most functionality to splashdwon, find neutral and start mission. short timeouts still in code for testing, will adjust to go directly to sit_idle after splashdown

Dependencies:   mbed MODSERIAL FATFileSystem



File content as of revision 16:3363b9f14913:

#include "StateMachine.hpp"
#include "StaticDefs.hpp"

StateMachine::StateMachine() {
    timeout = 60;             // generic timeout for every state, seconds
    depthTolerance = 0.25;    // depth tolerance for neutral finding exit critera
    pitchTolerance = 1.0;     // pitch angle tolerance for neutral finding exit criteria
    bceFloatPosition = 300;   // bce position for "float" states
    battFloatPosition = 50;   // batt position for "broadcast" state
    depthCommand = 3.5;       // user keyboard depth
    pitchCommand = -20.0;     // user keyboard depth

void StateMachine::runStateMachine() {
    static int state = SIT_IDLE; // select starting state here
    static bool isTimeoutRunning = false; // default timer to not running
    // finite state machine ... each state has at least one exit criteria
    switch (state) {
    case SIT_IDLE :
        // there actually is no timeout for SIT_IDLE, but this enables some one-shot actions
        if (!isTimeoutRunning) {
            pc().printf("\r\n\nstate: SIT_IDLE\r\n");
            isTimeoutRunning = true;

            // what is active?
        // how exit?
        if (pc().readable()) {
            state = KEYBOARD;
            isTimeoutRunning = false;
    case KEYBOARD :
        pc().printf("\r\n\nstate: KEYBOARD\r\n");
        if (pc().readable()) {
            state = keyboard(); // get new state command
            if (state == -1) { // error, that wasn't a new state command
                state = SIT_IDLE;
            //pc().printf("new state is: %d \r\n",state);
        // start local state timer and init any other one-shot actions
        if (!isTimeoutRunning) {
            pc().printf("\r\n\nstate: EMERGENCY_CLIMB\r\n");
            timer.reset(); // timer goes back to zero
            timer.start(); // background timer starts running
            isTimeoutRunning = true;
            // what needs to be started?

            // what is active?
        // how exit?
        if (timer > timeout) {
            pc().printf("EC: timed out\r\n");
            state = FLOAT_LEVEL;
            isTimeoutRunning = false;
        else if (depthLoop().getPosition() < 0.2) {
            pc().printf("EC: depth: %3.1f, cmd: 0.5 [%0.1f sec]\r",depthLoop().getPosition(),;
            state = FLOAT_LEVEL;
            isTimeoutRunning = false;

    case FIND_NEUTRAL :
        // start local state timer and init any other one-shot actions
        if (!isTimeoutRunning) {
            pc().printf("\r\n\nstate: FIND_NEUTRAL\r\n");
            timer.reset(); // timer goes back to zero
            timer.start(); // background timer starts running
            isTimeoutRunning = true;
            // what needs to be started?

            // what is active?
        // how exit?
        if (timer > timeout) {
            pc().printf("FN: timed out\r\n");
            state = FLOAT_LEVEL;
            isTimeoutRunning = false;
        //depth tolerance of 0.25 feet, pitch tolerance of 1.0 degree
        else if ((abs(depthLoop().getPosition() - depthLoop().getCommand()) < depthTolerance) and
                  (abs(imu().getPitch() - pitchLoop().getCommand()) < pitchTolerance)) {
            state = RISE;
            isTimeoutRunning = false;
        // what is active?
        pc().printf("FN: bce pos: %3.1f mm, batt pos: %3.1f mm (pitchLoop: 0.0 deg)(depthLoop POS: %3.1f ft) [%0.1f sec]\r", bce().getPosition_mm(), batt().getPosition_mm(), depthLoop().getPosition(),;
    case DIVE :
        // start local state timer and init any other one-shot actions
        if (!isTimeoutRunning) {
            pc().printf("\r\n\nstate: DIVE\r\n");
            timer.reset(); // timer goes back to zero
            timer.start(); // background timer starts running
            isTimeoutRunning = true;
            // what needs to be started?

            // what are the commands?
            pc().printf("DIVE: depth cmd: %3.1f\r\n",depthLoop().getCommand());
            pc().printf("DIVE: pitch cmd: %3.1f\r\n",pitchLoop().getCommand());
        // how exit?
        if (timer > timeout) {
            pc().printf("DIVE: timed out\r\n");
            state = EMERGENCY_CLIMB;
            isTimeoutRunning = false;
        else if (depthLoop().getPosition() > depthLoop().getCommand()) {
            pc().printf("DIVE: depth: %3.1f, cmd: %3.1f\r\n", depthLoop().getPosition(), depthLoop().getCommand());
            state = RISE;
            isTimeoutRunning = false;
        // what is active?
        pc().printf("DIVE: bce pos: %3.1f mm, batt pos: %3.1f mm (depthLoop POS: %3.1f ft) [%0.1f sec]\r", bce().getPosition_mm(), batt().getPosition_mm(), depthLoop().getPosition(),;
    case RISE :
        // start local state timer and init any other one-shot actions
        if (!isTimeoutRunning) {
            pc().printf("\r\n\nstate: RISE\r\n");
            timer.reset(); // timer goes back to zero
            timer.start(); // background timer starts running
            isTimeoutRunning = true;
            // what needs to be started?
            // what are the commands?
            pc().printf("RISE: depth cmd: 0.0\r\n");
            pc().printf("RISE: pitch cmd: %3.1f\r\n",pitchLoop().getCommand());
        // how exit?
        if (timer > timeout) {
            pc().printf("RISE: timed out\r\n");
            state = FLOAT_LEVEL;
            isTimeoutRunning = false;
        else if (depthLoop().getPosition() < depthLoop().getCommand()) {
            pc().printf("RISE: depth: %3.1f, cmd: %3.1f\r\n", depthLoop().getPosition(), depthLoop().getCommand());
            state = FLOAT_LEVEL;
            isTimeoutRunning = false;
        pc().printf("RISE: bce pos: %3.1f mm, batt pos: %3.1f mm (depthLoop POS: %3.1f ft) [%0.1f sec]\r", bce().getPosition_mm(), batt().getPosition_mm(), depthLoop().getPosition(),;
        // what is active?
    case FLOAT_LEVEL :
        // start local state timer and init any other one-shot actions
        if (!isTimeoutRunning) {
            pc().printf("\r\n\nstate: FLOAT_LEVEL\r\n");
            timer.reset(); // timer goes back to zero
            timer.start(); // background timer starts running
            isTimeoutRunning = true;
            // what needs to be started?
            // what are the commands
        // how exit?
        if (timer > timeout) {
            pc().printf("FL: timed out\r\n");
            state = FLOAT_BROADCAST;
            isTimeoutRunning = false;
        else if (abs(imu().getPitch() - pitchLoop().getCommand()) < abs(pitchTolerance)) {
            pc().printf("FL: pitch: %3.1f mm, set pos: %3.1f mm, deadband: %3.1f mm\r\n",imu().getPitch(), pitchLoop().getCommand(), pitchTolerance);
            state = FLOAT_BROADCAST;
            isTimeoutRunning = false;
        // what is active?
        pc().printf("FL: pitchLoop output: %3.1f, batt pos: %3.1f, piston pos: %3.1f [%0.1f sec]\r", pitchLoop().getOutput(), batt().getPosition_mm(), bce().getPosition_mm(),;
        // start local state timer and init any other one-shot actions
        if (!isTimeoutRunning) {
            pc().printf("\r\n\nstate: FLOAT_BROADCAST\r\n");
            timer.reset(); // timer goes back to zero
            timer.start(); // background timer starts running
            isTimeoutRunning = true;
            // what needs to be started?

            // what are the commands?
        // how exit?
        if (timer > timeout) {
            pc().printf("FB: timed out\r\n");
            state = SIT_IDLE;
            isTimeoutRunning = false;
        if ( (abs(bce().getPosition_mm() - bce().getSetPosition_mm()) < bce().getDeadband()) and
             (abs(batt().getPosition_mm() - batt().getSetPosition_mm()) < batt().getDeadband()) ) {
            pc().printf("FB: position: %3.1f mm, set pos: %3.1f mm, deadband: %3.1f mm\r\n",bce().getPosition_mm(), bce().getSetPosition_mm(), bce().getDeadband());
            state = SIT_IDLE;
            isTimeoutRunning = false;
        pc().printf("FB: bce pos: %3.1f mm, batt pos: %3.1f mm (depthLoop POS: %3.1f ft) [%0.1f sec]\r", bce().getPosition_mm(), batt().getPosition_mm(), depthLoop().getPosition(),;
    default :
        state = SIT_IDLE;

// output the keyboard menu for user's reference
void StateMachine::showMenu() {
    pc().printf("\r\r\n\nKEYBOARD MENU:\r\r\n");
    pc().printf(" N to find neutral\r\n");
    pc().printf(" D to initiate dive cycle\r\n");
    pc().printf(" R to initiate rise\r\n");
    pc().printf(" L to float level\r\n");
    pc().printf(" B to float at broadcast pitch\r\n");
    pc().printf(" E to initiate emergency climb\r\n");
    pc().printf(" H to run homing sequence on both BCE and Batt\r\n");
    pc().printf(" T to tare the depth sensor\r\n");
    pc().printf("[/] to change bce neutral position\r\n");
    pc().printf("</> to change batt neutral position\r\n");
    pc().printf("Q/W to decrease/increase pitch setpoint: %3.1f\r\n",pitchCommand);
    pc().printf("A/S to decrease/increase depth setpoint: %3.1f\r\n",depthCommand);
    //pc().printf("Q/W to decrease/increase pitch setpoint: %3.1f\r\n",pitchLoop().getCommand());
    //pc().printf("A/S to decrease/increase depth setpoint: %3.1f\r\n",depthLoop().getCommand());
    pc().printf("+/- to decrease/increase timeout: %d s\r\n",timeout);
    pc().printf(" 1 BCE PID sub-menu\r\n");
    pc().printf(" 2 BATT PID sub-menu\r\n");
    pc().printf(" 3 Depth PID sub-menu\r\n");
    pc().printf(" 4 Pitch PID sub-menu\r\n");
    pc().printf(" C See sensor readings\r\n");
    pc().printf(" ? to reset mbed\r\n");

// keyboard currently handles a key at a time
// returns -1 if not a state command
// returns a positive number to command a new state
int StateMachine::keyboard() {
    char userInput;
    // check keyboard and make settings changes as requested
    if (pc().readable()) {
        // get the key
        userInput = pc().getc();

        // check command against desired control buttons
        // change state
        if (userInput == 'D' or userInput == 'd') {
            return DIVE;
        else if (userInput == 'N' or userInput == 'n') {
            return FIND_NEUTRAL;
        else if (userInput == 'R' or userInput == 'r') {
            return RISE;
        else if (userInput == 'L' or userInput == 'l') {
            return FLOAT_LEVEL;
        else if (userInput == 'B' or userInput == 'b') {
            return FLOAT_BROADCAST;
        else if (userInput == 'E' or userInput == 'e') {
            return EMERGENCY_CLIMB;
        else if (userInput == 'H' or userInput == 'h') {
            pc().printf("running homing procedure\r\n");
            bce().unpause();  bce().homePiston();  bce().pause();
            batt().unpause(); batt().homePiston(); batt().pause();
            return SIT_IDLE;
        else if (userInput == 'T' or userInput == 't') {
            pc().printf("taring depth sensor\r\n");
            pc().printf("Pre-tare:  press: %3.3f psi, depth: %3.3f ft\r\n", depth().getPsi(), depth().getDepthFt());
            depth().tare(); // tares to ambient (do on surface)
            pc().printf("Post-tare: press: %3.3f psi, depth: %3.3f ft\r\n", depth().getPsi(), depth().getDepthFt());
        else if (userInput == '[' or userInput == '{') {
            depthLoop().setOutputOffset(depthLoop().getOutputOffset() - 1); // decrease the bce neutral setpoint
            pc().printf("Adjusting bce neutral position. new: %3.1f\r\n",depthLoop().getOutputOffset());
        else if (userInput == ']' or userInput == '}') {
            depthLoop().setOutputOffset(depthLoop().getOutputOffset() + 1); // increase the bce neutral setpoint
            pc().printf("Adjusting bce neutral position. new: %3.1f\r\n",depthLoop().getOutputOffset());
        else if (userInput == '<' or userInput == ',') {
            pitchLoop().setOutputOffset(pitchLoop().getOutputOffset() - 1); // decrease the batt neutral setpoint
            pc().printf("Adjusting batt neutral position. new: %3.1f\r\n",pitchLoop().getOutputOffset());
        else if (userInput == '>' or userInput == '.') {
            pitchLoop().setOutputOffset(pitchLoop().getOutputOffset() + 1); // increase the batt neutral setpoint
            pc().printf("Adjusting batt neutral position. new: %3.1f\r\n",pitchLoop().getOutputOffset());
        else if (userInput == '?') {
            pc().printf("\n\n\n>>> Resetting MBED <<<\n\n\n");

        // change settings        
        else if (userInput == 'Q' or userInput == 'q') {
            pitchCommand -= 0.5;         //decrement the pitch setpoint
            pc().printf(">>> new pitch angle setpoint: %0.3f deg (decreased)\r\n", pitchLoop().getCommand());
        else if (userInput == 'W' or userInput == 'w') {
            pitchCommand += 0.5;         //increment the pitch setpoint
            pc().printf(">>> new pitch angle setpoint: %0.3f deg (increased)\r\n", pitchLoop().getCommand());
        else if (userInput == 'A' or userInput == 'a') {
            depthCommand -= 0.5;         //decrement the depth setpoint
            pc().printf(">>> new depth (ft) setpoint: %0.3f ft (sink)\r\n", depthLoop().getCommand());
        else if (userInput == 'S' or userInput == 's') {
            depthCommand += 0.5;         //increment the depth setpoint
            pc().printf(">>> new depth setpoint: %0.3f ft (rise)\r\n", depthLoop().getCommand());
        else if (userInput == '-') {
            timeout -= 10.0;               //decrement the timeout
            pc().printf(">>> timeout decreased: %d\r\n", timeout);
        else if (userInput == '=' or userInput == '+') {
            timeout += 10.0;               //increment the timeout
            pc().printf(">>> timeout increased: %d\r\n", timeout);
        // add keyboard commands to move the neutral zero offsets, both bce and batt
        // go to sub-menus for the PID gains (this is blocking)
        else if (userInput == '1') {
        else if (userInput == '2') {
        else if (userInput == '3') {
        else if (userInput == '4') {
        else if (userInput == 'C' or userInput == 'c') {
            pc().printf("depth: %3.1f\r\n",depthLoop().getPosition());
            pc().printf("pitch: %3.1f\r\n",imu().getPitch());
            pc().printf("bce().getPosition_mm(): %3.1f\r\n",bce().getPosition_mm());
            pc().printf("bce().getSetPosition_mm(): %3.1f\r\n",bce().getSetPosition_mm());
            pc().printf("batt().getPosition_mm(): %3.1f\r\n",batt().getPosition_mm());
            pc().printf("batt().getSetPosition_mm(): %3.1f\r\n",batt().getSetPosition_mm());
            pc().printf("depthLoop().getCommand(): %3.1f\r\n",depthLoop().getCommand());
            pc().printf("pitchLoop().getCommand(): %3.1f\r\n",pitchLoop().getCommand());
        else {
            return (-1);
    return (-1);

void StateMachine::keyboard_menu_BCE_PID_settings() {    
    char PID_key;
    float gain_step_size = 0.01;    // modify this to change gain step size
    float KP = bce().getControllerP();  // load current value
    float KI = bce().getControllerI();  // load current global value
    float KD = bce().getControllerD();  // load current global value
    // show the menu
    pc().printf("\n\r1: Buoyancy Engine PID gain settings (MENU)");
    pc().printf("\n\r(Adjust PID settings with the following keys: -= and [] and ;'");
    pc().printf("\n\r(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.)\n\n\n\r");
    pc().printf("bce    P: %3.2f, I: %3.2f, D %3.2f, zero %3i, limit %3.0f mm, slope %3.3f  \r\n", bce().getControllerP(), bce().getControllerI(), bce().getControllerD(), bce().getZeroCounts(), bce().getTravelLimit(), bce().getPotSlope());
    // handle the key presses
    while(1) {
        // get the user's keystroke from either of the two inputs
        if (pc().readable()) {
            PID_key = pc().getc();
        else {
            continue; // didn't get a user input, so keep waiting for it
        // handle the user's key input
        if (PID_key == '-') {
            KP -= gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("P gain: %0.5f               \r\n", KP);
        else if (PID_key == '=') {
            KP += gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("P gain: %0.5f               \r\n", KP);
        else if (PID_key == '[') {
            KI -= gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("I gain: %0.5f               \r\n", KI);
        else if (PID_key == ']') {
            KI += gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("I gain: %0.5f               \r\n", KI);
        else if (PID_key == ';') {
            KD -= gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("D gain: %0.5f               \r\n", KD);
        else if (PID_key == '\'') {
            KD += gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("D gain: %0.5f               \r\n", KD);
        else if (PID_key == 'S') { // user wants to save these modified values
            // set values
            // save into "PID.cfg"
            break;  //exit the while loop
        else if (PID_key == 'X') {    
            break;  //exit the while loop
        else {
            pc().printf("\n\rThis key does nothing here.                              ");

void StateMachine::keyboard_menu_BATT_PID_settings() {    
    char PID_key;
    float gain_step_size = 0.01;    // modify this to change gain step size
    float KP = batt().getControllerP(); // load current global value
    float KI = batt().getControllerI(); // load current global value
    float KD = batt().getControllerD(); // load current global value
    // print the menu
    pc().printf("\n\r2: Battery Motor PID gain settings (MENU)");
    pc().printf("\n\r(Adjust PID settings with the following keys: -= and [] and ;'");
    pc().printf("\n\r(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.\n\r");
    pc().printf("batt   P: %3.2f, I: %3.2f, D %3.2f, zero %3i, limit %3.0f mm, slope %3.3f  \r\n", batt().getControllerP(), batt().getControllerI(), batt().getControllerD(), batt().getZeroCounts(), batt().getTravelLimit(), batt().getPotSlope());

    // handle the key presses
    while(1) {
        // get the user's keystroke from either of the two inputs
        if (pc().readable()) {
            PID_key = pc().getc();
        else {
            continue; // didn't get a user input, so keep waiting for it
        // handle the user's key input
        if (PID_key == '-') {
            KP -= gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("\rP gain: %0.5f               ", KP);
        else if (PID_key == '=') {
            KP += gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("\rP gain: %0.5f               ", KP);
        else if (PID_key == '[') {
            KI -= gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("\rI gain: %0.5f               ", KI);
        else if (PID_key == ']') {
            KI += gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("\rI gain: %0.5f               ", KI);
        else if (PID_key == ';') {
            KD -= gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("\rD gain: %0.5f               ", KD);
        else if (PID_key == '\'') {
            KD += gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("\rD gain: %0.5f               ", KD);
        else if (PID_key == 'S') { // user wants to save the modified values
            // set global values
            // save to "PID.cfg" file
            break;  //exit the while loop
        else if (PID_key == 'X') {    
            break;  //exit the while loop
        else {
            pc().printf("This key does nothing here.\r");

void StateMachine::keyboard_menu_DEPTH_PID_settings() {    
    char PID_key;
    float gain_step_size = 0.01;    // modify this to change gain step size
    float KP = depthLoop().getControllerP();  // load current global value
    float KI = depthLoop().getControllerI();  // load current global value
    float KD = depthLoop().getControllerD();  // load current global value
    // show the menu
    pc().printf("\n\r1: Buoyancy Engine PID gain settings (MENU)");
    pc().printf("\n\r(Adjust PID settings with the following keys: -= and [] and ;'");
    pc().printf("\n\r(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.\n\n\n\r");
    pc().printf("depth  P: %3.2f, I: %3.2f, D %3.2f, offset: %3.1f mm \r\n", depthLoop().getControllerP(), depthLoop().getControllerI(), depthLoop().getControllerD(), depthLoop().getOutputOffset());
    // handle the key presses
    while(1) {
        // get the user's keystroke from either of the two inputs
        if (pc().readable()) {
            PID_key = pc().getc();
        else {
            continue; // didn't get a user input, so keep waiting for it
        // handle the user's key input
        if (PID_key == '-') {
            KP -= gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("P gain: %0.5f               \r\n", KP);
        else if (PID_key == '=') {
            KP += gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("P gain: %0.5f               \r\n", KP);
        else if (PID_key == '[') {
            KI -= gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("I gain: %0.5f               \r\n", KI);
        else if (PID_key == ']') {
            KI += gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("I gain: %0.5f               \r\n", KI);
        else if (PID_key == ';') {
            KD -= gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("D gain: %0.5f               \r\n", KD);
        else if (PID_key == '\'') {
            KD += gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("D gain: %0.5f               \r\n", KD);
        else if (PID_key == 'S') { // user wants to save these settings
            // set global values
            // save into "PID.cfg"
            break;  //exit the while loop
        else if (PID_key == 'X') {    
            break;  //exit the while loop
        else {
            pc().printf("\n\rThis key does nothing here.                              ");
void StateMachine::keyboard_menu_PITCH_PID_settings() {    
    char PID_key;
    float gain_step_size = 0.01;    // modify this to change gain step size
    float KP = pitchLoop().getControllerP();  // load current global value
    float KI = pitchLoop().getControllerI();  // load current global value
    float KD = pitchLoop().getControllerD();  // load current global value
    // print the menu
    pc().printf("\n\r2: Battery Motor PID gain settings (MENU)");
    pc().printf("\n\r(Adjust PID settings with the following keys: -= and [] and ;'");
    pc().printf("\n\r(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.\n\r");
    pc().printf("pitch  P: %3.2f, I: %3.2f, D %3.2f, offset: %3.1f mm \r\n", pitchLoop().getControllerP(), pitchLoop().getControllerI(), pitchLoop().getControllerD(), pitchLoop().getOutputOffset());

    // handle the key presses
    while(1) {
        // get the user's keystroke from either of the two inputs
        if (pc().readable()) {
            PID_key = pc().getc();
        else {
            continue; // didn't get a user input, so keep waiting for it
        // handle the user's key input
        if (PID_key == '-') {
            KP -= gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("\rP gain: %0.5f               ", KP);
        else if (PID_key == '=') {
            KP += gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("\rP gain: %0.5f               ", KP);
        else if (PID_key == '[') {
            KI -= gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("\rI gain: %0.5f               ", KI);
        else if (PID_key == ']') {
            KI += gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("\rI gain: %0.5f               ", KI);
        else if (PID_key == ';') {
            KD -= gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("\rD gain: %0.5f               ", KD);
        else if (PID_key == '\'') {
            KD += gain_step_size;
            pc().printf("\rD gain: %0.5f               ", KD);
        else if (PID_key == 'S') { // user wants to save the modified values
            // set global values
            break;  //exit the while loop
        else if (PID_key == 'X') {    
            break;  //exit the while loop
        else {
            pc().printf("This key does nothing here.\r");

float StateMachine::getDepthCommand() {
    return depthCommand;

float StateMachine::getPitchCommand() {
    return pitchCommand;