most functionality to splashdwon, find neutral and start mission. short timeouts still in code for testing, will adjust to go directly to sit_idle after splashdown

Dependencies:   mbed MODSERIAL FATFileSystem

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Feb 15 04:01:57 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Feb 15 23:07:25 2018 +0000
@@ -22,8 +22,15 @@
         - Data logging on SD card and MBED working simultaneously
         - State Machine is being used to transmit data over Xbee instead of a separate ticker
         - Servo driver tested separately in FSG_servo_test program (verified servo works separately) 
-        - Electrical issue with PWM signal interfering with motor driver signal (disabled for now)
-        - 
+        - Electrical issue with PWM signal interfering with motor driver signal (disabled servo for now)
+        - Ability to erase MBED (only the MBED) log file through keyboard console
+    Modified 2018-02-15 revA by Troy
+        - Made minor changes including cleaning up some functions
+    Modified 2018-02-15 revB by Troy
+        - Modified StateMachine class to include manual motor-driving mode and FSM-driven battery and buoyancy engine motor inner loops (CHECK_TUNING)
+        - Fixed some on-screen printouts in the StateMachine class
+        - Added CHECK_TUNING state to MbedLogger printouts to MBED and SD card
+        - Pool tested code worked with several dives.  Neutral was BCE: 162 mm, BATT: 36 mm with CHECK_TUNING state; FIND_NEUTRAL (auto-tune) produced 161.0 and 34 mm
 #include "mbed.h"
@@ -41,7 +48,7 @@
 void setup() {
-    pc().printf("\n\n\rFSG POOL TEST 2017-12-21 revA\n\n\r");
+    pc().printf("\n\n\rFSG POOL TEST 2017-02-15 revA\n\n\r");
     //setup data logger baud rate and write the start of the program (every time you reset)
@@ -108,9 +115,6 @@
     // setup the data logger rate
     log_loop_rate_ticker.attach(&log_loop_trigger, 1.0); // fires the ticker at 1 Hz rate (every second)
-    //create the MBED log file (current log file)
-    //mbedLogger().openFile();
     //set time of logger (to current or close-to-current time)
@@ -119,21 +123,6 @@
     //create log files if not present on file system
-    pc().printf("Size of ConfigFile: %d\n\r", sizeof(ConfigFile));
-    pc().printf("Size of ConfigFileIO: %d\n\r", sizeof(ConfigFileIO));
-    pc().printf("Size of IMU: %d\n\r", sizeof(IMU));
-    pc().printf("Size of LinearActuator: %d\n\r", sizeof(LinearActuator));
-    pc().printf("Size of LTC1298 (SpiADC): %d\n\r", sizeof(SpiADC));
-    pc().printf("Size of MbedLogger: %d\n\r", sizeof(MbedLogger));
-    pc().printf("Size of omegaPX209: %d\n\r", sizeof(omegaPX209));
-    pc().printf("Size of OuterLoop: %d\n\r", sizeof(OuterLoop));
-    pc().printf("Size of PIDController: %d\n\r", sizeof(PIDController));
-    pc().printf("Size of PololuHBridge: %d\n\r", sizeof(PololuHBridge));        //fix this class
-    pc().printf("Size of PosVelFilter: %d\n\r", sizeof(PosVelFilter));
-    pc().printf("Size of SequenceController: %d\n\r", sizeof(SequenceController));
-    pc().printf("Size of ServoDriver: %d\n\r", sizeof(ServoDriver));
-    pc().printf("Size of StateMachine: %d\n\r", sizeof(StateMachine));
 int main() {