Example program demonstrating use of HTTP or HTTPS protocol over a cellular connection with httpbin.org using the MTSAS library. (Demonstrates GET,POST,basic-auth)

Dependencies:   mbed mtsas



File content as of revision 13:1a26efe2c843:

/** For an unsecure HTTP example, just build as is. But, to use the
 *  HTTPS example, comment out the first main declaration and 
 *  uncomment the second main declaration at the end of this file.

//Start of the HTTP code
///The example HTTP code sets up a connection to httpbin.org,
///sends a get request on the url: http://httpbin.org/get,
///then it sends a post request to the url: http://httpbin.org/post
///Please let us know if you have any questions/would like more examples.
#include "mbed.h"
#include "mtsas.h"

int main(){
    //Modify to match your apn if you are using an HSPA radio with a SIM card
    const char APN[] = "";
    //Sets the log level to INFO, higher log levels produce more log output.
    //Receive buffer
    char rbuf[4000];
    //url strings for HTTP requests, httpbin.org is a public website for fielding test HTTP requests
    string url, base_url = "http://httpbin.org:80", url_get = "/get", url_post = "/post";
    /// STMicro Nucelo F401RE
    /// The supported jumper configurations of the MTSAS do not line up with
    /// the pin mapping of the Nucleo F401RE. Therefore, the MTSAS serial TX
    /// pin (JP8 Pin 2) must be manually jumped to Serial1 RX (Shield pin D2)
    /// and the MTSAS serial RX pin (JP9 Pin 2) pin must be manually jumped to
    /// Serial1 TX (Shield pin D8).
    /// Uncomment the following line to use the STMicro Nuceleo F401RE
    MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(D8, D2, D3, D6);
    /// Dragonfly
    /// To configure the serial pins for the Dragonfly board, use:
    /// RADIO_TX = pin PC_7, RADIO_RX = pin PC_6
    /// RADIO_RTS = pin PB_10,RADIO_CTS = pin PB_12
    /// Uncomment the following line to use the Dragonfly board
    //MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(RADIO_TX, RADIO_RX, RADIO_RTS, RADIO_CTS);
    /// Freescale KL46Z
    /// To configure the serial pins for the Freescale KL46Z board, use MTSAS jumper
    /// configuration B. Uncomment the following line to use the Freescale KL46Z board
    //MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(D2, D9, D3, D6);
    /// Freescale K64F
    /// To configure the serial pins for the Freescale K64F board, use MTSAS jumper
    /// configuration A. Uncomment the following line to use the Freescale K64F board
    //MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(D1, D0, D3, D6);
    //Sets the baud rate for communicating with the radio
    //Initialize radio configurations
    Cellular* radio = CellularFactory::create(io);
    if( ! radio) {
        logFatal("Radio initialization failed");
        return 1;
    //Set up HTTP interface
    HTTPClient* http = new HTTPClient();
    HTTPText* receive = new HTTPText(rbuf, 4000);
    //Set radio APN
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        if (i >= 10) {
            logError("Failed to set APN to %s", APN);
        if (radio->setApn(APN) == MTS_SUCCESS) {
            logInfo("Successfully set APN to %s", APN);
        } else {
    //Establish PPP link
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        if (i >= 10) {
            logError("Failed to establish PPP link");
        if (radio->connect() == true) {
            logInfo("Successfully established PPP link");
        } else {
    //Format HTTP Get request
    url = base_url + url_get;
    //Send HTTP GET request
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        if(http->get(url.c_str(), receive, 5000) == HTTP_OK) {
            logInfo("HTTP get succeeded\n%s",  rbuf);
        if (i >= 10) {
            logError("HTTP GET failed");
    //Format HTTP POST request
    url = base_url + url_post;
    //Create data to send
    char sbuf[60] = "Hello World! We are testing the MTSAS HTTP Example Program";
    HTTPText send = HTTPText(sbuf);
    //Send HTTP POST request
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        if(http->post(url.c_str(), send, receive, 5000) == HTTP_OK) {
            logInfo("HTTP POST succeeded\n%s",  rbuf);
        if (i >= 10) {
            logError("HTTP POST failed");
    //Disconnect PPP link
    logInfo("End of example code\n");
    return 0;
//End of the HTTP code

//Start of the HTTPS code
///The example HTTPS code sets up a secure connection to httpbin.org,
///sends a get request on the url: https://httpbin.org/get,
///then it sends a post request to the url: https://httpbin.org/post
///and finally it demonstrates a basic authentication with a get request
///to the url: https://httpin.org/basic-auth/Bob/123
///Please let us know if you have any questions/would like more examples.
#include "mbed.h"
#include "mtsas.h"
#include "certs.h"

//Function to convert http int results to string messages
char * httpResToStr(HTTPResult res);

int main(){
    //Modify to match your apn if you are using an HSPA radio with a SIM card
    const char APN[] = "";
    //Sets the log level to INFO, higher log levels produce more log output.
    //Receive buffer
    char rbuf[4000];
    //url strings for HTTPS requests, httpbin.org is a public website for fielding test HTTPS requests
    string url, secure_url = "https://httpbin.org:443", url_get = "/get", url_auth = "/basic-auth", url_post = "/post";
    /// STMicro Nucelo F401RE
    /// The supported jumper configurations of the MTSAS do not line up with
    /// the pin mapping of the Nucleo F401RE. Therefore, the MTSAS serial TX
    /// pin (JP8 Pin 2) must be manually jumped to Serial1 RX (Shield pin D2)
    /// and the MTSAS serial RX pin (JP9 Pin 2) pin must be manually jumped to
    /// Serial1 TX (Shield pin D8).
    /// Uncomment the following line to use the STMicro Nuceleo F401RE
    MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(D8, D2, D3, D6);
    /// Dragonfly
    /// To configure the serial pins for the Dragonfly board, use:
    /// RADIO_TX = pin PC_7, RADIO_RX = pin PC_6
    /// RADIO_RTS = pin PB_10,RADIO_CTS = pin PB_12
    /// Uncomment the following lines to use the Dragonfly board
    //MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(PC_7, PC_6, PB_10, PB_12);
    /// Freescale KL46Z
    /// To configure the serial pins for the Freescale KL46Z board, use MTSAS jumper
    /// configuration B. Uncomment the following line to use the Freescale KL46Z board
    //MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(D2, D9, D3, D6);
    /// Freescale K64F
    /// To configure the serial pins for the Freescale K64F board, use MTSAS jumper
    /// configuration A. Uncomment the following line to use the Freescale K64F board
    //MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(D1, D0, D3, D6);
    //Sets the baud rate for communicating with the radio
    //Initialize radio configurations
    Cellular* radio = CellularFactory::create(io);
    if( ! radio) {
        logFatal("Radio initialization failed");
        return 1;
    //Set radio APN
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        if (i >= 10) {
            logFatal("Failed to set APN to %s", APN);
            return 1;
        if (radio->setApn(APN) == MTS_SUCCESS) {
            logInfo("Successfully set APN to %s", APN);
        } else {
    //Establish PPP link
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        if (i >= 10) {
            logError("Failed to establish PPP link");
        if (radio->connect() == true) {
            logInfo("Successfully established PPP link");
        } else {
    //Set up HTTP interface
    HTTPClient* http = new HTTPClient();
    HTTPText* receive = new HTTPText(rbuf, 5000);
    HTTPResult res;
    //Adds the root certificates for accepted websites to verify that
    //the remote host is who it says it is. 
    //Instructions on obtaining the root certificate is included in certs.h
    //(Basically, only load certificates of trusted websites)
    //Certificates should be written in PEM format, starts with
    //-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and ends with -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    //Each line in between must be less than 64 or less characters in length,
    //and each line in the certificate must end with /r/n, ex:
    //-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n
    //-----END CERTIFICATE-----\r\n
    res = http->addRootCACertificate(CERTIFICATES);
    if(res != HTTP_OK) {
        logError("Failed to load CERTIFICATES");
    //Call with argument VERIFY_PEER to turn on SSL security (HTTPS)
    //Default argument is VERIFY_NONE which operates as without SSL security (HTTP)
    //Format HTTPS GET request
    url = secure_url + url_get;
    //Send HTTPS GET request
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        if(http->get(url.c_str(), receive, 5000) == HTTP_OK) {
            logInfo("HTTPS GET succeeded\n%s",  rbuf);
        if (i >= 10) {
            logError("HTTPS GET failed");
    //Format HTTPS POST request
    url = secure_url + url_post;
    //Create data to send
    char sbuf[60] = "Hello World! We are testing the MTSAS HTTPS Example Program";
    HTTPText send = HTTPText(sbuf);
    //Send HTTPS POST request
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        if(http->post(url.c_str(), send, receive, 5000) == HTTP_OK) {
            logInfo("HTTPS POST succeeded\n%s",  rbuf);
        if (i >= 10) {
            logError("HTTPS POST failed");
    //Basic authentication test values, can be modified
    //to any test username and password. Format for url_usr_pw:  /<user>/<password>
    string url_usr_pw = "/Bob/123";
    const char user[] = "Bob",pw[] = "123";
    //Format HTTPS basic authentication GET request
    url = secure_url + url_auth + url_usr_pw;
    res = http->basicAuth(user,pw);
    logTrace("Set username and password?: %s",httpResToStr(res));
    res = http->get(url.c_str(), receive);
        if(res == HTTP_OK) {
            logInfo("HTTPS Authenticated GET succeeded [%s]",  rbuf);
        } else {
            logInfo("HTTPS Authenticated GET failed [%s]", httpResToStr(res));
    res = http->basicAuth(NULL,NULL);
    logTrace("Reset username and password?: %s",httpResToStr(res));
    logInfo("End of example code\n");
    return 0;

char * httpResToStr(HTTPResult res) {
    switch(res) {
        case HTTP_PROCESSING:
            return "HTTP_PROCESSING";
        case HTTP_PARSE:
            return "HTTP_PARSE";
        case HTTP_DNS:
            return "HTTP_DNS";
        case HTTP_PRTCL:
            return "HTTP_PRTCL";
        case HTTP_NOTFOUND:
            return "HTTP_NOTFOUND";
        case HTTP_REFUSED:
            return "HTTP_REFUSED";
        case HTTP_ERROR:
            return "HTTP_ERROR";
        case HTTP_TIMEOUT:
            return "HTTP_TIMEOUT";
        case HTTP_CONN:
            return "HTTP_CONN";
        case HTTP_CLOSED:
            return "HTTP_CLOSED";
        case HTTP_REDIRECT:
            return "HTTP_REDIRECT";
        case HTTP_OK:
            return "HTTP_OK";
            return "HTTP Result unknown";
//End of the HTTPS code