Time: 17:33 Date: 10/12/2017 Description: Task 1,7,8 Currently Functioning

Dependencies:   BME280 BMP280 TextLCD

Working Repository

Mon Jan 08 21:53:40 2018 +0000
FINAL working copy

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 1 #include "mbed.h" //Include the mbed libraries
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 2 #include "LCD.hpp" //Include the header file, this acts like a series of forward declarations
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 3
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 4 //Constructor
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 5 LCD::LCD(PinName E,PinName RS,PinName RW,PinName DB0,PinName DB1,PinName DB2,PinName DB3,PinName DB4,PinName DB5,PinName DB6,PinName DB7) : _E(E),_RS(RS),_RW(RW),_DB0(DB0),_DB1(DB1),_DB2(DB2),_DB3(DB3),_DB4(DB4),_DB5(DB5),_DB6(DB6),_DB7(DB7)
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 6 {}
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 7
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 8 LCD::~LCD(){} //Destructor
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 9
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 10 void LCD::clock_in(){_E = 1; wait(0.001); _E = 0; wait(0.001); _E = 1;}
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 11
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 12 void LCD::Function_Set() {_RS = 0; _RW = 0; _DB7 = 0; _DB6 = 0; _DB5 = 1; _DB4 = 1; _DB3 = 1; _DB2 = 1; _DB1 = 0; _DB0 = 0; clock_in();} //DB4 sets Data Width. DB3 sets No. Lines. DB2 sets font.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 13 void LCD::Display_Off() {_RS = 0; _RW = 0; _DB7 = 0; _DB6 = 0; _DB5 = 0; _DB4 = 0; _DB3 = 1; _DB2 = 0; _DB1 = 0; _DB0 = 0; clock_in();} //Turns the display off.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 14 void LCD::Display_Clear() {_RS = 0; _RW = 0; _DB7 = 0; _DB6 = 0; _DB5 = 0; _DB4 = 0; _DB3 = 0; _DB2 = 0; _DB1 = 0; _DB0 = 1; clock_in();} //Clears display sets position to 0.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 15 void LCD::Entry_Mode_Set() {_RS = 0; _RW = 0; _DB7 = 0; _DB6 = 0; _DB5 = 0; _DB4 = 0; _DB3 = 0; _DB2 = 1; _DB1 = 1; _DB0 = 0; clock_in();} //DB1 sets increment(1) vs decrement(0). DB0 sets display shift(1) vs cursor shift(0).
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 16 void LCD::Display_On() {_RS = 0; _RW = 0; _DB7 = 0; _DB6 = 0; _DB5 = 0; _DB4 = 0; _DB3 = 1; _DB2 = 1; _DB1 = 1; _DB0 = 1; clock_in();} //DB1 sets cursor on(1) vs off(0). DB0 sets blink(1) vs not(0).
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 17
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 18 void LCD::Initialise(){ //Use previous functions to initialise LCD
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 19 Function_Set(); wait(0.020); //Function set followed by wait.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 20 Display_Off(); wait(0.020); //Display off followed by wait.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 21 Display_Clear(); wait(0.020); //Display clear followed by wait.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 22 Entry_Mode_Set(); wait(0.020); //Entry Mode Set followed by wait.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 23 Display_On(); wait(0.020); //Turn the display on.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 24 DDRAM_Address(0); wait(0.020); //Set the address to 0.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 25 }
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 26
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 27 void LCD::DDRAM_Address(int Address){ //Sets the address to integer address
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 28 _RS = 0;
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 29 _RW = 0;
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 30 _DB7 = 1;
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 31 _DB6 = (Address & 0b1000000) >> 6; _DB5 = (Address & 0b0100000) >> 5; _DB4 = (Address & 0b0010000) >> 4; //Use bit shifting to convert integer to binary.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 32 _DB3 = (Address & 0b0001000) >> 3; _DB2 = (Address & 0b0000100) >> 2; _DB1 = (Address & 0b0000010) >> 1; _DB0 = (Address & 0b0000001) >> 0; //Use bit shifting to convert integer to binary.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 33 clock_in(); //Clock the data into the LCD.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 34 }
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 35
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 36 void LCD::Write_String(string Word){ //Writes the string Word to the LCD starting at the current address
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 37 int ASCII_Converted; //Temporary values
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 38 for (int i = 0; i < Word.length(); i++) //For loop running between 0 and length of string Word
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 39 {
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 40 ASCII_Converted = Word.at(i); //Set ASCII_Converted to current character value
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 41 _RS = 1; _RW = 0; //Set RS and RW
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 42 _DB7 = (ASCII_Converted & 0b10000000) >> 7; _DB6 = (ASCII_Converted & 0b01000000) >> 6; _DB5 = (ASCII_Converted & 0b00100000) >> 5; _DB4 = (ASCII_Converted & 0b00010000) >> 4; //Use bit shifting to convert hex to binary.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 43 _DB3 = (ASCII_Converted & 0b00001000) >> 3; _DB2 = (ASCII_Converted & 0b00000100) >> 2; _DB1 = (ASCII_Converted & 0b00000010) >> 1; _DB0 = (ASCII_Converted & 0b00000001) >> 0; //Use bit shifting to convert hex to binary.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 44 clock_in(); //Clock the data into the LCD.
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 45 }
chills 20:cbb71f84cff9 46 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 47
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 48
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 49
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 50
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 51 void LCD_Write_Year()
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 52 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 53 Time_Lock_Main.lock();//Appling lock for critial section
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 54 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Year Time lock taken\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 55 time_t Time = time(NULL);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 56 tm* Time_Pointer = localtime(&Time);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 57 int Years = 1900 + Time_Pointer->tm_year;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 58 Time_Lock_Main.unlock();//Releasing lock for critial section
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 59 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Year Time lock released\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 60 stringstream ss;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 61 ss << Years;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 62 string Year_String = ss.str();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 63 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 64 LCD.Write_String("Set Year");
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 65 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 66 LCD.Write_String(Year_String);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 67 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 68 void LCD_Write_Month()
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 69 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 70 Time_Lock_Main.lock();//Appling lock for critial section
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 71 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Month Time lock taken\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 72 time_t Time = time(NULL);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 73 tm* Time_Pointer = localtime(&Time);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 74 int Months = 1 + Time_Pointer->tm_mon;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 75 Time_Lock_Main.unlock();//Releasing lock for critial section
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 76 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Month Time lock released\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 77 stringstream ss;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 78 ss << Months;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 79 string Month_String = ss.str();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 80 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 81 LCD.Write_String("Set Month");
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 82 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 83 LCD.Write_String(Month_String);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 84 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 85 void LCD_Write_Day()
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 86 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 87 Time_Lock_Main.lock();//Appling lock for critial section
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 88 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Day Time lock taken\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 89 time_t Time = time(NULL);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 90 tm* Time_Pointer = localtime(&Time);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 91 int Days = Time_Pointer->tm_mday;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 92 Time_Lock_Main.unlock();//Releasing lock for critial section
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 93 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Day Time lock released\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 94 stringstream ss;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 95 ss << Days;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 96 string Day_String = ss.str();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 97 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 98 LCD.Write_String("Set Day");
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 99 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 100 LCD.Write_String(Day_String);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 101 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 102 void LCD_Write_Hour()
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 103 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 104 Time_Lock_Main.lock();//Appling lock for critial section
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 105 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Hour Time lock taken\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 106 time_t Time = time(NULL);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 107 tm* Time_Pointer = localtime(&Time);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 108 int Hours = Time_Pointer->tm_hour;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 109 Time_Lock_Main.unlock();//Releasing lock for critial section
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 110 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Hour Time lock released\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 111 stringstream ss;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 112 ss << Hours;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 113 string Hour_String = ss.str();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 114 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 115 LCD.Write_String("Set Hour");
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 116 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 117 LCD.Write_String(Hour_String);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 118 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 119 void LCD_Write_Minute()
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 120 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 121 Time_Lock_Main.lock();//Appling lock for critial section
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 122 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Minute Time lock taken\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 123 time_t Time = time(NULL);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 124 tm* Time_Pointer = localtime(&Time);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 125 int Minutes = Time_Pointer->tm_min;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 126 Time_Lock_Main.unlock();//Releasing lock for critial section
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 127 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Minute Time lock released\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 128 stringstream ss;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 129 ss << Minutes;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 130 string Minute_String = ss.str();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 131 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 132 LCD.Write_String("Set Minute");
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 133 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 134 LCD.Write_String(Minute_String);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 135 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 136 void LCD_Write_Seconds()
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 137 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 138 Time_Lock_Main.lock();//Appling lock for critial section
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 139 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Seconds Time lock taken\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 140 time_t Time = time(NULL);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 141 tm* Time_Pointer = localtime(&Time);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 142 int Seconds = Time_Pointer->tm_sec;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 143 Time_Lock_Main.unlock();//Releasing lock for critial section
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 144 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In LCD_Write_Seconds Time lock released\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 145 stringstream ss;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 146 ss << Seconds;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 147 string Second_String = ss.str();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 148 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 149 LCD.Write_String("Set Second");
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 150 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 151 LCD.Write_String(Second_String);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 152 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 153
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 154
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 155 void LCD_Print_Output()
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 156 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 157
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 158 if(mode == 0)//Default mode
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 159 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 160 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In mode 0 \n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 161
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 162 Thread::wait(Default_Mode_Toggle_Time);//Wait for this amount of time
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 163 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Writing Data to LCD\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 164 sprintf (LCD_buffer, "%1.1f %1.0f %1.2f",Data_Active.get_temperature(),Data_Active.get_pressure(),Data_Active.get_light());//Used for converting to a sting
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 165
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 166 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 167 LCD.Write_String("Temp Pres Lite");
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 168 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 169 LCD.Write_String(LCD_buffer);//Print out current data values to the LCD
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 170
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 171 Thread::wait(Default_Mode_Toggle_Time); //Wait for this amount of time
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 172 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Writing Time and Date to LCD\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 173 Time_Lock_Main.lock();//lock Time_lock for critial section
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 174 time_t Time = Data_Active.get_time();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 175 tm* Time_Pointer = localtime(&Time);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 176 LCD.Display_Clear();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 177 sprintf (LCD_buffer, "%02d:%02d %02d,%d",Time_Pointer->tm_hour,Time_Pointer->tm_min,(Time_Pointer->tm_mon+1),(Time_Pointer->tm_year+1900));//Used for converting to a sting
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 178 Time_Lock_Main.unlock();//unlock Time_lock for critial section
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 179
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 180 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 181 LCD.Write_String("Current Time:");
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 182 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 183 LCD.Write_String(LCD_buffer);//Print the current time to the LCD
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 184
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 185 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking Switches for next mode\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 186 if(SW1.read() & SW2.read() == 1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 187 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 188 mode = 1;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 189 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 190 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 191 else if(mode == 1)//Choose either date setting or time setting
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 192 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 193 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In Mode 1\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 194 LCD.Display_Clear();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 195 while(1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 196 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 197 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x00);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 198 LCD.Write_String("Date Time");
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 199 LCD.DDRAM_Address(0x40);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 200 LCD.Write_String("< >");
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 201 Thread::wait(1000);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 202 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to go to Date setting\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 203 if(SW1.read() == 1 & SW2.read() == 0)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 204 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 205 mode = 2;//Date Setting
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 206 break;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 207 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 208 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW2 to go to Time setting\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 209 if(SW2.read() == 1 & SW1.read() == 0)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 210 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 211 mode = 5;//Time Setting
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 212 break;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 213 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 214 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 215 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 216 else if(mode == 2)//Set the Year
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 217 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 218 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In Mode 2\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 219 LCD.Display_Clear();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 220 while(1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 221 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 222 LCD_Write_Year();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 223 Thread::wait(1000);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 224 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 and SW2 to go to Month setting\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 225 if(SW1.read() & SW2.read() == 1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 226 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 227 mode = 3;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 228 break;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 229 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 230 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to add Year\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 231 if(SW1.read() == 1 & SW2.read() == 0)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 232 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 233 Add_Year();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 234 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 235 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW2 to subtract Year\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 236 else if(SW2.read() == 1 & SW1.read() == 0)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 237 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 238 Subtract_Year();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 239 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 240 LCD_Write_Year();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 241 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 242 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 243 else if(mode == 3)//Set the Month
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 244 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 245 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In Mode 3\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 246 LCD.Display_Clear();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 247 while(1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 248 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 249 LCD_Write_Month();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 250 Thread::wait(1000);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 251 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 and SW2 to go to Day setting\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 252 if(SW1.read() & SW2.read() == 1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 253 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 254 mode = 4;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 255 break;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 256 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 257 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to add Month\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 258 if(SW1.read() == 1 & SW2.read() == 0)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 259 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 260 Add_Month();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 261 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 262 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW2 to subtract Month\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 263 else if(SW2.read() == 1 & SW1.read() == 0)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 264 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 265 Subtract_Month();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 266 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 267
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 268 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 269 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 270 else if(mode == 4)//Set the Day
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 271 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 272 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In Mode 4\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 273 LCD.Display_Clear();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 274 while(1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 275 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 276 LCD_Write_Day();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 277 Thread::wait(1000);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 278 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 and SW2 to go Default setting\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 279 if(SW1.read() & SW2.read() == 1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 280 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 281 mode = 0;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 282 break;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 283 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 284 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to add Day\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 285 if(SW1.read() == 1 & SW2.read() == 0)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 286 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 287 Add_Day();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 288 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 289 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW2 to subtract Day\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 290 else if(SW2.read() == 1 & SW1.read() == 0)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 291 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 292 Subtract_Day();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 293 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 294 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 295 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 296 else if(mode == 5)//Set the Hour
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 297 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 298 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In Mode 5\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 299 LCD.Display_Clear();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 300 while(1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 301 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 302 LCD_Write_Hour();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 303 Thread::wait(1000);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 304 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 and SW2 to go Minute setting\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 305 if(SW1.read() & SW2.read() == 1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 306 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 307 mode = 6;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 308 break;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 309 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 310 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to add Hour\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 311 if(SW1.read() == 1 & SW2.read() == 0)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 312 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 313 Add_Hour();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 314 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 315 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW2 to subtract Hour\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 316 else if(SW2.read() == 1 & SW1.read() == 0)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 317 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 318 Subtract_Hour();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 319 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 320 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 321 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 322 else if(mode == 6)//Set the Minute
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 323 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 324 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In Mode 6\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 325 LCD.Display_Clear();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 326 while(1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 327 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 328 LCD_Write_Minute();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 329 Thread::wait(1000);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 330 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 and SW2 to go Seconds setting\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 331 if(SW1.read() & SW2.read() == 1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 332 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 333 mode = 7;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 334 break;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 335 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 336 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to add Minute\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 337 if(SW1.read() == 1 & SW2.read() == 0)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 338 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 339 Add_Minute();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 340 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 341 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW2 to subtract Minute\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 342 else if(SW2.read() == 1 & SW1.read() == 0)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 343 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 344 Subtract_Minute();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 345 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 346 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 347 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 348 else if(mode == 7)//Set the Seconds
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 349 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 350 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("In Mode 7\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 351 LCD.Display_Clear();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 352 while(1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 353 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 354 LCD_Write_Seconds();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 355 Thread::wait(1000);
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 356 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 and SW2 to go Default setting\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 357 if(SW1.read() & SW2.read() == 1)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 358 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 359 mode = 0;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 360 break;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 361 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 362 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to add Second\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 363 if(SW1.read() == 1 & SW2.read() == 0)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 364 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 365 Add_Second();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 366 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 367 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Checking SW1 to subtract Second\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 368 else if(SW2.read() == 1 & SW1.read() == 0)
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 369 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 370 Subtract_Second();
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 371 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 372 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 373 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 374 else
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 375 {
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 376 if(Log_Value == 1){pc.printf("Mode Error occured mode now set to 0\n");}
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 377 mode = 0;
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 378 }
thomasmorris 47:6d128e500875 379 }