Test program running on MAX32625MBED. Control through USB Serial commands using a terminal emulator such as teraterm or putty.

Dependencies:   MaximTinyTester MAX11131 CmdLine MAX541 USBDevice

--- a/Test_Main_MAX11131.cpp	Fri May 28 20:31:01 2021 -0700
+++ b/Test_Main_MAX11131.cpp	Sat May 29 03:17:39 2021 -0700
@@ -1883,6 +1883,8 @@
 // functions tested by SelfTest()
 extern void fn_MAX11131_Init(void);
+extern int fn_MAX11131_ScanStandardExternalClock(void);
+extern void fn_MAX11131_ReadAINcode(void);
 // CODE GENERATOR: Warning: SelfTest can't find function SPIoutputCS signature in Command list, searching ExternFunction list...
 extern void fn_MAX11131_SPIoutputCS(int isLogicHigh);
 // CODE GENERATOR: Warning: SelfTest can't find function SPIwrite16bits signature in Command list, searching ExternFunction list...
@@ -1973,6 +1975,297 @@
     // test-propname-expect-value
     tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.VRef", g_MAX11131_device.VRef, /* expect: */ 2.500); // Nominal Full-Scale Voltage Reference
+    // @test tinyTester.print("4 ch=15 pm=0 id=1 -- ScanStandardExternalClock")
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'print-string'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'tinyTester.print("4 ch=15 pm=0 id=1 -- ScanStandardExternalClock")'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = '4 ch=15 pm=0 id=1 -- ScanStandardExternalClock'
+    // print-string
+    // tinyTesterFuncName = "tinyTester.print"
+    // tinyTesterPrintStringLiteral = "4 ch=15 pm=0 id=1 -- ScanStandardExternalClock"
+    tinyTester.print("4 ch=15 pm=0 id=1 -- ScanStandardExternalClock");
+    // @test tinyTester.print("channelNumber_0_15 = 15")
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'print-string'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'tinyTester.print("channelNumber_0_15 = 15")'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = 'channelNumber_0_15 = 15'
+    // print-string
+    // tinyTesterFuncName = "tinyTester.print"
+    // tinyTesterPrintStringLiteral = "channelNumber_0_15 = 15"
+    tinyTester.print("channelNumber_0_15 = 15");
+    // @test channelNumber_0_15 = 15
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'assign-propname-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'channelNumber_0_15 = 15'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'channelNumber_0_15'
+    // docTest_item['propValue'] = '15'
+    // assign-propname-value
+    // tinyTesterPropName = "channelNumber_0_15"
+    // tinyTesterPropValue = "15"
+    g_MAX11131_device.channelNumber_0_15 = 15;
+    // @test tinyTester.print("PowerManagement_0_2 = 0")
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'print-string'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'tinyTester.print("PowerManagement_0_2 = 0")'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = 'PowerManagement_0_2 = 0'
+    // print-string
+    // tinyTesterFuncName = "tinyTester.print"
+    // tinyTesterPrintStringLiteral = "PowerManagement_0_2 = 0"
+    tinyTester.print("PowerManagement_0_2 = 0");
+    // @test PowerManagement_0_2 = 0 // 0=Normal
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'assign-propname-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'PowerManagement_0_2 = 0'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = '0=Normal'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'PowerManagement_0_2'
+    // docTest_item['propValue'] = '0'
+    // assign-propname-value
+    // tinyTesterPropName = "PowerManagement_0_2"
+    // tinyTesterPropValue = "0"
+    g_MAX11131_device.PowerManagement_0_2 = 0;
+    // @test tinyTester.print("chan_id_0_1 = 1")
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'print-string'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'tinyTester.print("chan_id_0_1 = 1")'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = 'chan_id_0_1 = 1'
+    // print-string
+    // tinyTesterFuncName = "tinyTester.print"
+    // tinyTesterPrintStringLiteral = "chan_id_0_1 = 1"
+    tinyTester.print("chan_id_0_1 = 1");
+    // @test chan_id_0_1 = 1 // misoData16 = CH[3:0] DATA[11:0]
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'assign-propname-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'chan_id_0_1 = 1'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'misoData16 = CH[3:0] DATA[11:0]'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'chan_id_0_1'
+    // docTest_item['propValue'] = '1'
+    // assign-propname-value
+    // tinyTesterPropName = "chan_id_0_1"
+    // tinyTesterPropValue = "1"
+    g_MAX11131_device.chan_id_0_1 = 1;
+    // @test tinyTester.print("ScanStandardExternalClock() expect 16")
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'print-string'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'tinyTester.print("ScanStandardExternalClock() expect 16")'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = 'ScanStandardExternalClock() expect 16'
+    // print-string
+    // tinyTesterFuncName = "tinyTester.print"
+    // tinyTesterPrintStringLiteral = "ScanStandardExternalClock() expect 16"
+    tinyTester.print("ScanStandardExternalClock() expect 16");
+    // @test ScanStandardExternalClock() expect 16 // Scan_0100_StandardExt
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'ScanStandardExternalClock() expect 16'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'Scan_0100_StandardExt'
+    // docTest_item['funcName'] = 'ScanStandardExternalClock'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '16'
+    // call-function
+    // ASSERT_EQ(g_MAX11131_device.ScanStandardExternalClock(()), (int)16); // Scan_0100_StandardExt
+    tinyTester.FunctionCall_d_Expect("MAX11131.ScanStandardExternalClock", fn_MAX11131_ScanStandardExternalClock, /* empty docTest_argList */ /* expect: */ (int)16); // Scan_0100_StandardExt
+    // @test tinyTester.print("NumWords expect 16")
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'print-string'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'tinyTester.print("NumWords expect 16")'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = 'NumWords expect 16'
+    // print-string
+    // tinyTesterFuncName = "tinyTester.print"
+    // tinyTesterPrintStringLiteral = "NumWords expect 16"
+    tinyTester.print("NumWords expect 16");
+    // @test NumWords expect 16
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'NumWords expect 16'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '16'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'NumWords'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.NumWords", g_MAX11131_device.NumWords, /* expect: */ 16); // 
+    // @test ReadAINcode()
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'ReadAINcode()'
+    // docTest_item['funcName'] = 'ReadAINcode'
+    // call-function
+    // ASSERT_EQ(g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode(()), (void)None); // 
+    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX11131.ReadAINcode", fn_MAX11131_ReadAINcode, /* empty docTest_argList */ /* empty expect: */ (void)None); // 
+    g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode(); // 
+    // @test tinyTester.print("Verify RAW_misoData16[0..15]>>12&0x000F == 0..15 channelId")
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'print-string'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'tinyTester.print("Verify RAW_misoData16[0..15]>>12&0x000F == 0..15 channelId")'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = 'Verify RAW_misoData16[0..15]>>12&0x000F == 0..15 channelId'
+    // print-string
+    // tinyTesterFuncName = "tinyTester.print"
+    // tinyTesterPrintStringLiteral = "Verify RAW_misoData16[0..15]>>12&0x000F == 0..15 channelId"
+    tinyTester.print("Verify RAW_misoData16[0..15]>>12&0x000F == 0..15 channelId");
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[0]  expect 0x0000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[0]  expect 0x0000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0x0000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[0]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[0]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[0]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0x0000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[1]  expect 0x1000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[1]  expect 0x1000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0x1000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[1]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[1]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[1]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0x1000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[2]  expect 0x2000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[2]  expect 0x2000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0x2000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[2]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[2]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[2]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0x2000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[3]  expect 0x3000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[3]  expect 0x3000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0x3000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[3]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[3]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[3]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0x3000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[4]  expect 0x4000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[4]  expect 0x4000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0x4000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[4]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[4]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[4]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0x4000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[5]  expect 0x5000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[5]  expect 0x5000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0x5000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[5]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[5]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[5]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0x5000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[6]  expect 0x6000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[6]  expect 0x6000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0x6000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[6]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[6]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[6]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0x6000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[7]  expect 0x7000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[7]  expect 0x7000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0x7000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[7]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[7]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[7]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0x7000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[8]  expect 0x8000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[8]  expect 0x8000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0x8000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[8]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[8]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[8]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0x8000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[9]  expect 0x9000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[9]  expect 0x9000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0x9000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[9]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[9]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[9]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0x9000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[10] expect 0xA000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[10] expect 0xA000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0xA000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[10]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[10]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[10]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0xA000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[11] expect 0xB000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[11] expect 0xB000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0xB000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[11]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[11]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[11]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0xB000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[12] expect 0xC000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[12] expect 0xC000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0xC000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[12]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[12]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[12]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0xC000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[13] expect 0xD000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[13] expect 0xD000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0xD000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[13]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[13]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[13]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0xD000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[14] expect 0xE000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[14] expect 0xE000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0xE000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[14]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[14]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[14]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0xE000); // channelId
+    // @test RAW_misoData16[15] expect 0xF000 mask 0xF000 // channelId
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'test-propname-expect-value'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'RAW_misoData16[15] expect 0xF000 mask 0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['remarks'] = 'channelId'
+    // docTest_item['expect-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['mask-value'] = '0xF000'
+    // docTest_item['propName'] = 'RAW_misoData16[15]'
+    // test-propname-expect-value
+    tinyTester.Expect("MAX11131.RAW_misoData16[15]", (int)((g_MAX11131_device.RAW_misoData16[15]) & /* mask */ (0xF000)), /* expect: */ 0xF000); // channelId
+    // @test tinyTester.print("MOSI <-- 1000_0000_0000_0000  ADC_CONFIGURATION REFSEL=0 SPM[1:0]=0 ECHO=0")
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'print-string'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'tinyTester.print("MOSI <-- 1000_0000_0000_0000  ADC_CONFIGURATION REFSEL=0 SPM[1:0]=0 ECHO=0")'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = 'MOSI <-- 1000_0000_0000_0000  ADC_CONFIGURATION REFSEL=0 SPM[1:0]=0 ECHO=0'
+    // print-string
+    // tinyTesterFuncName = "tinyTester.print"
+    // tinyTesterPrintStringLiteral = "MOSI <-- 1000_0000_0000_0000  ADC_CONFIGURATION REFSEL=0 SPM[1:0]=0 ECHO=0"
+    tinyTester.print("MOSI <-- 1000_0000_0000_0000  ADC_CONFIGURATION REFSEL=0 SPM[1:0]=0 ECHO=0");
     // @test SPIoutputCS(0)
     // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
     // docTest_item['action'] = 'SPIoutputCS(0)'
@@ -2003,6 +2296,161 @@
     // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX11131.SPIoutputCS", fn_MAX11131_SPIoutputCS, (int)1, /* empty expect: */ (void)None); // 
     g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)1); // call-function ExternFunction // 
+    // @test tinyTester.print("MOSI <-- 0010_0111_1010_0100  ADC_MODE_CONTROL Scan_0100_StandardExt CHSEL=15 RESET=1 CHANID=1")
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'print-string'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'tinyTester.print("MOSI <-- 0010_0111_1010_0100  ADC_MODE_CONTROL Scan_0100_StandardExt CHSEL=15 RESET=1 CHANID=1")'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = 'MOSI <-- 0010_0111_1010_0100  ADC_MODE_CONTROL Scan_0100_StandardExt CHSEL=15 RESET=1 CHANID=1'
+    // print-string
+    // tinyTesterFuncName = "tinyTester.print"
+    // tinyTesterPrintStringLiteral = "MOSI <-- 0010_0111_1010_0100  ADC_MODE_CONTROL Scan_0100_StandardExt CHSEL=15 RESET=1 CHANID=1"
+    tinyTester.print("MOSI <-- 0010_0111_1010_0100  ADC_MODE_CONTROL Scan_0100_StandardExt CHSEL=15 RESET=1 CHANID=1");
+    // @test SPIoutputCS(0)
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'SPIoutputCS(0)'
+    // docTest_item['funcName'] = 'SPIoutputCS'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = '0'
+    // call-function
+    // ASSERT_EQ(g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)0), (void)None); // 
+    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX11131.SPIoutputCS", fn_MAX11131_SPIoutputCS, (int)0, /* empty expect: */ (void)None); // 
+    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)0); // call-function ExternFunction // 
+    // @test SPIwrite16bits(0x27a4)
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'SPIwrite16bits(0x27a4)'
+    // docTest_item['funcName'] = 'SPIwrite16bits'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = '0x27a4'
+    // call-function
+    // ASSERT_EQ(g_MAX11131_device.SPIwrite16bits((int16_t)0x27a4), (void)None); // 
+    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX11131.SPIwrite16bits", fn_MAX11131_SPIwrite16bits, (int16_t)0x27a4, /* empty expect: */ (void)None); // 
+    g_MAX11131_device.SPIwrite16bits((int16_t)0x27a4); // call-function ExternFunction // 
+    // @test SPIoutputCS(1)
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'SPIoutputCS(1)'
+    // docTest_item['funcName'] = 'SPIoutputCS'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = '1'
+    // call-function
+    // ASSERT_EQ(g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)1), (void)None); // 
+    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX11131.SPIoutputCS", fn_MAX11131_SPIoutputCS, (int)1, /* empty expect: */ (void)None); // 
+    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)1); // call-function ExternFunction // 
+    // @test tinyTester.print("1.1: Test Scan_0011_StandardInt -- verify Internal Clock signals (CNVST, EOC)")
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'print-string'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'tinyTester.print("1.1: Test Scan_0011_StandardInt -- verify Internal Clock signals (CNVST, EOC)")'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = '1.1: Test Scan_0011_StandardInt -- verify Internal Clock signals (CNVST, EOC)'
+    // print-string
+    // tinyTesterFuncName = "tinyTester.print"
+    // tinyTesterPrintStringLiteral = "1.1: Test Scan_0011_StandardInt -- verify Internal Clock signals (CNVST, EOC)"
+    tinyTester.print("1.1: Test Scan_0011_StandardInt -- verify Internal Clock signals (CNVST, EOC)");
+    // @test Init();
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'Init()'
+    // docTest_item['funcName'] = 'Init'
+    // call-function
+    // ASSERT_EQ(g_MAX11131_device.Init(()), (void)None); // 
+    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX11131.Init", fn_MAX11131_Init, /* empty docTest_argList */ /* empty expect: */ (void)None); // 
+    g_MAX11131_device.Init(); // 
+    // @test SPIoutputCS(0); // drive CS low
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'SPIoutputCS(0)'
+    // docTest_item['funcName'] = 'SPIoutputCS'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = '0'
+    // call-function
+    // ASSERT_EQ(g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)0), (void)None); // 
+    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX11131.SPIoutputCS", fn_MAX11131_SPIoutputCS, (int)0, /* empty expect: */ (void)None); // 
+    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)0); // call-function ExternFunction // 
+    // @test SPIoutputCS(1); // drive CS high
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'SPIoutputCS(1)'
+    // docTest_item['funcName'] = 'SPIoutputCS'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = '1'
+    // call-function
+    // ASSERT_EQ(g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)1), (void)None); // 
+    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX11131.SPIoutputCS", fn_MAX11131_SPIoutputCS, (int)1, /* empty expect: */ (void)None); // 
+    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)1); // call-function ExternFunction // 
+    // @test tinyTester.print("MOSI <-- 1000_0000_0000_0000  ADC_CONFIGURATION REFSEL=0 SPM[1:0]=0 ECHO=0")
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'print-string'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'tinyTester.print("MOSI <-- 1000_0000_0000_0000  ADC_CONFIGURATION REFSEL=0 SPM[1:0]=0 ECHO=0")'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = 'MOSI <-- 1000_0000_0000_0000  ADC_CONFIGURATION REFSEL=0 SPM[1:0]=0 ECHO=0'
+    // print-string
+    // tinyTesterFuncName = "tinyTester.print"
+    // tinyTesterPrintStringLiteral = "MOSI <-- 1000_0000_0000_0000  ADC_CONFIGURATION REFSEL=0 SPM[1:0]=0 ECHO=0"
+    tinyTester.print("MOSI <-- 1000_0000_0000_0000  ADC_CONFIGURATION REFSEL=0 SPM[1:0]=0 ECHO=0");
+    // @test SPIoutputCS(0); // drive CS low
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'SPIoutputCS(0)'
+    // docTest_item['funcName'] = 'SPIoutputCS'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = '0'
+    // call-function
+    // ASSERT_EQ(g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)0), (void)None); // 
+    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX11131.SPIoutputCS", fn_MAX11131_SPIoutputCS, (int)0, /* empty expect: */ (void)None); // 
+    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)0); // call-function ExternFunction // 
+    // @test SPIwrite16bits(0x8000);
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'SPIwrite16bits(0x8000)'
+    // docTest_item['funcName'] = 'SPIwrite16bits'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = '0x8000'
+    // call-function
+    // ASSERT_EQ(g_MAX11131_device.SPIwrite16bits((int16_t)0x8000), (void)None); // 
+    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX11131.SPIwrite16bits", fn_MAX11131_SPIwrite16bits, (int16_t)0x8000, /* empty expect: */ (void)None); // 
+    g_MAX11131_device.SPIwrite16bits((int16_t)0x8000); // call-function ExternFunction // 
+    // @test SPIoutputCS(1); // drive CS high
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'SPIoutputCS(1)'
+    // docTest_item['funcName'] = 'SPIoutputCS'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = '1'
+    // call-function
+    // ASSERT_EQ(g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)1), (void)None); // 
+    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX11131.SPIoutputCS", fn_MAX11131_SPIoutputCS, (int)1, /* empty expect: */ (void)None); // 
+    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)1); // call-function ExternFunction // 
+    // @test tinyTester.print("MOSI <-- 0001_1001_1010_0000  ADC_MODE_CONTROL Scan_0011_StandardInt CHSEL=3 RESET=1 SWCNV=0")
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'print-string'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'tinyTester.print("MOSI <-- 0001_1001_1010_0000  ADC_MODE_CONTROL Scan_0011_StandardInt CHSEL=3 RESET=1 SWCNV=0")'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = 'MOSI <-- 0001_1001_1010_0000  ADC_MODE_CONTROL Scan_0011_StandardInt CHSEL=3 RESET=1 SWCNV=0'
+    // print-string
+    // tinyTesterFuncName = "tinyTester.print"
+    // tinyTesterPrintStringLiteral = "MOSI <-- 0001_1001_1010_0000  ADC_MODE_CONTROL Scan_0011_StandardInt CHSEL=3 RESET=1 SWCNV=0"
+    tinyTester.print("MOSI <-- 0001_1001_1010_0000  ADC_MODE_CONTROL Scan_0011_StandardInt CHSEL=3 RESET=1 SWCNV=0");
+    // @test SPIoutputCS(0); // drive CS low
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'SPIoutputCS(0)'
+    // docTest_item['funcName'] = 'SPIoutputCS'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = '0'
+    // call-function
+    // ASSERT_EQ(g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)0), (void)None); // 
+    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX11131.SPIoutputCS", fn_MAX11131_SPIoutputCS, (int)0, /* empty expect: */ (void)None); // 
+    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)0); // call-function ExternFunction // 
+    // @test SPIwrite16bits(0x19a0);
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'SPIwrite16bits(0x19a0)'
+    // docTest_item['funcName'] = 'SPIwrite16bits'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = '0x19a0'
+    // call-function
+    // ASSERT_EQ(g_MAX11131_device.SPIwrite16bits((int16_t)0x19a0), (void)None); // 
+    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX11131.SPIwrite16bits", fn_MAX11131_SPIwrite16bits, (int16_t)0x19a0, /* empty expect: */ (void)None); // 
+    g_MAX11131_device.SPIwrite16bits((int16_t)0x19a0); // call-function ExternFunction // 
+    // @test SPIoutputCS(1); // drive CS high
+    // docTest_item['actionType'] = 'call-function'
+    // docTest_item['action'] = 'SPIoutputCS(1)'
+    // docTest_item['funcName'] = 'SPIoutputCS'
+    // docTest_item['arglist'] = '1'
+    // call-function
+    // ASSERT_EQ(g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)1), (void)None); // 
+    // tinyTester.FunctionCall_Expect("MAX11131.SPIoutputCS", fn_MAX11131_SPIoutputCS, (int)1, /* empty expect: */ (void)None); // 
+    g_MAX11131_device.SPIoutputCS((int)1); // call-function ExternFunction // 
     // Test of the pass/fail report mechanism
@@ -2030,6 +2478,36 @@
+// selfTestFunctionClosures[functionName]['functionName'] = 'ScanStandardExternalClock'
+// selfTestFunctionClosures[functionName]['argListDeclaration'] = 'void'
+// selfTestFunctionClosures[functionName]['returnType'] = 'int'
+// selfTestFunctionClosures[functionName]['argNames'] = ''
+// CommandParamIn_declaration = 'void'
+// argNames_recast_implementation = ''
+// selftest: define function under test
+// int MAX11131::ScanStandardExternalClock(void)
+int fn_MAX11131_ScanStandardExternalClock(void)
+    return g_MAX11131_device.ScanStandardExternalClock();
+// selfTestFunctionClosures[functionName]['functionName'] = 'ReadAINcode'
+// selfTestFunctionClosures[functionName]['argListDeclaration'] = 'void'
+// selfTestFunctionClosures[functionName]['returnType'] = 'void'
+// selfTestFunctionClosures[functionName]['argNames'] = ''
+// CommandParamIn_declaration = 'void'
+// argNames_recast_implementation = ''
+// selftest: define function under test
+// void MAX11131::ReadAINcode(void)
+void fn_MAX11131_ReadAINcode(void)
+    return g_MAX11131_device.ReadAINcode();
 // selfTestFunctionClosures[functionName]['functionName'] = 'SPIoutputCS'
 // selfTestFunctionClosures[functionName]['argListDeclaration'] = 'int isLogicHigh'
 // selfTestFunctionClosures[functionName]['returnType'] = 'void'