Dependencies:   MQTTSN

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Sensor/sensor.cpp	Tue Aug 06 05:32:43 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+#include "sensor.h"
+#include "MbedJSONValue.h"
+void process_rsc(MbedJSONValue &MSG);
+struct Resource RES;
+struct regularResource regRES;
+struct announceableResource ancRES;
+struct announcedResource ancdRES;
+struct subordinateResource subRES;
+struct announceableSubordinateResource ancsubRES;
+struct announcedSubordinateResource ancdsubRES;
+struct CreateAE CAE;
+struct CreateCIN CIN;
+struct CreateSub CSub;
+struct respAE RAE;
+struct respCnt RCnt;
+struct respCin RCin;
+struct respSub RSub;
+//extern const char* CSE_ID;
+extern char* AE_ID;
+extern bool lcl;
+//      Func: Create_Req                    //
+//      returns a json string               //
+//      input parameters Class Request      //
+const char* Create_Req(Request Req)
+    MbedJSONValue demo, demo2, demo3, demo4;
+    std::string s;
+    switch(Req.Resource_Type){
+        case 0:
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            demo3["api"] = CAE.App_ID;
+            demo3["rn"] = CAE.resourceName;
+            demo3["rr"] = CAE.requestReachability; 
+            demo2["m2m:ae"] = demo3;
+        break;
+        case 3:
+            demo3["rn"] = CAE.resourceName;
+            demo2["m2m:cnt"] = demo3;
+        break;
+        case 4:
+            demo3["cnf"] = CIN.contentInfo;
+            demo3["con"] = CIN.content;
+            demo2["m2m:cin"] = demo3;
+        break;
+        case 23:
+            demo3["rn"] = CSub.resourceName;          
+            demo4["net"] = CSub.notificationEventType;
+            demo3["enc"] = demo4; 
+            demo3["nu"] = CSub.notificationURI;             
+            demo3["nct"] = CSub.notificationContentType;      
+            demo2["m2m:sub"] = demo3;
+        break;
+    }
+    demo["fr"] = Req.From;
+    demo["op"] = Req.Operation;
+    demo["pc"] = demo2;
+    demo["rqi"] = Req.Request_Identifier;
+    demo["to"] = Req.To;
+    demo["ty"] = Req.Resource_Type;
+    demo["lcl"] = lcl;
+    //serialize it into a JSON string
+    s = demo.serialize();
+    printf("\nMSG SIZE: %d\n", s.length());
+    printf("Req JSON: %s\r\n", s.c_str());
+    return s.c_str();
+//      Func: Delete_Req                    //
+//      returns a json string               //
+//      input parameters Class Request      //
+const char* Delete_Req(Request Req)
+    MbedJSONValue demo, demo2, demo3, demo4;
+    std::string s;
+    demo["fr"] = Req.From;
+    demo["op"] = Req.Operation;
+    demo["rqi"] = Req.Request_Identifier;
+    demo["to"] = Req.To;
+    demo["lcl"] = lcl;
+    //serialize it into a JSON string
+    s = demo.serialize();
+    printf("\nMSG SIZE: %d\n", s.length());
+    printf("Req JSON: %s\r\n", s.c_str());
+    return s.c_str();
+//      Func: Create_Resp                   //
+//      returns a json string               //
+//      input parameters Class Response     //
+const char* Create_Resp(Response Resp)
+    MbedJSONValue demo, demo2, demo3, demo4;
+    demo3["ty"] = RES.Resource_Type;
+    demo3["ri"] = RES.resourceID;
+    demo3["pi"] = RES.parentID;
+    demo3["ct"] = RES.creationTime;         //ct     1
+    demo3["lt"] = RES.lastModifiedTime;     //lt     1  
+    demo3["rn"] = RES.resourceName;
+    std::string s;
+    printf("RES.Resource_Type = %d",RES.Resource_Type);
+    switch(RES.Resource_Type){
+        case 0:
+            demo3["api"] = RAE.App_ID;
+            demo3["rr"] = RAE.requestReachability;
+            demo3["aei"] = RAE.AE_ID;
+            demo3["poa"] = RAE.pointOfAccess; 
+            demo2["m2m:ae"] = demo3;
+        break;
+        case 1:
+        break;
+        case 2:
+            demo3["api"] = RAE.App_ID;
+            demo3["rr"] = RAE.requestReachability;
+            demo3["aei"] = RAE.AE_ID;
+            demo3["poa"] = RAE.pointOfAccess; 
+            demo2["m2m:ae"] = demo3;
+        break;
+        case 3:
+            demo3["st"] = RCnt.stateTag;
+            demo3["cni"] = RCnt.CurrentNrOfInstances;
+            demo3["cbs"] = RCnt.CurrentByteSize;
+            demo2["m2m:cnt"] = demo3;
+        break;
+        case 4:
+            demo3["et"] = ancsubRES.expirationTime;
+            demo3["st"] = RCin.stateTag;
+            demo3["cnf"] = RCin.contentInfo;
+            demo3["cs"] = RCin.contentSize;
+            demo3["con"] = RCin.content;
+            demo2["m2m:cin"] = demo3;
+        break;
+        case 23:
+            demo3["et"] = ancsubRES.expirationTime;
+            demo4["net"] = RSub.notificationEventType;
+            demo3["enc"] = demo4;
+            demo3["nct"] = RSub.notificationContentType;
+            demo3["nu"] = RSub.notificationURI;
+            demo2["m2m:sub"] = demo3;
+        break;
+    }
+    demo["rsc"] = Resp.responseStatusCode;
+    demo["rqi"] = Resp.Request_Identifier;
+    demo["pc"] = demo2;
+    demo["to"] = Resp.To;
+    demo["fr"] = Resp.From;
+    demo["lcl"] = lcl;
+    //serialize it into a JSON string
+    s = demo.serialize();
+    printf("\nMSG SIZE: %d\n", s.length());
+    printf("RESP JSON: %s\r\n", s.c_str());
+    return s.c_str();
+const char* Notify_Resp(Response Resp)
+    MbedJSONValue demo;
+    std::string s;
+    demo["rsc"] = Resp.responseStatusCode;
+    demo["rqi"] = Resp.Request_Identifier;
+    demo["fr"] = Resp.From;
+    demo["to"] = Resp.To;
+    demo["lcl"] = lcl;
+    //serialize it into a JSON string
+    s = demo.serialize();
+    printf("\nMSG SIZE: %d\n", s.length());
+    printf("RESP JSON: %s\r\n", s.c_str());
+    return s.c_str();
+void process_msg(const char* Buffer)
+    MbedJSONValue MSG;
+    parse(MSG, Buffer); 
+    ////////////////////////Local Parameter (Additional parameter)//////////////////////
+    if(MSG.hasMember("lcl"))
+    {
+        local = MSG["lcl"].get<bool>();
+        printf("Local: %s\r\n", local? "true" : "false");
+    }
+    ////////////////////////resource Type Parameter (Mendatory parameter)//////////////////////
+    if(MSG.hasMember("rsc"))
+    {
+        rsc = MSG["rsc"].get<int>();
+        printf("Response Status Code: %d\r\n", rsc);
+        Response_Type();
+        printf("Response Status: %s\r\n", response.c_str());
+        process_rsc(MSG);
+        return;
+    }
+    ////////////////////////From parameter (Mendatory parameter[optional for Create AE])//////////
+    if(MSG.hasMember("fr"))
+    {
+       From = MSG["fr"].get<std::string>();
+       printf("From: %s\r\n", From.c_str());
+    }
+    else     {
+    //add Response Status Code for no mendatory parameter BAD_REQUEST 
+    return;  }
+    ////////////////////////Operation Parameter (Mendatory parameter)//////////////////////
+    if(MSG.hasMember("op"))
+    {
+       op = MSG["op"].get<int>();
+       printf("Operation: %d\r\n", op);
+       Operation_Type();
+       printf("Operation: %s\r\n", operation.c_str());
+       /* Process Notification*/
+       if(op == 5)
+       {
+            MbedJSONValue &MSG_1 = MSG["pc"]["m2m:sgn"];
+            sur = MSG_1["sur"].get<std::string>();
+            printf("Subscription Reference: %s\r\n", sur.c_str());
+            MbedJSONValue &MSG_2 = MSG_1["m2m:sgn"]["nev"];
+            net = MSG_2["net"].get<int>();
+            printf("NotificationEventType: %d\r\n", net); 
+            MbedJSONValue &MSG_3 = MSG_2["nev"]["rep"]["cin"];
+            con = MSG_3["con"].get<std::string>();
+            printf("Content: %s\r\n", con.c_str());
+            cnf = MSG_3["cnf"].get<std::string>(); 
+            printf("Content Info: %s\r\n", cnf.c_str());
+            to = MSG["to"].get<std::string>();
+            printf("To: %s\r\n", to.c_str());     
+            rqi = MSG["rqi"].get<std::string>();
+            printf("Request Identifier: %s\r\n", rqi.c_str());   
+            MSG.~MbedJSONValue();
+            MSG_1.~MbedJSONValue();
+            MSG_2.~MbedJSONValue();
+            MSG_3.~MbedJSONValue();
+            return;
+       }
+    }
+    else     {
+    //add response code for no mendatory parameter
+    return;  }
+    ////////////////////////To Parameter (Mendatory parameter)//////////////////////
+    if(MSG.hasMember("to"))
+    {
+       to = MSG["to"].get<std::string>();
+       printf("To: %s\r\n", to.c_str());
+    }
+    else     {
+    //add response code for no mendatory parameter
+    return;  } 
+    ////////////////////////Request Identifier (Mendatory parameter)//////////////////////
+    if(MSG.hasMember("rqi"))
+    {
+       rqi = MSG["rqi"].get<std::string>();
+       printf("Request Identifier: %s\r\n", rqi.c_str());
+    }
+    else     {
+    //add response code for no mendatory parameter
+    return;   }        
+    ////////////////////////resource Type Parameter (Mendatory parameter)//////////////////////
+    if(MSG.hasMember("ty"))
+    {
+       ty = MSG["ty"].get<int>();
+       printf("ResourceType: %d\r\n", ty);
+       resource_type();
+       printf("ResourceType: %s\r\n", resourceType.c_str());
+    }
+    else     {
+    //add response code for no mendatory parameter
+    return;   }
+    ////////////////////////Response Status Code
+    if(MSG.hasMember("rsc"))
+    {
+       rsc = MSG["rsc"].get<int>();
+       printf("Response Status Code: %d\r\n", rsc);
+       Response_Type();
+       printf("Response Status: %s\r\n", response.c_str());
+    }
+    MbedJSONValue &MSG_1 = MSG["pc"][content]; //content value depends on the resource type e.g. m2m:ae for resource type 2
+    //////////////////////// Resource specific attributes CSE-ID
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("csi"))
+    {
+       csi = MSG_1["csi"].get<std::string>();
+       printf("CSI: %s\r\n", csi.c_str());
+    }
+    //////////////////////// Resource specific attributes Point of Access
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("poa"))
+    {
+       poa = MSG_1["poa"].get<std::string>();
+       printf("POA: %s\r\n", poa.c_str());
+    }  
+    /////////////////////// Resource specific attributes CSE Type
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("cst"))
+    {
+       cst = MSG_1["cst"].get<int>();
+       printf("CSE Type: %d\r\n", cst);
+       CSE_Type();
+       printf("CSE Type: %s\r\n", cseType.c_str());
+    }
+    /////////////////////// Resource specific attributes RequestReachability
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("rr"))
+    {
+       RequestReachability = MSG_1["rr"].get<bool>();
+       printf("RR: %s\r\n", RequestReachability? "true" : "false");
+    }
+    /////////////////////// Resource specific attributes App-ID
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("api"))
+    {
+       api = MSG_1["api"].get<std::string>();
+       printf("App-ID: %s\r\n", api.c_str());
+    } 
+    /////////////////////// Resource specific attributes resourceName
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("rn"))
+    {
+        rn = MSG_1["rn"].get<std::string>();
+        printf("resourceName : %s\r\n", rn.c_str());
+    } 
+    /////////////////////// Resource specific attributes Content
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("con"))
+    {
+        con = MSG_1["con"].get<std::string>();
+        printf("Content: %s\r\n", con.c_str());
+    } 
+    /////////////////////// Resource specific attributes ContentInfo
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("cnf"))
+    {
+        cnf = MSG_1["cnf"].get<std::string>();
+        printf("Content Info: %s\r\n", cnf.c_str());
+    }  
+    /////////////////////// Resource specific attributes NotificationURI nu
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("nu"))
+    {
+        nu = MSG_1["nu"].get<std::string>();
+        printf("Notification URI: %s\r\n", nu.c_str());
+    } 
+    /////////////////////// Resource specific attributes NotificationContentType
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("nct"))
+    {
+        nct = MSG_1["nct"].get<int>();
+        printf("NotificationContentType: %d\r\n", nct);
+        MbedJSONValue &MSG_2 = MSG_1["m2m:sub"]["enc"];
+        if(MSG_2.hasMember("net"))
+        {
+            net = MSG_2["net"].get<int>();  
+            printf("NotificationEventType: %d\r\n", net);  
+        }
+        MSG_2.~MbedJSONValue();
+    }   
+    MSG.~MbedJSONValue();
+    MSG_1.~MbedJSONValue();
+    return;
+void process_rsc(MbedJSONValue &MSG)
+    if(MSG.hasMember("rqi"))
+    {
+       rqi = MSG["rqi"].get<std::string>();
+       printf("Request Identifier: %s\r\n", rqi.c_str());
+    }
+    else     {
+    //add response code for no mendatory parameter
+    return;   }  
+    if(MSG.hasMember("to"))
+    {
+       to = MSG["to"].get<std::string>();
+       printf("To: %s\r\n", to.c_str());
+    }
+    else     {
+    //add response code for no mendatory parameter
+    return;   } 
+    if(MSG.hasMember("fr"))
+    {
+       From = MSG["fr"].get<std::string>();
+       printf("From: %s\r\n", From.c_str());
+    }
+    else     {
+    //add response code for no mendatory parameter
+    return;   }
+    MbedJSONValue &MSG_1 = MSG["pc"][content];
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("ty"))
+    {
+        ty = MSG_1["ty"].get<int>();
+        printf("ResourceType in response: %d\r\n", ty);
+        //resource_type();
+        //printf("ResourceType in response: %s\r\n", resourceType.c_str());
+    }
+    else     {
+    //add response code for no mendatory parameter
+    return;   }
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("rr"))
+    {
+       RequestReachability = MSG_1["rr"].get<bool>();
+       printf("RR: %s\r\n", RequestReachability? "true" : "false");
+    } 
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("aei"))
+    {
+       aei = MSG_1["aei"].get<std::string>();
+       printf("AE_ID: %s\r\n", aei.c_str());
+    }         
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("poa"))
+    {
+       poa = MSG_1["poa"].get<std::string>();
+       printf("POA: %s\r\n", poa.c_str());
+    } 
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("rn"))
+    {
+       rn = MSG_1["rn"].get<std::string>();
+       printf("Resource Name: %s\r\n", rn.c_str());
+    }
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("api"))
+    {
+       api = MSG_1["api"].get<std::string>();
+       printf("App-ID: %s\r\n", api.c_str());
+    } 
+    /////////////////////// Resource specific attributes Content
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("con"))
+    {
+        con = MSG_1["con"].get<std::string>();
+        printf("Content: %s\r\n", con.c_str());
+    } 
+    /////////////////////// Resource specific attributes ContentInfo
+    if(MSG_1.hasMember("cnf"))
+    {
+        cnf = MSG_1["cnf"].get<std::string>();
+        printf("Content Info: %s\r\n", cnf.c_str());
+    }  
+    return;