encoder final + coordinate
Dependencies: QEI ros_lib_kinetic
Fork of RosSerial_Encoder by
- Committer:
- cc061495
- Date:
- 2017-08-14
- Revision:
- 2:af928306ca36
- Parent:
- 1:ea4150fafa3b
- Child:
- 3:0de505949008
File content as of revision 2:af928306ca36:
/* * rosserial Publisher for encoder * Publish: distance(cm) * Subscribe: --once */ #include"mbed.h" #include <ros.h> #include <std_msgs/Float32.h> #include <std_msgs/Empty.h> #include "QEI.h" using namespace std_msgs; using namespace ros; DigitalOut myled(LED1); #define BAUD 115200 // GYO Serial gy25(PA_9, PA_10, 115200); float g[3]; char rxC[8]; char ctBuffer[128]; void rxIRQ(){ // get the Byte0: 0xAA Preamble Flags rxC[0] = gy25.getc(); // fetch the 8-byte data when 0xAA is found if (rxC[0] == 0xAA) { for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) { rxC[i] = gy25.getc(); } // if the last byte is 0x55(Frame end flag), starts the calculation if (rxC[7] == 0x55) { for (int i = 0, j =1; i < 3; i++, j+=2) { //Angle = ( (HIGH << 8) | LOW ) / 100 g[i] = (float)(rxC[j]<<8 | rxC[j+1])/100; // adjustment if (g[i] > 475) g[i] = g[i] - 476 + 180; } } } } // ENCODER #define N 1000 #define C 10 // circumference(cm) QEI En_X1(PC_10, PC_11, PC_12, N, QEI::X4_ENCODING); // A, B, Z, pulses/revolution, mode QEI En_X2(PC_1, PC_2, PC_3, N, QEI::X4_ENCODING); QEI En_Y1(PB_3, PB_4, PB_5, N, QEI::X4_ENCODING); QEI En_Y2(PA_6, PA_7, PA_8, N, QEI::X4_ENCODING); // instantiate the node handle ros::NodeHandle nh; // instantiate the publisher Float32 X1, X2, Y1, Y2, G1, G2, G3; Publisher pub_X1("X1", &X1); Publisher pub_X2("X2", &X2); Publisher pub_Y1("Y1", &Y1); Publisher pub_Y2("Y2", &Y2); Publisher pub_G1("G1", &G1); Publisher pub_G2("G2", &G2); Publisher pub_G3("G3", &G3); // BUTTON for reset InterruptIn button(USER_BUTTON); void pressed() { gy25.putc(0xA5); gy25.putc(0x55); gy25.putc(0xA5); gy25.putc(0x52); En_X1.reset(); En_X2.reset(); En_Y1.reset(); En_Y2.reset(); } // for reset void messageCb(const Empty& toggle_msg){ pressed(); myled = !myled; // blink the led } Subscriber<Empty> sub("toggle_led", &messageCb); // initializing node void nodeInit() { nh.getHardware()->setBaud(BAUD); nh.initNode(); nh.subscribe(sub); nh.advertise(pub_X1); nh.advertise(pub_X2); nh.advertise(pub_Y1); nh.advertise(pub_Y2); nh.advertise(pub_G1); nh.advertise(pub_G3); nh.advertise(pub_G2); } float pX1 = 0, pX2 = 0, pY1 = 0, pY2 = 0, pG1 = 0, pG2 = 0, pG3 = 0; int main() { nodeInit(); // gyo gy25.format(8,SerialBase::None,1); gy25.attach(rxIRQ, Serial::RxIrq); // reset button button.fall(&pressed); while (1) { X1.data = (float)En_X1.getPulses()/(4*N) * C; Y1.data = (float)En_Y1.getPulses()/(4*N) * C; X2.data = (float)En_X2.getPulses()/(4*N) * C; Y2.data = (float)En_Y2.getPulses()/(4*N) * C; G1.data = g[0]; G2.data = g[1]; G3.data = g[2]; if(pX1 != X1.data){ pX1 = X1.data; pub_X1.publish( &X1 ); } if(pX2 != X2.data){ pX2 = X2.data; pub_X2.publish( &X2 ); } if(pY1 != Y1.data){ pY1 = Y1.data; pub_Y1.publish( &Y1 ); } if(pY2 != Y2.data){ pY2 = Y2.data; pub_Y2.publish( &Y2 ); } if(pG1 != G1.data){ pG1 = G1.data; pub_G1.publish( &G1 ); } if(pG2 != G2.data){ pG2 = G2.data; pub_G2.publish( &G2 ); } if(pG3 != G3.data){ pG3 = G3.data; pub_G3.publish( &G3 ); } nh.spinOnce(); wait_ms(50); // 20hz } }