
	if( !memcmp( &(pRecordStruct->Type), SMART_POSTER_TYPE_STRING, pRecordStruct->TypeLength))
		/* special case where	we have to parse others records */
		pRecordStruct->NDEF_Type = SMARTPOSTER_TYPE;
	else if( !memcmp( &(pRecordStruct->Type), URI_TYPE_STRING, pRecordStruct->TypeLength))
		/* it's an URI Type check if it's an URL or SMS or ... */
		/* check identifier */
		if( *pPayload == URI_ID_0x00) 
		else if ( *pPayload > URI_ID_0x00 && *pPayload < URI_RFU ) 
			/* email special case  */
			if ( *pPayload == (uint8_t) URI_ID_0x06)
				pRecordStruct->NDEF_Type = URI_EMAIL_TYPE;
			pRecordStruct->NDEF_Type = UNKNOWN_TYPE;
	else if( !memcmp( &(pRecordStruct->Type), TEXT_TYPE_STRING, pRecordStruct->TypeLength))
		pRecordStruct->NDEF_Type = TEXT_TYPE;
    pRecordStruct->NDEF_Type = UNKNOWN_TYPE;

  * @brief  This fonction parse the Media type record
	* @param	pRecordStruct : pointer on the record structure to fill
  * @retval None 
static void NDEF_ParseMediaType ( sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct )
	if( !memcmp( &(pRecordStruct->Type), VCARD_TYPE_STRING, pRecordStruct->TypeLength))
		pRecordStruct->NDEF_Type = VCARD_TYPE;
	else if( !memcmp( &(pRecordStruct->Type), XVCARD_TYPE_STRING, pRecordStruct->TypeLength))
		pRecordStruct->NDEF_Type = VCARD_TYPE;
    pRecordStruct->NDEF_Type = UNKNOWN_TYPE;

  * @brief  This fonction parse the Forum External type record
	* @param	pRecordStruct : pointer on the record structure to fill
  * @retval None 
static void NDEF_ParseForumExternalType ( sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct )
	if( !memcmp( &(pRecordStruct->Type), M24SR_DISCOVERY_APP_STRING, pRecordStruct->TypeLength))
		pRecordStruct->NDEF_Type = M24SR_DISCOVERY_APP_TYPE;
    pRecordStruct->NDEF_Type = UNKNOWN_TYPE;

  * @brief  This fonction parse the URI type record
	* @param	pRecordStruct : pointer on the record structure to fill
  * @retval None 
static void NDEF_ParseURI(sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct)
	uint8_t* pPayload;
	pPayload = (uint8_t*)(pRecordStruct->PayloadBufferAdd);
	pPayload ++; /* to skip URI identifier first URI payload byte */
	if( !memcmp( pPayload, SMS_TYPE_STRING, strlen(SMS_TYPE_STRING)) )
		pRecordStruct->NDEF_Type = URI_SMS_TYPE;
	else if( !memcmp( pPayload, GEO_TYPE_STRING, strlen(GEO_TYPE_STRING)) )
		pRecordStruct->NDEF_Type = URI_GEO_TYPE;
		pRecordStruct->NDEF_Type = UNKNOWN_TYPE;

  * @brief  This fonction parse the Smart Poster 
	* @param	pRecordStruct : pointer on the record structure to fill
  * @retval None 
static void NDEF_ParseSP(sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct)
	uint8_t* pPayload;
	uint32_t PayloadSize = 0;
	uint32_t SPPayloadSize = 0;
	uint32_t OffsetInSPPayload =0;
	uint32_t RecordPosition = 0;
	sRecordInfo *pSPRecordStruct;
	/* initialize variable with size of the payload and poiter on data */
	PayloadSize = ((uint32_t)(pRecordStruct->PayloadLength3)<<24) | ((uint32_t)(pRecordStruct->PayloadLength2)<<16) |
    ((uint32_t)(pRecordStruct->PayloadLength1)<<8)  | pRecordStruct->PayloadLength0;
	pPayload = (uint8_t*)(pRecordStruct->PayloadBufferAdd);
	pSPRecordStruct = (sRecordInfo *)SPRecordStructAdd[0];
	/* Initailize the number of record find in the SP payload */
	pRecordStruct->NbOfRecordInSPPayload = 0;
		pSPRecordStruct = (sRecordInfo *)SPRecordStructAdd[RecordPosition];
		/* identify the 1st record in the SP payload */
		if( NDEF_IdentifySPRecord ( pSPRecordStruct, pPayload ))
			/* store add of structure that will contain the other record information */
			pRecordStruct->NbOfRecordInSPPayload ++;
			pRecordStruct->SPRecordStructAdd[RecordPosition] = (uint32_t) pSPRecordStruct;
			/* After SPRecord + First Record check if we are at the end of NDEF file */
			SPPayloadSize = ((uint32_t)(pSPRecordStruct->PayloadLength3)<<24) | ((uint32_t)(pSPRecordStruct->PayloadLength2)<<16) |
        ((uint32_t)(pSPRecordStruct->PayloadLength1)<<8)  | pSPRecordStruct->PayloadLength0;
			OffsetInSPPayload += pSPRecordStruct->PayloadOffset + SPPayloadSize;
			pPayload += OffsetInSPPayload;
	while(	OffsetInSPPayload < PayloadSize && RecordPosition<SP_MAX_RECORD); /* there is another record */

  * @}

/** @defgroup libNDEF_Public_Functions
  * @{

  * @brief  This fonction identify the NDEF message stored in tag
	* @param	pRecordStruct : Structure to fill with record information
	* @param	pNDEF : pointer on the NDEF message data
  * @retval SUCCESS : record struct filled
	* @retval ERROR : record struct not updated

uint16_t NDEF_IdentifyNDEF ( sRecordInfo *pRecordStruct, uint8_t* pNDEF )
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	uint16_t SizeOfRecordHeader, TypeNbByte, PayloadLengthField, IDLengthField, IDNbByte;
	uint32_t PayloadSize;
	/* check NDEF present */
	if(NDEF_IsNDEFPresent() != SUCCESS)
		return ERROR;
	/* Analyse record layout */
	/* Is ID length field present */
	if( (*pNDEF)&IL_Mask)
		IDLengthField = ID_LENGTH_FIELD;
		IDLengthField = 0;
	/* it's a SR */
	if( (*pNDEF)&SR_Mask)
		/* Analyse short record layout */
		ReadData ( FIRST_RECORD_OFFSET , 4 , pNDEF);
		TypeNbByte = pNDEF[1];
		PayloadLengthField = 1;
		if( IDLengthField == ID_LENGTH_FIELD)
			IDNbByte = pNDEF[3];
			IDNbByte = 0;
		/* Analyse normal record layout */
		ReadData ( FIRST_RECORD_OFFSET , 7 , pNDEF);
		TypeNbByte = pNDEF[1];
		PayloadLengthField = 4;
		if( IDLengthField == ID_LENGTH_FIELD)
			IDNbByte = pNDEF[6];
			IDNbByte = 0;
	SizeOfRecordHeader = RECORD_FLAG_FIELD + TYPE_LENGTH_FIELD + PayloadLengthField + IDLengthField + TypeNbByte + IDNbByte;
	/* Read record header */
	ReadData ( FIRST_RECORD_OFFSET , SizeOfRecordHeader , pNDEF);
	/* it's a SR */
	if( pNDEF[0]&SR_Mask)
		pRecordStruct->RecordFlags = pNDEF[0];
		pRecordStruct->TypeLength = TypeNbByte;
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength3 = 0;
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength2 = 0;
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength1 = 0;
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength0 = pNDEF[2];
		pRecordStruct->IDLength = IDNbByte;
		memcpy(pRecordStruct->Type, &pNDEF[3+IDNbByte] , TypeNbByte);
		memcpy(pRecordStruct->ID, &pNDEF[3+IDNbByte+TypeNbByte] , IDNbByte);
		pRecordStruct->PayloadOffset = SizeOfRecordHeader;
		pRecordStruct->RecordFlags = pNDEF[0];
		pRecordStruct->TypeLength = TypeNbByte;
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength3 = pNDEF[2];
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength2 = pNDEF[3];
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength1 = pNDEF[4];
		pRecordStruct->PayloadLength0 = pNDEF[5];
		pRecordStruct->IDLength = IDNbByte;
		memcpy(pRecordStruct->Type, &pNDEF[6+IDNbByte] , TypeNbByte);
		memcpy(pRecordStruct->ID, &pNDEF[6+IDNbByte+TypeNbByte] , IDNbByte);
		pRecordStruct->PayloadOffset = SizeOfRecordHeader;
	PayloadSize = ((uint32_t)(pRecordStruct->PayloadLength3)<<24) | ((uint32_t)(pRecordStruct->PayloadLength2)<<16) |
    ((uint32_t)(pRecordStruct->PayloadLength1)<<8)  | pRecordStruct->PayloadLength0;
	/* read Payload */
	status = ReadData ( (uint16_t)((FIRST_RECORD_OFFSET) + pRecordStruct->PayloadOffset) , PayloadSize , pNDEF);
		return status;
		pRecordStruct->PayloadBufferAdd = (uint32_t)(pNDEF);
	return SUCCESS;

  * @brief  This fonction read the NDEF content of the TAG
	* @param	pNDEF : pointer on the buffer to store NDEF data
  * @retval SUCCESS : NDEF file data retrieve and store in the buffer
	* @retval ERROR : not able to read NDEF
uint16_t NDEF_ReadNDEF( uint8_t* pNDEF)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	uint16_t NDEF_Size = 0;
	status = ReadData( 0 , 2 , pNDEF);
		NDEF_Size = (uint16_t) (*pNDEF << 8);
		NDEF_Size = NDEF_Size | (uint16_t) (*++pNDEF );
		status = ReadData( 0 , NDEF_Size+2 , --pNDEF);
		return SUCCESS;
		return ERROR;

  * @brief  This fonction write the NDEF in the TAG
	* @param	pNDEF : pointer on the buffer containing the NDEF data
  * @retval SUCCESS : NDEF file data written in the tag
	* @retval ERROR : not able to store NDEF in tag
uint16_t NDEF_WriteNDEF( uint8_t *pNDEF)
	uint16_t status = ERROR;
	uint16_t NDEF_Size = 0;
	NDEF_Size = (uint16_t) (*pNDEF << 8);
	NDEF_Size = NDEF_Size | (uint16_t) (*++pNDEF );
	status = WriteData( 0 , NDEF_Size+2 , --pNDEF);
		return SUCCESS;
		return ERROR;

  * @}

  * @}

  * @}

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