most functionality to splashdwon, find neutral and start mission. short timeouts still in code for testing, will adjust to go directly to sit_idle after splashdown

Dependencies:   mbed MODSERIAL FATFileSystem

--- a/new_changelog.txt	Tue Feb 19 20:11:43 2019 +0000
+++ b/new_changelog.txt	Mon Feb 25 21:26:34 2019 +0000
@@ -84,4 +84,8 @@
         STILL TO DO:
         -  test size of log file and set new log file name and update logvers.txt
         -  allow for something other than 0=leg  in legfile.txt so that state will NOT drop into legfile.txt operations mode
-        -  add access to leg_position_dive ( with exit??)  to menu operations  -maybe
\ No newline at end of file
+        -  add access to leg_position_dive ( with exit??)  to menu operations  -maybe
+    DONE:  25 feb 2019  jcw
+       -  added state ENDLEG_WAIT - will drop to keyboard/FLOAT_BROADCAST if char is read over xbee() while waiting
+       - test time for log file to be cycled - in main.cpp
+       -  convert from feet to meters in depth().getposition()  calls ( deep inside outerloop() )
\ No newline at end of file