most functionality to splashdwon, find neutral and start mission. short timeouts still in code for testing, will adjust to go directly to sit_idle after splashdown

Dependencies:   mbed MODSERIAL FATFileSystem

--- a/StateMachine/StateMachine.cpp	Thu Jun 14 16:10:25 2018 +0000
+++ b/StateMachine/StateMachine.cpp	Fri Jun 15 20:11:39 2018 +0000
@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@
     _depth_command = 2.0;                        // user keyboard depth (default)
     _pitch_command = -20.0;                      // user keyboard pitch (default)
+    _heading_command = 0.0;
     //new commands
-    _BCE_position_command = bce().getTravelLimit();     //starting at the limits
-    _BMM_position_command = batt().getTravelLimit();
+    _BCE_dive_offset = 0.0;     //starting at the limits
+    _BMM_dive_offset = 0.0;
     //new commands
     _neutral_timer        = 0;                  //timer used in FIND_NEUTRAL sub-FSM
@@ -190,7 +191,7 @@
     case FIND_NEUTRAL :
         // start local state timer and init any other one-shot actions
         if (!_isTimeoutRunning) {
-            pc().printf("\r\n\nstate: FIND_NEUTRAL\n\r");
+            pc().printf("\r\n\nstate: FIND_NEUTRAL\r\n");
             timer.reset(); // timer goes back to zero
             timer.start(); // background timer starts running
             _isTimeoutRunning = true;
@@ -239,7 +240,7 @@
         //check if substate returned exit state, if so stop running the sub-FSM
         else if (runNeutralStateMachine() == NEUTRAL_EXIT) { 
             //if successful, FIND_NEUTRAL then goes to RISE
-            pc().printf("*************************************** FIND_NEUTRAL sequence complete.  Rising.\n\n\r");
+            pc().printf("*************************************** FIND_NEUTRAL sequence complete.  Rising.\r\n\n");
             _state = RISE;
             _isTimeoutRunning = false;
@@ -285,7 +286,7 @@
         // how exit?
         if ( > _timeout) {
-            pc().printf("DIVE: timed out\n\n\r");
+            pc().printf("DIVE: timed out\r\n\n");
             _state = RISE; //new behavior 11/17/2017
             _isTimeoutRunning = false;
@@ -298,7 +299,7 @@
         // what is active?
-        pc().printf("DIVE: bce pos: %3.1f mm, batt pos: %3.1f mm (depth: %3.1f ft) (pitch: %3.1f deg)[%0.2f sec]\r", bce().getPosition_mm(), batt().getPosition_mm(), depthLoop().getPosition(), pitchLoop().getPosition(),;
+        pc().printf("DIVE: bce pos: %3.1f mm, batt pos: %3.1f mm (depth: %3.1f ft) (pitch: %3.1f deg)[%0.2f sec] (CMD BCE: %0.1f BATT: %0.1f)\r", bce().getPosition_mm(), batt().getPosition_mm(), depthLoop().getPosition(), pitchLoop().getPosition(),,bce().getSetPosition_mm(),batt().getSetPosition_mm());
         bce().setPosition_mm(depthLoop().getOutput());  //constantly checking the Outer Loop output to move the motors
@@ -360,14 +361,143 @@
         // what is active?
-        pc().printf("RISE: bce pos: %3.1f mm, batt pos: %3.1f mm (depthLoop POS: %3.1f ft) [%0.1f sec]\r", bce().getPosition_mm(), batt().getPosition_mm(), depthLoop().getPosition(),;
+        pc().printf("RISE: bce pos: %3.1f mm, batt pos: %3.1f mm (depthLoop POS: %3.1f ft) (pitch: %3.1f deg)[%0.2f sec] (CMD BCE: %0.1f BATT: %0.1f)\r", bce().getPosition_mm(), batt().getPosition_mm(), depthLoop().getPosition(), pitchLoop().getPosition(),,bce().getSetPosition_mm(),batt().getSetPosition_mm());
         bce().setPosition_mm(depthLoop().getOutput());  //constantly checking the Outer Loop output to move the motors
         //record data every 5 seconds
-        break;  
+        break;
+    case POSITION_DIVE :               
+        // start local state timer and init any other one-shot actions
+        if (!_isTimeoutRunning) {
+            pc().printf("\r\n\nstate: POSITION DIVE\r\n");
+            timer.reset(); // timer goes back to zero
+            timer.start(); // background timer starts running
+            _isTimeoutRunning = true; 
+            // what needs to be started?
+            bce().unpause();
+            batt().unpause();
+            rudder().unpause();
+            // what are the commands? (using inner loops except for heading outer loop)
+            // These actions happen ONCE in the POSITION_DIVE sequence
+            batt().setPosition_mm(_neutral_batt_pos_mm - _BMM_dive_offset);
+            bce().setPosition_mm(_neutral_bce_pos_mm- _BMM_dive_offset);
+            //rudder().setPosition_deg(_heading_command);
+            headingLoop().setCommand(_heading_command);     //ACTIVE HEADING (mimic of dive and rise code)
+            pc().printf("PD: BATT cmd: %3.1f\r\n",batt().getSetPosition_mm());  //get the actual commanded position
+            pc().printf("PD: BCE cmd: %3.1f\r\n",bce().getSetPosition_mm());    //get the actual commanded position
+            pc().printf("PD: heading cmd: %3.1f\r\n",headingLoop().getCommand());
+            //reset max dive depth
+            _max_recorded_depth_dive = -99;            //float to record max depth
+            //show that this is the start of new dive sequence            
+            recordState(_state);
+            //triggers logger array
+            _is_log_timer_running = false; // reset the sub state timer to do one-shot actions again
+            recordData(_state);
+        }
+        // how exit?
+        // timer runs out goes to POSITION_RISE
+        if ( > _timeout) {
+            pc().printf("PD: timed out\r\n\n");
+            _state = POSITION_RISE; //new behavior 11/17/2017
+            timer.reset();
+            _isTimeoutRunning = false;
+        }
+        // when you reach the dive threshold, surface
+        else if (depthLoop().getPosition() > depthLoop().getCommand() - 0.5) { // including offset for low momentum approaches
+            pc().printf("PD: actual depth: %3.1f (cmd: %3.1f)\r\n", depthLoop().getPosition(), depthLoop().getCommand());
+            _state = POSITION_RISE;
+            timer.reset();
+            _isTimeoutRunning = false;
+        }
+        // what is active?
+        pc().printf("PD: bce pos (cmd pos): %3.1f mm (%0.1f), batt pos: %3.1f mm (%0.1f), rudder: %f (depth: %3.1f ft, pitch: %3.1f, heading: %3.1f [cmd: %0.1f])[%0.2f sec] [imu heading: %0.1f]                                         \r", bce().getPosition_mm(),bce().getSetPosition_mm(), batt().getPosition_mm(),batt().getSetPosition_mm(), rudder().getPosition_pwm(), depthLoop().getPosition(), pitchLoop().getPosition(), headingLoop().getPosition(), headingLoop().getOutput(),, imu().getHeading());
+        if (depthLoop().getPosition() > _max_recorded_depth_dive) {
+            _max_recorded_depth_dive = depthLoop().getPosition();    //new max depth recorded when it is larger than previous values
+        }
+        rudder().setPosition_deg(headingLoop().getOutput());
+        //record data internally (for access by MbedLogger)
+        recordData(_state);
+        break;
+    case POSITION_RISE :
+        // start local state timer and init any other one-shot actions
+        if (!_isTimeoutRunning) {
+            pc().printf("\r\n\nstate: POSITION RISE\r\n");
+            timer.reset(); // timer goes back to zero
+            timer.start(); // background timer starts running
+            _isTimeoutRunning = true; 
+            // what needs to be started?
+            bce().unpause();
+            batt().unpause();
+            // what are the commands? (using inner loops except for heading outer loop)
+            pc().printf("PR: <<DEBUG>> CMD BCE: %0.1f, CMD BMM: %0.1f)\r\n", _BCE_dive_offset, _BMM_dive_offset);
+            batt().setPosition_mm(_neutral_batt_pos_mm + _BMM_dive_offset);          //reversing the BCE and BATT positions
+            bce().setPosition_mm(_neutral_bce_pos_mm + _BCE_dive_offset);            //reversing the BCE and BATT positions
+            //rudder().setPosition_deg(_heading_command);         //heading stays the same
+            headingLoop().setCommand(_heading_command);     //ACTIVE HEADING (mimic of dive and rise code)
+            pc().printf("PR: BATT cmd: %3.1f\r\n",batt().getSetPosition_mm());  //get the actual commanded position
+            pc().printf("PR: BCE cmd: %3.1f\r\n",bce().getSetPosition_mm());    //get the actual commanded position
+            pc().printf("PR: heading cmd: %3.1f\r\n",headingLoop().getCommand());
+            //show that this is the start of new rise sequence            
+            recordState(_state);
+            //triggers logger array
+            _is_log_timer_running = false; // reset the sub state timer to do one-shot actions again
+            recordData(_state);
+        }
+        // how exit?
+        if ( > _timeout) {
+            pc().printf("PR: timed out\r\n");
+            _state = EMERGENCY_CLIMB;
+            timer.reset();
+            _isTimeoutRunning = false;
+        }
+        else if (depthLoop().getPosition() < 0.5) {
+            pc().printf("PR: actual depth: %3.1f (cmd: %3.1f)\r\n", depthLoop().getPosition(), depthLoop().getCommand());
+            _state = FLOAT_BROADCAST;
+            timer.reset();
+            _isTimeoutRunning = false;
+        }
+        // what is active?
+        pc().printf("PR: bce pos (cmd pos): %3.1f mm (%0.1f), batt pos: %3.1f mm (%0.1f), rudder: %f (depth: %3.1f ft, pitch: %3.1f, heading: %3.1f [cmd: %0.1f])[%0.2f sec] [imu heading: %0.1f]                                         \r", bce().getPosition_mm(),bce().getSetPosition_mm(), batt().getPosition_mm(),batt().getSetPosition_mm(), rudder().getPosition_pwm(), depthLoop().getPosition(), pitchLoop().getPosition(), headingLoop().getPosition(), headingLoop().getOutput(),, imu().getHeading());
+        rudder().setPosition_deg(headingLoop().getOutput());
+        //record data internally (for access by MbedLogger)
+        recordData(_state);
+        break;
     case FLOAT_LEVEL :
         // start local state timer and init any other one-shot actions
@@ -470,7 +600,7 @@
         // what is active?
-        pc().printf("FB: bce pos: %0.1f mm, batt pos: %0.1f mm (depthLoop POS: %3.1f ft) [%0.1f sec] (CMD BCE: %0.1f BATT: %0.1f)\r", bce().getPosition_mm(), batt().getPosition_mm(), depthLoop().getPosition(),, bce().getSetPosition_mm(),batt().getSetPosition_mm());
+        pc().printf("FB: bce pos: %0.1f mm, batt pos: %0.1f mm, heading(IMU): %0.1f (depthLoop POS: %3.1f ft) [%0.1f sec] (CMD BCE: %0.1f BATT: %0.1f)\r", bce().getPosition_mm(), batt().getPosition_mm(), imu().getHeading(), depthLoop().getPosition(),, bce().getSetPosition_mm(),batt().getSetPosition_mm());
         //record data every 5 seconds
@@ -513,7 +643,7 @@
         // how exit?
         if (timer > _timeout) {
-            pc().printf("\n\n\rMULTI-DIVE: timed out [time: %0.1f]\n\n\r",;
+            pc().printf("\r\n\nMULTI-DIVE: timed out [time: %0.1f]\r\n\n",;
             _state = MULTI_RISE; //new behavior 11/17/2017
             _isTimeoutRunning = false;
@@ -572,7 +702,7 @@
         // how exit?
         if (timer > _timeout) {
-            pc().printf("MULTI-RISE: timed out [time: %0.1f]\n\n\r",;
+            pc().printf("MULTI-RISE: timed out [time: %0.1f]\r\n\n",;
             _state = EMERGENCY_CLIMB;
             _isTimeoutRunning = false;
@@ -624,11 +754,11 @@
             mbedLogger().getNumberOfPacketsInCurrentLog();   //open the file, read the number of lines in the log file            
             transmit_packet_number = mbedLogger().getNumberOfPackets();
-            //pc().printf("getNumberOfPacketsInCurrentLog is %d\n\r", transmit_packet_number);
+            //pc().printf("getNumberOfPacketsInCurrentLog is %d\r\n", transmit_packet_number);
         if ( > _timeout) {
-            pc().printf("\n\rTRANSMIT_LOG: timed out!\n\r");
+            pc().printf("\r\nTRANSMIT_LOG: timed out!\r\n");
             _state = SIT_IDLE;
             _isTimeoutRunning = false;
@@ -647,7 +777,7 @@
         if (mbedLogger().isTransmissionComplete()) {
-            pc().printf("StateMachine isTransmissionComplete (true)\n\r");
+            pc().printf("StateMachine isTransmissionComplete (true)\r\n");
             _state = SIT_IDLE;
             _isTimeoutRunning = false;
@@ -662,7 +792,7 @@
-        pc().printf("state: RECEIVE_SEQUENCE\n\r");
+        pc().printf("state: RECEIVE_SEQUENCE\r\n");
         if (!_isTimeoutRunning) {
             pc().printf("RECEIVE_SEQUENCE _isTimeoutRunning\r\n");
@@ -672,19 +802,19 @@
         if ( > _timeout) {
-            pc().printf("RECEIVE_SEQUENCE: timed out!\n\r");
+            pc().printf("RECEIVE_SEQUENCE: timed out!\r\n");
             _state = SIT_IDLE;
             _isTimeoutRunning = false;
         // what is active?
-        pc().printf("Receive sequence active?\n\r");
+        pc().printf("Receive sequence active?\r\n");
     default :
-        pc().printf("DEBUG: SIT_IDLE\n\r");
+        pc().printf("DEBUG: SIT_IDLE\r\n");
         _state = SIT_IDLE;
@@ -705,57 +835,34 @@
 // output the keyboard menu for user's reference
-void StateMachine::showSimpleMenu() {
-//                if (user_input == 'D') {
-//                _keyboard_state = DIVE;
-//            }
-//            else if (user_input == 'N') {
-//                _keyboard_state = FIND_NEUTRAL;
-//            }
-//            else if (user_input == 'L') {
-//                _keyboard_state = FLOAT_LEVEL;
-//            }
-//            else if (user_input == 'B') {
-//                _keyboard_state = FLOAT_BROADCAST;
-//            }
-//            else if (user_input == 'E') {
-//                _keyboard_state = EMERGENCY_CLIMB;
-//            }
-//            // some debug tools below
-//            else if (user_input == 'P') {
-//                //Print current SD card log file
-//                //printCurrentSdLog();
-//                mbedLogger().printCurrentLogFile();        //print the current log file to the screen
-//            }
-//            else if (user_input == 'O') {
-//                _keyboard_state = TRANSMIT_LOG;      //Transmit data (work in progress)
-//            }
-//            else if (user_input == '~') {
-//                pc().printf("ERASING MBED LOG FILE\n\r"); 
-//                mbedLogger().eraseFile();
-    pc().printf("\r\r\n\nSIMPLE KEYBOARD MENU (06/14/2018):\r\r\n");        //make sure depth sensor tares itself on startup
-    pc().printf(" D to initiate dive cycle\r\n");
+void StateMachine::showSimpleMenu() {   
+    pc().printf("\r\r\n\nSIMPLE KEYBOARD MENU (06/15/2018):\r\r\n");        //make sure depth sensor tares itself on startup
+    pc().printf(" Neutral Position BCE: %0.1f BMM: %01.f \r\n", _neutral_bce_pos_mm, _neutral_batt_pos_mm);
+    pc().printf(" V to POSITION DIVE (initiate motor position-based dive cycle)\r\n");
     pc().printf(" J to float level\r\n");
     pc().printf(" B to float at broadcast pitch\r\n");
     pc().printf(" E to initiate emergency climb\r\n");
     pc().printf(" P to print the current log file.\r\n");
     pc().printf(" O to transmit current log file.\r\n");
     pc().printf(" ~ to erase mbed log file. (clear before logging more than a few runs)\r\n");
-    pc().printf("[/] to change bce neutral position: %0.1f\r\n", _neutral_bce_pos_mm);
-    pc().printf("</> to change batt neutral position: %0.1f\r\n", _neutral_batt_pos_mm);
-    pc().printf("Q/W to decrease/increase pitch setpoint: %3.1f\r\n",_pitch_command);
-    pc().printf("A/S to decrease/increase depth setpoint: %3.1f\r\n",_depth_command);
-    pc().printf("+/- to decrease/increase timeout: %d s\r\n",_timeout);        
+    pc().printf("k/l to decrease/increase BCE offset: %3.1f (Dive POS: %0.1f, Rise POS: %0.1f)\r\n",_BCE_dive_offset, _neutral_bce_pos_mm - _BCE_dive_offset, _neutral_bce_pos_mm + _BCE_dive_offset);
+    pc().printf(";/' to decrease/increase BMM offset: %3.1f (Dive POS: %0.1f, Rise POS: %0.1f)\r\n",_BMM_dive_offset, _neutral_batt_pos_mm - _BMM_dive_offset, _neutral_batt_pos_mm + _BMM_dive_offset);  
+    pc().printf("9/0 to decrease/increase heading setpoint: %0.1f deg\r\n",_heading_command);
+    pc().printf("-/+ to decrease/increase timeout: %d s\r\n",_timeout);        
     pc().printf(" C See sensor readings (and max recorded depth of dive & neutral sequences)\r\n");
+    pc().printf(" 8 STREAM SENSOR STATUS (and channel readings)\r\n");
     pc().printf(" ? to reset mbed\r\n");
-    pc().printf(" * (asterisk) to go to DEBUG menu\r\n");
+    pc().printf(" * (asterisk) to go to DEBUG keyboard menu\r\n");
 void StateMachine::showDebugMenu() {
-    pc().printf("\r\r\n\nDEBUG MENU (06/14/2018):\r\r\n");
-    pc().printf(" T to go into CHECK TUNING (This is on a timer! Uses NEUTRAL positions!)\r\n");
+    pc().printf("\r\r\n\nDEBUG KEYBOARD MENU (06/15/2018):\r\r\n");
+    pc().printf(" T to go into CHECK NEUTRAL TUNING (This is on a timer! Uses NEUTRAL positions!)\r\n");
+    pc().printf(" V to POSITION DIVE (initiate motor position-based dive cycle)\r\n");
     pc().printf(" N to find neutral\r\n");
     pc().printf(" M to initiate multi-dive cycle\r\n");
     pc().printf(" D to initiate dive cycle\r\n");
@@ -774,21 +881,28 @@
     pc().printf("</> to change batt neutral position: %0.1f\r\n", _neutral_batt_pos_mm);
     pc().printf("Q/W to decrease/increase pitch setpoint: %3.1f\r\n",_pitch_command);
     pc().printf("A/S to decrease/increase depth setpoint: %3.1f\r\n",_depth_command);
-    pc().printf("+/- to decrease/increase timeout: %d s\r\n",_timeout);
+    pc().printf("9/0 to decrease/increase heading setpoint: %0.1f deg\r\n",_heading_command);
+    pc().printf("k/l to decrease/increase BCE offset: %3.1f (Dive POS: %0.1f, Rise POS: %0.1f)\r\n",_BCE_dive_offset, _neutral_bce_pos_mm - _BCE_dive_offset, _neutral_bce_pos_mm + _BCE_dive_offset);
+    pc().printf(";/' to decrease/increase BMM offset: %3.1f (Dive POS: %0.1f, Rise POS: %0.1f)\r\n",_BMM_dive_offset, _neutral_batt_pos_mm - _BMM_dive_offset, _neutral_batt_pos_mm + _BMM_dive_offset);  
+    pc().printf("-/+ to decrease/increase timeout: %d s\r\n",_timeout);
     pc().printf(" 1 BCE PID sub-menu\r\n");
     pc().printf(" 2 BATT PID sub-menu\r\n");
     pc().printf(" 3 Depth PID sub-menu\r\n");
     pc().printf(" 4 Pitch PID sub-menu\r\n");
-    pc().printf(" 5 MANUAL_TUNING sub-menu (does not have a timer!)\r\n");
+    pc().printf(" 5 Rudder (servo) sub-menu\r\n");
+    pc().printf(" 6 HEADING PID sub-menu\r\n");
+    pc().printf(" 7 MANUAL_TUNING sub-menu (does not have a timer!)  *** MOTORS ARE ACTIVE ***\r\n");
+    //pc().printf(" 8 VIEW_OUTPUTS sub-menu (does not a have a timer!)\r\n");
+    pc().printf(" 8 STREAM SENSOR STATUS (and channel readings)\r\n");
-    pc().printf(" 6 STREAM STATUS\r\n");
-    pc().printf(" 7 RUDDER SERVO settings menu\r\n");
-    pc().printf(" 8 CHANNEL READINGS\r\n");
-    pc().printf(" 9 POSITION READINGS\r\n");
     pc().printf(" C See sensor readings (and max recorded depth of dive & neutral sequences)\r\n");
     pc().printf(" ? to reset mbed\r\n");
-    pc().printf(" * (asterisk) go to SIMPLE menu\r\n");
+    pc().printf(" * (asterisk) to go to SIMPLE keyboard menu\r\n");
 //Find Neutral sub finite state machine
@@ -801,12 +915,12 @@
             if (!_isSubStateTimerRunning) {                
                 _neutral_timer = + 5; //record the time when this block is first entered and add 5 seconds
-                pc().printf("\r\n\nNEUTRAL_SINKING: Next retraction at %0.1f sec [current time: %0.1f] (pitch: %0.1f) (getSetPosition: %0.1f)\n\r", _neutral_timer,, pitchLoop().getPosition(), bce().getSetPosition_mm());
+                pc().printf("\r\n\nNEUTRAL_SINKING: Next retraction at %0.1f sec [current time: %0.1f] (pitch: %0.1f) (getSetPosition: %0.1f)\r\n", _neutral_timer,, pitchLoop().getPosition(), bce().getSetPosition_mm());
                 // what are the commands? (BCE linear actuator active, no pitch movement)
                 bce().setPosition_mm(bce().getSetPosition_mm() - 2.5);  //Troy: There is some strange error where this has to be a hardcoded number.
-                pc().printf("NEUTRAL_SINKING: Retracting piston %0.1f mm [BCE CMD : %0.1f] [pitch cmd: %0.1f] (pitch: %0.1f)\n\r", _neutral_sink_command_mm, bce().getSetPosition_mm(), pitchLoop().getCommand(), pitchLoop().getPosition());
+                pc().printf("NEUTRAL_SINKING: Retracting piston %0.1f mm [BCE CMD : %0.1f] [pitch cmd: %0.1f] (pitch: %0.1f)\r\n", _neutral_sink_command_mm, bce().getSetPosition_mm(), pitchLoop().getCommand(), pitchLoop().getPosition());
                 _isSubStateTimerRunning = true;    //disable this block after one iteration
@@ -814,7 +928,7 @@
             // how exit?
             //once reached the travel limit, no need to keep trying, so exit
             if (bce().getPosition_mm() <= 0) {
-                pc().printf("\n\rDEBUG: BCE current position is %0.1f mm (NEXT SUBSTATE NEUTRAL EXIT)\n\r", bce().getPosition_mm());
+                pc().printf("\r\nDEBUG: BCE current position is %0.1f mm (NEXT SUBSTATE NEUTRAL EXIT)\r\n", bce().getPosition_mm());
                 _substate = NEUTRAL_EXIT;
                 _isSubStateTimerRunning = false; // reset the sub state timer
@@ -849,7 +963,7 @@
                 // it's okay to run the pitch outer loop now since we've already found pitch level in the previous state
-                pc().printf("NEUTRAL_SLOWLY_RISE: Extending BCE piston %0.1f mm [BCE CMD : %0.1f] [pitch cmd: %0.1f]\n\r", _neutral_rise_command_mm, bce().getSetPosition_mm(), pitchLoop().getCommand());
+                pc().printf("NEUTRAL_SLOWLY_RISE: Extending BCE piston %0.1f mm [BCE CMD : %0.1f] [pitch cmd: %0.1f]\r\n", _neutral_rise_command_mm, bce().getSetPosition_mm(), pitchLoop().getCommand());
                 _isSubStateTimerRunning = true;    //disable this block after one iteration
@@ -890,11 +1004,11 @@
                 // what are the commands? (default: retract or extend 0.5 mm)
                 if (pitchLoop().getPosition() > 2) { // nose is high
                     batt().setPosition_mm(batt().getSetPosition_mm() + 0.5); // move battery forward (using setpoint from linear actuator)
-                    pc().printf("\n\rNeutral Check Pitch: moving battery FWD in %0.1f mm increments\n\n\r", _neutral_pitch_command_mm);
+                    pc().printf("\r\nNeutral Check Pitch: moving battery FWD in %0.1f mm increments\r\n\n", _neutral_pitch_command_mm);
                 else if (pitchLoop().getPosition() < -2) { // nose is low
                     batt().setPosition_mm(batt().getSetPosition_mm() - 0.5); // move battery aft (using setpoint from linear actuator)
-                    pc().printf("\n\rNeutral Check Pitch: moving battery AFT in %0.1f mm increments\n\n\r", _neutral_pitch_command_mm);
+                    pc().printf("\r\nNeutral Check Pitch: moving battery AFT in %0.1f mm increments\r\n\n", _neutral_pitch_command_mm);
                 _isSubStateTimerRunning = true;    //disable this block after one iteration
@@ -904,7 +1018,7 @@
             //pitch angle and pitch rate within small tolerance
             //benchtop tests confirm angle needs to be around 2 degrees
             if ((fabs(pitchLoop().getPosition()) < 2.0) and (fabs(pitchLoop().getVelocity()) < 5.0)) { 
-                pc().printf("Debug: Found Level (NEUTRAL_CHECK_PITCH or NEUTRAL_FIRST_PITCH)\n\r");    //debug
+                pc().printf("Debug: Found Level (NEUTRAL_CHECK_PITCH or NEUTRAL_FIRST_PITCH)\r\n");    //debug
                 // found level, but don't need to save anything this time
                 if (depthLoop().getPosition() > _max_recorded_depth_neutral) {  //debug
@@ -925,14 +1039,14 @@
                     configFileIO().savePitchData(_pitch_KP, _pitch_KI, _pitch_KD, _neutral_batt_pos_mm); //P,I,D,batt zeroOffset
                     configFileIO().saveDepthData(_depth_KP, _depth_KI, _depth_KD, _neutral_bce_pos_mm); //P,I,D, bce zeroOffset
-                    pc().printf("\n\n\r>>> Saving Positions: BCE: %0.1f mm, BATT: %0.1f <<<\n\n\r",_neutral_bce_pos_mm,_neutral_batt_pos_mm);
+                    pc().printf("\r\n\n>>> Saving Positions: BCE: %0.1f mm, BATT: %0.1f <<<\r\n\n",_neutral_bce_pos_mm,_neutral_batt_pos_mm);
                     _substate = NEUTRAL_EXIT;
                     _isSubStateTimerRunning = false; // reset the sub state timer to do one-shot actions again
                 else {
-                    pc().printf("\n\rDid not find NEUTRAL_CHECK_PITCH or NEUTRAL_FIRST_PITCH, how did I get here?!\n\r");
+                    pc().printf("\r\nDid not find NEUTRAL_CHECK_PITCH or NEUTRAL_FIRST_PITCH, how did I get here?!\r\n");
                     _substate = NEUTRAL_EXIT;
@@ -948,11 +1062,11 @@
         //this state could be removed, it is only used as a transition but is needed to stop entering this function
         case NEUTRAL_EXIT :
-            pc().printf("substate: NEUTRAL_EXIT\n\r");            
+            pc().printf("substate: NEUTRAL_EXIT\r\n");            
         default :
-            pc().printf("how did we get to substate: default?\n\r"); //debug
+            pc().printf("how did we get to substate: default?\r\n"); //debug
             //a default within the sub-state machine
             _substate = NEUTRAL_EXIT;            
@@ -960,7 +1074,7 @@
     // reset the sub-FSM if needed (useful if you need to redo the neutral-finding sequence)
     if (_substate == NEUTRAL_EXIT) {
-        pc().printf("********************************  EXITING sub-FSM! *******************************\n\n\r");
+        pc().printf("********************************  EXITING sub-FSM! *******************************\r\n\n");
         //reset internal sub-state back to first entry conditions (first state is immediately sinking)
         _substate = NEUTRAL_SINKING;
@@ -1034,7 +1148,7 @@
                 stateMachine().getDiveSequence();               //get first sequence on keyboard press
                 _keyboard_state = currentStateStruct.state;
-                pc().printf("Starting Dive Sequence Controller! (state: %d)\n\r", _keyboard_state);  //neutral sequence and dive cycles
+                pc().printf("Starting Dive Sequence Controller! (state: %d)\r\n", _keyboard_state);  //neutral sequence and dive cycles
             else if (user_input == 'R') {
                 _keyboard_state = RISE;
@@ -1053,6 +1167,10 @@
                 _keyboard_state = CHECK_TUNING;
+            else if (user_input == 'V') {
+                _keyboard_state = POSITION_DIVE;
+            }
             // some debug tools below
             else if (user_input == 'P') {
                 //Print current SD card log file
@@ -1069,11 +1187,11 @@
                 mbedLogger().receiveMissionDataWithTicker();    //receive sequence.txt files
             else if (user_input == '~') {
-                pc().printf("ERASING MBED LOG FILE\n\r"); 
+                pc().printf("ERASING MBED LOG FILE\r\n"); 
             else if (user_input == 'Z') {
-                pc().printf("FSG FSM States: \n\r");
+                pc().printf("FSG FSM States: \r\n");
                 string string_state;
                 for (int i = 0; i < _state_array_counter; i++) {
@@ -1097,10 +1215,10 @@
                         string_state = "MULTI_RISE";
                     else if (_state_array[i] == KEYBOARD)
                         string_state = "KEYBOARD";                    
-                    pc().printf("State #%d: %d (%s)\n\r", i, _state_array[i], string_state.c_str());
+                    pc().printf("State #%d: %d (%s)\r\n", i, _state_array[i], string_state.c_str());
-                pc().printf("\n\rNeutral sub-FSM States: \n\r");
+                pc().printf("\r\nNeutral sub-FSM States: \r\n");
                 string string_substate;
                 for (int i = 0; i < _substate_array_counter; i++) {
@@ -1114,9 +1232,9 @@
                         string_substate = "NEUTRAL_EXIT                  <--   ";
                     else if (_substate_array[i] == EMERGENCY_CLIMB)
                         string_substate = " -- > EMERGENCY_CLIMB  <-- ";                
-                    pc().printf("Neutral Substate #%d: %d (%s)\n\r", i, _state_array[i], string_substate.c_str());
+                    pc().printf("Neutral Substate #%d: %d (%s)\r\n", i, _state_array[i], string_substate.c_str());
-                pc().printf("\n\r");  //make space between printouts
+                pc().printf("\r\n");  //make space between printouts
             else if (user_input == '|') {
                 pc().printf("taring depth sensor\r\n");
@@ -1191,23 +1309,38 @@
                 pc().printf(">>> timeout increased: %d\r\n", _timeout);
-            // go to tuning sub-menu
             else if (user_input == '5') {
-                keyboard_menu_MANUAL_TUNING();
+                keyboard_menu_RUDDER_SERVO_settings();
             else if (user_input == '6') {
-                keyboard_menu_STREAM_STATUS();
-            }
+                keyboard_menu_HEADING_PID_settings();
+            }  
+            // go to tuning sub-menu
             else if (user_input == '7') {
-                keyboard_menu_RUDDER_SERVO_settings();
+                keyboard_menu_MANUAL_TUNING();
             else if (user_input == '8') {
-                keyboard_menu_CHANNEL_READINGS();
+                keyboard_menu_STREAM_STATUS();  //and channel readings for debugging
+//            else if (user_input == '8') {
+//                keyboard_menu_CHANNEL_READINGS();
+//            }
             else if (user_input == '9') {
+                _heading_command -= 5.0;         //decrement the rudder setpoint
+                headingLoop().setCommand(_heading_command);
+                pc().printf(">>> (-) new HEADING setpoint: %0.3f deg (-)\r\n", headingLoop().getCommand());
+            }
+            else if (user_input == '0') {
+                _heading_command += 5.0;         //increment the rudder setpoint
+                headingLoop().setCommand(_heading_command);
+                pc().printf(">>> (+) new HEADING setpoint: %0.3f deg (+)\r\n", headingLoop().getCommand());
+            }
+            else if (user_input == 'Y') {
@@ -1227,7 +1360,7 @@
             else if (user_input == 'C' or user_input == 'c') {
-                pc().printf("\n\n\rCURRENT STATUS AND PARAMETERS:\n\r");
+                pc().printf("\r\n\nCURRENT STATUS AND PARAMETERS:\r\n");
                 // Testing out ADC
                 float vref = 5.6;
@@ -1256,12 +1389,12 @@
                 pc().printf("depthLoop().getCommand(): %3.1f\r\n",depthLoop().getCommand());
                 pc().printf("pitchLoop().getCommand(): %3.1f\r\n",pitchLoop().getCommand());
-                pc().printf("\n\rNeutral Buoyancy Positions: bce: %0.1f, batt: %0.1f\r\n",_neutral_bce_pos_mm,_neutral_batt_pos_mm);
+                pc().printf("\r\nNeutral Buoyancy Positions: bce: %0.1f, batt: %0.1f\r\n",_neutral_bce_pos_mm,_neutral_batt_pos_mm);
                 pc().printf("depthLoop().getOutputOffset(): %0.1f\r\n",depthLoop().getOutputOffset());
                 pc().printf("pitchLoop().getOutputOffset(): %0.1f\r\n",pitchLoop().getOutputOffset());
-                pc().printf("Max recorded depth: neutral: %0.1f, dive: %0.1f, auto_neutral_depth: %0.1f\n\n\r",_max_recorded_depth_neutral, _max_recorded_depth_dive, _max_recorded_auto_neutral_depth);
+                pc().printf("Max recorded depth: neutral: %0.1f, dive: %0.1f, auto_neutral_depth: %0.1f\r\n\n",_max_recorded_depth_neutral, _max_recorded_depth_dive, _max_recorded_auto_neutral_depth);
-                pc().printf("\n\r");
+                pc().printf("\r\n");
                 pc().printf("bce    P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, zero %3i, limit %6.1f mm, slope %0.5f  \r\n", bce().getControllerP(), bce().getControllerI(), bce().getControllerD(), bce().getZeroCounts(), bce().getTravelLimit(), bce().getPotSlope());
                 pc().printf("batt   P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, zero %3i, limit %6.1f mm, slope %0.5f  \r\n", batt().getControllerP(), batt().getControllerI(), batt().getControllerD(), batt().getZeroCounts(), batt().getTravelLimit(), batt().getPotSlope());
                 pc().printf("depth  P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, offset:%6.1f mm \r\n", depthLoop().getControllerP(), depthLoop().getControllerI(), depthLoop().getControllerD(), depthLoop().getOutputOffset());
@@ -1270,25 +1403,25 @@
             else if (user_input == 'k') {
-                _BCE_position_command -= 1.0;
-                pc().printf("Decreased BCE CMD to %0.1f\n\r", _BCE_position_command);
+                _BCE_dive_offset -= 1.0;
+                pc().printf("Decreased BCE dive offset to %0.1f\r\n", _BCE_dive_offset);
             else if (user_input == 'l') {
-                _BCE_position_command += 1.0;
-                pc().printf("Increased BCE CMD to %0.1f\n\r", _BCE_position_command);
+                _BCE_dive_offset += 1.0;
+                pc().printf("Increased BCE dive offset to %0.1f\r\n", _BCE_dive_offset);
             else if (user_input == ';') {
-                _BMM_position_command -= 1.0;
-                pc().printf("Decreased BMM CMD to %0.1f\n\r", _BMM_position_command);
+                _BMM_dive_offset -= 1.0;
+                pc().printf("Decreased BMM dive offset to %0.1f\r\n", _BMM_dive_offset);
             else if (user_input == '\'') {
-                _BMM_position_command += 1.0;
-                pc().printf("Increased BMM CMD to %0.1f\n\r", _BMM_position_command);
+                _BMM_dive_offset += 1.0;
+                pc().printf("Increased BMM dive offset to %0.1f\r\n", _BMM_dive_offset);
             else if (user_input == '*') {
-                pc().printf("SWITCHING TO SIMPLE MENU!\n\r"); 
+                pc().printf("SWITCHING TO SIMPLE MENU!\r\n"); 
                 _debug_menu_on = false;
@@ -1297,8 +1430,8 @@
 /***************************** SIMPLE MENU *****************************/
         else {       
-            if (user_input == 'D') {
-                _keyboard_state = DIVE;
+            if (user_input == 'V') {
+                _keyboard_state = POSITION_DIVE;
             else if (user_input == 'N') {
                 _keyboard_state = FIND_NEUTRAL;
@@ -1323,10 +1456,62 @@
                 _keyboard_state = TRANSMIT_LOG;      //Transmit data (work in progress)
             else if (user_input == '~') {
-                pc().printf("ERASING MBED LOG FILE\n\r"); 
+                pc().printf("ERASING MBED LOG FILE\r\n"); 
+            else if (user_input == 'C' or user_input == 'c') {
+                pc().printf("\r\n\nCURRENT STATUS AND PARAMETERS:\r\n");
+                // Testing out ADC
+                float vref = 5.6;
+                float vmeasured = 0;
+                unsigned int raw = adc().readCh5();
+                vmeasured = ((float)raw)/4095.0*vref;
+                pc().printf("raw BCE pos: %d \r\n",adc().readCh0());
+                pc().printf("raw BMM pos: %d \r\n",adc().readCh1());
+                pc().printf("raw BCE current sense: %d \r\n",adc().readCh2());
+                pc().printf("raw BMM current sense: %d \r\n",adc().readCh3());
+                pc().printf("raw depth pressure: %d \r\n",adc().readCh4());
+                pc().printf("raw vessel pressure: %d \r\n",adc().readCh5());
+                pc().printf("raw battery voltage: %d \r\n",adc().readCh6());
+                pc().printf("raw board current: %d \r\n",adc().readCh7());
+                pc().printf("raw BCE limit switch: %d \r\n",bce().getSwitch());
+                pc().printf("raw BMM limit switch: %d \r\n",batt().getSwitch());
+                pc().printf("raw vessel pressure: %f %d \r\n",vmeasured,raw);
+                // End of ADC Test
+                pc().printf("depth: %3.1f ft\r\n",depthLoop().getPosition());
+                pc().printf("pitch: %3.1f deg\r\n",imu().getPitch());
+                pc().printf("bce().getPosition_mm(): %3.1f\r\n",bce().getPosition_mm());
+                pc().printf("bce().getSetPosition_mm(): %3.1f\r\n",bce().getSetPosition_mm());
+                pc().printf("batt().getPosition_mm(): %3.1f\r\n",batt().getPosition_mm());
+                pc().printf("batt().getSetPosition_mm(): %3.1f\r\n",batt().getSetPosition_mm());
+                pc().printf("depthLoop().getCommand(): %3.1f\r\n",depthLoop().getCommand());
+                pc().printf("pitchLoop().getCommand(): %3.1f\r\n",pitchLoop().getCommand());
+                pc().printf("\r\nNeutral Buoyancy Positions: bce: %0.1f, batt: %0.1f\r\n",_neutral_bce_pos_mm,_neutral_batt_pos_mm);
+                pc().printf("depthLoop().getOutputOffset(): %0.1f\r\n",depthLoop().getOutputOffset());
+                pc().printf("pitchLoop().getOutputOffset(): %0.1f\r\n",pitchLoop().getOutputOffset());
+                pc().printf("Max recorded depth: neutral: %0.1f, dive: %0.1f, auto_neutral_depth: %0.1f\r\n\n",_max_recorded_depth_neutral, _max_recorded_depth_dive, _max_recorded_auto_neutral_depth);
+                pc().printf("\r\n");
+                pc().printf("bce    P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, zero %3i, limit %6.1f mm, slope %0.5f  \r\n", bce().getControllerP(), bce().getControllerI(), bce().getControllerD(), bce().getZeroCounts(), bce().getTravelLimit(), bce().getPotSlope());
+                pc().printf("batt   P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, zero %3i, limit %6.1f mm, slope %0.5f  \r\n", batt().getControllerP(), batt().getControllerI(), batt().getControllerD(), batt().getZeroCounts(), batt().getTravelLimit(), batt().getPotSlope());
+                pc().printf("depth  P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, offset:%6.1f mm \r\n", depthLoop().getControllerP(), depthLoop().getControllerI(), depthLoop().getControllerD(), depthLoop().getOutputOffset());
+                pc().printf("pitch  P:%6.2f, I:%6.2f, D:%6.2f, offset:%6.1f mm \r\n", pitchLoop().getControllerP(), pitchLoop().getControllerI(), pitchLoop().getControllerD(), pitchLoop().getOutputOffset());
+            }
+            else if (user_input == '-') {
+                _timeout -= 10.0;               //decrement the timeout
+                pc().printf(">>> timeout decreased: %d\r\n", _timeout);
+            }
+            else if (user_input == '=' or user_input == '+') {
+                _timeout += 10.0;               //increment the timeout
+                pc().printf(">>> timeout increased: %d\r\n", _timeout);
+            }
             else if (user_input == '?') {
                 pc().printf("\n\n\n>>> Resetting MBED <<<\n\n\n");
@@ -1335,25 +1520,40 @@
             else if (user_input == 'k') {
-                _BCE_position_command -= 1.0;
-                pc().printf("Decreased BCE CMD to %0.1f\n\r", _BCE_position_command);
+                _BCE_dive_offset -= 1.0;
+                pc().printf("Decreased BCE dive offset to %0.1f\r\n", _BCE_dive_offset);
             else if (user_input == 'l') {
-                _BCE_position_command += 1.0;
-                pc().printf("Increased BCE CMD to %0.1f\n\r", _BCE_position_command);
+                _BCE_dive_offset += 1.0;
+                pc().printf("Increased BCE dive offset to %0.1f\r\n", _BCE_dive_offset);
             else if (user_input == ';') {
-                _BMM_position_command -= 1.0;
-                pc().printf("Decreased BMM CMD to %0.1f\n\r", _BMM_position_command);
+                _BMM_dive_offset -= 1.0;
+                pc().printf("Decreased BMM dive offset to %0.1f\r\n", _BMM_dive_offset);
             else if (user_input == '\'') {
-                _BMM_position_command += 1.0;
-                pc().printf("Increased BMM CMD to %0.1f\n\r", _BMM_position_command);
+                _BMM_dive_offset += 1.0;
+                pc().printf("Increased BMM dive offset to %0.1f\r\n", _BMM_dive_offset);
+            else if (user_input == '9') {
+                _heading_command -= 5.0;         //decrement the rudder setpoint
+                headingLoop().setCommand(_heading_command);
+                pc().printf(">>> (-) new HEADING setpoint: %0.3f deg (-)\r\n", headingLoop().getCommand());
+            }
+            else if (user_input == '0') {
+                _heading_command += 5.0;         //increment the rudder setpoint
+                headingLoop().setCommand(_heading_command);
+                pc().printf(">>> (+) new HEADING setpoint: %0.3f deg (+)\r\n", headingLoop().getCommand());
+            }
+            else if (user_input == '8') {
+                keyboard_menu_STREAM_STATUS();
+            }
             else if (user_input == '*') {
-                pc().printf("SWITCHING TO DEBUG MENU!\n\r"); 
+                pc().printf("SWITCHING TO DEBUG MENU!\r\n"); 
                 _debug_menu_on = true;
@@ -1362,7 +1562,7 @@
         //when you read the keyboard successfully, change the state
         _state = _keyboard_state;   //set state at the end of this function
-        //pc().printf("\n\n\r ********* KEYBOARD STATE: %d *********\n\n\r", _state);
+        //pc().printf("\r\n\n ********* KEYBOARD STATE: %d *********\r\n\n", _state);
@@ -1370,7 +1570,7 @@
     char STATUS_key;
     // show the menu
-    pc().printf("\n\r1: STATUS DEBUG MENU (EXIT WITH 'X' !)\n\r");
+    pc().printf("\r\n8: STATUS DEBUG MENU (EXIT WITH 'X' !)\r\n");
     while (1) {
         if (pc().readable()) {
@@ -1381,7 +1581,11 @@
-            pc().printf("BCE POS (CMD): %0.1f (%0.1f) BATT POS: %0.1f (%0.1f) PRESS_psi: %0.2f (unfiltered: %0.2f) [depth_ft: %0.2f], PITCH: %0.2f, HEADING: %0.2f, rudder_servo_pwm: %0.1f\r\n",bce().getPosition_mm(), bce().getSetPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(), batt().getSetPosition_mm(),depth().getPsi(),depth().getRawPSI(),depthLoop().getPosition(),imu().getPitch(),imu().getHeading(),rudder().getPosition_pwm());
+            pc().printf("BCE POS (CMD): %0.1f (%0.1f) BATT POS: %0.1f (%0.1f) PRESS_psi: %0.2f [depth_ft: %0.2f], PITCH: %0.2f, HEADING: %0.2f, rudder_servo_pwm: %0.1f [0(%d),1(%d),2(%d),6(%d),4(%d),5(%d),6(%d),7(%d)]\r",bce().getPosition_mm(), bce().getSetPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(), batt().getSetPosition_mm(),depth().getPsi(),depthLoop().getPosition(),imu().getPitch(),imu().getHeading(),rudder().getPosition_pwm(),adc().readCh0(),adc().readCh1(),adc().readCh2(),adc().readCh3(),adc().readCh4(),adc().readCh5(),adc().readCh6(),adc().readCh7());
+            //pc().printf("BCE POS (CMD): %0.1f (%0.1f) BATT POS: %0.1f (%0.1f) PRESS_psi: %0.2f (unfiltered: %0.2f) [depth_ft: %0.2f], PITCH: %0.2f, HEADING: %0.2f, rudder_servo_pwm: %0.1f\r",bce().getPosition_mm(), bce().getSetPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(), batt().getSetPosition_mm(),depth().getPsi(),depth().getRawPSI(),depthLoop().getPosition(),imu().getPitch(),imu().getHeading(),rudder().getPosition_pwm());
+            //pc().printf("\n0(%d),1(%d),2(%d),6(%d),4(%d),5(%d),6(%d),7(%d)\r\n",adc().readCh0(),adc().readCh1(),adc().readCh2(),adc().readCh3(),adc().readCh4(),adc().readCh5(),adc().readCh6(),adc().readCh7()); 
             //pc().printf("(set) BCE POS: %0.1f (%0.1f) BATT POS: %0.1f (%0.1f) PRESS: %0.2f )(channel reading: %d) (volt: %0.2f) << %0.2f >> (Pressure: %0.2f (raw: %0.2f) PITCH: %0.2f HEADING: %0.2f)\r\n",bce().getPosition_mm(), bce().getSetPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(), batt().getSetPosition_mm(), depthLoop().getPosition(),depth().readADCCounts(),depth().readVoltage(),depth().getPsi(),depth().getRawPSI(),depth().getRawPSI(),imu().getPitch(),imu().getHeading());
@@ -1406,12 +1610,13 @@
         // process the keys            
-        if (STATUS_key == 'X') {               
+        if (STATUS_key == 'X') {  
+            pc().printf("\r\nX: EXITING STATUS DEBUG MENU\r\n");             
             break;  //exit the while loop
         else {
-            pc().printf("\n\rThis key (%c) does nothing here.                                  ", STATUS_key);
+            pc().printf("\r\nThis key (%c) does nothing here.                                  ", STATUS_key);
@@ -1427,10 +1632,10 @@
     char RUDDER_PID_key;
     // print the menu
-    pc().printf("\n\rRUDDER (servo driver) settings (MENU)");
-    pc().printf("\n\r(Adjust min/max/center PWM settings with the following keys: N and M and C");
-    pc().printf("\n\r(Adjust DEGREE limit settings with the following keys: min = K, max = L");
-    pc().printf("\n\r(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.\n\r");
+    pc().printf("\r\nRUDDER (servo driver) settings (MENU)");
+    pc().printf("\r\n(Adjust min/max/center PWM settings with the following keys: N and M and C");
+    pc().printf("\r\n(Adjust DEGREE limit settings with the following keys: min = K, max = L");
+    pc().printf("\r\n(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.\r\n");
     pc().printf("RUDDER min pwm: %f, max pwm: %f, center pwm: %f, min deg: %f, max deg: %f\r\n", rudder().getMinPWM(), rudder().getMaxPWM(), rudder().getCenterPWM(), rudder().getMinDeg(), rudder().getMaxDeg());
     // handle the key presses
@@ -1463,27 +1668,27 @@
             // MIN PWM
         else if (RUDDER_PID_key == 'N') {
-            pc().printf(">> Type in rudder_min_pwm with keyboard.\n\r");
+            pc().printf(">> Type in rudder_min_pwm with keyboard.\r\n");
             rudder_min_pwm = getFloatUserInput();
     // MAX PWM
         else if (RUDDER_PID_key == 'M') {
-            pc().printf(">> Type in rudder_max_pwm with keyboard.\n\r");
+            pc().printf(">> Type in rudder_max_pwm with keyboard.\r\n");
             rudder_max_pwm = getFloatUserInput();
     // CENTER PWM
         else if (RUDDER_PID_key == 'C') {
-            pc().printf(">> Type in rudder_ctr_pwm with keyboard.\n\r");
+            pc().printf(">> Type in rudder_ctr_pwm with keyboard.\r\n");
             rudder_ctr_pwm = getFloatUserInput();
     // MIN DEG
         else if (RUDDER_PID_key == 'K') {
-            pc().printf(">> Type in rudder_min_deg with keyboard.\n\r");
+            pc().printf(">> Type in rudder_min_deg with keyboard.\r\n");
             rudder_min_deg = getFloatUserInput();
     // MAX DEG
         else if (RUDDER_PID_key == 'L') {
-            pc().printf(">> Type in rudder_max_deg with keyboard.\n\r");
+            pc().printf(">> Type in rudder_max_deg with keyboard.\r\n");
             rudder_max_deg = getFloatUserInput();
@@ -1493,6 +1698,66 @@
+void StateMachine::keyboard_menu_HEADING_PID_settings() {    
+    char HEADING_PID_key;
+    float heading_KP = headingLoop().getControllerP();
+    float heading_KI = headingLoop().getControllerI();
+    float heading_KD = headingLoop().getControllerD();    
+    float heading_offset_deg = headingLoop().getOutputOffset();
+    // print the menu
+    pc().printf("\n\rHEADING (rudder outer loop) PID gain settings (MENU)");
+    pc().printf("\n\r   Adjust PID settings with the following keys: P and I and D");
+    pc().printf("\n\r   Adjust zero offset with O (oh)");
+    pc().printf("\n\r(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.\n\r");
+    pc().printf("HEADING P: %3.2f, I: %3.2f, D %3.2f, offset: %3.1f mm \r\n", headingLoop().getControllerP(), headingLoop().getControllerI(), headingLoop().getControllerD(), headingLoop().getOutputOffset());
+    // handle the key presses
+    while(1) {
+        // get the user's keystroke from either of the two inputs
+        if (pc().readable()) {
+            HEADING_PID_key = pc().getc();
+        }
+        else {
+            continue; // didn't get a user input, so keep waiting for it
+        }
+        // handle the user's key input     
+        if (HEADING_PID_key == 'S') { // user wants to save the modified values
+            // set global values
+            headingLoop().setControllerP(heading_KP);
+            headingLoop().setControllerI(heading_KI);
+            headingLoop().setControllerD(heading_KD);
+            headingLoop().setOutputOffset(heading_offset_deg);
+            // save pitch PID values for outer loop (must save neutral position also)
+            configFileIO().saveHeadingData(heading_KP, heading_KI, heading_KD, heading_offset_deg);    //_neutral_heading_pos_deg);
+            pc().printf("HEADING P: %3.2f, I: %3.2f, D %3.2f, offset: %3.1f mm \r\n", headingLoop().getControllerP(), headingLoop().getControllerI(), headingLoop().getControllerD(), headingLoop().getOutputOffset());
+        }
+        else if (HEADING_PID_key == 'X') {    
+            break;  //exit the while loop
+        }
+        else if (HEADING_PID_key == 'P') {
+            heading_KP = getFloatUserInput();;
+        }
+        else if (HEADING_PID_key == 'I') {
+            heading_KI = getFloatUserInput();
+        }
+        else if (HEADING_PID_key == 'D') {
+            heading_KD = getFloatUserInput();
+        }
+        else if (HEADING_PID_key == 'O') {
+            heading_offset_deg = getFloatUserInput();
+        }
+        else {
+            pc().printf("HEADING SETUP: [%c] This key does nothing here.                           \r", HEADING_PID_key);
+        }
+    }
 void StateMachine::keyboard_menu_COUNTS_STATUS() {
@@ -1501,9 +1766,9 @@
     char TUNING_key;
     // show the menu
-    pc().printf("\n\r1: MANUAL TUNING MENU (EXIT WITH 'X' !) (Pause and Unpause rudder ticker with P and U\n");
-    pc().printf("\n\r(Adjust BCE and BATT positions in real-time.  Timeout NOT running! (decrease/increase BCE with A/S, BATT with Q/W, RUDDER with E/R)\n\r");
-    pc().printf("\n\rMANUAL_TUNING: BCE_position: %0.1f, BATT_position: %0.1f (depth: %0.1f ft, pitch: %0.1f deg, headingLoop heading: % 0.1f deg, IMU heading: %0.1f deg)\r",bce().getPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(),depthLoop().getPosition(),pitchLoop().getPosition(), headingLoop().getPosition(), imu().getHeading());
+    pc().printf("\r\n7: MANUAL TUNING MENU (EXIT WITH 'X' !) (Pause and Unpause rudder ticker with P and U\n");
+    pc().printf("\r\n(Adjust BCE and BATT positions in real-time.  Timeout NOT running! (decrease/increase BCE with A/S, BATT with Q/W, RUDDER with E/R)\r\n");
+    pc().printf("\r\nMANUAL_TUNING: BCE_position: %0.1f, BATT_position: %0.1f (depth: %0.1f ft, pitch: %0.1f deg, headingLoop heading: % 0.1f deg, IMU heading: %0.1f deg)\r",bce().getPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(),depthLoop().getPosition(),pitchLoop().getPosition(), headingLoop().getPosition(), imu().getHeading());
     //made these into internal parameters
     float _tuning_bce_pos_mm = 300.0;   //safe starting position
@@ -1525,7 +1790,8 @@
             TUNING_key = pc().getc();   //get each keystroke
-        else {            
+        else {   
+            pc().printf("MANUAL_TUNING: (current stats) BCE pos: %3.1f mm (cmd: %3.1f mm), BATT pos: %3.1f mm (cmd: %3.1f mm) SERVO: %0.1f deg, %f pwm\r", bce().getPosition_mm(), bce().getSetPosition_mm(), batt().getPosition_mm(), batt().getSetPosition_mm(), rudder().getPosition_deg(), rudder().getPosition_pwm());         
             continue; // didn't get a user input, so keep waiting for it
@@ -1546,28 +1812,26 @@
         else if (TUNING_key == 'A') {
             _tuning_bce_pos_mm = _tuning_bce_pos_mm - 1.0;
             bce().setPosition_mm(_tuning_bce_pos_mm);              //this variable is loaded from the file at initialization
-            pc().printf("BCE _tuning_bce_pos_mm now: %0.1f\n\r", _tuning_bce_pos_mm);
-            pc().printf("\n\rMANUAL_TUNING: (BCE CHANGE: %0.1f)\n\r BCE_position: %0.1f, BATT_position: %0.1f (depth: %0.1f ft, pitch: %0.1f deg)\r",bce().getSetPosition_mm(),bce().getPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(),depthLoop().getPosition(),pitchLoop().getPosition());
+            pc().printf("\r\nMANUAL_TUNING: (BCE CHANGE: %0.1f)\r\n BCE_position: %0.1f, BATT_position: %0.1f (depth: %0.1f ft, pitch: %0.1f deg)\r",bce().getSetPosition_mm(),bce().getPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(),depthLoop().getPosition(),pitchLoop().getPosition());
         else if (TUNING_key == 'S') {
             _tuning_bce_pos_mm = _tuning_bce_pos_mm + 1.0;
             bce().setPosition_mm(_tuning_bce_pos_mm);              //this variable is loaded from the file at initialization
-            pc().printf("BCE _tuning_bce_pos_mm now: %0.1f\n\r", _tuning_bce_pos_mm);
-            pc().printf("\n\rMANUAL_TUNING: (BCE CHANGE: %0.1f)\n\r BCE_position: %0.1f, BATT_position: %0.1f (depth: %0.1f ft, pitch: %0.1f deg)\r",bce().getSetPosition_mm(),bce().getPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(),depthLoop().getPosition(),pitchLoop().getPosition());
+            pc().printf("\r\nMANUAL_TUNING: (BCE CHANGE: %0.1f)\r\n BCE_position: %0.1f, BATT_position: %0.1f (depth: %0.1f ft, pitch: %0.1f deg)\r",bce().getSetPosition_mm(),bce().getPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(),depthLoop().getPosition(),pitchLoop().getPosition());
         else if (TUNING_key == 'Q') {
             _tuning_batt_pos_mm = _tuning_batt_pos_mm - 1.0;
             batt().setPosition_mm(_tuning_batt_pos_mm);              //this variable is loaded from the file at initialization
-            pc().printf("\n\rMANUAL_TUNING: (BATT CHANGE: %0.1f)\n\r BCE_position: %0.1f, BATT_position: %0.1f (depth: %0.1f ft, pitch: %0.1f deg)\r",batt().getSetPosition_mm(),bce().getPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(),depthLoop().getPosition(),pitchLoop().getPosition());
+            pc().printf("\r\nMANUAL_TUNING: (BATT CHANGE: %0.1f)\r\n BCE_position: %0.1f, BATT_position: %0.1f (depth: %0.1f ft, pitch: %0.1f deg)\r",batt().getSetPosition_mm(),bce().getPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(),depthLoop().getPosition(),pitchLoop().getPosition());
         else if (TUNING_key == 'W') {
             _tuning_batt_pos_mm = _tuning_batt_pos_mm + 1.0;
             batt().setPosition_mm(_tuning_batt_pos_mm);              //this variable is loaded from the file at initialization
-            pc().printf("\n\rMANUAL_TUNING: (BATT CHANGE: %0.1f)\n\r BCE_position: %0.1f, BATT_position: %0.1f (depth: %0.1f ft, pitch: %0.1f deg)\r",batt().getSetPosition_mm(),bce().getPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(),depthLoop().getPosition(),pitchLoop().getPosition());
+            pc().printf("\r\nMANUAL_TUNING: (BATT CHANGE: %0.1f)\r\n BCE_position: %0.1f, BATT_position: %0.1f (depth: %0.1f ft, pitch: %0.1f deg)\r",batt().getSetPosition_mm(),bce().getPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(),depthLoop().getPosition(),pitchLoop().getPosition());
         else if (TUNING_key == 'c' or TUNING_key == 'C') {
@@ -1578,13 +1842,13 @@
         else if (TUNING_key == 'E') {
             _tuning_rudder_pos_deg = _tuning_rudder_pos_deg - 0.5;
-            pc().printf("MT: RUDDER %0.1f [servo pwm: %f, %0.1f deg] (headingLoop heading: % 0.1f deg, IMU heading: %0.1f deg)\n\r", _tuning_rudder_pos_deg, rudder().getPosition_pwm(), rudder().getPosition_deg(), headingLoop().getPosition(), imu().getHeading());
+            pc().printf("MANUAL_TUNING: RUDDER CHANGE %0.1f deg [servo pwm: %f, %0.1f deg] (headingLoop heading: % 0.1f deg, IMU heading: %0.1f deg)\r\n", _tuning_rudder_pos_deg, rudder().getPosition_pwm(), rudder().getPosition_deg(), headingLoop().getPosition(), imu().getHeading());
         else if (TUNING_key == 'R') {
             _tuning_rudder_pos_deg = _tuning_rudder_pos_deg + 0.5;
-            pc().printf("MT: RUDDER %0.1f [servo pwm: %f, %0.1f deg] (headingLoop heading: % 0.1f deg, IMU heading: %0.1f deg)\n\r", _tuning_rudder_pos_deg, rudder().getPosition_pwm(), rudder().getPosition_deg(), headingLoop().getPosition(), imu().getHeading());
+            pc().printf("MANUAL_TUNING: RUDDER CHANGE %0.1f deg [servo pwm: %f, %0.1f deg] (headingLoop heading: % 0.1f deg, IMU heading: %0.1f deg)\r\n", _tuning_rudder_pos_deg, rudder().getPosition_pwm(), rudder().getPosition_deg(), headingLoop().getPosition(), imu().getHeading());
         else if (TUNING_key == 'P') {
@@ -1596,7 +1860,7 @@
         else {
-            pc().printf("\n\rMANUAL_TUNING: [%c] This key does nothing here.                                  \r", TUNING_key);
+            pc().printf("\r\nMANUAL_TUNING: [%c] This key does nothing here.                                  \r", TUNING_key);
@@ -1605,8 +1869,8 @@
 //    char TUNING_key;
 //    // show the menu
-//    pc().printf("\n\r1: MANUAL TUNING MENU (EXIT WITH 'X' !)");
-//    pc().printf("\n\r(Adjust BCE and BATT positions in real-time.  Timeout NOT running! (decrease/increase BCE with A/S, BATT with Q/W)\n\r");
+//    pc().printf("\r\n1: MANUAL TUNING MENU (EXIT WITH 'X' !)");
+//    pc().printf("\r\n(Adjust BCE and BATT positions in real-time.  Timeout NOT running! (decrease/increase BCE with A/S, BATT with Q/W)\r\n");
 //    pc().printf("MANUAL_TUNING: BCE_position: %0.1f, BATT_position: %0.1f (depth: %0.1f ft, pitch: %0.1f deg)\r",bce().getPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(),depthLoop().getPosition(),pitchLoop().getPosition());
 //    // what needs to be started?
@@ -1623,7 +1887,7 @@
 //        }
 //        else {
-//            pc().printf("MT: ACTUAL POS (SET POS): BCE: %0.1f (%0.1f), BATT: %0.1f (%0.1f)\n\r",bce().getPosition_mm(),bce().getSetPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(),batt().getSetPosition_mm());
+//            pc().printf("MT: ACTUAL POS (SET POS): BCE: %0.1f (%0.1f), BATT: %0.1f (%0.1f)\r\n",bce().getPosition_mm(),bce().getSetPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(),batt().getSetPosition_mm());
 //            continue; // didn't get a user input, so keep waiting for it
 //        }
@@ -1661,7 +1925,7 @@
 //        }
 //        else {
-//            pc().printf("\n\rThis key does nothing here.                                  ");
+//            pc().printf("\r\nThis key does nothing here.                                  ");
 //        }
 //    }
@@ -1671,7 +1935,7 @@
     char TUNING_key;
     // show the menu
-    pc().printf("\n\r8: CHANNEL READINGS (EXIT WITH 'X' !)");
+    pc().printf("\r\n8: CHANNEL READINGS (EXIT WITH 'X' !)");
     while (1) {
         if (pc().readable()) {
@@ -1699,7 +1963,7 @@
     char TUNING_key;
     // show the menu
-    pc().printf("\n\r9: BCE and BMM POSITION READINGS (EXIT WITH 'X' !)");
+    pc().printf("\r\n9: BCE and BMM POSITION READINGS (EXIT WITH 'X' !)");
     while (1) {
         if (pc().readable()) {
@@ -1755,9 +2019,9 @@
     float BCE_KD = bce().getControllerD();  // load current global value
     // show the menu
-    pc().printf("\n\r1: Buoyancy Engine PID gain settings (MENU)");
-    pc().printf("\n\r(Adjust PID settings with the following keys: -= and [] and ;'");
-    pc().printf("\n\r(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.)\n\n\n\r");
+    pc().printf("\r\n1: Buoyancy Engine PID gain settings (MENU)");
+    pc().printf("\r\n(Adjust PID settings with the following keys: -= and [] and ;'");
+    pc().printf("\r\n(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.)\r\n\n\n");
     pc().printf("bce    P: %3.2f, I: %3.2f, D %3.2f, zero %d, limit %3.0f mm, slope %3.3f  \r\n", bce().getControllerP(), bce().getControllerI(), bce().getControllerD(), bce().getZeroCounts(), bce().getTravelLimit(), bce().getPotSlope());
     // handle the key presses
@@ -1810,7 +2074,7 @@
             break;  //exit the while loop
         else {
-            pc().printf("\n\rThis key does nothing here.                              ");
+            pc().printf("\r\nThis key does nothing here.                              ");
@@ -1823,9 +2087,9 @@
     float batt_KD = batt().getControllerD(); // load current global value
     // print the menu
-    pc().printf("\n\r2: Battery Motor PID gain settings (MENU)");
-    pc().printf("\n\r(Adjust PID settings with the following keys: -= and [] and ;'");
-    pc().printf("\n\r(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.\n\r");
+    pc().printf("\r\n2: Battery Motor PID gain settings (MENU)");
+    pc().printf("\r\n(Adjust PID settings with the following keys: -= and [] and ;'");
+    pc().printf("\r\n(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.\r\n");
     pc().printf("batt   P: %3.2f, I: %3.2f, D %3.2f, zero %d, limit %3.0f mm, slope %3.3f  \r\n", batt().getControllerP(), batt().getControllerI(), batt().getControllerD(), batt().getZeroCounts(), batt().getTravelLimit(), batt().getPotSlope());
     // handle the key presses
@@ -1888,9 +2152,9 @@
     float gain_step_size = 0.01;    // modify this to change gain step size
     // show the menu
-    pc().printf("\n\r1: Buoyancy Engine PID gain settings (MENU)");
-    pc().printf("\n\r(Adjust PID settings with the following keys: -= and [] and ;'");
-    pc().printf("\n\r(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.\n\n\n\r");
+    pc().printf("\r\n3: DEPTH outer loop PID gain settings (MENU)");
+    pc().printf("\r\n(Adjust PID settings with the following keys: -= and [] and ;'");
+    pc().printf("\r\n(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.\r\n\n\n");
     pc().printf("depth  P: %3.2f, I: %3.2f, D %3.2f, offset: %3.1f mm \r\n", depthLoop().getControllerP(), depthLoop().getControllerI(), depthLoop().getControllerD(), depthLoop().getOutputOffset());
     // handle the key presses
@@ -1942,7 +2206,7 @@
             break;  //exit the while loop
         else {
-            pc().printf("\n\rThis key does nothing here.                              ");
+            pc().printf("\r\nThis key does nothing here.                              ");
@@ -1952,9 +2216,9 @@
     float gain_step_size = 0.01;    // modify this to change gain step size
     // print the menu
-    pc().printf("\n\r2: Battery Motor PID gain settings (MENU)");
-    pc().printf("\n\r(Adjust PID settings with the following keys: -= and [] and ;'");
-    pc().printf("\n\r(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.\n\r");
+    pc().printf("\r\n4: Pitch outer loop PID gain settings (MENU)");
+    pc().printf("\r\n(Adjust PID settings with the following keys: -= and [] and ;'");
+    pc().printf("\r\n(Hit shift + X to exit w/o saving.  Hit shift + S to save.\r\n");
     pc().printf("pitch  P: %3.2f, I: %3.2f, D %3.2f, offset: %3.1f mm \r\n", pitchLoop().getControllerP(), pitchLoop().getControllerI(), pitchLoop().getControllerD(), pitchLoop().getOutputOffset());
     // handle the key presses
@@ -2055,7 +2319,7 @@
     _neutral_batt_pos_mm = batt_pos_mm;
     _neutral_bce_pos_mm = bce_pos_mm;
-    pc().printf("Neutral Buoyancy Positions: batt: %0.1f, bce: %0.1f\n\r",_neutral_batt_pos_mm,_neutral_bce_pos_mm);
+    pc().printf("Neutral Buoyancy Positions: batt: %0.1f, bce: %0.1f\r\n",_neutral_batt_pos_mm,_neutral_bce_pos_mm);
 int StateMachine::timeoutRunning() {
@@ -2074,7 +2338,7 @@
 void StateMachine::printCurrentSdLog() {
-    pc().printf("SD card log work in progress\n\r");
+    pc().printf("SD card log work in progress\r\n");
     //might be worth saving the last few logs to the MBED...
@@ -2092,12 +2356,12 @@
     static bool is_transmit_timer_running = false;
     if (!is_transmit_timer_running) {     
-        //pc().printf("\n\n\rTRANSMIT timer running...\n\n\r");    //debug
+        //pc().printf("\r\n\nTRANSMIT timer running...\r\n\n");    //debug
         transmit_timer = + 1; //record the time when this block is first entered and add 5 seconds 
         is_transmit_timer_running = true;    //disable this block after one iteration
-        pc().printf("TESTING to see if this transmits once a second. (timer: %0.1f)\n\r",;
+        pc().printf("TESTING to see if this transmits once a second. (timer: %0.1f)\r\n",;
     if ( >= transmit_timer) {
         is_transmit_timer_running = false; // reset the sub state timer to do one-shot actions again
@@ -2128,7 +2392,7 @@
         string_state = "KEYBOARD";
     if (!_is_log_timer_running) {     
-        //pc().printf("\n\n\rlog timer running...\n\n\r");    //debug
+        //pc().printf("\r\n\nlog timer running...\r\n\n");    //debug
         _log_timer = + 1; //record the time when this block is first entered and add 5 seconds 
         _is_log_timer_running = true;    //disable this block after one iteration
@@ -2189,21 +2453,21 @@
     while(1) {
         bool valid_input = false;                   //flag for valid or invalid input
-        pc().printf("Please enter your number below and press ENTER:\n\r");
+        pc().printf("\n\rPlease enter your number below and press ENTER:\r\n");
         char user_string [80];                      //variable to store input as a character array
         pc().scanf("%s", user_string);              //read formatted data from stdin
-        pc().printf("user_string was <%s>\n\r", user_string);
+        pc().printf("\n\n\ruser_string was <%s>\r\n", user_string);
         //check through the string for invalid characters (decimal values 43 through 57)
         for (int c = 0; c < strlen(user_string); c++) {
-            //pc().printf("character is [%c]\n\r", user_string[c]);   //debug
+            //pc().printf("character is [%c]\r\n", user_string[c]);   //debug
             if (user_string[c] >= 43 and user_string[c] <= 57) {
-                //pc().printf("VALID CHARACTER!\n\r"); //debug
+                //pc().printf("VALID CHARACTER!\r\n"); //debug
             else {
-                pc().printf("INVALID INPUT!\n\r");
+                pc().printf("INVALID INPUT!\r\n");
@@ -2214,7 +2478,7 @@
         if (valid_input) {
             float_conversion = atof(user_string);
-            pc().printf("VALID INPUT!  Your input was: %f\n\r", float_conversion);
+            pc().printf("VALID INPUT!  Your input was: %f\r\n", float_conversion);