NuMaker emWin HMI

Mon Mar 04 15:47:41 2024 +0800
Support NuMaker-IoT-M467

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 1 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 2 * SEGGER Software GmbH *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 3 * Solutions for real time microcontroller applications *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 4 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 5 * *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 6 * (c) 1996 - 2018 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 7 * *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 8 * Internet: Support: *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 9 * *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 10 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 11
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 12 ** emWin V5.48 - Graphical user interface for embedded applications **
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 13 All Intellectual Property rights in the Software belongs to SEGGER.
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 14 emWin is protected by international copyright laws. Knowledge of the
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 15 source code may not be used to write a similar product. This file may
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 16 only be used in accordance with the following terms:
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 17
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 18 The software has been licensed by SEGGER Software GmbH to Nuvoton Technology Corporationat the address: No. 4, Creation Rd. III, Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 19 for the purposes of creating libraries for its
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 20 Arm Cortex-M and Arm9 32-bit microcontrollers, commercialized and distributed by Nuvoton Technology Corporation
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 21 under the terms and conditions of an End User
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 22 License Agreement supplied with the libraries.
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 23 Full source code is available at:
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 24
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 25 We appreciate your understanding and fairness.
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 27 Licensing information
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 28 Licensor: SEGGER Software GmbH
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 29 Licensed to: Nuvoton Technology Corporation, No. 4, Creation Rd. III, Hsinchu Science Park, 30077 Hsinchu City, Taiwan
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 30 Licensed SEGGER software: emWin
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 31 License number: GUI-00735
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 32 License model: emWin License Agreement, signed February 27, 2018
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 33 Licensed platform: Cortex-M and ARM9 32-bit series microcontroller designed and manufactured by or for Nuvoton Technology Corporation
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 35 Support and Update Agreement (SUA)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 36 SUA period: 2018-03-26 - 2019-03-27
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 37 Contact to extend SUA:
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 38 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 39 File : Dialog.h
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 40 Purpose : Dialog box include
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 41 --------------------END-OF-HEADER-------------------------------------
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 42 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 43
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 44 #ifndef DIALOG_INTERN_H
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 45 #define DIALOG_INTERN_H
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 46
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 47 #include "WM.h"
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 48
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 49 #if GUI_WINSUPPORT
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 50
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 51 #if defined(__cplusplus)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 52 extern "C" { // Make sure we have C-declarations in C++ programs
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 53 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 54
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 55 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 56 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 57 * Types
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 58 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 59 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 60 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 61 typedef struct GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO_struct GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 62 typedef WM_HWIN GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_FUNC (const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO * pCreate, WM_HWIN hWin, int x0, int y0, WM_CALLBACK * cb);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 63
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 64 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 65 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 66 * Structures
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 67 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 68 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 69 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 70 struct GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO_struct {
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 71 GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_FUNC * pfCreateIndirect;
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 72 const char * pName; // Text ... Not used on all widgets
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 73 I16 Id; // ID ... should be unique in a dialog
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 74 I16 x0; // x position
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 75 I16 y0; // y position
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 76 I16 xSize; // x size
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 77 I16 ySize; // y size
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 78 U16 Flags; // Widget specific create flags (opt.)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 79 I32 Para; // Widget specific parameter (opt.)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 80 U32 NumExtraBytes; // Number of extra bytes usable with <WIDGET>_SetUserData & <WIDGET>_GetUserData
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 81 };
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 82
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 83 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 84 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 85 * Public API functions
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 86 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 87 **********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 88 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 89 WM_HWIN GUI_CreateDialogBox (const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO * paWidget, int NumWidgets, WM_CALLBACK * cb, WM_HWIN hParent, int x0, int y0);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 90 void GUI_EndDialog (WM_HWIN hWin, int r);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 91 int GUI_ExecDialogBox (const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO * paWidget, int NumWidgets, WM_CALLBACK * cb, WM_HWIN hParent, int x0, int y0);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 92 int GUI_ExecCreatedDialog (WM_HWIN hDialog);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 93 WM_DIALOG_STATUS * GUI_GetDialogStatusPtr(WM_HWIN hDialog); // Not to be documented
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 94 void GUI_SetDialogStatusPtr(WM_HWIN hDialog, WM_DIALOG_STATUS * pDialogStatus); // Not to be documented
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 95
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 96 /*********************************************************************
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 97 *
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 98 * Obsolete
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 99 */
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 100 LCD_COLOR DIALOG_GetBkColor(void);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 101 LCD_COLOR DIALOG_SetBkColor(LCD_COLOR BkColor);
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 102
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 103 #if defined(__cplusplus)
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 104 }
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 105 #endif
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 106
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 107 #endif // GUI_WINSUPPORT
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 108 #endif // DIALOG_INTERN_H
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 109
csyang2 1:c0f972361605 110 /*************************** End of file ****************************/