It is the Nordic nRF8001 BLE library for RedBearLab BLE Shield v2.1 or above. It is compatible with the platforms those soldered Arduino compatible form factor. The library is ported to mbed from Sandeep's arduino-BLEPeripheral library for Arduino: We have tested it on KL05, KL25, MK20 and SeeedStudio Arch platforms and it works well.

Dependents:   nRF8001_SimpleChat nRF8001_SimpleControls mbed_BLE2 mbed_BLEtry2 ... more

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for BLE_nRF8001


_aci_packed_ aci_cmd_params_set_local_data_t
aci_cmd_params_change_timing_t Structure for the ACI_CMD_CHANGE_TIMING ACI command parameters
aci_cmd_params_close_remote_pipe_t Structure for the ACI_CMD_CLOSE_REMOTE_PIPE ACI command parameters
aci_cmd_params_connect_t Structure for the ACI_CMD_CONNECT ACI command parameters
aci_cmd_params_disconnect_t Structure for the ACI_CMD_DISCONNECT ACI command parameters
aci_cmd_params_dtm_cmd_t Structure for the ACI_CMD_DTM_CMD ACI command parameters
aci_cmd_params_echo_t Structure for the ACI_CMD_ECHO ACI command parameters
aci_cmd_params_open_remote_pipe_t Structure for the ACI_CMD_OPEN_REMOTE_PIPE ACI command parameters
aci_cmd_params_send_data_t Structure for the ACI_CMD_SEND_DATA ACI command parameters
aci_cmd_params_set_tx_power_t Structure for the ACI_CMD_SET_TX_POWER ACI command parameters
aci_cmd_params_setup_t Structure for the ACI_CMD_SETUP ACI command parameters
aci_cmd_params_test_t Structure for the ACI_CMD_TEST ACI command parameters
aci_cmd_params_write_dynamic_data_t Structure for the ACI_CMD_WRITE_DYNAMIC_DATA ACI command parameters
aci_cmd_t Encapsulates a generic ACI command
aci_event_params_echo_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_ECHO ACI event parameters
aci_evt_cmd_rsp_params_dtm_cmd_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_CMD_RSP event with opcode=ACI_CMD_DTM_CMD event return parameters
aci_evt_cmd_rsp_params_get_battery_level_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_CMD_RSP event with opcode=ACI_CMD_GET_BATTERY_LEVEL event return parameters
aci_evt_cmd_rsp_params_get_device_address_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_CMD_RSP event with opcode=ACI_CMD_GET_DEVICE_ADDRESS event return parameters
aci_evt_cmd_rsp_params_get_device_version_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_CMD_RSP event with opcode=ACI_CMD_GET_DEVICE_VERSION event return parameters
aci_evt_cmd_rsp_params_get_temperature_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_CMD_RSP event with opcode=ACI_CMD_GET_TEMPERATURE event return parameters
aci_evt_cmd_rsp_read_dynamic_data_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_CMD_RSP event with opcode=ACI_CMD_READ_DYNAMIC_DATA event return parameters
aci_evt_params_bond_status_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_BOND_STATUS event return parameters
aci_evt_params_cmd_rsp_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_CMD_RSP event return parameters
aci_evt_params_connected_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_CONNECTED event return parameters
aci_evt_params_data_ack_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_DATA_ACK event return parameters
aci_evt_params_data_credit_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_DATA_CREDIT event return parameters
aci_evt_params_data_received_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_DATA_RECEIVED event return parameters
aci_evt_params_device_started_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_DEVICE_STARTED event return parameters
aci_evt_params_disconnected_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_DISCONNECTED event return parameters
aci_evt_params_display_passkey_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_DISPLAY_PASSKEY event return parameters
aci_evt_params_hw_error_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_HW_ERROR event return parameters
aci_evt_params_key_request_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_KEY_REQUEST event return parameters
aci_evt_params_pipe_error_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_PIPE_ERROR event return parameters
aci_evt_params_pipe_status_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_PIPE_STATUS event return parameters
aci_evt_params_timing_t Structure for the ACI_EVT_TIMING event return parameters
aci_evt_t Encapsulates a generic ACI event
aci_ll_conn_params_t Link Layer Connection Parameters
aci_pins_t Datatype for ACI pins and interface (polling/interrupt)
aci_queue_t Data type for queue of data packets to send/receive from radio
aci_rx_data_t Generic ACI receive data structure
aci_tx_data_t Generic ACI transmit data structure


aci.h [code]
aci_cmds.h [code] Definitions for the ACI (Application Control Interface) commands
aci_evts.h [code] Definitions for the ACI (Application Control Interface) events
aci_protocol_defines.h [code]
aci_queue.cpp [code] Implementation of a circular queue for ACI data
aci_queue.h [code] Interface for buffer
aci_setup.cpp [code]
aci_setup.h [code]
acilib.cpp [code] Implementation of the acilib module
acilib.h [code] Internal prototype for acilib module
acilib_defs.h [code] Definitions for the acilib interfaces
acilib_if.h [code] Prototypes for the acilib interfaces
acilib_types.h [code] Type used in the acilib interfaces
Arduino.cpp [code]
Arduino.h [code]
ble_assert.h [code] Declaration of assert()
BLEAttribute.cpp [code]
BLEAttribute.h [code]
BLECentral.cpp [code]
BLECentral.h [code]
BLECharacteristic.cpp [code]
BLECharacteristic.h [code]
BLEDescriptor.cpp [code]
BLEDescriptor.h [code]
BLEPeripheral.cpp [code]
BLEPeripheral.h [code]
BLEService.cpp [code]
BLEService.h [code]
BLETypedCharacteristic.h [code]
BLETypedCharacteristics.cpp [code]
BLETypedCharacteristics.h [code]
BLEUuid.cpp [code]
BLEUuid.h [code]
boards.h [code] Defines for the different Bluetooth low energy boards
dtm.h [code] Internal prototype for acilib module
hal_aci_tl.cpp [code] Implementation of the ACI transport layer module
hal_aci_tl.h [code] Interface for hal_aci_tl
hal_platform.h [code]
lib_aci.cpp [code] Implementation of the ACI library
lib_aci.h [code] ACI library
nRF8001.cpp [code]
nRF8001.h [code]