Kahden pelaajan "Minibiljardi"

Dependencies:   PokittoLib

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Show/hide line numbers GameObject.cpp Source File


00001 #include "Pokitto.h"
00002 #include "GameObject.h"
00004 Pokitto::Display gobj_d;
00005 int flipper = 0;
00008 GameObject::GameObject() {
00009     x = random(-20,20);
00010     y = random(-15,15);
00011     vx = 0;//random(-100,100)/100.0f;
00012     vy = 0;//random(-100,100)/100.0f;
00013     width = 5;
00014     height = 5; 
00015     if (flipper) color = 7; //random(3,12);
00016     else color = 4;
00017     flipper = 1 - flipper;
00018     if (color == 5) color = 2;
00019     orig_color = color;
00020     bounce = 0.9f;
00021     acceleration = 0.15f;
00022     friction = 0.98f; 
00023     mass = 1.0f;   
00024     centerX = 55+x;
00025     centerY = 44+y;
00026     movable=true; 
00027     visible=true;
00028     active=true;
00029 }
00031 void GameObject::draw() {
00032     if (!visible) return;
00033     gobj_d.setColor(color);
00034     gobj_d.fillRect(55-width/2+x,44-height/2+y,width,height);  
00035     centerX = 55+x;
00036     centerY = 44+y;  
00037 }
00039 void GameObject::move() {
00040     if (!active) return;
00041     if (!movable) return;
00042     x += vx;
00043     y += vy;
00044     centerX = 55+x;
00045     centerY = 44+y;   
00046     vx *= friction;
00047     vy *= friction;
00048     if (abs(vx*10) < 1 && abs(vy*10) <1) vx = vy = 0; // practically stopped
00049 }
00051 bool GameObject::isMoving() {
00052     if (vx == 0 && vy == 0) return false;
00053     return true;    
00054 } 
00056 void GameObject::remove() {
00057     active=false;
00058     visible=false;
00059     vx = 0;
00060     vy = 0;
00061 }
00063 void GameObject::moveX(float n) {
00064     x += n;  
00065     centerX = 55+x;  
00066 }
00068 void GameObject::moveY(float n) {
00069     y += n;    
00070     centerY = 44+y;
00071 }    
00073 void GameObject::accelerateX(float a) {
00074     vx += a*acceleration; 
00075 }
00077 void GameObject::accelerateY(float a) {
00078     vy += a*acceleration; 
00079 }
00081 void GameObject::bounceY() {
00082     vy = -vy * bounce; 
00083 }
00085 void GameObject::bounceX() {
00086     vx = -vx * bounce; 
00087 }
00089 void GameObject::bounceY(float bouncefactor) {
00090     vy = -vy * (bounce*bouncefactor); 
00091 }
00093 void GameObject::bounceX(float bouncefactor) {
00094     vx = -vx * (bounce*bouncefactor); 
00095 }
00097 bool GameObject::checkCollision(GameObject& other) {
00098     if (active == false || other.active == false) return false;
00099     other.color = 2;
00100     if ((x + width/2 >= other.x - other.width/2) && (x - width/2 < other.x + other.width/2) && (y + height/2 >= other.y - other.height/2) && (y - height/2 < other.y + other.height/2)) return true; 
00101     other.color = other.orig_color;
00102     return false;
00103 }
00105 void GameObject::doCollision(GameObject& other) { 
00106     if (active == false || other.active == false) return;
00107     if (!other.movable) {
00108         //movable vs. immovable collision
00109         if (x - width/2 < other.x - other.width/2 || x + width/2 > other.x + other.width/2) {
00110             // collision in vertical wall
00111             bounceX();  
00112         } else {
00113             // collision in horizontal wall
00114             bounceY();  
00115     }
00116     } else {
00117         // movable vs. movable
00118         //vx = ((mass-other.mass)/sum_mass)*vx + ((other.mass*2)/sum_mass)*other.vx;
00119         //other.vx = ((mass*2)/sum_mass)*vx + ((other.mass-mass)/sum_mass)*other.vx;  
00120         //vy = ((mass-other.mass)/sum_mass)*vy + ((other.mass*2)/sum_mass)*other.vy;
00121         //other.vy = ((mass*2)/sum_mass)*vy + ((other.mass-mass)/sum_mass)*other.vy; 
00122         float tvx, tvy;
00123         tvx = vx; tvy = vy;
00124         vx = other.vx*bounce; vy = other.vy*bounce;
00125         other.vx = tvx*bounce; other.vy = tvy*bounce;
00126     }
00127     // move the object out of each other to avoid more collisions
00128     int i=0;
00129     while (checkCollision(other) && ++i < 10) {move(); if (other.movable) other.move();}
00130 }
00132 void GameObject::setColor(int c) {
00133     color = c;
00134     orig_color = c;    
00135 }