fuck this

Dependencies:   BMP280

--- a/Sampling.h	Tue Jan 02 13:29:00 2018 +0000
+++ b/Sampling.h	Wed Jan 03 16:37:33 2018 +0000
@@ -1,25 +1,71 @@
 #ifndef __Sampling__
 #define __Sampling__
+#include "mbed.h"
 #ifdef BME
 #include "BME280.h"
 #include "BMP280.h"
+#define BUFFERSIZE 120
 #ifdef BME
 extern BME280 sensor;
 extern BMP280 sensor;
+//Thread Sync Tools
+Mutex tempReadingsLock;
+Mutex presReadingsLock;
+Mutex LDRReadingsLock;
+float tempReadings[BUFFERSIZE];
+float presReadings[BUFFERSIZE];
+float LDRReadings[BUFFERSIZE];
+unsigned short newestTempIndex;
+//Position in the buffer of the newest sample
+unsigned short oldestTempIndex;
+//Position in the buffer of the oldest sample
+Thread t1; //Sample Enviromental Sensor
+Thread t2; //Sample LDR Sensor
+Ticker sampleRate;
+AnalogIn LDR(A13);  //LDR Pin
+/*These can be deleted I think
+extern float fLatestTemp;
+extern float fLatestLDR;
+extern float fLatestPres;
+extern bool NewEnvSample;  //Is there new data from the envirom sensor to output?
+extern bool NewLDRSample;  //Is there new data from the LDR to output?
 void SampleTimerISR(void);
 //Called by ticker. Calls the sample funcs of each device by flagging the threads
 void ConfigThreadsAndIR(void);
 //Setup Interrupts and Threads
-void InitiateHW(void);
+void threadSampleEnvSensor(void);
+//when flagged by interrupt will capture a sample then calls the addtobufferfuncs
+void AddTempSample(float* Temp);
+//Producer function
+void AddPresSample(float* Pres);
+//Producer Function
+void ThreadSampleLDR(void);
+//When flagged by interrupt will read LDR value.
+void AddLDRSample(float* LDR);
+//Poducer Function
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