fuck this

Dependencies:   BMP280

--- a/LCD.h	Sun Jan 07 23:40:10 2018 +0000
+++ b/LCD.h	Mon Jan 08 15:12:23 2018 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,61 @@
 #ifndef __LCD__
 #define __LCD__
-//These functions manage writing to the LCD
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "TextLCD.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "TimeInterface.h"
+#include <string>
+*The ENVDISPLAY class enhances the abilities of the TextLCD class to be
+*relevant for an ENVIRONMENTAL sensor.
+*Temperature, pressure, LDR and time readings are passed into the object using
+*the UpdateData function. A custom message can also be displayed using
+*SendMessage, with the option of returning to enviromental data.
+*Two buttons are required for time setting functions. Pressing button 1 enters
+*the lcd into a set_time state.
+*Device initialised with: ENVDISPLAY lcd(D9, D8, D7, D6, D4, D2,PE_12, PE_14);
+*lcd.Start() must be run to begin operation.
+#define SCREENDELAY_MS 2000
+    char _message[32];  //32 characters on display
+    bool _AutoQuit; //After a message, should the LCD return to enviromental?
+    float _latestTemp;
+    float _latestPres;
+    float _latestLDR;
+    time_t _latestTime;
+    ThreadState _currentState;
+    InterruptIn Button1;
+    DigitalIn Button2;
+    Thread LCDThread;
+    void Button1ISR(void);
+    //Called when button 1 is pressed. 
+    void StateMachine(void);
+    //Gets attached to LCDThread
+    ENVDISPLAY(PinName rsPin, PinName rePin, PinName d4Pin, PinName d5Pin, PinName d6Pin, PinName d7Pin, PinName Button1Pin, PinName Button2Pin);
+    //constructor
+    void SendMessage(char sentText[], bool returnToReadings);
+    //Display a custom message on the display with option to resume displaying readings
+    void Start(void);
+    //Inititates LCD activity
+    void UpdateData(float temp, float pres, float LDR, time_t sampleTime);
+    //Pass in new enviromental data
\ No newline at end of file