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MQTTPacket_willOptions Struct Reference

MQTTPacket_willOptions Struct Reference

Defines the MQTT "Last Will and Testament" (LWT) settings for the connect packet. More...

#include <MQTTConnect.h>

Data Fields

char struct_id [4]
 The eyecatcher for this structure.
int struct_version
 The version number of this structure.
MQTTString topicName
 The LWT topic to which the LWT message will be published.
MQTTString message
 The LWT payload.
unsigned char retained
 The retained flag for the LWT message (see MQTTAsync_message.retained).
char qos
 The quality of service setting for the LWT message (see MQTTAsync_message.qos and qos).

Detailed Description

Defines the MQTT "Last Will and Testament" (LWT) settings for the connect packet.

Definition at line 75 of file MQTTConnect.h.

Field Documentation

MQTTString message

The LWT payload.

Definition at line 84 of file MQTTConnect.h.

char qos

The quality of service setting for the LWT message (see MQTTAsync_message.qos and qos).

Definition at line 93 of file MQTTConnect.h.

unsigned char retained

The retained flag for the LWT message (see MQTTAsync_message.retained).

Definition at line 88 of file MQTTConnect.h.

char struct_id[4]

The eyecatcher for this structure.

must be MQTW.

Definition at line 78 of file MQTTConnect.h.

The version number of this structure.

Must be 0

Definition at line 80 of file MQTTConnect.h.

MQTTString topicName

The LWT topic to which the LWT message will be published.

Definition at line 82 of file MQTTConnect.h.