
Dependencies:   mbed ADS1015 PQ_LPS22HB SPS30 SDFileSystem

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Mar 14 16:00:18 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include "sps30.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "Adafruit_ADS1015.h"
+#include "PQ_LPS22HB.h"
+#define ADS1115_ADDR 0b1001000
+FILE *fp;
+I2C i2c(D4, D5);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, 115200);
+Sps30 sps(D4, D5, 100000);
+SDFileSystem sd(D11, D12, D13, A3, "sd");
+Adafruit_ADS1115 ads1115(&i2c, ADS1115_ADDR);
+LPS22HB lps33hw(i2c, LPS22HB::SA0_HIGH);
+LPS22HB lps22hb(i2c, LPS22HB::SA0_LOW);
+DigitalOut switch_on(D0);
+DigitalIn mission(D6);
+DigitalIn relay(D3);
+Timer mission_timer;
+Timer flight_timer;
+Timer sd_timer;
+Ticker log_ticker;
+Ticker read_ticker;
+char file_name[64];
+char f_inside_lps;
+char f_outside_lps;
+enum {
+    READY,
+    RISE,
+    FALL,
+} phase;
+bool recovery = false;
+int mission_time;
+int flight_time;
+int sps_init;
+int sps_poll;
+float pitot_speed;
+float density = 1.3;
+float outside_press;
+float outside_temp;
+float inside_press;
+float inside_temp;
+float mass1p0;
+float mass2p5;
+float mass4p0;
+float mass10p0;
+float num0p5;
+float num1p0;
+float num2p5;
+float num4p0;
+float num10p0;
+float typ_pm;
+void init();
+void read();
+void pitot_tube();
+void lps33hw_mission();
+void lps22hb_mission();
+void record();
+void read_sps30();
+int main()
+    init();
+    mission_timer.start();
+    while(1) {
+        pitot_tube();
+        lps33hw_mission();
+        lps22hb_mission();
+        read_sps30();
+        //read();
+        if(mission and !relay) {    //リセット
+            phase = READY;
+            switch_on = 1;
+            recovery = false;
+            mission_timer.reset();
+            mission_timer.start();
+            flight_timer.reset();
+            flight_timer.stop();
+        }
+        switch(phase) {
+            case READY: //0
+                if(mission and relay) {
+                    phase = RISE;
+                    flight_timer.reset();
+                    flight_timer.start();
+                }
+                break;
+            case RISE: //1
+                if(!mission and relay) {
+                    phase = FALL;
+                }
+                break;
+            case FALL: //2
+                if(!mission and !relay) {
+                    phase = RECOVERY;
+                    fclose(fp);
+                    //flight_timer.stop();
+                    //mission_timer.stop();
+                    wait(1.0f);
+                }
+                break;
+            case RECOVERY: //3
+                if(!recovery) {
+                    switch_on = 0;  //センサーへの電源供給停止
+                    recovery = true;
+                }
+                break;
+        }
+        wait(0.5f);
+    }
+void init()
+    pc.printf("---PQ_Hybrid_Mission---\r\n");
+    switch_on = 1;  //センサーへ電源供給開始
+    //recovery = false;
+    wait(1.0f);
+    lps22hb.begin();
+    lps33hw.begin();
+    sd.mount();
+    mkdir("/sd", 0777);
+    char file_name_format[] = "/sd/IZU2021_MISSION_%d.dat";
+    int file_number = 1;
+    while(1) {
+        sprintf(file_name, file_name_format, file_number);
+        fp = fopen(file_name, "r");
+        if(fp != NULL) {
+            fclose(fp);
+            file_number++;
+        } else {
+            sprintf(file_name, "/sd/IZU2021_MISSION_%d.dat", file_number);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    fp = fopen(file_name, "w");
+    sd_timer.start();
+    if(fp) {
+        fprintf(fp, "mission_time[s]\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "flight_time[s]\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "phase\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "pitot_speed[m/s]\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "pitot_speed[km/h]\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "mass_1p0\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "mass_2p5\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "mass_4p0\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "mass_10p0\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "num_0p5\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "num_1p0\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "num_2p5\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "num_4p0\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "num_10p0\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "typ_pm_size\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "outside_press[Pa]\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "outside_temp[degC]\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "inside_press[Pa]\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "inside_temp[degC]\t");
+        fprintf(fp, "\r\n");
+    }
+    log_ticker.attach(record, 0.5f);
+    //read_ticker.attach(read, 0.5f);
+/   MPXV5004DPの場合:(Differencial) = ((Vout / Vs) - 0.2) / 0.2
+/   MPX5010DPの場合:(Differencial) = ((Vout / Vs) - 0.04) / 0.09
+/   speed = root(2 * P / ρ)
+/   pitot_paが負のときnanが返される
+void pitot_tube()
+    float sum = 0;
+    float voltage = 0;
+    float pitot_pa = 0;
+    float pitot_volt = 0;
+    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+        int16_t val = ads1115.readADC_SingleEnded(0);
+        voltage = val / 32768.0 * 6.144;
+        sum += voltage;
+    }
+    float v_ave = sum / 10.0f;
+    pitot_volt = voltage - v_ave + 0.2f;
+    pitot_pa = (pitot_volt / 5.0f - 0.04f) / 0.09f;
+    pitot_speed = sqrt(2 * pitot_pa * 1000 / density);
+/   水密外配置。リレーの条件に使用する。
+void lps33hw_mission()
+    f_outside_lps = lps33hw.test();
+    if(f_outside_lps) {
+        outside_press = 0;
+        outside_temp = 0;
+        lps33hw.read_press(&outside_press);
+        lps33hw.read_temp(&outside_temp);
+    }
+/   水密内配置。水密になっているかの確認用。
+void lps22hb_mission()
+    f_inside_lps = lps22hb.test();
+    if(f_inside_lps) {
+        inside_press = 0;
+        inside_temp = 0;
+        lps22hb.read_press(&inside_press);
+        lps22hb.read_temp(&inside_temp);
+    }
+void read_sps30()
+    sps_init = sps.InitSPS30();
+    if(sps.PollSPS30() == 3) {
+        mass1p0 = sps.mass_1p0_f;
+        mass2p5 = sps.mass_2p5_f;
+        mass4p0 = sps.mass_4p0_f;
+        mass10p0 = sps.mass_10p0_f;
+        num0p5 = sps.num_0p5_f;
+        num1p0 = sps.num_1p0_f;
+        num2p5 = sps.num_2p5_f;
+        num4p0 = sps.num_4p0_f;
+        num10p0 = sps.num_10p0_f;
+        typ_pm = sps.typ_pm_size_f;
+    }
+void record()
+    mission_time = mission_timer.read();
+    flight_time = flight_timer.read();
+    fprintf(fp, "%4d\t", mission_time);
+    fprintf(fp, "%4d\t", flight_time);
+    fprintf(fp, "%1d\t", phase);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", pitot_speed);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", pitot_speed * 3600 / 1000.0f);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", sps.mass_1p0_f);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", sps.mass_2p5_f);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", sps.mass_4p0_f);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", sps.mass_10p0_f);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", sps.num_0p5_f);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", sps.num_1p0_f);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", sps.num_2p5_f);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", sps.num_4p0_f);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", sps.num_10p0_f);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", sps.typ_pm_size_f);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", outside_press);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", outside_temp);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", inside_press);
+    fprintf(fp, "%f\t", inside_temp);
+    fprintf(fp, "\r\n");
+    if(sd_timer.read_ms() >= 60*1000) { //1分ごとにリセット、開き直す。
+        sd_timer.reset();
+        sd_timer.start();
+        if(fp) {
+            fclose(fp);
+            fp = fopen(file_name, "a"); //a:追加書き込みモード
+        }
+    }
+void read()
+    mission_time = mission_timer.read();
+    flight_time = flight_timer.read();
+    pc.printf("mission time:%d\t", mission_time);
+    pc.printf("flight time:%d\t", flight_time);
+    pc.printf("phase:%d\t", (int)phase);
+    pc.printf("relay:%d", (int)switch_on);
+    /*
+    pc.printf("SPEED[m/s]:\t");
+    pc.printf("SPEED[km/h]:\t");
+    pc.printf("MASS_1P0\t");
+    pc.printf("MASS_2P5\t");
+    pc.printf("MASS_4P0\t");
+    pc.printf("MASS_10P0\t");
+    pc.printf("NUM_0P5\t");
+    pc.printf("NUM_1P0\t");
+    pc.printf("NUM_2P5\t");
+    pc.printf("NUM_4P0\t");
+    pc.printf("NUM_10P0\t");
+    pc.printf("PM_SIZE\t");
+    pc.printf("OUT_PRESS\t");
+    pc.printf("OUT_TEMP\t");
+    pc.printf("IN_PRESS\t");
+    pc.printf("IN_TEMP\t");
+    */
+    pc.printf("\r\n");
+    /*
+    pc.printf("%f\t", pitot_speed);
+    pc.printf("%f\t", pitot_speed * 3600 / 1000.0f);
+    pc.printf("%.2f\t", mass1p0);
+    pc.printf("%.2f\t", mass2p5);
+    pc.printf("%.2f\t", mass4p0);
+    pc.printf("%.2f\t", mass10p0);
+    pc.printf("%.2f\t", num0p5);
+    pc.printf("%.2f\t", num1p0);
+    pc.printf("%.2f\t", num2p5);
+    pc.printf("%.2f\t", num4p0);
+    pc.printf("%.2f\t", num10p0);
+    pc.printf("%.2f\t", typ_pm);
+    pc.printf("%.2f\t", ground_press);
+    pc.printf("%.2f\t", outside_press);
+    pc.printf("%.1f\t", outside_temp);
+    pc.printf("%.2f\t", inside_press);
+    pc.printf("%.1f\t", inside_temp);
+    pc.printf("\r\n");
+    */