most functionality to splashdwon, find neutral and start mission. short timeouts still in code for testing, will adjust to go directly to sit_idle after splashdown

Dependencies:   mbed MODSERIAL FATFileSystem

--- a/new_changelog.txt	Thu May 09 14:49:26 2019 +0000
+++ b/new_changelog.txt	Thu May 09 14:57:45 2019 +0000
@@ -89,13 +89,17 @@
        -  added state ENDLEG_WAIT - will drop to keyboard/FLOAT_BROADCAST if char is read over xbee() while waiting
        - test time for log file to be cycled - in main.cpp
        -  convert from feet to meters in depth().getposition()  calls ( deep inside outerloop() )
- 07may2019    DONE as of now   jcw
+07may2019    DONE as of now   jcw
        -  fixed version of posvelfilt that can deal with heading variables
        -  state FLYING_IDLE  that is to be ended  by a pulldown on a DigitalIn line - presently has a timeout for  testing
-       -  state START_SWIM  that is started automatically from end of FLYING_IDLE and splashdown wait
+       -  state START_SWIM  that is started automatically at end of FLYING_IDLE and splashdown wait
        -  Find_Neutral will run immediately if splashdown ends with FSG upside down, but START_SWIM will exit the mbed program
           and return control to Raspberry PI for communications.
-       -  FIND_NEUTRAL  will be run if flag and file showing neutral found has not been set - this is important in my view
+           I have not yet exercised code that would run if the FSG submerges and does  not self -right under water.
+           It should happen soon. I think I do that on the bench.
+       -  FIND_NEUTRAL  will be run if flag and file showing neutral found has not been set - this is important in my view.
           if find Neutral fails, file is written to warn raspberry PI
        -  lots of flashing leds()  to indicate still running.
-       -  runs on bare board.  still to be tested with FSG  full system, or even pieces - such as imu().
\ No newline at end of file
+       -  runs on bare board.  still to be tested with FSG  full system, or even pieces - such as imu().