Mini Pool game for two players

Dependencies:   PokittoLib


This is a small, fully documented Mini Pool game for 2 players intended as a programming tutorial



File content as of revision 0:1850dcae680f:

#include "Pokitto.h"    // Include the Pokitto library
#include "GameObject.h" // Include the simple physics library

Pokitto::Core mygame; // Create a Pokitto app/game object

#define MAX_BALL_OBJECTS 7 // max amount of balls

GameObject balls[MAX_BALL_OBJECTS]; // Array of balls
GameObject player;   // player-object (for aiming)
GameObject bumpers[4]; // Four sides of table
GameObject pockets[4]; // Four pockets

enum GameStates { Start, Aim, Hit, Win }; // Game states

/** global variables (accessible from everywhere in the code **/
GameStates gamestate = Start; 
int ballsinplay = 7; // how many balls in the game
int player1points = 0; 
int player2points = 0;
int gameturn = 1; // which players turn
bool player_pocketed = false; //continue turn if player pocketed their own color ball on their turn

// starting arrangement of the balls
void initballs(){
    balls[0].x = -30; balls[0].y =   0; balls[0].active = true; balls[0].visible = true; balls[0].setColor(1); 
    balls[1].x = 10; balls[1].y =   0; balls[1].active = true; balls[1].visible = true; balls[1].setColor(7);
    balls[2].x = 10; balls[2].y =  10; balls[2].active = true; balls[2].visible = true; balls[2].setColor(4); 
    balls[3].x = 10; balls[3].y = -10; balls[3].active = true; balls[3].visible = true; balls[3].setColor(4); 
    balls[4].x = 20; balls[4].y = -10; balls[4].active = true; balls[4].visible = true; balls[4].setColor(7); 
    balls[5].x = 20; balls[5].y =   0; balls[5].active = true; balls[5].visible = true; balls[5].setColor(4);
    balls[6].x = 20; balls[6].y =  10; balls[6].active = true; balls[6].visible = true; balls[6].setColor(7);     

/** MAIN is where a typical C++ program begins executing the program **/

int main () { 
    mygame.begin(); // start Pokitto engine (display, buttons, sound)
    mygame.display.setFont(fontTiny); // Tiny font active
    mygame.display.bgcolor = 13; // Background color to dark green (13)
    mygame.display.invisiblecolor = 13; // Make text background (13) invisible
    /** PROGRAM LOOP... runs the entire life of the program
    ie. as long as  mygame.isRunning() returns logical true (=1) **/
    while (mygame.isRunning()) {
        // Draw table bumpers
        for (int i=0; i<4; i++) bumpers[i].draw();
        // Draw table pockets
        for (int i=0; i<4; i++) pockets[i].draw();
        // Calculate balls vs. bumpers collisions
        for (int i=0; i<ballsinplay; i++) {
            for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
             if (balls[i].checkCollision(bumpers[j]) && gamestate != Start) {
        // Calculate balls vs. balls collisions
        for (int i=0; i<ballsinplay; i++) {
            for (int j=0; j<ballsinplay; j++) {
             if (i != j) { // do not check collision with self!!
                    if (balls[i].checkCollision(balls[j]) && gamestate != Start) {
        // Calculate balls colliding with pockets
        for (int i=0; i<ballsinplay; i++) {
            for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
                if (balls[i].checkCollision(pockets[j]) && gamestate != Start) {
                    // Ball in pocket!
                    balls[i].remove(); // remove ball from table
                    if (balls[i].color == 7) {
                        player1points++; // red ball point for player 1
                        if (gameturn == 1) player_pocketed = true; // player gets a new shot!
                    if (balls[i].color == 4) {
                        player2points++; // yellow ball point for player 2
                        if (gameturn == 2) player_pocketed = true; // player gets a new shot!
                    if (balls[i].color == 1) {
                        // White ball in pocket, player lost
                        if (gameturn==1) { player1points=0; player2points = (ballsinplay-1)/2; } //player 2 vwins
                        else { player1points = (ballsinplay-1)/2; player2points = 0;} //player 1 wins
                    if (player1points == (ballsinplay-1)/2 || player2points == (ballsinplay-1)/2) gamestate = Win;
        /** UPDATE loop, refresh the display **/
        if (mygame.update()) {  
            int balls_stopped = 0; // for calculating balls that have come to a standstill
            // Draw balls 
            for (int i=0; i<ballsinplay; i++) balls[i].draw();
            // Select white color for text
            mygame.display.color = 1; 
            switch (gamestate) {
            case Start:
                /** case Start ... initialize table and game **/
                mygame.display.print(16,16,"Press A");
                // Zero points and variables
                player1points = 0; 
                player2points = 0;
                gameturn = 1;
                // Put balls in starting position
                /** Table **/
                // Top bumper in place
                bumpers[0].x = 0; bumpers[0].y = -49; bumpers[0].width = 110; bumpers[0].height=20; 
                // Bottom bumper in place
                bumpers[1].x = 0; bumpers[1].y = 49; bumpers[1].width = 110; bumpers[1].height=20; 
                // Left bumper in place
                bumpers[2].x = -59; bumpers[2].y = 0; bumpers[2].width = 20; bumpers[2].height=88; 
                // Right bumper in place
                bumpers[3].x = 59; bumpers[3].y = 0; bumpers[3].width = 20; bumpers[3].height=88; 
                // Make bumpers stationary
                bumpers[0].movable = bumpers[1].movable = bumpers[2].movable = bumpers[3].movable = false;        
                /** Pockets **/
                // Left top pocket in place
                pockets[0].x = -59; pockets[0].y = -49; pockets[0].width = 30; pockets[0].height=30; 
                // Right top pocket in place
                pockets[1].x = 59; pockets[1].y = -49; pockets[1].width = 30; pockets[1].height=30; 
                // Right bottom pocket in place
                pockets[2].x = 59; pockets[2].y = 49; pockets[2].width = 30; pockets[2].height=30; 
                // Left bottom pocket in place
                pockets[3].x = -59; pockets[3].y = 49; pockets[3].width = 30; pockets[3].height=30; 
                // Make all pockets stationary
                bumpers[0].movable = pockets[1].movable = pockets[2].movable = pockets[3].movable = false; 
                // if A pressed, move to Aim game state
                if (mygame.buttons.released(BTN_A)) {
                    player.x = balls[0].x; player.y = balls[0].y;
                    gamestate = Aim;
            case Aim:
                player_pocketed = false; // put this back to false, its for checking if a ball was pocketed during the Hit state
                /** case Aim ... in this gamestate, player moves targetting line **/
                if (gameturn == 1) {
                   mygame.display.color = 7; // red
                   mygame.display.print(16,8,"player 1 turn");   
                } else {
                   mygame.display.color = 4; // yellow
                   mygame.display.print(16,8,"player 2 turn");  
                // draw targetting line
                mygame.display.setColor(1); // white
                // check button presses
                if (mygame.buttons.rightBtn()) player.moveX(1);
                if (mygame.buttons.leftBtn()) player.moveX(-1);
                if (mygame.buttons.upBtn()) player.moveY(-1);
                if (mygame.buttons.downBtn()) player.moveY(1);
                // if button A released, a hit begins
                if (mygame.buttons.released(BTN_A)) {
                    // give initial speed to the cue ball (the white ball)
                    balls[0].vx = (player.x - balls[0].x) * balls[0].acceleration; // X direction strength
                    balls[0].vy = (player.y - balls[0].y) * balls[0].acceleration; // Y direction strength
                    gamestate = Hit; // go to next gamestate
            case Hit:
                /** case Hit ... in this state balls move until they are all stopped **/
                // now count all stationary balls
                for (int i=0; i < ballsinplay; i++) {
                    // if ball is stationary or no longer on the table
                    if (balls[i].isMoving() == false || balls[i].active == false) { 
                         balls_stopped++; // count inactive balls
                if (balls_stopped == ballsinplay) {
                    // all balls in play are no longer active, time for a new shot
                    player.x = balls[0].x; player.y = balls[0].y;
                    if (player_pocketed == false) {
                        // player did not pocket any of his/her own balls, so does not get a new turn
                        if (gameturn == 1) gameturn = 2;
                        else gameturn = 1; // change game turn
                    gamestate = Aim;
            case Win:
                /** case Win ... player 1 or 2 won **/
                if (player1points > player2points) {
                   mygame.display.color = 7; // red
                   mygame.display.print(16,8,"player 1 WON!");   
                } else {
                   mygame.display.color = 4; // yellow
                   mygame.display.print(16,8,"player 2 WON!");  
                mygame.display.color = 1; // white
                mygame.display.print(16,16,"Press A");
                // if button A released, game begins again
                if (mygame.buttons.released(BTN_A)) {
                    gamestate = Start;
        // Calculate movement of balls (outside of display update loop, we get more calculations and therefore more accuracy like this!)
        for (int i = 0; i< ballsinplay; i++) balls[i].move();
        // needed for updating targetting line 
        // draw white ball always, even outside display update loop (speed streak effect!)