update with altimeter, swimfile.txt endleg.txt, etc see changes_13sep.txt also reset_PI()

Dependencies:   mbed MODSERIAL FATFileSystem



File content as of revision 67:c86a4b464682:

    Modified FSG PCB V_1_1
        - Freezes when doing a dive or any timed sequence (commented out SD card references)
        - commented out sdLogger().appendLogFile(current_state, 0);     //open SD file once
        - commented out sdLogger().appendLogFile(current_state, 1);    //writing data
        - commented out sdLogger().appendLogFile(current_state, 0);    //close log file
        - reduced timer to 20 seconds for bench testing
        - modified ConfigFileIO for rudder()
        - added in getFloatUserInput function from newer code
        - changed LinearActuator & batt() in StaticDefs to match new pinouts from Bob/Matt/Troy fixes
        - slowed down battery motor because it's silly fast at 30 volts (bench test)
            * BCE gain is proportional 0.1 now 0.01
        - BATT was moving in the wrong direction, gain was P: 0.10, I: 0.0, D: 0.0
            * change gain to P: -0.10 (gain was flipped, I think the old circuit board had the voltages flipped ? ?)
        - StateMachine changes for testing
            * added keyboard_menu_STREAM_STATUS();
            * added keyboard_menu_RUDDER_SERVO_settings();
        - modified the zero on the battery position from 610 to 836
        - BMM (batt) slope may be incorrect, seems low, currently 0.12176
        - modified the zero on BCE from 253 to 460
        - Pressure readings are wrong
            * added readADCCounts() to omegaPX209 class to see channel readings
            * modified omegaPX209 class to use filtered ADC readings from SpiADC.readCh4()
        - fixed rudderLoop to headingLoop from newer code
    Modified FSG PCB V_1_2
        - added init headingLoop to main
        - added pitch and heading outputs to STREAM_STATUS
    NOTE: Flipped motor controller output on connector side with battery mass mover (BMM)
        - Motor direction was opposite the BCE motor (because of gearing) 
        - BMM P gain is now positive 0.02 (from -0.10)
    Modified FSG PCB V_1_3
        - added timing code for interrupt that drives the rudder (testing with o-scope)
        - PID controller replaced with newer version from 5/29 code branch
        - StateMachine hanged style of variables to match convention in code
    Modified FSG PCB V_1_4
        - adc tests
    Modified FSG PCB V_1_5
        - IMU update
        - Testing print outs
    Modified FSG PCB V_1_6
        - new BMM zero count of 240 (confirmed manually)
        - new BCE zero count of 400 (confirmed manually)
        - Modified emergency climb to go to position 10 on the BMM, not zero (almost relying on the limit switch)
        - fixed keyboard input; including typing in the timeout (can enter exact times)
    Modified FSG PCB V_1_7
        - removed data logger references

/* removed unused variables */
#include "mbed.h"
#include "StaticDefs.hpp"

#ifndef lround
#define lround(var)    (long)(var+0.5f)

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NEW TICKER
Ticker systemTicker;
bool setup_complete = false;
volatile unsigned int bTick = 0;
volatile unsigned int timer_counter = 0;

char hex[9];

char * conversion(float input_float) {
    int integer_number = lround(100.0 * input_float);      //convert floating point input to integer to broadcast over serial (reduce precision)
    memset(hex, 0, sizeof(hex) );   //  void* memset( void* dest, int ch, size_t count );   // CLEAR IT  (need null at end of string)
    sprintf(hex, "%8x", integer_number);                                 //generates spaces 0x20
    return hex;

static unsigned int read_ticker(void) {      //Basically this makes sure you're reading the data at one instance (not while it's changing)
    unsigned int val = bTick;
    if( val )
        bTick = 0;
    return( val );
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NEW TICKER
// loop rate used to determine how fast events trigger in the while loop
//Ticker main_loop_rate_ticker;
//Ticker log_loop_rate_ticker;

volatile bool fsm_loop = false; //used so the compiler does not optimize this variable (load from memory, do not assume state of variable)
volatile bool log_loop = false; //used so the compiler does not optimize this variable (load from memory, do not assume state of variable)

void loop_trigger() { fsm_loop = true;} // loop trigger (used in while loop)
void log_loop_trigger() { log_loop = true;} // log loop trigger (used in while loop)

static int current_state = 0;     
static bool file_opened = false;

void FSM() {                    // FSM loop runs at 100 hz
    if(fsm_loop) {
        fsm_loop = false;       // wait until the loop rate timer fires again
        current_state = stateMachine().runStateMachine();       //running State Machine. Returns 0 if sitting idle or keyboard press (SIT_IDLE state).

void log_function() {    
    // log loop runs at 1 hz
    if (log_loop) {
        //when the state machine is not in SIT_IDLE state (or a random keyboard press)

        if (current_state == TRANSMIT_MBED_LOG or current_state == RECEIVE_SEQUENCE) {                
            ;   //pass
        else if(current_state != 0) {
            if (!file_opened) {                                 //if the log file is not open, open it
                mbedLogger().appendLogFile(current_state, 0);   //open MBED file once
                //sdLogger().appendLogFile(current_state, 0);     //open SD file once
                file_opened = true;                             //stops it from continuing to open it

                pc().printf(">>>>>>>> Recording. Log file opened. <<<<<<<<\n\r");
            //record to Mbed file system   
            led4() = !led4();
            mbedLogger().appendLogFile(current_state, 1);    //writing data
            //sdLogger().appendLogFile(current_state, 1);    //writing data
        //when the current FSM state is zero (SIT_IDLE), close the file
        else {
            //this can only happen once
            if (file_opened) {
                //WRITE ONCE
                mbedLogger().appendLogFile(current_state, 1);   //write the idle state, then close
                mbedLogger().appendLogFile(current_state, 0);    //close log file
                //sdLogger().appendLogFile(current_state, 0);    //close log file
                file_opened = false;
                pc().printf(">>>>>>>> Stopped recording. Log file closed. <<<<<<<<\n\r");
    }   //END OF LOG LOOP
    log_loop = false;   // wait until the loop rate timer fires again

static void system_timer(void) {
    bTick = 1;
    //only start these updates when everything is properly setup (through setup function)
    if (setup_complete) {
        if ( (timer_counter % 1) == 0) {    //this runs at 0.001 second intervals (1000 Hz)
            adc().update();  //every iteration of this the A/D converter runs   //now this runs at 0.01 second intervals 03/12/2018
        if ( (timer_counter % 10) == 0) {
            bce().update();      //update() inside LinearActuator class (running at 0.01 second intervals)
            led2() = !led2();
        if ( (timer_counter % 20) == 0 ) {    // 0.02 second intervals
        if ( (timer_counter % 50) == 0 ) {    // 0.05 second intervals 
        if ( (timer_counter % 100) == 0) {     // 100,000 microseconds = 0.1 second intervals
        if ( (timer_counter % 500) == 0) {     // 500,000 microseconds = 0.5 second intervals
            log_loop = true;

void setup() {
    pc().printf("\n\n\r FSG PCB Bench Test V1.5)\n\n\r");
    // start up the system timer
    // set up and start the adc. This runs on a fixed interval and is interrupt driven
    //one central interrupt is updating the ADC (not using the start function)
    // setup and run the rudder(servo) pwm signal (start the ticker)
    pc().printf("Rudder servo initialized!\n\r");
    // set up and start the imu. This polls in the background
    // construct the MBED local file system
    // construct the SD card file system
    // load config data from files
    configFileIO().load_BCE_config();       // load the buoyancy engine parameters from the file "bce.txt"
    configFileIO().load_BATT_config();      // load the battery mass mover parameters from the file "batt.txt"
    configFileIO().load_DEPTH_config();     // load the depth control loop parameters from the file "depth.txt" (contains neutral position)
    configFileIO().load_PITCH_config();     // load the depth control loop parameters from the file "pitch.txt" (contains neutral position)
    configFileIO().load_RUDDER_config();    // load the rudder servo inner loop parameters from the file "SERVO.txt"
    configFileIO().load_HEADING_config();   // load the rudder servo outer loop HEADING control parameters from the file "HEADING.txt" (contains neutral position)
    // set up the linear actuators.  adc has to be running first.
    bce().setPIDHighLimit(bce().getTravelLimit());     //travel limit of this linear actuator
    //bce().start();  //removed start, it's handled by the interrupt
    bce().pause(); // start by not moving
    batt().setPIDHighLimit(batt().getTravelLimit());    //travel limit of this linear actuator
    batt().runLinearActuator(); // _init = true;
    //batt().start();//removed start, it's handled by the interrupt
    batt().pause(); // start by not moving
    // set up the depth, pitch, and rudder outer loop controllers
    //removed start, it's handled by the interrupt
    //removed start, it's handled by the interrupt
    //removed start, it's handled by the interrupt
    //headingLoop().setCommand(stateMachine().getHeadingCommand());         // FIX LATER
    //heading flag that adjust the PID error is set in the constructor
    //systemTicker.attach_us(&system_timer, 10000);         // Interrupt timer running at 0.01 seconds       (slower than original ADC time interval)
    // show that the PID gains are loading from the file
    pc().printf("bce    P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, zero %3i, limit %6.1f mm, slope %0.5f  \r\n", bce().getControllerP(), bce().getControllerI(), bce().getControllerD(), bce().getZeroCounts(), bce().getTravelLimit(), bce().getPotSlope());
    pc().printf("batt   P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, zero %3i, limit %6.1f mm, slope %0.5f  \r\n", batt().getControllerP(), batt().getControllerI(), batt().getControllerD(), batt().getZeroCounts(), batt().getTravelLimit(), batt().getPotSlope());
    pc().printf("rudder min pwm: %6.2f, max pwm: %6.2f, center pwm: %6.2f, min deg: %6.2f, max deg: %6.2f\r\n", rudder().getMinPWM(), rudder().getMaxPWM(), rudder().getCenterPWM(), rudder().getMinDeg(), rudder().getMaxDeg());
    pc().printf("depth   P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, offset:%6.1f mm \r\n", depthLoop().getControllerP(), depthLoop().getControllerI(), depthLoop().getControllerD(), depthLoop().getOutputOffset());
    pc().printf("pitch   P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, offset:%6.1f mm \r\n", pitchLoop().getControllerP(), pitchLoop().getControllerI(), pitchLoop().getControllerD(), pitchLoop().getOutputOffset());
    pc().printf("heading P: %3.2f, I: %3.2f, D %3.2f, offset: %3.1f deg (deadband: %0.1f)\r\n", headingLoop().getControllerP(), headingLoop().getControllerI(), headingLoop().getControllerD(), headingLoop().getOutputOffset(), headingLoop().getDeadband());
    //load sequence from file
    //set time of logger (to current or close-to-current time)
    //create log files if not present on file system
    setup_complete = true;
    // set up the depth sensor. This is an internal ADC read, but eventually will be on the ltc1298
    wait(0.1);          //giving this time to work
    wait(0.1);          //giving this time to work
    depth().tare();   //this did not work correctly before the ADC starts

int main() {
    unsigned int tNow = 0;
    pc().printf("\n\n\r FSG PCB v1.6 (XBee) 6/22/2018 \n\n\r");
    systemTicker.attach_us(&system_timer, 1000);         // Interrupt timer running at 0.001 seconds       (slower than original ADC time interval)
    while (1) {        
        if( read_ticker() )                         // read_ticker runs at the speed of 10 kHz (adc timing)

            //run finite state machine fast when transmitting data
            if (current_state == TRANSMIT_MBED_LOG or current_state == RECEIVE_SEQUENCE) {
                if ( (tNow % 10) == 0 ) {   // 0.001 second intervals  (1000 Hz)
                    fsm_loop = true;
            else {
                if ( (tNow % 100) == 0 ) {   // 0.1 second intervals (10 Hz)
                    fsm_loop = true;
                if ( (tNow % 1000) == 0 ) {   // 1.0 second intervals
                    log_loop = true;
                    led1() = !led1();