Fork of ELEC351 by Plymouth ELEC351 Group T

Wed May 16 19:57:52 2018 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 1
thomasmorris 25:36699ed589ab 2 #include "SETUP.hpp"
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 3
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 4 #define Cubelet_data_ready 1
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 5 #define Not_Cubelet_data_ready 0
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 6 /*
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 7 Colour lookup table
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 8 1 = White
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 9 2 = Red
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 10 3 = Orange
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 11 4 = Blue
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 12 5 = Green
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 13 6 = Yellow
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 14 */
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 15
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 16 //Colours Cubelet_Colours_string[];
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 17 int SPI_RX_DATA = 0;
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 18 int Cubelet_Colours[9] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};//9 cubelets store colours here
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 19 int Received_data = 0;
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 20 bool Data_from_slave[16] = {0};
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 21
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 22 //Interrupt service routine for handling the timeout of SW1
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 23 void SW1TimeOutHandler() {
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 24 SW1TimeOut.detach(); //Stop the timeout counter firing
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 25 SW1.fall(&SW1FallingEdge); //Now wait for a falling edge
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 26 }
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 27 //Interrupt service routive for SW2 falling edge (release)
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 28 void SW1FallingEdge() {
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 29 SW1.fall(NULL); //Disable this interrupt
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 30 SW1TimeOut.attach(&SW1TimeOutHandler, SW1_SW2_Timeout_Time); //Start timeout counter
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 31 }
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 32 //Interrupt service routine for handling the timeout of SW2
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 33 void SW2TimeOutHandler() {
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 34 SW2TimeOut.detach(); //Stop the timeout counter firing
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 35 SW2.fall(&SW2FallingEdge); //Now wait for a falling edge
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 36 }
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 37 //Interrupt service routive for SW2 falling edge (release)
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 38 void SW2FallingEdge() {
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 39 SW2.fall(NULL); //Disable this interrupt
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 40 SW2TimeOut.attach(&SW2TimeOutHandler, SW1_SW2_Timeout_Time); //Start timeout counter
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 41 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 42 void LCD_Output()
thomasmorris 30:4cde05cc7c4f 43 {
thomasmorris 30:4cde05cc7c4f 44 while(1)
thomasmorris 29:64b1f95a807c 45 {
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 46 //Write to the LCD
thomasmorris 7:dfe19413fdc2 47 }
thomasmorris 7:dfe19413fdc2 48 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 49 void Serial_Commands()
thomasmorris 22:eb4cc12087b2 50 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 51 while(1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 52 {
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 53 Serial_Commands_Output(); //Enable Serial Commands
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 54 }
thomasmorris 22:eb4cc12087b2 55 }
thomasmorris 48:244d6d81bb52 56 void LED_Logging()
thomasmorris 48:244d6d81bb52 57 {
thomasmorris 48:244d6d81bb52 58 while(1)
thomasmorris 48:244d6d81bb52 59 {
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 60 Log_Leds(); //Flashes the yellow led to indicate the logging mode
thomasmorris 48:244d6d81bb52 61 }
thomasmorris 48:244d6d81bb52 62 }
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 63
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 64 void SPI_INTERFACE()
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 65 {
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 66 //pc.printf("SPI Test \n");
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 67 Thread::wait(1000);
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 68 while(1)
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 69 {
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 70 //Do stuff
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 71 cs= 0;
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 72 SPI_RX_DATA = spi.write(0xF0);
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 73 wait_us(3);
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 74 cs= 1;
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 75 //SPI_RX_DATA = SPI_RX_DATA >> 7;
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 76 //SPI_RX_DATA = SPI_RX_DATA << 1;
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 77 //std::bitset<16> bits(SPI_RX_DATA);
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 78 //cout << bits << endl;
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 79
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 80 //if(bits != 0)
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 81 //{
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 82 //find the location possition
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 83 //find the colour value
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 84 //Store these values in to the tempory array
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 85 //When all of the data is received all 9 cubelets set a global variable high / thread signal
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 86
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 87 //}
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 88 pc.printf("Received data = %d\n", SPI_RX_DATA);
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 89 //wait_us(3);
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 90 Thread::wait(1000);
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 91
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 92 }
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 93 }
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 94
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 95 Colours convert (int Colour)
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 96 {
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 97 Colours colours_return_value;
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 98 if(Colour == 1)
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 99 {
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 100 colours_return_value = White;
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 101 }
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 102 else if(Colour == 2)
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 103 {
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 104 colours_return_value = Red;
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 105 }
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 106 else if(Colour == 3)
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 107 {
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 108 colours_return_value = Orange;
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 109 }
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 110 else if(Colour == 4)
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 111 {
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 112 colours_return_value = Blue;
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 113 }
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 114 else if(Colour == 5)
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 115 {
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 116 colours_return_value = Green;
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 117 }
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 118 else if(Colour == 6)
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 119 {
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 120 colours_return_value = Yellow;
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 121 }
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 122
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 123 return colours_return_value;
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 124 }
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 125 void Store_Cubelet_data()
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 126 {
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 127
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 128 /*
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 129 enum Colours//The posible colours of each point on the cube map
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 130 {
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 131 White,//Front
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 132 Red,//Upper
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 133 Orange,//Down
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 134 Blue,//Left
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 135 Green,//Right
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 136 Yellow//Back
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 137 };
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 138
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 139 */
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 140
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 141 //signal::wait(Cubelet_data_ready);
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 142 if(Cubelet_Colours[5] == 1)
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 143 {
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 144 CubeMap[0][0][0] = convert(Cubelet_Colours[0]);
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 145 CubeMap[0][0][1] = convert(Cubelet_Colours[1]);
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 146 CubeMap[0][0][2] = convert(Cubelet_Colours[2]);
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 147 CubeMap[0][1][0] = convert(Cubelet_Colours[3]);
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 148 CubeMap[0][1][1] = convert(Cubelet_Colours[4]);
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 149 CubeMap[0][1][2] = convert(Cubelet_Colours[5]);
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 150 CubeMap[0][2][0] = convert(Cubelet_Colours[6]);
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 151 CubeMap[0][2][1] = convert(Cubelet_Colours[7]);
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 152 CubeMap[0][2][2] = convert(Cubelet_Colours[8]);
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 153 //CubeMap[6][3][3]
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 154 //Store this to the white face
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 155 }
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 156 }
thomasmorris 54:a4c5949707ca 157
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 158 void Motor_Control()
thomasmorris 5:2594b953f111 159 {
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 160 while(1)
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 161 {
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 162 if(Motor_To_Select !=0 and steps !=0)
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 163 {
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 164 if(Motor_To_Select == 1)
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 165 {
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 166 STEPPER_MOTOR_1.Rotate_Steps(steps ,direction);
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 167 //Motor_To_Select = 0;
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 168 }
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 169 else if(Motor_To_Select == 2)
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 170 {
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 171 STEPPER_MOTOR_2.Rotate_Steps(steps ,direction);
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 172 //Motor_To_Select = 0;
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 173 }
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 174 else if(Motor_To_Select == 3)
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 175 {
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 176 STEPPER_MOTOR_3.Rotate_Steps(steps ,direction);
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 177 //Motor_To_Select = 0;
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 178 }
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 179 else if(Motor_To_Select == 4)
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 180 {
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 181 STEPPER_MOTOR_4.Rotate_Steps(steps ,direction);
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 182 //Motor_To_Select = 0;
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 183 }
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 184 else if(Motor_To_Select == 5)
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 185 {
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 186 STEPPER_MOTOR_5.Rotate_Steps(steps ,direction);
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 187 //Motor_To_Select = 0;
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 188 }
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 189
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 190 else if(Motor_To_Select == 6)
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 191 {
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 192 STEPPER_MOTOR_6.Rotate_Steps(steps ,direction);
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 193 //Motor_To_Select = 0;
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 194 }
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 195
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 196 }
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 197 }
thomasmorris 25:36699ed589ab 198 }
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 199
thomasmorris 25:36699ed589ab 200 int main()
thomasmorris 25:36699ed589ab 201 {
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 202 set_time(1515530152); //Sets time
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 203 pc.baud(9600); //Sets the Serial Comms Baud Rate
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 204 //SPI_INIT();
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 205 cs = 1; //Active Low
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 206
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 207 // Setup the spi for 8 bit data, high steady state clock,
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 208 // second edge capture, with a 1MHz clock rate
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 209 spi.format(16,1); // 8 Data bits phase 0 polarity 0
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 210 spi.frequency(1000000);//Output clock frequency 1Mhz
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 211 //post(); //Power on Self Test
thomasmorris 25:36699ed589ab 212
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 213 //Start Threads
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 214 t1.start(Motor_Control);
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 215 t2.start(SPI_INTERFACE);
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 216 t3.start(Serial_Commands);
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 217 //Interrupts
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 218 SW1.fall(&SW1FallingEdge);
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 219 SW2.fall(&SW2FallingEdge);
thomasmorris 52:99915f5240b2 220
thomasmorris 5:2594b953f111 221 //Main thread ID
thomasmorris 5:2594b953f111 222 idMain = osThreadGetId(); //CMSIS RTOS call
thomasmorris 25:36699ed589ab 223
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 224
thomasmorris 5:2594b953f111 225 //Thread ID
thomasmorris 5:2594b953f111 226 id1 = t1.gettid();
thomasmorris 5:2594b953f111 227 id2 = t2.gettid();
thomasmorris 21:3c078c799caa 228 id3 = t3.gettid();
thomasmorris 21:3c078c799caa 229 id4 = t4.gettid();
chills 24:7d2da96e05ad 230 id5 = t5.gettid();
thomasmorris 48:244d6d81bb52 231 id6 = t6.gettid();
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 232
thomasmorris 48:244d6d81bb52 233 while(true)
thomasmorris 48:244d6d81bb52 234 {
thomasmorris 53:71f59e195f06 235 //Do nothing main thread will sleep
noutram 0:36e89e3ed7c4 236 }
thomasmorris 45:875f7e18a386 237 }