fota lib for mdot

Dependents:   UQ_LoraWAN

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mdot/LoRaConfig.h	Fri Sep 14 15:39:09 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#if defined (TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE)
+#include "spiffs.h"
+#include "SpiFlash25.h"
+#include "xdot_eeprom.h"
+#endif /* TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE */
+#include "mDot.h"
+#include "ChannelPlan.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#ifndef __LORA_CONFIG_H__
+#define __LORA_CONFIG_H__
+#if defined (TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE)
+// this value represents the number of files you can have open at the same time
+// adjust it according to your requirements
+#define MAX_CONCURRENT_FDS      5
+#define PAGE_SIZE               256
+#define SECTOR_SIZE             64*1024
+#define MEM_SIZE                2*1024*1024
+#define SETTINGS_ADDR       0x0000      // configuration is 1024 bytes (0x000-0x3FF)
+#define PROTECTED_ADDR      0x0400      // protected configuration is 256 bytes (0x400-0x4FF)
+#define SESSION_ADDR        0x0500      // session is 256 bytes (0x500-0x5FF)
+#define USER_ADDR           0x0800      // user space is 6*1024 bytes (0x800 - 0x1FFF)
+#endif /* TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE */
+#define EUI_LENGTH 8
+#define KEY_LENGTH 16
+typedef struct {
+        uint8_t FrequencyBand;
+        uint8_t DeviceEUI[EUI_LENGTH];
+        uint8_t AppEUI[EUI_LENGTH];
+        uint8_t AppKey[KEY_LENGTH];
+        uint8_t RFU[PROTECTED_RFU_SIZE];
+} ProtectedSettings_t;
+#define CONFIG_RFU_SIZE 361
+typedef struct {
+        uint8_t ConfigVersion;
+        uint32_t SerialBaudRate;
+        uint32_t DebugBaudRate;
+        uint8_t StartUpMode;
+        /* Network Settings */
+        uint8_t NetworkEUI[EUI_LENGTH];
+        uint8_t NetworkEUIPassphrase[PASSPHRASE_LENGTH];
+        uint8_t NetworkKey[KEY_LENGTH];
+        uint8_t NetworkKeyPassphrase[PASSPHRASE_LENGTH];
+        uint32_t NetworkAddress;
+        uint8_t NetworkSessionKey[KEY_LENGTH];
+        uint8_t DataSessionKey[KEY_LENGTH];
+        uint8_t JoinMode;
+        uint8_t JoinRetries;
+        /* Radio Settings */
+        uint8_t ForwardErrorCorrection;
+        uint8_t ACKAttempts;
+        bool EnableEncryption;
+        bool EnableCRC;
+        bool EnableADR;
+        bool EnableEcho;
+        bool EnableVerbose;
+        uint32_t TxFrequency;
+        uint8_t TxDataRate;
+        bool TxInverted;
+        uint8_t TxPower;
+        bool TxWait;
+        uint8_t FrequencySubBand;
+        uint32_t RxFrequency;
+        uint8_t RxDataRate;
+        bool RxInverted;
+        uint8_t RxOutput;
+        /* Serial Settings */
+        uint32_t WakeInterval;
+        uint16_t WakeTimeout;
+        uint32_t WakeDelay;
+        uint8_t PublicNetwork;
+        uint8_t LinkCheckCount;
+        uint8_t LinkCheckThreshold;
+        uint8_t LogLevel;
+        uint8_t JoinByteOrder;
+        uint8_t WakePin;
+        uint8_t WakeMode;
+        uint8_t PreserveSessionOverReset;
+        uint8_t JoinDelay;
+        uint8_t RxDelay;
+        uint8_t Port;
+        uint8_t Class;
+        int8_t AntennaGain;
+        bool FlowControl;
+        uint8_t Repeat;
+        bool SerialClearOnError;
+        uint8_t Rx2Datarate;
+        uint8_t JoinRx1DatarateOffset;  //!< Offset for datarate for first window
+        uint8_t JoinRx2DatarateIndex;   //!< Datarate for second window
+        uint32_t Channels[16];
+        uint8_t ChannelRanges[16];
+        uint32_t JoinRx2Frequency;      //!< Frequency used in second window
+        uint8_t MaxEIRP;
+        uint8_t UlDwellTime;
+        uint8_t DlDwellTime;
+        uint8_t padding;
+        uint32_t DlChannels[16];
+        uint8_t LastPlan;               //!< Channel plan from last saved configuration
+        int8_t lbtThreshold;            //!< Listen before talk threshold
+        uint16_t lbtTimeUs;             //!< Listen before talk time
+        // Multicast session address and keys
+        uint32_t MulticastAddress[MULTICAST_SESSIONS];
+        uint8_t MulticastNetSessionKey[MULTICAST_SESSIONS][KEY_LENGTH];
+        uint8_t MulticastAppSessionKey[MULTICAST_SESSIONS][KEY_LENGTH];
+        uint8_t AutoSleep;
+        uint8_t RFU[CONFIG_RFU_SIZE];
+} LoRaSettings_t;
+typedef struct {
+        bool Joined;
+        uint8_t Rx1DatarateOffset;
+        uint8_t Rx2Datarate;
+        uint8_t ChannelMask500k;
+        uint32_t NetworkAddress;
+        uint8_t NetworkKey[KEY_LENGTH];
+        uint8_t DataKey[KEY_LENGTH];
+        uint64_t ChannelMask;
+        uint32_t Channels[16];
+        uint8_t ChannelRanges[16];
+        uint32_t UplinkCounter;
+        uint8_t Rx1Delay;
+        uint8_t Datarate;
+        uint8_t TxPower;
+        uint8_t Repeat;
+        uint32_t Rx2Frequency;
+        uint32_t DownlinkCounter;
+        uint8_t MaxDutyCycle;
+        uint8_t AdrAckCounter;
+        uint8_t LinkFailCount;
+        uint8_t FrequencySubBand;
+        uint32_t NetworkId;
+        bool ServerAckRequested;
+        uint8_t DeviceClass;
+        uint8_t CommandBufferIndex;
+        uint8_t CommandBuffer[15];
+        uint8_t UlDwellTime;
+        uint8_t DlDwellTime;
+        uint32_t DlChannels[16];
+        uint8_t MaxEIRP;
+        // Multicast session counter values
+        uint32_t MulticastCounters[MULTICAST_SESSIONS];
+        uint8_t RFU[SESSION_RFU_SIZE];
+        uint8_t LastPlan;               //!< Channel plan from last saved session
+} NetworkSession_t;
+class LoRaConfig {
+    public:
+        static const uint8_t EuiLength = EUI_LENGTH;
+        static const uint8_t KeyLength = KEY_LENGTH;
+        static const uint8_t PassPhraseLength = PASSPHRASE_LENGTH;
+        enum JoinMode {
+            MANUAL,
+            OTA,
+            AUTO_OTA,
+            PEER_TO_PEER
+        };
+        enum Mode {
+            COMMAND_MODE,
+            SERIAL_MODE
+        };
+        enum RX_Output {
+            HEXADECIMAL,
+            BINARY
+        };
+        enum DataRates {
+            DR0,
+            DR1,
+            DR2,
+            DR3,
+            DR4,
+            DR5,
+            DR6,
+            DR7,
+            DR8,
+            DR9,
+            DR10,
+            DR11,
+            DR12,
+            DR13,
+            DR14,
+            DR15
+        };
+        enum FrequencySubBands {
+            FSB_ALL,
+            FSB_1,
+            FSB_2,
+            FSB_3,
+            FSB_4,
+            FSB_5,
+            FSB_6,
+            FSB_7,
+            FSB_8
+        };
+        enum JoinByteOrder {
+            LSB,
+            MSB
+        };
+        static const uint32_t BaudRates[];
+        static const std::string DRS[];
+        static const uint32_t DefaultBaudRate;
+        uint32_t ValidateBaudRate(uint32_t rate);
+        LoRaConfig(lora::ChannelPlan *plan);
+        ~LoRaConfig();
+        bool Save();
+        bool SaveSession();
+        bool SaveProtected();
+#if defined (TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE)
+        void EnablePVD();
+        bool PVDO();
+#endif /* TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE */
+        void Mount();
+        void Load();
+        void Default();
+        void DefaultSession();
+        void DefaultProtected();
+        uint8_t PublicNetwork();
+        void PublicNetwork(uint8_t val);
+        uint8_t* DeviceEUI();
+        void DeviceEUI(uint8_t* devEUI);
+        const uint8_t* AppEUI();
+        void AppEUI(const uint8_t* appEUI);
+        const uint8_t* AppKey();
+        void AppKey(const uint8_t* appKey);
+        uint8_t* NetworkEUI();
+        void NetworkEUI(const uint8_t* networkEUI);
+        uint8_t* NetworkEUIPassphrase();
+        void NetworkEUIPassphrase(uint8_t* networkEUIPassphrase, uint8_t length);
+        uint8_t* NetworkKey();
+        void NetworkKey(const uint8_t* networkKey);
+        uint8_t* NetworkKeyPassphrase();
+        void NetworkKeyPassphrase(uint8_t* networkKeyPassphrase, uint8_t length);
+        uint32_t NetworkAddress();
+        void NetworkAddress(uint32_t addr);
+        uint8_t* NetworkSessionKey();
+        void NetworkSessionKey(uint8_t* networkSessionKey);
+        uint8_t* DataSessionKey();
+        void DataSessionKey(uint8_t* dataSessionKey);
+        uint8_t JoinMode();
+        void JoinMode(uint8_t mode);
+        uint8_t JoinRetries();
+        void JoinRetries(uint8_t retries);
+        uint8_t LinkCheckCount();
+        void LinkCheckCount(uint8_t count);
+        uint8_t LinkCheckThreshold();
+        void LinkCheckThreshold(uint8_t count);
+        uint8_t ForwardErrorCorrection();
+        void ForwardErrorCorrection(uint8_t bytes);
+        uint8_t ACKAttempts();
+        void ACKAttempts(uint8_t attempts);
+        bool EnableEncryption();
+        void EnableEncryption(uint8_t enable);
+        bool EnableCRC();
+        void EnableCRC(uint8_t enable);
+        bool EnableADR();
+        void EnableADR(uint8_t enable);
+        bool EnableEcho();
+        void EnableEcho(uint8_t enable);
+        bool EnableVerbose();
+        void EnableVerbose(uint8_t enable);
+        uint8_t TxDataRate();
+        void TxDataRate(uint8_t rate);
+        uint8_t TxPower();
+        void TxPower(uint8_t power);
+        uint8_t FrequencyBand();
+        void FrequencyBand(uint8_t band);
+        uint8_t FrequencySubBand();
+        void FrequencySubBand(uint8_t band);
+        uint32_t TxFrequency();
+        void TxFrequency(uint32_t freq);
+        bool TxInverted();
+        void TxInverted(bool enable);
+        bool TxWait();
+        void TxWait(bool timeout);
+        uint32_t RxFrequency();
+        void RxFrequency(uint32_t freq);
+        bool RxInverted();
+        void RxInverted(bool enable);
+        uint8_t RxOutput();
+        void RxOutput(uint8_t type);
+        uint8_t RxDataRate();
+        void RxDataRate(uint8_t rate);
+        uint8_t Rx2DataRate();
+        void Rx2DataRate(uint8_t rate);
+        uint8_t StartUpMode();
+        void StartUpMode(uint8_t mode);
+        /* Serial Settings */
+        uint32_t SerialBaudRate();
+        void SerialBaudRate(uint32_t rate);
+        uint32_t WakeInterval();
+        void WakeInterval(uint32_t interval);
+        uint32_t WakeDelay();
+        void WakeDelay(uint32_t delay);
+        uint16_t WakeTimeout();
+        void WakeTimeout(uint16_t timeout);
+        uint8_t WakePin();
+        void WakePin(uint8_t pin);
+        uint8_t WakeMode();
+        void WakeMode(uint8_t mode);
+        uint32_t DebugBaudRate();
+        void DebugBaudRate(uint32_t baud);
+        bool Joined();
+        void Joined(bool val);
+        uint32_t* Channels();
+        uint32_t* DownlinkChannels();
+        uint8_t* ChannelRanges();
+        uint8_t* SessionDataKey();
+        void SessionDataKey(uint8_t* key);
+        uint8_t* SessionNetworkKey();
+        void SessionNetworkKey(uint8_t* key);
+        uint32_t SessionNetworkAddress();
+        void SessionNetworkAddress(uint32_t addr);
+        uint8_t SessionDatarate();
+        void SessionDatarate(uint8_t datarate);
+        uint8_t SessionTxPower();
+        void SessionTxPower(uint8_t power);
+        uint8_t SessionRepeat();
+        void SessionRepeat(uint8_t repeat);
+        uint8_t SessionRxDelay();
+        void SessionRxDelay(uint8_t delay);
+        uint8_t SessionRx1DatarateOffset();
+        void SessionRx1DatarateOffset(uint8_t offset);
+        uint8_t SessionRx2Datarate();
+        void SessionRx2Datarate(uint8_t datarate);
+        uint32_t SessionRx2Frequency();
+        void SessionRx2Frequency(uint32_t frequency);
+        uint64_t SessionChannelMask();
+        void SessionChannelMask(uint64_t mask);
+        uint8_t Session500kMask();
+        void Session500kMask(uint8_t mask);
+        uint32_t* SessionChannels();
+        uint32_t* SessionDownlinkChannels();
+        uint8_t* SessionChannelRanges();
+        uint32_t SessionUplinkCounter();
+        void SessionUplinkCounter(uint32_t count);
+        uint32_t SessionDownlinkCounter();
+        void SessionDownlinkCounter(uint32_t count);
+        uint8_t SessionAdrAckCounter();
+        void SessionAdrAckCounter(uint8_t count);
+        uint8_t SessionLinkFailCount();
+        void SessionLinkFailCount(uint8_t count);
+        uint8_t SessionFrequencySubBand();
+        void SessionFrequencySubBand(uint8_t band);
+        bool SessionServerAckRequested();
+        void SessionServerAckRequested(bool val);
+        uint32_t SessionNetworkId();
+        void SessionNetworkId(uint32_t id);
+        uint8_t SessionDeviceClass();
+        void SessionDeviceClass(uint8_t cls);
+        uint8_t* SessionCommandBuffer();
+        void SessionCommandBuffer(uint8_t* buffer);
+        uint8_t SessionCommandBufferIndex();
+        void SessionCommandBufferIndex(uint8_t index);
+        uint8_t SessionMaxDutyCycle();
+        void SessionMaxDutyCycle(uint8_t duty);
+        uint8_t SessionUplinkDwelltime();
+        void SessionUplinkDwelltime(uint8_t dwell);
+        uint8_t SessionDownlinkDwelltime();
+        void SessionDownlinkDwelltime(uint8_t dwell);
+        uint8_t SessionMaxEIRP();
+        void SessionMaxEIRP(uint8_t pow);
+        uint8_t LogLevel();
+        void LogLevel(uint8_t level);
+        uint8_t JoinByteOrder();
+        void JoinByteOrder(uint8_t order);
+        uint8_t PreserveSessionOverReset();
+        void PreserveSessionOverReset(uint8_t);
+        uint8_t JoinDelay();
+        void JoinDelay(uint8_t delay);
+        uint8_t JoinRx1DatarateOffset();
+        void JoinRx1DatarateOffset(uint8_t offset);
+        uint8_t JoinRx2DatarateIndex();
+        void JoinRx2DatarateIndex(uint8_t datarate);
+        uint32_t JoinRx2Frequency();
+        void JoinRx2Frequency(uint32_t freq);
+        uint8_t RxDelay();
+        void RxDelay(uint8_t delay);
+        uint8_t Port();
+        void Port(uint8_t port);
+        uint8_t Class();
+        void Class(uint8_t cls);
+        int8_t AntennaGain();
+        void AntennaGain(int8_t gain);
+        bool FlowControl();
+        void FlowControl(bool enable);
+        uint8_t Repeat();
+        void Repeat(uint8_t repeat);
+        bool SerialClearOnError();
+        void SerialClearOnError(bool val);
+        uint8_t LastPlan();
+        uint8_t SessionLastPlan();
+        void LbtTimeUs(uint16_t us);
+        uint16_t LbtTimeUs();
+        void LbtThreshold(int8_t rssi);
+        int8_t LbtThreshold();
+        uint32_t GetMulticastAddress(int i);
+        uint8_t* GetMulticastNetSessionKey(int i);
+        uint8_t* GetMulticastAppSessionKey(int i);
+        uint32_t GetMulticastCounter(int i);
+        void SetMulticastAddress(int i, uint32_t addr);
+        void SetMulticastNetSessionKey(int i, const uint8_t* key);
+        void SetMulticastAppSessionKey(int i, const uint8_t* key);
+        void SetMulticastCounter(int i, uint32_t count);
+        void AutoSleep(uint8_t enable);
+        uint8_t AutoSleep();
+        /*!
+         * AES encryption/decryption cipher network app ieee eui
+         */
+        static const uint8_t defaultNetworkEUI[EUI_LENGTH];
+        /*!
+         * AES encryption/decryption cipher application key
+         */
+        static const uint8_t defaultNetworkKey[KEY_LENGTH];
+        /*!
+         * AES encryption/decryption cipher network session key
+         */
+        static const uint8_t defaultNetworkSessionKey[KEY_LENGTH];
+        /*!
+         * AES encryption/decryption cipher application session key
+         */
+        static const uint8_t defaultDataSessionKey[KEY_LENGTH];
+        void Sleep();
+        void Wakeup();
+        void SetChannelPlan(lora::ChannelPlan *plan);
+#if defined (TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE)
+        mDot::mdot_file OpenUserFile(const char* file, int mode);
+        bool SeekUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, size_t offset, int whence);
+        int ReadUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, void* data, size_t length);
+        int WriteUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, void* data, size_t length);
+        bool CloseUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file);
+        bool MoveUserFile(mDot::mdot_file& file, const char* new_name);
+        bool MoveUserFile(const char* file, const char* new_name);
+        bool SaveUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
+        bool AppendUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
+        bool ReadUserFile(const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
+        bool DeleteUserFile(const char* file);
+        bool DeleteFile(const char* file);
+        bool MoveUserFileToFirwareUpgrade(const char* file);
+        std::vector<mDot::mdot_file> ListUserFiles();
+#endif /* TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE */
+    private:
+        LoRaSettings_t _settings;
+        ProtectedSettings_t _protected;
+        NetworkSession_t _session;
+        bool _dirty_settings;
+        uint32_t _frequencyMin;
+        uint32_t _frequencyMax;
+        lora::ChannelPlan *_plan;
+#if defined (TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE)
+        // SpiFlash25 flash(MOSI, MISO, SCK, CS, W, HOLD);
+        static SpiFlash25 _flash;
+        mDot::mdot_file OpenFile(spiffs *fs, const char* file, int mode);
+        bool SeekFile(spiffs *fs, mDot::mdot_file& file, size_t offset, int whence);
+        int ReadFile(spiffs *fs, mDot::mdot_file& file, void* data, size_t length);
+        int WriteFile(spiffs *fs, mDot::mdot_file& file, void* data, size_t length);
+        int MoveFile(spiffs* fs, mDot::mdot_file& file, const char* new_name);
+        bool CloseFile(spiffs *fs, mDot::mdot_file& file);
+        bool AppendFile(spiffs *fs, const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
+        bool SaveFile(spiffs *fs, const char* file, void* data, uint32_t size);
+        bool ReadFile(spiffs *fs, const char* file, void* dest, uint32_t size);
+        bool MoveFile(spiffs *fs, const char* file, const char* new_name);
+        // glue code between SPI driver and filesystem
+        static int spi_read(unsigned int addr, unsigned int size, unsigned char* data);
+        static int spi_write(unsigned int addr, unsigned int size, unsigned char* data);
+        static int spi_erase(unsigned int addr, unsigned int size);
+        static u8_t spiffs_work_buf[PAGE_SIZE * 2];
+        static u8_t spiffs_fds[32 * MAX_CONCURRENT_FDS];
+        static u8_t spiffs_cache_buf[(PAGE_SIZE + 32) * 4];
+        u8_t _openFds;
+        static spiffs _fs;
+        static char file[];
+        static char protected_file[];
+        static char session_file[];
+        static char user_dir[];
+#endif /* TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE */
+#endif // __LORA_CONFIG_H__