Sample to operate omron HVC-P2 on GR-PEACH.

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00001 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00002 /* Copyright(C)  2017  OMRON Corporation                                     */
00003 /*                                                                           */
00004 /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");           */
00005 /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.          */
00006 /* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                   */
00007 /*                                                                           */
00008 /*                            */
00009 /*                                                                           */
00010 /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software       */
00011 /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,         */
00012 /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  */
00013 /* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and       */
00014 /* limitations under the License.                                            */
00015 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00017 #if !defined( _SDK_STBFR_H_ )
00018 #define _SDK_STBFR_H_
00019 #include "STBFrTypedef.h"
00021 #if !defined( STB_DEF_FR_HANDLE )
00022     #define     STB_DEF_FR_HANDLE
00023     typedef  VOID*  STB_FR_HANDLE;
00024 #endif
00026 STB_FR_HANDLE    STB_Fr_CreateHandle            ( const STB_INT32 nTraCntMax                            );/*Create/Delete handle*/
00027 STB_INT32        STB_Fr_DeleteHandle            ( STB_FR_HANDLE handle                                    );/*Create/Delete handle*/
00028 STB_INT32        STB_Fr_SetDetect            ( STB_FR_HANDLE handle, const STB_FR_DET *stbFrDet        );/*Frame information settings*/
00029 STB_INT32        STB_Fr_Execute                ( STB_FR_HANDLE handle                                    );/*Main process execution*/
00030 STB_INT32        STB_Fr_GetResult            ( STB_FR_HANDLE handle, STB_FR_RES* frResult            );/*Get result*/
00031 STB_INT32        STB_Fr_Clear                ( STB_FR_HANDLE handle                                    );/*Clear*/
00033 /*parameter*/
00034 STB_INT32        STB_Fr_SetFaceDirMinMax        ( STB_FR_HANDLE handle , STB_INT32 nMinUDAngle    , STB_INT32 nMaxUDAngle        ,STB_INT32 nMinLRAngle    , STB_INT32 nMaxLRAngle    );/* FaceDirMinMax */
00035 STB_INT32        STB_Fr_GetFaceDirMinMax        ( STB_FR_HANDLE handle , STB_INT32 *pnMinUDAngle, STB_INT32 *pnMaxUDAngle    ,STB_INT32 *pnMinLRAngle, STB_INT32 *pnMaxLRAngle);
00036 STB_INT32        STB_Fr_Clear                ( STB_FR_HANDLE handle                            );/* ClearID */
00037 STB_INT32        STB_Fr_SetFaceDirThreshold    ( STB_FR_HANDLE handle , STB_INT32    threshold    );/* FaceDirThreshold */
00038 STB_INT32        STB_Fr_GetFaceDirThreshold    ( STB_FR_HANDLE handle , STB_INT32*    threshold    );
00039 STB_INT32        STB_Fr_SetFrameCount        ( STB_FR_HANDLE handle , STB_INT32    nFrameCount    );
00040 STB_INT32        STB_Fr_GetFrameCount        ( STB_FR_HANDLE handle , STB_INT32*    nFrameCount    );
00041 STB_INT32        STB_Fr_SetMinRatio            ( STB_FR_HANDLE handle , STB_INT32    nMinRatio    );
00042 STB_INT32        STB_Fr_GetMinRatio            ( STB_FR_HANDLE handle , STB_INT32*    nMinRatio    );
00044 #endif