Time: 17:33 Date: 10/12/2017 Description: Task 1,7,8 Currently Functioning

Dependencies:   BME280 BMP280 TextLCD

Working Repository

--- a/LCD.cpp	Mon Jan 08 21:53:40 2018 +0000
+++ b/LCD.cpp	Tue Jan 09 00:37:01 2018 +0000
@@ -44,336 +44,3 @@
         clock_in(); //Clock the data into the LCD.
-void LCD_Write_Year()
-        Time_Lock_Main.lock();//Appling lock for critial section
-        if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Year Time lock taken\n");}
-        time_t Time = time(NULL);
-        tm* Time_Pointer = localtime(&Time);
-        int Years = 1900 + Time_Pointer->tm_year;
-        Time_Lock_Main.unlock();//Releasing lock for critial section
-        if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Year Time lock released\n");}
-        stringstream ss;
-        ss << Years;
-        string Year_String = ss.str();
-        LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
-        LCD.Write_String("Set Year");
-        LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
-        LCD.Write_String(Year_String);   
-void LCD_Write_Month()
-        Time_Lock_Main.lock();//Appling lock for critial section
-        if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Month Time lock taken\n");}
-        time_t Time = time(NULL);
-        tm* Time_Pointer = localtime(&Time);
-        int Months = 1 + Time_Pointer->tm_mon;
-        Time_Lock_Main.unlock();//Releasing lock for critial section
-        if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Month Time lock released\n");}
-        stringstream ss;
-        ss << Months;
-        string Month_String = ss.str();
-        LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
-        LCD.Write_String("Set Month");
-        LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
-        LCD.Write_String(Month_String);   
-void LCD_Write_Day()
-        Time_Lock_Main.lock();//Appling lock for critial section
-        if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Day Time lock taken\n");}
-        time_t Time = time(NULL);
-        tm* Time_Pointer = localtime(&Time);
-        int Days = Time_Pointer->tm_mday;
-        Time_Lock_Main.unlock();//Releasing lock for critial section
-        if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Day Time lock released\n");}
-        stringstream ss;
-        ss << Days;
-        string Day_String = ss.str();
-        LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
-        LCD.Write_String("Set Day");
-        LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
-        LCD.Write_String(Day_String);   
-void LCD_Write_Hour()
-        Time_Lock_Main.lock();//Appling lock for critial section
-        if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Hour Time lock taken\n");}
-        time_t Time = time(NULL);
-        tm* Time_Pointer = localtime(&Time);
-        int Hours = Time_Pointer->tm_hour;
-        Time_Lock_Main.unlock();//Releasing lock for critial section
-        if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Hour Time lock released\n");}
-        stringstream ss;
-        ss << Hours;
-        string Hour_String = ss.str();
-        LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
-        LCD.Write_String("Set Hour");
-        LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
-        LCD.Write_String(Hour_String);   
-void LCD_Write_Minute()
-        Time_Lock_Main.lock();//Appling lock for critial section
-        if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Minute Time lock taken\n");}
-        time_t Time = time(NULL);
-        tm* Time_Pointer = localtime(&Time);
-        int Minutes = Time_Pointer->tm_min;
-        Time_Lock_Main.unlock();//Releasing lock for critial section
-        if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Minute Time lock released\n");}
-        stringstream ss;
-        ss << Minutes;
-        string Minute_String = ss.str();
-        LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
-        LCD.Write_String("Set Minute");
-        LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
-        LCD.Write_String(Minute_String);   
-void LCD_Write_Seconds()
-        Time_Lock_Main.lock();//Appling lock for critial section
-        if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Seconds Time lock taken\n");}
-        time_t Time = time(NULL);
-        tm* Time_Pointer = localtime(&Time);
-        int Seconds = Time_Pointer->tm_sec;
-        Time_Lock_Main.unlock();//Releasing lock for critial section
-        if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Seconds Time lock released\n");}
-        stringstream ss;
-        ss << Seconds;
-        string Second_String = ss.str();
-        LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
-        LCD.Write_String("Set Second");
-        LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
-        LCD.Write_String(Second_String);   
-void LCD_Print_Output()
-        if(mode == 0)//Default mode
-        { 
-            if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In mode 0 \n");}
-            Thread::wait(Default_Mode_Toggle_Time);//Wait for this amount of time
-            if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Writing Data to LCD\n");}
-            sprintf (LCD_buffer, "%1.1f  %1.0f  %1.2f",Data_Active.get_temperature(),Data_Active.get_pressure(),Data_Active.get_light());//Used for converting to a sting  
-            LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
-            LCD.Write_String("Temp  Pres  Lite");
-            LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
-            LCD.Write_String(LCD_buffer);//Print out current data values to the LCD
-            Thread::wait(Default_Mode_Toggle_Time); //Wait for this amount of time   
-            if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Writing Time and Date to LCD\n");}
-            Time_Lock_Main.lock();//lock Time_lock for critial section
-            time_t Time = Data_Active.get_time();
-            tm* Time_Pointer = localtime(&Time);
-            LCD.Display_Clear();
-            sprintf (LCD_buffer, "%02d:%02d    %02d,%d",Time_Pointer->tm_hour,Time_Pointer->tm_min,(Time_Pointer->tm_mon+1),(Time_Pointer->tm_year+1900));//Used for converting to a sting  
-            Time_Lock_Main.unlock();//unlock Time_lock for critial section
-            LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
-            LCD.Write_String("Current Time:");
-            LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
-            LCD.Write_String(LCD_buffer);//Print the current time to the LCD
-            if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking Switches for next mode\n");}
-            if(SW1.read() & SW2.read() == 1)
-            {
-                mode = 1;   
-            }
-        }
-        else if(mode == 1)//Choose either date setting or time setting
-        {
-            if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In Mode 1\n");}
-            LCD.Display_Clear();
-            while(1)
-            {
-                LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
-                LCD.Write_String("Date        Time");
-                LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
-                LCD.Write_String("<              >");
-                Thread::wait(1000);
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to go to Date setting\n");}
-                if(SW1.read() == 1 & SW2.read() == 0)
-                {
-                    mode = 2;//Date Setting
-                    break;   
-                }
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW2 to go to Time setting\n");}
-                if(SW2.read() == 1 & SW1.read() == 0)
-                {
-                    mode = 5;//Time Setting
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        } 
-        else if(mode == 2)//Set the Year
-        {
-            if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In Mode 2\n");}
-            LCD.Display_Clear();
-            while(1)
-            {          
-                LCD_Write_Year();
-                Thread::wait(1000);
-                 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 and SW2 to go to Month setting\n");}
-                if(SW1.read() & SW2.read() == 1)
-                {
-                    mode = 3;
-                    break;   
-                }
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to add Year\n");}
-                if(SW1.read() == 1 & SW2.read() == 0)
-                {
-                    Add_Year();
-                }
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW2 to subtract Year\n");}
-                else if(SW2.read() == 1 & SW1.read() == 0)
-                {
-                    Subtract_Year();   
-                }
-                LCD_Write_Year();
-            }
-        } 
-        else if(mode == 3)//Set the Month
-        {
-            if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In Mode 3\n");}
-            LCD.Display_Clear();
-            while(1)
-            {
-                LCD_Write_Month();
-                Thread::wait(1000);
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 and SW2 to go to Day setting\n");}
-                if(SW1.read() & SW2.read() == 1)
-                {
-                    mode = 4;
-                    break;   
-                }
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to add Month\n");}
-                if(SW1.read() == 1 & SW2.read() == 0)
-                {
-                    Add_Month();
-                }
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW2 to subtract Month\n");}
-                else if(SW2.read() == 1 & SW1.read() == 0)
-                {
-                    Subtract_Month();   
-                }                
-            }
-        }
-        else if(mode == 4)//Set the Day
-        {
-            if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In Mode 4\n");}
-            LCD.Display_Clear();
-            while(1)
-            {      
-                LCD_Write_Day();
-                Thread::wait(1000);
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 and SW2 to go Default setting\n");}
-                if(SW1.read() & SW2.read() == 1)
-                {
-                    mode = 0;   
-                    break;
-                }
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to add Day\n");}
-                if(SW1.read() == 1 & SW2.read() == 0)
-                {
-                    Add_Day();
-                }
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW2 to subtract Day\n");}
-                else if(SW2.read() == 1 & SW1.read() == 0)
-                {
-                    Subtract_Day();   
-                }                
-            }
-        } 
-        else if(mode == 5)//Set the Hour
-        {
-            if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In Mode 5\n");}
-            LCD.Display_Clear();
-            while(1)
-            {
-                LCD_Write_Hour();
-                Thread::wait(1000);
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 and SW2 to go Minute setting\n");}
-                if(SW1.read() & SW2.read() == 1)
-                {
-                    mode = 6;  
-                    break; 
-                }
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to add Hour\n");}                
-                if(SW1.read() == 1 & SW2.read() == 0)
-                {
-                    Add_Hour();
-                }
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW2 to subtract Hour\n");} 
-                else if(SW2.read() == 1 & SW1.read() == 0)
-                {
-                    Subtract_Hour();   
-                }
-            }
-        } 
-        else if(mode == 6)//Set the Minute
-        {
-            if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In Mode 6\n");}
-            LCD.Display_Clear();
-            while(1)
-            {
-                LCD_Write_Minute();
-                Thread::wait(1000);
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 and SW2 to go Seconds setting\n");}
-                if(SW1.read() & SW2.read() == 1)
-                {
-                    mode = 7;  
-                    break; 
-                }                
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to add Minute\n");}
-                if(SW1.read() == 1 & SW2.read() == 0)
-                {
-                    Add_Minute();
-                }
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW2 to subtract Minute\n");}
-                else if(SW2.read() == 1 & SW1.read() == 0)
-                {
-                    Subtract_Minute();   
-                }                
-            }
-        }  
-        else if(mode == 7)//Set the Seconds
-        {
-            if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In Mode 7\n");}
-            LCD.Display_Clear();
-            while(1)
-            {
-                LCD_Write_Seconds();
-                Thread::wait(1000);
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 and SW2 to go Default setting\n");}
-                if(SW1.read() & SW2.read() == 1)
-                {
-                    mode = 0;  
-                    break; 
-                }
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to add Second\n");}                
-                if(SW1.read() == 1 & SW2.read() == 0)
-                {
-                    Add_Second();
-                }
-                if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to subtract Second\n");}   
-                else if(SW2.read() == 1 & SW1.read() == 0)
-                {
-                    Subtract_Second();   
-                }                
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Mode Error occured mode now set to 0\n");}   
-            mode = 0;
-        }
\ No newline at end of file