NuMaker emWin HMI

Mon Mar 04 15:47:41 2024 +0800
Support NuMaker-IoT-M467

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 1 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 2 * SEGGER Software GmbH *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 3 * Solutions for real time microcontroller applications *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 4 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 5 * *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 6 * (c) 1996 - 2018 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 7 * *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 8 * Internet: Support: *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 9 * *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 10 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 11
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 12 ** emWin V5.48 - Graphical user interface for embedded applications **
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 13 All Intellectual Property rights in the Software belongs to SEGGER.
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 14 emWin is protected by international copyright laws. Knowledge of the
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 15 source code may not be used to write a similar product. This file may
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 16 only be used in accordance with the following terms:
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 17
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 18 The software has been licensed by SEGGER Software GmbH to Nuvoton Technology Corporationat the address: No. 4, Creation Rd. III, Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 19 for the purposes of creating libraries for its
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 20 Arm Cortex-M and Arm9 32-bit microcontrollers, commercialized and distributed by Nuvoton Technology Corporation
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 21 under the terms and conditions of an End User
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 22 License Agreement supplied with the libraries.
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 23 Full source code is available at:
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 24
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 25 We appreciate your understanding and fairness.
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 27 Licensing information
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 28 Licensor: SEGGER Software GmbH
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 29 Licensed to: Nuvoton Technology Corporation, No. 4, Creation Rd. III, Hsinchu Science Park, 30077 Hsinchu City, Taiwan
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 30 Licensed SEGGER software: emWin
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 31 License number: GUI-00735
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 32 License model: emWin License Agreement, signed February 27, 2018
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 33 Licensed platform: Cortex-M and ARM9 32-bit series microcontroller designed and manufactured by or for Nuvoton Technology Corporation
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 35 Support and Update Agreement (SUA)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 36 SUA period: 2018-03-26 - 2019-03-27
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 37 Contact to extend SUA:
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 38 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 39 File : GUI_Private.h
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 40 Purpose : GUI internal declarations
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 41 ---------------------------END-OF-HEADER------------------------------
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 42 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 43
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 44 #ifndef GUI_PRIVATE_H
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 45 #define GUI_PRIVATE_H
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 46
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 47 #include "GUI.h"
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 48 #include "LCD_Protected.h"
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 49 #include "GUI_Debug.h"
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 50 #if GUI_WINSUPPORT
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 51 #include "WM_GUI.h"
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 52 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 53
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 54 #if defined(__cplusplus)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 55 extern "C" { /* Make sure we have C-declarations in C++ programs */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 56 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 57
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 58 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 59 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 60 * Defaults for config switches
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 61 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 62 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 63
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 64 The config switches below do not affect the interface in GUI.h and
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 65 are therefor not required to be in GUI.h.
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 66 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 67
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 68 /* Short address area.
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 69 For most compilers, this is "near" or "__near"
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 70 We do not use this except for some CPUs which we know to always have some
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 71 near memory, because the GUI_Context and some other data will be declared
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 72 to be in this short address (near) memory area as it has a major effect
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 73 on performance.
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 74 Please define in GUIConf.h (if you want to use it)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 75 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 76 #ifndef GUI_SADDR
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 77 #define GUI_SADDR
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 78 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 79
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 80 #ifndef GUI_DEFAULT_FONT
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 81 #define GUI_DEFAULT_FONT &GUI_Font6x8
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 82 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 83
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 84 #ifndef GUI_DEFAULT_CURSOR
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 85 #define GUI_DEFAULT_CURSOR &GUI_CursorArrowM
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 86 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 87
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 88 #ifndef GUI_DEFAULT_BKCOLOR
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 89 #define GUI_DEFAULT_BKCOLOR GUI_BLACK
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 90 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 91
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 92 #ifndef GUI_DEFAULT_COLOR
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 93 #define GUI_DEFAULT_COLOR GUI_WHITE
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 94 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 95
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 96 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 97 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 98 * Angles
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 99 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 100 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 101 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 102 #define GUI_45DEG 512
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 103 #define GUI_90DEG (2 * GUI_45DEG)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 104 #define GUI_180DEG (4 * GUI_45DEG)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 105 #define GUI_360DEG (8 * GUI_45DEG)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 106
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 107 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 108 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 109 * Locking checks
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 110 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 111 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 112 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 113 #if defined (WIN32) && defined (_DEBUG) && GUI_OS
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 114 #define GUI_ASSERT_LOCK() GUITASK_AssertLock()
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 115 #define GUI_ASSERT_NO_LOCK() GUITASK_AssertNoLock()
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 116 void GUITASK_AssertLock(void);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 117 void GUITASK_AssertNoLock(void);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 118 #else
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 119 #define GUI_ASSERT_LOCK()
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 120 #define GUI_ASSERT_NO_LOCK()
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 121 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 122
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 123 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 124 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 125 * Division tables
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 126 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 127 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 128 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 129 extern const U8 GUI__aConvert_15_255[(1 << 4)];
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 130 extern const U8 GUI__aConvert_31_255[(1 << 5)];
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 131 extern const U8 GUI__aConvert_63_255[(1 << 6)];
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 132 extern const U8 GUI__aConvert_255_15[(1 << 8)];
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 133 extern const U8 GUI__aConvert_255_31[(1 << 8)];
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 134 extern const U8 GUI__aConvert_255_63[(1 << 8)];
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 135
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 136 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 137 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 138 * Usage internals
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 139 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 140 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 141 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 142 typedef GUI_HMEM GUI_USAGE_Handle;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 143 typedef struct tsUSAGE_APIList tUSAGE_APIList;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 144 typedef struct GUI_Usage GUI_USAGE;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 145 #define GUI_USAGE_h GUI_USAGE_Handle
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 146
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 147 typedef GUI_USAGE_h tUSAGE_CreateCompatible(GUI_USAGE * p);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 148 typedef void tUSAGE_AddPixel (GUI_USAGE * p, int x, int y);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 149 typedef void tUSAGE_AddHLine (GUI_USAGE * p, int x0, int y0, int len);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 150 typedef void tUSAGE_Clear (GUI_USAGE * p);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 151 typedef void tUSAGE_Delete (GUI_USAGE_h h);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 152 typedef int tUSAGE_GetNextDirty (GUI_USAGE * p, int * pxOff, int yOff);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 153 #define GUI_USAGE_LOCK_H(h) ((GUI_USAGE *)GUI_LOCK_H(h))
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 154
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 155 void GUI_USAGE_DecUseCnt(GUI_USAGE_Handle hUsage);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 156
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 157 GUI_USAGE_Handle GUI_USAGE_BM_Create(int x0, int y0, int xsize, int ysize, int Flags);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 158 void GUI_USAGE_Select(GUI_USAGE_Handle hUsage);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 159 void GUI_USAGE_AddRect(GUI_USAGE * pUsage, int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 160 #define GUI_USAGE_AddPixel(p, x,y) p->pAPI->pfAddPixel(p,x,y)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 161 #define GUI_USAGE_AddHLine(p,x,y,len) p->pAPI->pfAddHLine(p,x,y,len)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 162 #define GUI_USAGE_Clear(p) p->pAPI->pfClear(p)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 163 #define GUI_USAGE_Delete(p) p->pAPI->pfDelete(p)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 164 #define GUI_USAGE_GetNextDirty(p,pxOff, yOff) p->pAPI->pfGetNextDirty(p,pxOff, yOff)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 165
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 166 struct tsUSAGE_APIList {
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 167 tUSAGE_AddPixel * pfAddPixel;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 168 tUSAGE_AddHLine * pfAddHLine;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 169 tUSAGE_Clear * pfClear;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 170 tUSAGE_CreateCompatible * pfCreateCompatible;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 171 tUSAGE_Delete * pfDelete;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 172 tUSAGE_GetNextDirty * pfGetNextDirty;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 173 } ;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 174
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 175 struct GUI_Usage {
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 176 I16P x0, y0, XSize, YSize;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 177 const tUSAGE_APIList * pAPI;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 178 I16 UseCnt;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 179 };
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 180
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 181 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 182 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 183 * GUI_MEMDEV
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 184 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 185 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 186 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 187 #if GUI_SUPPORT_MEMDEV
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 188
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 189 typedef struct {
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 190 GUI_DEVICE * pDevice;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 191 I16P x0, y0, XSize, YSize;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 192 unsigned BytesPerLine;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 193 unsigned BitsPerPixel;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 194 GUI_HMEM hUsage;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 195 } GUI_MEMDEV;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 196
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 197 #define GUI_MEMDEV_LOCK_H(h) ((GUI_MEMDEV *)GUI_LOCK_H(h))
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 198
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 199 void GUI_MEMDEV__CopyFromLCD (GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 200 void GUI_MEMDEV__GetRect (GUI_RECT * pRect);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 201 unsigned GUI_MEMDEV__Color2Index (LCD_COLOR Color);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 202 LCD_COLOR GUI_MEMDEV__Index2Color (int Index);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 203 unsigned int GUI_MEMDEV__GetIndexMask(void);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 204 void GUI_MEMDEV__SetAlphaCallback(unsigned(* pcbSetAlpha)(U8));
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 205
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 206 GUI_MEMDEV_Handle GUI_MEMDEV__CreateFixed(int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize, int Flags,
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 207 const GUI_DEVICE_API * pDeviceAPI,
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 208 const LCD_API_COLOR_CONV * pColorConvAPI);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 209
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 210 void GUI_MEMDEV__DrawSizedAt (GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem, int xPos, int yPos, int xSize, int ySize);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 211 GUI_MEMDEV_Handle GUI_MEMDEV__GetEmptyCopy32 (GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem, int * pxSize, int * pySize, int * pxPos, int * pyPos);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 212 void GUI_MEMDEV__ReadLine (int x0, int y, int x1, LCD_PIXELINDEX * pBuffer);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 213 void GUI_MEMDEV__WriteToActiveAlpha (GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem,int x, int y);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 214 void GUI_MEMDEV__WriteToActiveAt (GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem,int x, int y);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 215 void GUI_MEMDEV__WriteToActiveOpaque(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem,int x, int y);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 216 void * GUI_MEMDEV__XY2PTR (int x,int y);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 217 void * GUI_MEMDEV__XY2PTREx (GUI_MEMDEV * pDev, int x,int y);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 218 void GUI_MEMDEV__BlendColor32 (GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem, U32 BlendColor, U8 BlendIntens);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 219
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 220 unsigned GUI__AlphaPreserveTrans(int OnOff);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 221
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 222 extern unsigned GUI_MEMDEV__TimePerFrame;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 223
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 224 #define GUI_TIME_PER_FRAME (GUI_TIMER_TIME)GUI_MEMDEV__TimePerFrame
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 225
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 226 #define GUI_POS_AUTO -4095 /* Position value for auto-pos */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 227
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 228 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 229
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 230 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 231 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 232 * LCD_HL_ level defines
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 233 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 234 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 235 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 236 #define LCD_HL_DrawHLine GUI_pContext->pLCD_HL->pfDrawHLine
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 237 #define LCD_HL_DrawPixel GUI_pContext->pLCD_HL->pfDrawPixel
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 238
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 239 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 240 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 241 * Helper functions
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 242 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 243 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 244 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 245 #define GUI_ZEROINIT(Obj) GUI__MEMSET(Obj, 0, sizeof(Obj))
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 246 int GUI_cos(int angle);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 247 int GUI_sin(int angle);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 248 extern const U32 GUI_Pow10[10];
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 249
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 250 /* Multi-touch */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 251 void GUI_MTOUCH__ManagePID(int OnOff);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 252
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 253 /* Anti-aliased drawing */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 254 int GUI_AA_Init (int x0, int x1);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 255 int GUI_AA_Init_HiRes (int x0, int x1);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 256 void GUI_AA_Exit (void);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 257 I16 GUI_AA_HiRes2Pixel(int HiRes);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 258
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 259 void GL_DrawCircleAA_HiRes(int x0, int y0, int r);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 260 void GL_FillCircleAA_HiRes (int x0, int y0, int r);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 261 void GL_FillEllipseAA_HiRes(int x0, int y0, int rx, int ry);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 262
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 263 void GUI_AA__DrawCharAA2(int x0, int y0, int XSize, int YSize, int BytesPerLine, const U8 * pData);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 264 void GUI_AA__DrawCharAA4(int x0, int y0, int XSize, int YSize, int BytesPerLine, const U8 * pData);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 265 void GUI_AA__DrawCharAA8(int x0, int y0, int XSize, int YSize, int BytesPerLine, const U8 * pData);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 266
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 267 /* Alpha blending helper functions */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 268 #define GUI_ALPHABLENDING_DONE (1 << 0)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 269
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 270 int GUI__GetAlphaBuffer (U32 ** ppCurrent, U32 ** ppConvert, U32 ** ppData, int * pVXSizeMax);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 271 int GUI__AllocAlphaBuffer (int AllocDataBuffer);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 272 U32 * GUI__DoAlphaBlending (int x, int y, U32 * pData, int xSize, tLCDDEV_Index2Color * pfIndex2Color_DEV, int * pDone);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 273 unsigned GUI__SetAlphaBufferSize(int xSize);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 274
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 275 /* System independent font routines */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 276 int GUI_SIF__GetCharDistX (U16P c, int * pSizeX);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 277 void GUI_SIF__GetFontInfo (const GUI_FONT * pFont, GUI_FONTINFO * pfi);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 278 char GUI_SIF__IsInFont (const GUI_FONT * pFont, U16 c);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 279 const U8 * GUI_SIF__GetpCharInfo (const GUI_FONT * pFont, U16P c, unsigned SizeOfCharInfo);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 280 int GUI_SIF__GetNumCharAreas (const GUI_FONT * pFont);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 281 int GUI_SIF__GetCharDistX_ExtFrm(U16P c, int * pSizeX);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 282 void GUI_SIF__GetFontInfo_ExtFrm (const GUI_FONT * pFont, GUI_FONTINFO * pfi);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 283 char GUI_SIF__IsInFont_ExtFrm (const GUI_FONT * pFont, U16 c);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 284 int GUI_SIF__GetCharInfo_ExtFrm (U16P c, GUI_CHARINFO_EXT * pInfo);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 285 void GUI_SIF__ClearLine_ExtFrm (const char * s, int Len);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 286
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 287 /* External binary font routines */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 288 int GUI_XBF__GetOff (const GUI_XBF_DATA * pXBF_Data, unsigned c, U32 * pOff);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 289 int GUI_XBF__GetOffAndSize(const GUI_XBF_DATA * pXBF_Data, unsigned c, U32 * pOff, U16 * pSize);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 290 int GUI_XBF__GetCharDistX (U16P c, int * pSizeX);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 291 void GUI_XBF__GetFontInfo (const GUI_FONT * pFont, GUI_FONTINFO * pInfo);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 292 char GUI_XBF__IsInFont (const GUI_FONT * pFont, U16 c);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 293 int GUI_XBF__GetCharInfo (U16P c, GUI_CHARINFO_EXT * pInfo);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 294 void GUI_XBF__ClearLine (const char * s, int Len);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 295
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 296 /* Conversion routines */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 297 void GUI_AddHex (U32 v, U8 Len, char ** ps);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 298 void GUI_AddBin (U32 v, U8 Len, char ** ps);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 299 void GUI_AddDecMin (I32 v, char ** ps);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 300 void GUI_AddDecShift(I32 v, U8 Len, U8 Shift, char ** ps);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 301 long GUI_AddSign (long v, char ** ps);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 302 int GUI_Long2Len (I32 v);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 303
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 304 #define GUI_UC__GetCharSize(sText) GUI_pUC_API->pfGetCharSize(sText)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 305 #define GUI_UC__GetCharCode(sText) GUI_pUC_API->pfGetCharCode(sText)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 306
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 307 int GUI_UC__CalcSizeOfChar (U16 Char);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 308 U16 GUI_UC__GetCharCodeInc (const char ** ps);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 309 int GUI_UC__NumChars2NumBytes(const char * s, int NumChars);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 310 int GUI_UC__NumBytes2NumChars(const char * s, int NumBytes);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 311
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 312 int GUI__GetLineNumChars (const char * s, int MaxNumChars);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 313 int GUI__GetNumChars (const char * s);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 314 int GUI__GetOverlap (U16 Char);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 315 int GUI__GetLineDistX (const char * s, int Len);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 316 int GUI__GetFontSizeY (void);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 317 int GUI__HandleEOLine (const char ** ps);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 318 void GUI__InvertRectColors (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 319 void GUI__DispLine (const char * s, int Len, const GUI_RECT * pr);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 320 void GUI__AddSpaceHex (U32 v, U8 Len, char ** ps);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 321 void GUI__CalcTextRect (const char * pText, const GUI_RECT * pTextRectIn, GUI_RECT * pTextRectOut, int TextAlign);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 322
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 323 void GUI__ClearTextBackground(int xDist, int yDist);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 324
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 325 int GUI__WrapGetNumCharsDisp (const char * pText, int xSize, GUI_WRAPMODE WrapMode);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 326 int GUI__WrapGetNumCharsToNextLine (const char * pText, int xSize, GUI_WRAPMODE WrapMode);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 327 int GUI__WrapGetNumBytesToNextLine (const char * pText, int xSize, GUI_WRAPMODE WrapMode);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 328 //void GUI__memset (U8 * p, U8 Fill, int NumBytes);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 329 void GUI__memset16 (U16 * p, U16 Fill, int NumWords);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 330 int GUI__strlen (const char * s);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 331 int GUI__strcmp (const char * s0, const char * s1);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 332 int GUI__strcmp_hp (GUI_HMEM hs0, const char * s1);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 333
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 334 /* Get cursor position */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 335 int GUI__GetCursorPosX (const char * s, int Index, int MaxNumChars);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 336 int GUI__GetCursorPosChar (const char * s, int x, int NumCharsToNextLine);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 337 U16 GUI__GetCursorCharacter(const char * s, int Index, int MaxNumChars, int * pIsRTL);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 338
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 339 /* Arabic support (tbd) */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 340 U16 GUI__GetPresentationForm (U16 Char, U16 Next, U16 Prev, int * pIgnoreNext, const char * s);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 341 int GUI__IsArabicCharacter (U16 c);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 342
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 343 /* BiDi support */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 344 int GUI__BIDI_Log2Vis (const char * s, int NumChars, char * pBuffer, int BufferSize);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 345 int GUI__BIDI_GetCursorPosX (const char * s, int NumChars, int Index);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 346 int GUI__BIDI_GetCursorPosChar (const char * s, int NumChars, int x);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 347 U16 GUI__BIDI_GetLogChar (const char * s, int NumChars, int Index);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 348 int GUI__BIDI_GetCharDir (const char * s, int NumChars, int Index);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 349 int GUI__BIDI_IsNSM (U16 Char);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 350 U16 GUI__BIDI_GetCursorCharacter(const char * s, int Index, int MaxNumChars, int * pIsRTL);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 351 int GUI__BIDI_GetWordWrap (const char * s, int xSize, int * pxDist);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 352 int GUI__BIDI_GetCharWrap (const char * s, int xSize);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 353
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 354 #if (GUI_USE_BIDI2)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 355
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 356 #define GUI__BIDI_Log2Vis GUI__BIDI2_Log2Vis
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 357 #define GUI__BIDI_GetCursorPosX GUI__BIDI2_GetCursorPosX
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 358 #define GUI__BIDI_GetCursorPosChar GUI__BIDI2_GetCursorPosChar
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 359 #define GUI__BIDI_GetLogChar GUI__BIDI2_GetLogChar
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 360 #define GUI__BIDI_GetCharDir GUI__BIDI2_GetCharDir
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 361 #define GUI__BIDI_IsNSM GUI__BIDI2_IsNSM
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 362 #define GUI__BIDI_GetCursorCharacter GUI__BIDI2_GetCursorCharacter
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 363 #define GUI__BIDI_GetWordWrap GUI__BIDI2_GetWordWrap
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 364 #define GUI__BIDI_GetCharWrap GUI__BIDI2_GetCharWrap
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 365 #define GUI__BIDI_SetBaseDir GUI__BIDI2_SetBaseDir
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 366 #define GUI__BIDI_GetBaseDir GUI__BIDI2_GetBaseDir
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 367
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 368 int GUI__BIDI_Log2Vis (const char * s, int NumChars, char * pBuffer, int BufferSize);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 369 int GUI__BIDI_GetCursorPosX (const char * s, int NumChars, int Index);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 370 int GUI__BIDI_GetCursorPosChar (const char * s, int NumChars, int x);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 371 U16 GUI__BIDI_GetLogChar (const char * s, int NumChars, int Index);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 372 int GUI__BIDI_GetCharDir (const char * s, int NumChars, int Index);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 373 int GUI__BIDI_IsNSM (U16 Char);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 374 U16 GUI__BIDI_GetCursorCharacter(const char * s, int Index, int MaxNumChars, int * pIsRTL);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 375 int GUI__BIDI_GetWordWrap (const char * s, int xSize, int * pxDist);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 376 int GUI__BIDI_GetCharWrap (const char * s, int xSize);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 377 void GUI__BIDI_SetBaseDir (int Dir);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 378 int GUI__BIDI_GetBaseDir (void);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 379
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 380 #else
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 381
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 382 #define GUI__BIDI_SetBaseDir
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 383 #define GUI__BIDI_GetBaseDir
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 384
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 385 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 386
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 387 const char * GUI__BIDI_Log2VisBuffered(const char * s, int * pMaxNumChars, int Mode);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 388
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 389 extern int GUI__BIDI_Enabled;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 390
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 391 extern int (* _pfGUI__BIDI_Log2Vis )(const char * s, int NumChars, char * pBuffer, int BufferSize);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 392 extern int (* _pfGUI__BIDI_GetCursorPosX )(const char * s, int NumChars, int Index);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 393 extern int (* _pfGUI__BIDI_GetCursorPosChar)(const char * s, int NumChars, int x);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 394 extern U16 (* _pfGUI__BIDI_GetLogChar )(const char * s, int NumChars, int Index);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 395 extern int (* _pfGUI__BIDI_GetCharDir )(const char * s, int NumChars, int Index);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 396 extern int (* _pfGUI__BIDI_IsNSM )(U16 Char);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 397
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 398 /* BiDi-related function pointers */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 399 extern const char * (* GUI_CharLine_pfLog2Vis)(const char * s, int * pMaxNumChars, int Mode);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 400
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 401 extern int (* GUI__GetCursorPos_pfGetPosX) (const char * s, int MaxNumChars, int Index);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 402 extern int (* GUI__GetCursorPos_pfGetPosChar) (const char * s, int MaxNumChars, int x);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 403 extern U16 (* GUI__GetCursorPos_pfGetCharacter)(const char * s, int MaxNumChars, int Index, int * pIsRTL);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 404
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 405 extern int (* GUI__Wrap_pfGetWordWrap)(const char * s, int xSize, int * pxDist);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 406 extern int (* GUI__Wrap_pfGetCharWrap)(const char * s, int xSize);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 407
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 408 /* Proportional font support */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 409 const GUI_FONT_PROP * GUIPROP__FindChar(const GUI_FONT_PROP * pProp, U16P c);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 410
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 411 /* Extended proportional font support */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 412 const GUI_FONT_PROP_EXT * GUIPROP_EXT__FindChar(const GUI_FONT_PROP_EXT * pPropExt, U16P c);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 413 void GUIPROP_EXT__DispLine (const char * s, int Len);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 414 void GUIPROP_EXT__ClearLine (const char * s, int Len);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 415 void GUIPROP_EXT__SetfpClearLine(void (* fpClearLine)(const char * s, int Len));
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 416
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 417 /* Reading data routines */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 418 U16 GUI__Read16(const U8 ** ppData);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 419 U32 GUI__Read32(const U8 ** ppData);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 420
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 421 /* Virtual screen support */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 422 void GUI__GetOrg(int * px, int * py);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 423 void GUI__SetOrgHook(void(* pfHook)(int x, int y));
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 424
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 425 /* Timer support */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 426 int GUI_TIMER__IsActive (void);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 427 GUI_TIMER_TIME GUI_TIMER__GetPeriod (void);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 428 GUI_TIMER_HANDLE GUI_TIMER__GetFirstTimer (PTR_ADDR * pContext);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 429 GUI_TIMER_HANDLE GUI_TIMER__GetNextTimerLin(GUI_TIMER_HANDLE hTimer, PTR_ADDR * pContext);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 430
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 431 /* Get function pointers for color conversion */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 432 tLCDDEV_Index2Color * GUI_GetpfIndex2ColorEx(int LayerIndex);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 433 tLCDDEV_Color2Index * GUI_GetpfColor2IndexEx(int LayerIndex);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 434
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 435 int GUI_GetBitsPerPixelEx(int LayerIndex);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 436
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 437 LCD_PIXELINDEX * LCD_GetpPalConvTable (const LCD_LOGPALETTE * pLogPal);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 438 LCD_PIXELINDEX * LCD_GetpPalConvTableUncached(const LCD_LOGPALETTE * pLogPal);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 439 LCD_PIXELINDEX * LCD_GetpPalConvTableBM (const LCD_LOGPALETTE * pLogPal, const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap, int LayerIndex);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 440
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 441 /* Setting a function for converting a color palette to an array of index values */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 442 void GUI_SetFuncGetpPalConvTable(LCD_PIXELINDEX * (* pFunc)(const LCD_LOGPALETTE * pLogPal, const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap, int LayerIndex));
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 443
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 444 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 445 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 446 * Format definitions used by streamed bitmaps
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 447 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 448 * IMPORTANT: DO NOT CHANGE THESE VALUES!
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 450 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 451 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_INDEXED 100 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 452 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_RLE4 6 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 453 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_RLE8 7 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 454 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_565 8 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 455 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_M565 9 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 456 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_555 10 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 457 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_M555 11 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 458 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_RLE16 12 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 459 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_RLEM16 13 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 460 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_8888 16 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 461 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_RLE32 15 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 462 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_24 17 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 463 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_RLEALPHA 18 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 464 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_444_12 19 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 465 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_M444_12 20 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 466 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_444_12_1 21 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 467 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_M444_12_1 22 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 468 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_444_16 23 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 469 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_M444_16 24 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 470 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_A555 25 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 471 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_AM555 26 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 472 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_A565 27 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 473 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_AM565 28 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 474 #define GUI_STREAM_FORMAT_M8888I 29 /* DO NOT CHANGE */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 475
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 476 void GUI__ReadHeaderFromStream (GUI_BITMAP_STREAM * pBitmapHeader, const U8 * pData);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 477 void GUI__CreateBitmapFromStream(const GUI_BITMAP_STREAM * pBitmapHeader, const void * pData, GUI_BITMAP * pBMP, GUI_LOGPALETTE * pPAL, const GUI_BITMAP_METHODS * pMethods);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 478
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 479 /* Cache management */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 480 int GUI__ManageCache (int Cmd);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 481 int GUI__ManageCacheEx(int LayerIndex, int Cmd);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 482
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 483 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 484 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 485 * 2d - GL
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 486 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 487 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 488 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 489 void GL_DispChar (U16 c);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 490 void GL_DrawArc (int x0, int y0, int rx, int ry, int a0, int a1);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 491 void GL_DrawBitmap (const GUI_BITMAP * pBM, int x0, int y0);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 492 void GL_DrawCircle (int x0, int y0, int r);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 493 void GL_DrawEllipse (int x0, int y0, int rx, int ry, int w);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 494 void GL_DrawHLine (int y0, int x0, int x1);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 495 void GL_DrawPolygon (const GUI_POINT * pPoints, int NumPoints, int x0, int y0);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 496 void GL_DrawPoint (int x, int y);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 497 void GL_DrawLine1 (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 498 void GL_DrawLine1Ex (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned * pPixelCnt);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 499 void GL_DrawLineRel (int dx, int dy);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 500 void GL_DrawLineTo (int x, int y);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 501 void GL_DrawLineToEx (int x, int y, unsigned * pPixelCnt);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 502 void GL_DrawLine (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 503 void GL_DrawLineEx (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned * pPixelCnt);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 504 void GL_MoveTo (int x, int y);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 505 void GL_FillCircle (int x0, int y0, int r);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 506 void GL_FillCircleAA (int x0, int y0, int r);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 507 void GL_FillEllipse (int x0, int y0, int rx, int ry);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 508 void GL_FillPolygon (const GUI_POINT * pPoints, int NumPoints, int x0, int y0);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 509 void GL_SetDefault (void);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 510
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 511 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 512 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 513 * Replacement of memcpy() and memset()
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 514 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 515 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 516 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 517 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 518 // Configurable function pointers
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 519 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 520 extern void * (* GUI__pfMemset)(void * pDest, int Fill, size_t Cnt);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 521 extern void * (* GUI__pfMemcpy)(void * pDest, const void * pSrc, size_t Cnt);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 522
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 523 extern int (* GUI__pfStrcmp)(const char *, const char *);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 524 extern size_t (* GUI__pfStrlen)(const char *);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 525 extern char * (* GUI__pfStrcpy)(char *, const char *);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 526 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 527 // Macros for typesave use of function pointers
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 528 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 529 #define GUI__MEMSET(pDest, Fill, Cnt) GUI__pfMemset((void *)(pDest), (int)(Fill), (size_t)(Cnt))
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 530 #define GUI__MEMCPY(pDest, pSrc, Cnt) GUI__pfMemcpy((void *)(pDest), (const void *)(pSrc), (size_t)(Cnt))
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 531
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 532 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 533 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 534 * Callback pointers for dynamic linkage
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 535 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 536 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 537 Dynamic linkage pointers reduces configuration hassles.
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 538 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 539 typedef int GUI_tfTimer(void);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 540 typedef int WM_tfHandlePID(void);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 541
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 542 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 543 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 544 * Text rotation
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 545 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 546 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 547 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 548 extern GUI_RECT GUI_RectDispString; /* Used by LCD_Rotate...() and GUI_DispStringInRect() */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 549
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 550 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 551 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 552 * Flag for setting transparency for 'EXT' fonts
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 553 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 554 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 555 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 556 extern U8 GUI__CharHasTrans;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 557
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 558 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 559 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 560 * Multitasking support
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 561 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 562 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 563 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 564 extern int GUITASK__EntranceCnt;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 565
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 566 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 567 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 568 * Bitmap related functions
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 569 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 570 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 571 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 572
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 573 int GUI_GetBitmapPixelIndex(const GUI_BITMAP * pBMP, unsigned x, unsigned y);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 574 GUI_COLOR GUI_GetBitmapPixelColor(const GUI_BITMAP * pBMP, unsigned x, unsigned y);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 575 int GUI_GetBitmapPixelIndexEx(int BitsPerPixel, int BytesPerLine, const U8 * pData, unsigned x, unsigned y);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 576
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 577 void GUI__DrawBitmap16bpp (int x0, int y0, int xsize, int ysize, const U8 * pPixel, const LCD_LOGPALETTE * pLogPal, int xMag, int yMag, tLCDDEV_Index2Color * pfIndex2Color, const LCD_API_COLOR_CONV * pColorConvAPI);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 578 void GUI__DrawBitmapA16bpp(int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize, const U8 * pPixel, const LCD_LOGPALETTE * pLogPal, int xMag, int yMag, tLCDDEV_Index2Color * pfIndex2Color);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 579 void GUI__SetPixelAlpha (int x, int y, U8 Alpha, LCD_COLOR Color);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 580 LCD_COLOR GUI__MixColors (LCD_COLOR Color, LCD_COLOR BkColor, U8 Intens);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 581 void GUI__MixColorsBulk (U32 * pFG, U32 * pBG, U32 * pDst, unsigned OffFG, unsigned OffBG, unsigned OffDest, unsigned xSize, unsigned ySize, U8 Intens);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 582
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 583 extern const GUI_UC_ENC_APILIST GUI_UC_None;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 584
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 585 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 586 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 587 * LCDDEV_L0_xxx
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 588 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 589 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 590 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 591 #define LCDDEV_L0_Color2Index GUI__apDevice[GUI_pContext->SelLayer]->pColorConvAPI->pfColor2Index
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 592 #define LCDDEV_L0_Index2Color GUI__apDevice[GUI_pContext->SelLayer]->pColorConvAPI->pfIndex2Color
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 593
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 594 #define LCDDEV_L0_DrawBitmap GUI__apDevice[GUI_pContext->SelLayer]->pDeviceAPI->pfDrawBitmap
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 595 #define LCDDEV_L0_DrawHLine GUI__apDevice[GUI_pContext->SelLayer]->pDeviceAPI->pfDrawHLine
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 596 #define LCDDEV_L0_DrawVLine GUI__apDevice[GUI_pContext->SelLayer]->pDeviceAPI->pfDrawVLine
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 597 #define LCDDEV_L0_DrawPixel GUI__apDevice[GUI_pContext->SelLayer]->pDeviceAPI->pfDrawPixel
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 598 #define LCDDEV_L0_FillRect GUI__apDevice[GUI_pContext->SelLayer]->pDeviceAPI->pfFillRect
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 599 #define LCDDEV_L0_GetPixel GUI__apDevice[GUI_pContext->SelLayer]->pDeviceAPI->pfGetPixel
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 600 #define LCDDEV_L0_GetRect GUI__apDevice[GUI_pContext->SelLayer]->pDeviceAPI->pfGetRect
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 601 #define LCDDEV_L0_GetPixelIndex GUI__apDevice[GUI_pContext->SelLayer]->pDeviceAPI->pfGetPixelIndex
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 602 #define LCDDEV_L0_SetPixelIndex GUI__apDevice[GUI_pContext->SelLayer]->pDeviceAPI->pfSetPixelIndex
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 603 #define LCDDEV_L0_XorPixel GUI__apDevice[GUI_pContext->SelLayer]->pDeviceAPI->pfXorPixel
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 604 #define LCDDEV_L0_GetDevFunc GUI__apDevice[GUI_pContext->SelLayer]->pDeviceAPI->pfGetDevFunc
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 605
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 606 void LCD_ReadRect (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, LCD_PIXELINDEX * pBuffer, GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 607 void GUI_ReadRect (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, LCD_PIXELINDEX * pBuffer, GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 608 void GUI_ReadRectEx(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, LCD_PIXELINDEX * pBuffer, GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 609
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 610 void LCD_ReadRectNoClip(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, LCD_PIXELINDEX * pBuffer, GUI_DEVICE * pDevice);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 611
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 612 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 613 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 614 * Internal color management
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 615 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 616 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 617 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 618 typedef struct {
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 619 void (* pfSetColor) (LCD_COLOR Index);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 620 void (* pfSetBkColor) (LCD_COLOR Index);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 621 LCD_DRAWMODE (* pfSetDrawMode)(LCD_DRAWMODE dm);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 622 } LCD_SET_COLOR_API;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 623
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 624 extern const LCD_SET_COLOR_API * LCD__pSetColorAPI;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 625
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 626 #define LCD__SetBkColorIndex(Index) (*GUI_pContext->LCD_pBkColorIndex = Index)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 627 #define LCD__SetColorIndex(Index) (*GUI_pContext->LCD_pColorIndex = Index)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 628 #define LCD__GetBkColorIndex() (*GUI_pContext->LCD_pBkColorIndex)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 629 #define LCD__GetColorIndex() (*GUI_pContext->LCD_pColorIndex)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 630
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 631 /* The following 2 defines are only required for compatibility to older versions of the TTF library */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 632 #define LCD_BKCOLORINDEX (*GUI_pContext->LCD_pBkColorIndex)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 633 #define LCD_COLORINDEX (*GUI_pContext->LCD_pColorIndex)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 634
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 635 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 636 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 637 * EXTERNs for GL_CORE
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 638 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 639 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 640 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 641 extern const GUI_FONT * GUI__pFontDefault;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 642 extern GUI_COLOR GUI__ColorDefault;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 643 extern GUI_COLOR GUI__BkColorDefault;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 644
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 645 extern GUI_SADDR GUI_CONTEXT * GUI_pContext;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 646
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 647 extern GUI_DEVICE * GUI__apDevice[GUI_NUM_LAYERS];
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 648
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 649 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 650 // Function pointer for converting a palette containing a color array into an index array
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 651 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 652 extern LCD_PIXELINDEX * (* GUI_pfGetpPalConvTable)(const LCD_LOGPALETTE * pLogPal, const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap, int LayerIndex);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 653
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 654 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 655 // Function pointer for mixing up 2 colors
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 656 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 657 extern LCD_COLOR (* GUI__pfMixColors)(LCD_COLOR Color, LCD_COLOR BkColor, U8 Intens);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 658
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 659 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 660 // Function pointer for mixing up arrays of colors
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 661 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 662 extern void (* GUI__pfMixColorsBulk)(U32 * pFG, U32 * pBG, U32 * pDst, unsigned OffFG, unsigned OffBG, unsigned OffDest, unsigned xSize, unsigned ySize, U8 Intens);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 663
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 664 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 665 // Function pointer for mixing color and gamma values
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 666 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 667 extern LCD_COLOR (* LCD_AA_pfMixColors16)(LCD_COLOR Color, LCD_COLOR BkColor, U8 Intens);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 668
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 669 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 670 // Function pointer for drawing alpha memory devices
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 671 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 672 extern GUI_DRAWMEMDEV_FUNC * GUI__pfDrawAlphaMemdevFunc;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 673 extern GUI_DRAWMEMDEV_FUNC * GUI__pfDrawM565MemdevFunc;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 674
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 675 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 676 // Function pointer for drawing alpha bitmaps
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 677 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 678 extern GUI_DRAWBITMAP_FUNC * GUI__pfDrawAlphaBitmapFunc;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 679 extern GUI_DRAWBITMAP_FUNC * GUI__pfDrawM565BitmapFunc;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 680
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 681 extern U8 GUI__DrawStreamedBitmap;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 682
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 683 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 684 // API list to be used for MultiBuffering
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 685 //
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 686 extern const GUI_MULTIBUF_API GUI_MULTIBUF_APIList;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 687 extern const GUI_MULTIBUF_API GUI_MULTIBUF_APIListMasked;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 688 extern const GUI_MULTIBUF_API_EX GUI_MULTIBUF_APIListEx;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 689
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 690 #ifdef GL_CORE_C
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 691 #define GUI_EXTERN
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 692 #else
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 693 #define GUI_EXTERN extern
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 694 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 695
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 696 GUI_EXTERN void (* GUI_pfExecAnimations)(void);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 697 GUI_EXTERN int (* GUI_pfUpdateSoftLayer)(void);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 698
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 699 #ifdef WIN32
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 700 GUI_EXTERN void (* GUI_pfSoftlayerGetPixel)(int x, int y, void * p);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 701 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 702
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 703 GUI_EXTERN void (* GUI_pfHookMTOUCH)(const GUI_MTOUCH_STATE * pState);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 704
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 705 GUI_EXTERN const GUI_UC_ENC_APILIST * GUI_pUC_API; /* Unicode encoding API */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 706
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 707 GUI_EXTERN GUI_SADDR char GUI_DecChar;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 708 GUI_EXTERN GUI_tfTimer * GUI_pfTimerExec;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 709 GUI_EXTERN WM_tfHandlePID * WM_pfHandlePID;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 710 GUI_EXTERN void (* GUI_pfDispCharStyle)(U16 Char);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 711 GUI_EXTERN void (* GUI_pfDispCharLine)(int x0);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 712
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 713 GUI_EXTERN int GUI__BufferSize; // Required buffer size in pixels for alpha blending and/or antialiasing
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 714 GUI_EXTERN int GUI_AA__ClipX0; // x0-clipping value for AA module
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 715
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 716 GUI_EXTERN I8 GUI__aNumBuffers[GUI_NUM_LAYERS]; // Number of buffers used per layer
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 717 GUI_EXTERN U8 GUI__PreserveTrans;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 718 GUI_EXTERN U8 GUI__IsInitialized;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 719
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 720 GUI_EXTERN U8 GUI__NumLayersInUse;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 721 GUI_EXTERN U32 GUI__LayerMask;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 722
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 723 #if GUI_SUPPORT_ROTATION
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 724 GUI_EXTERN const tLCD_APIList * GUI_pLCD_APIList; /* Used for rotating text */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 725 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 726
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 727 GUI_EXTERN I16 GUI_OrgX, GUI_OrgY;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 728
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 729 #undef GUI_EXTERN
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 730
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 731 #if defined(__cplusplus)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 732 }
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 733 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 734
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 735 #endif /* GUI_PRIVATE_H */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 736
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 737 /*************************** End of file ****************************/