Low level control code for syringe pumps

Dependencies:   mbed QEI FastAnalogIn mbed-rtos FastPWM

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Dec 17 15:11:37 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "QEI.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "FastPWM.h"
+#define ERROR_LIMIT_POS 0.008 //limits for when any error measurement is considered to be zero.
+#define ERROR_LIMIT_NEG -0.008
+#define CHAN_1 0x80
+#define CHAN_2 0x90
+#define CHAN_3 0xA0
+#define CHAN_4 0xB0
+#define PRESSURE_CHAN 1
+#define POSITION_CHAN 3
+const float MAX_SPEED_MMPS = 24.3457;
+SPISlave slave(PA_7, PA_6, PA_5, PA_4 ); // mosi, miso, sclk, ssel
+QEI wheel (PB_5, PB_4, NC, 256, QEI::X4_ENCODING);
+DigitalOut Mntr(D3);
+   #define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_MODE 0x08
+   #define RANGE_CONFIG 0x03
+#define RANGE_CONFIG 0x03 //config for 1.5*Vref = 6.144V
+#define PRESSURE_BIAS_VOLTAGE 0.15151515151515 
+#define POT_2_MM 0.006750412 //convert potentiometer reading to mm (Tested and is right)
+#define POT_OFFSET 7500//6666
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+Thread PositionControlThread(osPriorityHigh);
+Thread DebugThread(osPriorityNormal);
+Thread GateControlThread(osPriorityNormal);
+Thread DutyCycleThread(osPriorityRealtime);
+Mutex mutDutyCycle;
+Semaphore semDutyCycle(1);
+Timer timerDutyCycle;
+volatile unsigned int intT;
+volatile unsigned int intDeltaT;
+double dblDutyCycle;
+double dblSensorDriftError;
+short randomvar;
+volatile int dataRx;
+void CalculateDutyCycle()
+    while(1)
+    {
+        semDutyCycle.wait();
+        mutDutyCycle.lock();
+        dblDutyCycle = (double) intDeltaT/intT;
+        mutDutyCycle.unlock();
+    }
+Semaphore semPosCtrl(1);
+Semaphore semDebug(1);
+Semaphore semGate(1);
+Timer timer;
+long pulsesTest;
+//define all pins
+    SPI spi(PB_15, PB_14, PB_13); // mosi, miso, sclk //DO NOT USE D4 OR D5 !!!
+    DigitalOut cs_ADC(PB_12);
+    DigitalOut pinGate(PA_8);
+    AnalogIn pinDemand1(PA_0);
+    AnalogIn pinDemand2(PA_1);
+    AnalogIn pinCurSense(PB_0);
+    FastPWM pinPwmOutput(PC_8);
+    FastPWM pinSigOut(D2);
+    DigitalOut pinDirectionFwd(PA_13);//INB
+    DigitalOut pinDirectionRev(PA_14);//INA
+    //define all variables
+    int ii,jj,kk,nn, spiTick; //counting variables
+    volatile int slaveReceivePos;
+    volatile int slaveReceiveVel;
+    volatile int dataFlag;
+    volatile int intFeedBack_pos;
+    volatile int intFeedBack_pres;
+    int intChkSum_pos;
+    int intChkSum_vel;
+    int intPar_pos;
+    int intPar_vel;
+    //raw Data Readings
+    int intPotRead = 0;
+    int intPressureRead = 0;
+    double analogReadingDemPos;
+    double analogReadingDemVel;
+    double analogReadingCurSens;
+    char buf[10];
+    int dataReceived;
+    //sample time variables
+    double dblSampleTime_s = 0.001;
+    //system state variables 
+    double dblPos[10];//current position in mm
+    double dblPosFil[10];//current position in mm
+    double dblLastPos;//previous position in mm
+    double dblVel[10];//velocity in mm/s
+    double dblAccel; //acceleration in mm/s^2
+    double dblIntegral = 0;//integral of position;
+    double dblPotPositionRead;
+    double dblPosBias = 48.0;
+    double dblStartingPos;
+    //demand variables
+    double dblPosD[10];
+    double dblLastPosD;
+    double dblVelD[10];
+    double dblAccelD;
+    double dblTargetPos;
+    double dblTargetVel;
+    double dblMaxPos = 41.0; //maximum actuator position position in mm
+    double dblPosConv;
+    double dblError;
+    double dblLastError;
+    double dblErrorDot;
+    //filter Variables
+    int intPosFilOrder = 1;
+    int intVelFilOrder = 1;
+    int intDemPosFilOrder = 6;
+    int intDemVelFilOrder = 6;
+    int intOutFilOrder = 0;
+    //controller variables 
+    double omega;
+    double zeta;
+    double Kp = 20.0;
+    double Ki = 2.0;
+    double Kd = 1.5;
+    double dblIntTerm; 
+    double dblIntLimit = 0.8;
+    double dblControlBias = 0.0;
+    double dblMotorVoltage = 12.0;
+    double output[10];//controller output 
+    //current limit variables
+    double CurrentLimitSet;
+    double dblCurrentLimitAmps = 3.0;
+    double currentBuck;
+    double currentBuckGain = 3.0;
+    //define custom Functions
+    int Read14BitADC(int channel, DigitalOut CSpin)
+    {
+        char message;
+        unsigned int outputA;
+        unsigned int outputB;
+        int output;
+        switch(channel)
+        {
+            case 1:
+                message = CHAN_1;
+                break;
+            case 2:
+               message = CHAN_2;
+               break;
+            case 3:
+               message = CHAN_3;
+               break;
+            case 4:
+               message = CHAN_4;
+               break;
+            default:
+            message = CHAN_1;
+        }
+        spi.format(8,0);
+        spi.frequency(3000000);//3MHz clock speed (3.67MHz max)
+        CSpin.write(0);
+        spi.write(message);
+        spi.write(0x00);
+        outputA = spi.write(0x00);
+        outputB = spi.write(0x00);
+        CSpin.write(1);
+        //convert result to sensible value
+        outputA = outputA<<8;
+        output =  outputA | outputB;
+        output = output>>2;
+        return output;
+    }
+    void ADC_Config()
+    {
+         unsigned int msg;
+        spi.format(8,0);
+        spi.frequency(3000000);//3MHz clock speed (3.67MHz max)
+        msg = CHAN_1 | RANGE_CONFIG; //config channel 1 set Vref as 
+        cs_ADC = 0;
+        spi.write(msg);
+        cs_ADC = 1;
+        cs_ADC = 0;
+        spi.write(EXTERNAL_CLOCK_MODE);
+        cs_ADC = 1;
+        msg = CHAN_2 | RANGE_CONFIG; //config channel 2
+        cs_ADC = 0;
+        spi.write(msg);
+        cs_ADC = 1;
+        cs_ADC = 0;
+        spi.write(EXTERNAL_CLOCK_MODE);
+        cs_ADC = 1;
+        msg = CHAN_3 | RANGE_CONFIG; //config channel 3
+        cs_ADC = 0;
+        spi.write(msg);
+        cs_ADC = 1;
+        cs_ADC = 0;
+        spi.write(EXTERNAL_CLOCK_MODE);
+        cs_ADC = 1;
+        msg = CHAN_4 | RANGE_CONFIG; //config channel 4
+        cs_ADC = 0;
+        spi.write(msg);
+        cs_ADC = 1;
+        cs_ADC = 0;
+        spi.write(EXTERNAL_CLOCK_MODE);
+        cs_ADC = 1;
+    }
+int SumDigits(int var)
+    int intSumResult = 0;
+    int intTempVar = var;
+    while (intTempVar >0)
+    {
+        intSumResult += intTempVar%10;
+        intTempVar = int(intTempVar/10);
+        //intSumResult += int(var/100)%100;
+    }
+    return intSumResult;
+int EvenParityBitGen(int var)
+    unsigned int count = 0, i, b = 1;
+    for(i = 0; i < 32; i++){
+        if( var & (b << i) ){count++;}
+    }
+    if( (count % 2) ){return 0;}
+    return 1;
+void CloseGate()
+    pinGate = 0;
+Timer gateTimer;    
+   void PositionControlPID()
+   {
+       while(1)
+       {
+       semPosCtrl.wait();
+       Mntr = 1;//!led; 
+       pulsesTest = wheel.getPulses();
+       double testy = (double) abs(pulsesTest)/2000;
+       pinSigOut.write(testy);
+       //take all readings
+        //sensor readings
+        intPressureRead = (Read14BitADC(PRESSURE_CHAN, cs_ADC));//read pressure
+        intFeedBack_pres = intPressureRead & 0xFFE0;
+        intFeedBack_pres = (intFeedBack_pres) | SumDigits(intFeedBack_pres>>5);
+        intFeedBack_pres = (intFeedBack_pres <<1) &0x1;
+        intFeedBack_pres = (intFeedBack_pres <<1) | EvenParityBitGen(intFeedBack_pres);
+        intPotRead = (16383-Read14BitADC(POSITION_CHAN, cs_ADC));//read potentiometer
+        dblPotPositionRead = (double) POT_2_MM*(intPotRead  - POT_OFFSET);
+        //demand Readings
+        //current reading
+        analogReadingCurSens = (double) 0.3*pinCurSense.read()+0.7*analogReadingCurSens;
+        //convert units and filter
+         //get position and filter
+        dblPos[0] = (double) pulsesTest*-0.0078125 + dblStartingPos;
+        dblSensorDriftError = dblPotPositionRead - dblPos[0];
+        if(dblSensorDriftError > 2.0)//if encoder reading is seriously wrong
+        {
+            //dblPos[0] = dblPotPositionRead;
+        }
+        //printf("%d, %f, %f\r\n",pulsesTest,dblPos[0],dblPotPositionRead);
+        if(intPosFilOrder > 0)
+        {
+            for (ii = 1; ii<intPosFilOrder+1; ii++)
+            {
+                dblPos[ii] = (double) 0.7*dblPos[ii-1] + 0.3*dblPos[ii];
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            dblPos[intPosFilOrder] = dblPos[0];
+        }
+        //get velocity and filter
+        dblVel[0] = dblPos[intPosFilOrder] - dblLastPos;
+        if(intVelFilOrder>0)
+        {
+            for (ii = 1; ii<intVelFilOrder+1; ii++)
+            {
+                dblVel[ii] = (double) 0.7*dblVel[ii-1] + 0.3*dblVel[ii];
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            dblVel[intVelFilOrder] = dblVel[0];
+        }
+        //printf("%f\r\n",dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder]);
+        intFeedBack_pos = dblPos[intPosFilOrder]/dblMaxPos*511;
+        if(intFeedBack_pos>511)
+        {
+            intFeedBack_pos = 511;
+        }
+        if(intFeedBack_pos<0)
+        {
+            intFeedBack_pos = 0;
+        }
+        intFeedBack_pos = (intFeedBack_pos<<5) | SumDigits(intFeedBack_pos);
+        intFeedBack_pos = intFeedBack_pos <<1;
+        intFeedBack_pos = (intFeedBack_pos <<1) | EvenParityBitGen(intFeedBack_pos);
+        //intFeedBack = dblSensorDriftError*8191;
+        ///////////////PATH GENERATION////////////////////////
+        //work out next path point
+        double dblPathDifference;
+        dblPathDifference = dblTargetPos - dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder];
+        double dblLinearPath;
+        double dblLastLinearPath;
+        //check if target has been reached
+        if (dblPathDifference > 1.05*MAX_SPEED_MMPS*dblSampleTime_s) {
+            //is velocity positive or negative?
+            double dblPathSign = dblPathDifference/fabs(dblPathDifference);
+            dblLinearPath = dblLinearPath + dblPathSign*dblTargetVel*dblSampleTime_s;//next point in path
+            //now smooth
+            dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder] = 0.2*dblLinearPath + 0.8*dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder];
+        } 
+        else {
+            //set velocity to zero
+            dblTargetVel = 0.0;
+        }
+        //make sure path is safe
+        if (dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder] > dblMaxPos) {
+            dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder] = dblMaxPos;
+        }
+        if (dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder] < 0.0) {
+            dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder] = 0.0;
+        }
+        dblVelD[0] = dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder] - dblLastPosD;
+        //run PID calculations
+        //get errors
+        dblError = dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder] - dblPos[intPosFilOrder];
+        dblErrorDot = dblVelD[intDemVelFilOrder] - dblVel[intVelFilOrder];
+        //get integral
+        //printf("%f\r\n",dblError);
+        dblIntTerm = dblIntTerm + Ki*dblError;
+        //limit integral term
+        if (dblIntTerm > dblIntLimit)
+        {
+            dblIntTerm = dblIntLimit;
+        }
+        if (dblIntTerm < -1.0*dblIntLimit)
+        {
+            dblIntTerm = (double) -1.0*dblIntLimit;
+        }
+        if(fabs(dblError) <0.01)
+        {
+            dblError = 0.0;
+            dblErrorDot = 0.0;
+        }
+        if (fabs(dblErrorDot) < 0.1)
+        {
+        dblErrorDot = 0.0;
+        }
+        //calculate output
+        output[0] = Kp*dblError + dblIntTerm + Kd*dblErrorDot;
+        //limit output
+        if (output[0] > 0.95)
+        {
+            output[0] = 0.95;
+        }
+        if (output[0] < -0.95)
+        {
+            output[0] = -0.95;
+        }
+        if(intOutFilOrder>0)
+        {
+            for (ii = 1; ii < intOutFilOrder+1; ii++)
+            {
+                output[ii] = 0.7*output[ii-1] + 0.3*output[ii];
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            output[intOutFilOrder] = output[0];
+        }
+        //limit current
+        if (analogReadingCurSens> CurrentLimitSet)
+        {
+            currentBuck = CurrentLimitSet / analogReadingCurSens / currentBuckGain;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            currentBuck = 1.0;
+        }
+        output[intOutFilOrder] = currentBuck*output[intOutFilOrder];
+        //end Current limit
+        //find direction
+        if(output[intOutFilOrder] >=0.0)
+        {
+            pinDirectionFwd = 1;
+            pinDirectionRev = 0;
+            dblControlBias = 0.0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pinDirectionFwd = 0;
+            pinDirectionRev = 1;
+            dblControlBias = 0.0;
+        }
+        pinPwmOutput.write(abs(output[intOutFilOrder])+dblControlBias);
+        //update all past variables
+        dblLastPos = dblPos[intPosFilOrder];
+        dblLastPosD = dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder];
+        Mntr = 0;
+        //GateControl();
+        gateTimer.reset();
+        pinGate = 1;
+        while((gateTimer.read_us() < 600) && pinGate == 1)
+        {
+            if(slave.receive())
+            {
+                //receive first msg
+                slaveReceivePos = slave.read(); //reply with 0xFFFF
+                slave.reply(intFeedBack_pos);//prepare position reply
+                slaveReceiveVel = slave.read();//get next message
+                //intFeedBack = intPressureRead & 0xFFFF;
+                slave.reply(intFeedBack_pres); //prepare pressure reply
+                slave.reply(0xFFFF); 
+                pinGate = 0;
+                //deal with position
+                //find parity & checkSum
+                intPar_pos = EvenParityBitGen(slaveReceivePos>>1);
+                intChkSum_pos = SumDigits(slaveReceivePos>>7);
+                //check if parity, check Sum and mesage type matches
+                if((intPar_pos == (slaveReceivePos&0x1))&&(intChkSum_pos == ((slaveReceivePos>>2)&0x1F))&&( ( (slaveReceivePos>>1) &0x1) ) == 0) {
+                    slaveReceivePos = slaveReceivePos>>7;
+                    dblTargetPos = (double) dblMaxPos*slaveReceivePos/511;
+                    //limit demand to ensure safety
+                    if(dblTargetPos > dblMaxPos)
+                    {
+                        dblTargetPos = dblMaxPos;
+                    }
+                    if(dblTargetPos < 0.0)
+                    {
+                        dblTargetPos = 0.0;
+                    }
+                }
+                //deal with velocity
+                //find parity & checkSum
+                intPar_vel = EvenParityBitGen(slaveReceiveVel>>1);
+                intChkSum_vel = SumDigits(slaveReceiveVel>>7);
+                //check if parity, check Sum and mesage type matches
+                if((intPar_vel == (slaveReceiveVel&0x1))&&(intChkSum_vel == ((slaveReceiveVel>>2)&0x1F))&&( ( (slaveReceiveVel>>1) &0x1) ) == 0) {
+                    slaveReceiveVel = slaveReceiveVel>>7;
+                    dblTargetVel = (double) MAX_SPEED_MMPS*slaveReceiveVel/511;
+                    //limit demand to ensure safety
+                    if(dblTargetVel > MAX_SPEED_MMPS)
+                    {
+                        dblTargetVel = MAX_SPEED_MMPS;
+                    }
+                    if(dblTargetVel < 0.0)
+                    {
+                        dblTargetVel = 0.0;
+                    }
+                }
+//                dataFlag = slaveReceive>>13;
+//                if(dataFlag == 0)
+//                {
+//                    slaveReceive = slaveReceive>>7 & 0x1FF;
+//                    //get demand and filter
+//                    dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder] = (double) dblMaxPos*slaveReceive/511;
+//                    //limit demand to ensure safety
+//                    if(dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder] > dblMaxPos)
+//                    {
+//                        dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder] = dblMaxPos;
+//                    }
+//                    if(dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder] < 0.0)
+//                    {
+//                        dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder] = 0.0;
+//                    }
+//                }
+            }
+        }
+        pinGate = 0;
+       }
+    }
+   //configure all control parameters
+   void ControlParameterConfig()
+   {
+       Kp = Kp/dblMotorVoltage;
+       Kd = Kd/dblSampleTime_s/dblMotorVoltage;
+       Ki = Ki*dblSampleTime_s/dblMotorVoltage;
+       dblPosConv = dblMaxPos/0.8;
+    }
+Ticker debugTicker;
+void startPositionControl()
+    semPosCtrl.release();
+void startDebug()
+    semDebug.release();
+Ticker positionCtrlTicker;
+int main() {
+    cs_ADC = 1;
+    pinPwmOutput.period_us(50);
+    printf("\r\nYo Yo Yo, Low Level innit\r\n\n\n");
+    wait(0.5);
+    timer.start();
+    gateTimer.start();
+    //cs_ADC = 1;
+    ControlParameterConfig();
+//    for (ii = 0; ii< 10; ii++)
+//    {
+//        uintPotRead = Read14BitADC(3, cs_ADC);//read potentiometer
+//        dblStartingPos = (double) POT_2_MM*uintPotRead  - dblPosBias;
+//    }
+    slave.format(16,2);
+    slave.frequency(10000000);
+    dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder] = 0.0;
+    slaveReceivePos = 0.0;
+    slaveReceiveVel = 0.0;
+    wait(0.1);
+    ADC_Config();
+    wait(0.1);
+    ADC_Config();
+    wait(0.1);
+    intPotRead = (16383-Read14BitADC(POSITION_CHAN, cs_ADC));//read potentiometer
+    //intPotRead = (Read14BitADC(POSITION_CHAN, cs_ADC));//read potentiometer
+    dblStartingPos = (double) POT_2_MM*(intPotRead  - POT_OFFSET);
+    dblTargetPos = dblStartingPos;
+    dblPosD[intDemPosFilOrder] = dblStartingPos;
+    printf("\r\n%d, %f\r\n", intPotRead, dblStartingPos);
+    //wait(0.05);
+    //printf("\n\n\n");
+    //dblStartingPos = (double) POT_2_MM*(uintPotRead  - POT_OFFSET);
+    timerDutyCycle.start();
+    //calculate/convert variables
+    CurrentLimitSet = dblCurrentLimitAmps *0.14/3.3;
+    PositionControlThread.start(PositionControlPID);
+    DutyCycleThread.start(CalculateDutyCycle);
+    positionCtrlTicker.attach(&startPositionControl, dblSampleTime_s);
+    intFeedBack_pos = 0;
+    intFeedBack_pres = 0;
+    while(1) 
+    {
+        Thread::wait(osWaitForever);
+    }