This is operation test program.

Dependencies:   GR-PEACH_video mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Sep 02 06:53:21 2016 +0000
Commit message:
First program

Changed in this revision

GR-PEACH_video.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/GR-PEACH_video.lib	Fri Sep 02 06:53:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Sep 02 06:53:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+//Supported MCU:   RZ/A1H
+//File Contents:   Operation Test Program (GR-PEACH version on the Micon Car)
+//Version number:  Ver.1.02
+//Date:            2016.02.23
+//Copyright:       Renesas Electronics Corporation
+//This program supports the following boards:
+//* GR-PEACH(E version)
+//* Motor drive board Ver.5
+//* Camera module (SC-310)
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "iodefine.h"
+#include "DisplayBace.h"
+//Motor PWM cycle
+#define     MOTOR_PWM_CYCLE     33332   /* Motor PWM period         */
+                                        /* 1ms    P0φ/1  = 0.03us   */
+//Motor speed
+#define     MAX_SPEED           50      /* motor()  set: 0 to 100   */
+//Servo PWM cycle
+#define     SERVO_PWM_CYCLE     33332   /* SERVO PWM period         */
+                                        /* 16ms   P0φ/16 = 0.48us   */
+#define     SERVO_CENTER        3124    /* 1.5ms / 0.48us - 1 = 3124*/
+#define     HANDLE_STEP         18      /* 1 degree value           */
+//LED Color on GR-PEACH
+#define     LED_OFF             0x00
+#define     LED_RED             0x01
+#define     LED_GREEN           0x02
+#define     LED_YELLOW          0x03
+#define     LED_BLUE            0x04
+#define     LED_PURPLE          0x05
+#define     LED_SKYBLUE         0x06
+#define     LED_WHITE           0x07
+#define     RUN                 0x00
+#define     SENSOR              0x01
+#define     MARK                0x02
+#define     STOP                0x03
+#define     ERROR               0xff
+#define VIDEO_INPUT_CH          (DisplayBase::VIDEO_INPUT_CHANNEL_0)
+#define VIDEO_INT_TYPE          (DisplayBase::INT_TYPE_S0_VFIELD)
+#define DATA_SIZE_PER_PIC       (2u)
+/*! Frame buffer stride: Frame buffer stride should be set to a multiple of 32 or 128
+    in accordance with the frame buffer burst transfer mode. */
+#define PIXEL_HW                (320u)  /* QVGA */
+#define PIXEL_VW                (240u)  /* QVGA */
+#define VIDEO_BUFFER_STRIDE     (((PIXEL_HW * DATA_SIZE_PER_PIC) + 31u) & ~31u)
+Ticker      interrput;
+DigitalOut  Left_motor_signal(P4_6);    /* Used by motor fanction   */
+DigitalOut  Right_motor_signal(P4_7);   /* Used by motor fanction   */
+Serial      pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+DigitalOut  LED_R(P6_13);               /* LED1 on the GR-PEACH board */
+DigitalOut  LED_G(P6_14);               /* LED2 on the GR-PEACH board */
+DigitalOut  LED_B(P6_15);               /* LED3 on the GR-PEACH board */
+DigitalIn   user_botton(P6_0);          /* SW1 on the GR-PEACH board */
+DigitalIn   push_sw(P2_13);             /* SW1 on the Motor Drive board */
+DigitalOut  LED_3(P2_14);               /* LED3 on the Motor Drive board */
+DigitalOut  LED_2(P2_15);               /* LED2 on the Motor Drive board */
+void init_MTU2_PWM_Motor( void );       /* Initialize PWM functions */
+void init_MTU2_PWM_Servo( void );       /* Initialize PWM functions */
+void intTimer( void );                  /* Interrupt fanction       */
+void led_rgb(int led);
+unsigned int user_button_get( void );
+void led_status_process( void );        /* Function for only interrupt */
+void led_status_set( int set );
+void led_out(int led);
+unsigned int pushsw_get( void );
+void motor( int accele_l, int accele_r );
+void handle( int angle );
+static void IntCallbackFunc_Vfield(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type);
+static void WaitVfield(const int32_t wait_count);
+static void IntCallbackFunc_Vsync(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type);
+static void WaitVsync(const int32_t wait_count);
+volatile unsigned long  cnt0;           /* Used by timer function   */
+volatile unsigned long  cnt1;           /* Used within main         */
+volatile int            pattern;        /* Pattern numbers          */
+volatile int            status_set;     /* Status                   */
+static uint8_t FrameBuffer_Video_A[VIDEO_BUFFER_STRIDE * VIDEO_BUFFER_HEIGHT]__attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(16)));  //16 bytes aligned!;
+static uint8_t FrameBuffer_Video_B[VIDEO_BUFFER_STRIDE * VIDEO_BUFFER_HEIGHT]__attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(16)));  //16 bytes aligned!;
+static volatile int32_t vsync_count;
+static volatile int32_t vfield_count;
+volatile long int       Xp;
+volatile long int       Yp;
+volatile int            x;
+volatile int            y;
+int main( void )
+    /* NTSC-Video */
+    DisplayBase::graphics_error_t error;
+    uint8_t * write_buff_addr = FrameBuffer_Video_A;
+    uint8_t * save_buff_addr  = FrameBuffer_Video_B;
+    /* Create DisplayBase object */
+    DisplayBase Display;
+    /* Graphics initialization process */
+    error = Display.Graphics_init(NULL);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    error = Display.Graphics_Video_init( DisplayBase::INPUT_SEL_VDEC, NULL);
+    if( error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK ) {
+        while(1);
+    }
+    /* Interrupt callback function setting (Vsync signal input to scaler 0) */
+    error = Display.Graphics_Irq_Handler_Set(DisplayBase::INT_TYPE_S0_VI_VSYNC, 0, IntCallbackFunc_Vsync);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Video capture setting (progressive form fixed) */
+    error = Display.Video_Write_Setting(
+                VIDEO_INPUT_CH,
+                DisplayBase::COL_SYS_NTSC_358,
+                write_buff_addr,
+                VIDEO_BUFFER_STRIDE,
+                DisplayBase::VIDEO_FORMAT_YCBCR422,
+                DisplayBase::WR_RD_WRSWA_32_16BIT,
+                PIXEL_VW,
+                PIXEL_HW
+            );
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Interrupt callback function setting (Field end signal for recording function in scaler 0) */
+    error = Display.Graphics_Irq_Handler_Set(VIDEO_INT_TYPE, 0, IntCallbackFunc_Vfield);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Video write process start */
+    error = Display.Video_Start (VIDEO_INPUT_CH);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Video write process stop */
+    error = Display.Video_Stop (VIDEO_INPUT_CH);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Video write process start */
+    error = Display.Video_Start (VIDEO_INPUT_CH);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Wait vsync to update resister */
+    WaitVsync(1);
+    /* Wait 2 Vfield(Top or bottom field) */
+    WaitVfield(2);
+    /* Initialize MCU functions */
+    init_MTU2_PWM_Motor();
+    init_MTU2_PWM_Servo();
+    interrput.attach(&intTimer, 0.001);
+    pc.baud(230400);
+    /* Initialize Micon Car state */
+    led_out( 0x0 );
+    handle( 0 );
+    motor( 0, 0 );
+    while(1) {
+    if( user_button_get() ){
+        led_out( 0x0 );
+        handle( 0 );
+        motor( 0, 0 );
+        pattern = 0;
+    }
+    switch( pattern ) {
+    case 0:
+        led_status_set( STOP );
+        pc.printf( "GR-PEACH MCR Operation Test Program V1.00\n\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( " 1.LEDs light alternately at 0.5-second intervals\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( " 2.Pushbutton test: OFF: LED0 lit, ON: LED1 lit\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( " 3.Servo test: Repeated switching from 0 to right 30 to left 30 \n\r" );
+        pc.printf( " 4.Right motor test: Repeated switching from forward to brake\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( " 5.Right motor test: Repeated switching from reverse to brake\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( " 6.Left motor test: Repeated switching from forward to brake\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( " 7.Left motor test: Repeated switching from reverse to brake\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( " 8.Straight running check: Forward at 50 PWM, stop after 2 seconds.\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( " 9.Straight running check: Forward at 50 PWM, stop after 5 seconds.\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( "10.Straight running check: Forward at 100 PWM, stop after 2 seconds.\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( "11.Straight running check: Forward at 100 PWM, stop after 5 seconds.\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( "12.Camera module test\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( "\n\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( "No = " );
+        pc.scanf( "%d", &pattern );
+        pc.printf( "\n\n\r" );
+        cnt1 = 0;
+        led_status_set( RUN );
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        /* LEDs light alternately at 0.5-second intervals */
+        if( cnt1 < 500 ) {
+            led_out( 0x1 );
+        } else if( cnt1 < 1000 ) {
+            led_out( 0x2 );
+        } else {
+            cnt1 = 0;
+        }
+        break;
+    case 2:
+        /* Pushbutton test: OFF: LED0 lit, ON: LED1 lit */
+        led_out( pushsw_get() + 1 );
+        break;
+    case 3:
+        /* Servo test: Repeated switching from 0° to right 30°to left 30°*/
+        if( cnt1 < 1000 ) {
+            handle( 0 );
+        } else if( cnt1 < 2000 ) {
+            handle( 30 );
+        } else if( cnt1 < 3000 ) {
+            handle( -30 );
+        } else {
+            cnt1 = 0;
+        }
+        break;
+    case 4:
+        /* Right motor test: Repeated switching from forward to brake */
+        if( cnt1 < 1000 ) {
+            motor( 0, 100 );
+        } else if( cnt1 < 2000 ) {
+            motor( 0, 0 );
+        } else {
+            cnt1 = 0;
+        }
+        break;
+    case 5:
+        /* Right motor test: Repeated switching from reverse to brake */
+        if( cnt1 < 1000 ) {
+            motor( 0, -100 );
+        } else if( cnt1 < 2000 ) {
+            motor( 0, 0 );
+        } else {
+            cnt1 = 0;
+        }
+        break;
+    case 6:
+        /* Left motor test: Repeated switching from forward to brake */
+        if( cnt1 < 1000 ) {
+            motor( 100, 0 );
+        } else if( cnt1 < 2000 ) {
+            motor( 0, 0 );
+        } else {
+            cnt1 = 0;
+        }
+        break;
+    case 7:
+        /*  Left motor test: Repeated switching from reverse to brake */
+        if( cnt1 < 1000 ) {
+            motor( -100, 0 );
+        } else if( cnt1 < 2000 ) {
+            motor( 0, 0 );
+        } else {
+            cnt1 = 0;
+        }
+        break;
+    case 8:
+        /* Straight running check: Forward at 50% PWM, stop after 2 seconds */
+        if( cnt1 < 2000 ) {
+            motor( 0, 0 );
+        } else if( cnt1 < 4000 ) {
+            motor( 50, 50 );
+        } else {
+            motor( 0, 0 );
+        }
+        break;
+    case 9:
+        /* Straight running check: Forward at 50% PWM, stop after 5 seconds. */
+        if( cnt1 < 2000 ) {
+            motor( 0, 0 );
+        } else if( cnt1 < 7000 ) {
+            motor( 50, 50 );
+        } else {
+            motor( 0, 0 );
+        }
+        break;
+    case 10:
+        /* Straight running check: Forward at 100% PWM, stop after 2 seconds. */
+        if( cnt1 < 2000 ) {
+            motor( 0, 0 );
+        } else if( cnt1 < 4000 ) {
+            motor( 100, 100 );
+        } else {
+            motor( 0, 0 );
+        }
+        break;
+    case 11:
+        /* Straight running check: Forward at 100% PWM, stop after 5 seconds. */
+        if( cnt1 < 2000 ) {
+            motor( 0, 0 );
+        } else if( cnt1 < 7000 ) {
+            motor( 100, 100 );
+        } else {
+            motor( 0, 0 );
+        }
+        break;
+    case 12:
+        /* Camera module test process 1 */
+        pc.printf( "Please push the SW ( on the Motor drive board )" );
+        pc.printf( "\n\r" );
+        pattern = 13;
+        break;
+    case 13:
+        /* SW check */
+        if ( pushsw_get() ) {
+            WaitVfield( 2 );
+            if (write_buff_addr == FrameBuffer_Video_A) {
+                write_buff_addr = FrameBuffer_Video_B;
+                save_buff_addr  = FrameBuffer_Video_A;
+            } else {
+                write_buff_addr = FrameBuffer_Video_A;
+                save_buff_addr  = FrameBuffer_Video_B;
+            }
+            /* Change write buffer */
+            error = Display.Video_Write_Change(
+                        VIDEO_INPUT_CH,
+                        write_buff_addr,
+                        VIDEO_BUFFER_STRIDE);
+            if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+                printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+                while (1);
+            }
+            pattern = 14;
+        }
+        break;
+    case 14:
+        /* Camera module test process 2 */
+        pc.printf( "//,X-Size,Y-Size" );
+        pc.printf( "\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( "#SIZE,320,240" );
+        pc.printf( "\n\r" );
+        pc.printf( "//,X-Point,Y-Point" );
+        pc.printf( "\n\r" );
+        for( Yp = 0, y = 0; Yp < 240; Yp+=1, y++ ){
+            for( Xp = 0, x = 0; Xp < 640; Xp+=4, x+=2 ){
+                pc.printf( "#YCbCr," );
+          /*Xp*/pc.printf( "%d,", x);
+          /*Yp*/pc.printf( "%d,", y);
+          /*Y0*/pc.printf( "%d,", save_buff_addr[(Xp+0)+(640*Yp)]);//6
+          /*Cb*/pc.printf( "%d,", save_buff_addr[(Xp+1)+(640*Yp)]);//5
+          /*Cr*/pc.printf( "%d,", save_buff_addr[(Xp+3)+(640*Yp)]);//7
+                pc.printf( "\n\r" );
+                pc.printf( "#YCbCr," );
+          /*Xp*/pc.printf( "%d,", x+1);
+          /*Yp*/pc.printf( "%d,", y);
+          /*Y1*/pc.printf( "%d,", save_buff_addr[(Xp+2)+(640*Yp)]);//4
+          /*Cb*/pc.printf( "%d,", save_buff_addr[(Xp+1)+(640*Yp)]);//5
+          /*Cr*/pc.printf( "%d,", save_buff_addr[(Xp+3)+(640*Yp)]);//7
+                pc.printf( "\n\r" );
+            }
+        }
+        /* Break Point */
+        while( !user_button_get() ) led_status_set( STOP );
+        break;
+    default:
+        /* If neither, return to standby state */
+        pattern = 0;
+        break;
+    }
+    }
+//Initialize MTU2 PWM functions
+//MTU2_3, MTU2_4
+//Reset-Synchronized PWM mode
+//TIOC4A(P4_4) :Left-motor
+//TIOC4B(P4_5) :Right-motor
+void init_MTU2_PWM_Motor( void )
+    /* Port setting for S/W I/O Contorol */
+    /* alternative mode     */
+    /* MTU2_4 (P4_4)(P4_5)  */
+    GPIOPBDC4   = 0x0000;               /* Bidirection mode disabled*/
+    GPIOPFCAE4 &= 0xffcf;               /* The alternative function of a pin */
+    GPIOPFCE4  |= 0x0030;               /* The alternative function of a pin */
+    GPIOPFC4   &= 0xffcf;               /* The alternative function of a pin */
+                                        /* 2nd altemative function/output   */
+    GPIOP4     &= 0xffcf;               /*                          */
+    GPIOPM4    &= 0xffcf;               /* p4_4,P4_5:output         */
+    GPIOPMC4   |= 0x0030;               /* P4_4,P4_5:double         */
+    /* Mosule stop 33(MTU2) canceling */
+    CPGSTBCR3  &= 0xf7;
+    /* MTU2_3 and MTU2_4 (Motor PWM) */
+    MTU2TCR_3   = 0x20;                 /* TCNT Clear(TGRA), P0φ/1  */
+    MTU2TOCR1   = 0x04;                 /*                          */
+    MTU2TOCR2   = 0x40;                 /* N L>H  P H>L             */
+    MTU2TMDR_3  = 0x38;                 /* Buff:ON Reset-Synchronized PWM mode */
+    MTU2TMDR_4  = 0x30;                 /* Buff:ON                  */
+    MTU2TOER    = 0xc6;                 /* TIOC3B,4A,4B enabled output */
+    MTU2TCNT_3  = MTU2TCNT_4 = 0;       /* TCNT3,TCNT4 Set 0        */
+                                        /* PWM-Cycle(1ms)           */
+    MTU2TGRA_4  = MTU2TGRC_4 = 0;       /* Left-motor(P4_4)         */
+    MTU2TGRB_4  = MTU2TGRD_4 = 0;       /* Right-motor(P4_5)        */
+    MTU2TSTR   |= 0x40;                 /* TCNT_4 Start             */
+//Initialize MTU2 PWM functions
+//PWM mode 1
+//TIOC0A(P4_0) :Servo-motor
+void init_MTU2_PWM_Servo( void )
+    /* Port setting for S/W I/O Contorol */
+    /* alternative mode     */
+    /* MTU2_0 (P4_0)        */
+    GPIOPBDC4   = 0x0000;               /* Bidirection mode disabled*/
+    GPIOPFCAE4 &= 0xfffe;               /* The alternative function of a pin */
+    GPIOPFCE4  &= 0xfffe;               /* The alternative function of a pin */
+    GPIOPFC4   |= 0x0001;               /* The alternative function of a pin */
+                                        /* 2nd alternative function/output   */
+    GPIOP4     &= 0xfffe;               /*                          */
+    GPIOPM4    &= 0xfffe;               /* p4_0:output              */
+    GPIOPMC4   |= 0x0001;               /* P4_0:double              */
+    /* Mosule stop 33(MTU2) canceling */
+    CPGSTBCR3  &= 0xf7;
+    /* MTU2_0 (Motor PWM) */
+    MTU2TCR_0   = 0x22;                 /* TCNT Clear(TGRA), P0φ/16 */
+    MTU2TIORH_0 = 0x52;                 /* TGRA L>H, TGRB H>L       */
+    MTU2TMDR_0  = 0x32;                 /* TGRC and TGRD = Buff-mode*/
+                                        /* PWM-mode1                */
+    MTU2TCNT_0  = 0;                    /* TCNT0 Set 0              */
+                                        /* PWM-Cycle(16ms)          */
+    MTU2TGRB_0  = MTU2TGRD_0 = 0;       /* Servo-motor(P4_0)        */
+    MTU2TSTR   |= 0x01;                 /* TCNT_0 Start             */
+//Interrupt Timer
+void intTimer( void )
+    cnt0++;
+    cnt1++;
+    led_status_process();
+//LED_RGB(on GR-PEACH board)
+void led_rgb(int led)
+    LED_R = led & 0x1;
+    LED_G = (led >> 1 ) & 0x1;
+    LED_B = (led >> 2 ) & 0x1;
+//user_button_get(on GR-PEACH board)
+unsigned int user_button_get( void )
+    return (~user_botton) & 0x1;        /* Read ports with switches */
+//LED_Status(on GR-PEACH board) Function for only interrupt
+void led_status_process( void )
+    static unsigned long    led_timer;
+    int                     led_set;
+    int                     on_time;
+    int                     off_time;
+    /* setting */
+    switch( status_set ){
+    case RUN:
+        led_set  = LED_GREEN;
+        on_time  = 500;
+        off_time = 500;
+        break;
+    case SENSOR:
+        led_set  = LED_BLUE;
+        on_time  = 50;
+        off_time = 50;
+        break;
+    case MARK:
+        led_set  = LED_RED;
+        on_time  = 250;
+        off_time = 250;
+        break;
+    case STOP:
+        led_set  = LED_RED;
+        on_time  = 1;
+        off_time = 0;
+        break;
+    case ERROR:
+        led_set  = LED_RED;
+        on_time  = 50;
+        off_time = 50;
+        break;
+    default:
+        led_set  = LED_OFF;
+        on_time  = 0;
+        off_time = 1;
+        break;
+    }
+    /* Display */
+    led_timer++;
+    if( led_timer < on_time ) led_rgb( led_set );
+    else if( led_timer < ( on_time + off_time ) ) led_rgb( LED_OFF );
+    else led_timer = 0;
+//LED_Status(on GR-PEACH board) Function for only interrupt
+void led_status_set( int set )
+    status_set = set;
+//led_out(on Motor drive board)
+void led_out(int led)
+    led = ~led;
+    LED_3 = led & 0x1;
+    LED_2 = ( led >> 1 ) & 0x1;
+//pushsw_get(on Motor drive board)
+unsigned int pushsw_get( void )
+    return (~push_sw) & 0x1;            /* Read ports with switches */
+//motor speed control(PWM)
+//Arguments: motor:-100 to 100
+//Here, 0 is stop, 100 is forward, -100 is reverse
+void motor( int accele_l, int accele_r )
+    accele_l = ( accele_l * MAX_SPEED ) / 100;
+    accele_r = ( accele_r * MAX_SPEED ) / 100;
+    /* Left Motor Control */
+    if( accele_l >= 0 ) {
+        /* forward */
+        Left_motor_signal = 0;
+        MTU2TGRC_4 = (long)( MOTOR_PWM_CYCLE - 1 ) * accele_l / 100;
+    } else {
+        /* reverse */
+        Left_motor_signal = 1;
+        MTU2TGRC_4 = (long)( MOTOR_PWM_CYCLE - 1 ) * ( -accele_l ) / 100;
+    }
+    /* Right Motor Control */
+    if( accele_r >= 0 ) {
+        /* forward */
+        Right_motor_signal = 0;
+        MTU2TGRD_4 = (long)( MOTOR_PWM_CYCLE - 1 ) * accele_r / 100;
+    } else {
+        /* reverse */
+        Right_motor_signal = 1;
+        MTU2TGRD_4 = (long)( MOTOR_PWM_CYCLE - 1 ) * ( -accele_r ) / 100;
+    }
+//Handle fanction
+void handle( int angle )
+    /* When the servo move from left to right in reverse, replace "-" with "+" */
+// @brief       Interrupt callback function
+// @param[in]   int_type    : VDC5 interrupt type
+// @retval      None
+static void IntCallbackFunc_Vfield(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type)
+    if (vfield_count > 0) {
+        vfield_count--;
+    }
+// @brief       Wait for the specified number of times Vsync occurs
+// @param[in]   wait_count          : Wait count
+// @retval      None
+static void WaitVfield(const int32_t wait_count)
+    vfield_count = wait_count;
+    while (vfield_count > 0) {
+        /* Do nothing */
+    }
+// @brief       Interrupt callback function for Vsync interruption
+// @param[in]   int_type    : VDC5 interrupt type
+// @retval      None
+static void IntCallbackFunc_Vsync(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type)
+    if (vsync_count > 0) {
+        vsync_count--;
+    }
+// @brief       Wait for the specified number of times Vsync occurs
+// @param[in]   wait_count          : Wait count
+// @retval      None
+static void WaitVsync(const int32_t wait_count)
+    vsync_count = wait_count;
+    while (vsync_count > 0) {
+        /* Do nothing */
+    }
+// End of file
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Fri Sep 02 06:53:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file