MAXREFDES143#: DeepCover Embedded Security in IoT Authenticated Sensing & Notification

Dependencies:   MaximInterface mbed

The MAXREFDES143# is an Internet of Things (IoT) embedded security reference design, built to protect an industrial sensing node by means of authentication and notification to a web server. The hardware includes a peripheral module representing a protected sensor node monitoring operating temperature and remaining life of a filter (simulated through ambient light sensing) and an mbed shield representing a controller node responsible for monitoring one or more sensor nodes. The design is hierarchical with each controller node communicating data from connected sensor nodes to a web server that maintains a centralized log and dispatches notifications as necessary. The mbed shield contains a Wi-Fi module, a DS2465 coprocessor with 1-Wire® master function, an LCD, LEDs, and pushbuttons. The protected sensor node contains a DS28E15 authenticator, a DS7505 temperature sensor, and a MAX44009 light sensor. The mbed shield communicates to a web server by the onboard Wi-Fi module and to the protected sensor node with I2C and 1-Wire. The MAXREFDES143# is equipped with a standard shield connector for immediate testing using an mbed board such as the MAX32600MBED#. The simplicity of this design enables rapid integration into any star-topology IoT network requiring the heightened security with low overhead provided by the SHA-256 symmetric-key algorithm.

More information about the MAXREFDES143# is available on the Maxim Integrated website.

diff -r 7b10bcb3e0fc -r 0a09505a656d ESP8266.hpp
--- a/ESP8266.hpp	Tue Apr 04 14:10:48 2017 -0500
+++ b/ESP8266.hpp	Mon Nov 06 17:34:13 2017 -0600
@@ -28,146 +28,134 @@
 * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
 * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
 * ownership rights.
 #ifndef ESP8266_HPP
 #define ESP8266_HPP
 #include <string>
 #include <sstream>
-#include "PinNames.h"
-#include "Serial.h"
-#include "DigitalOut.h"
-#include "CircularBuffer.h"
-namespace mbed { class Serial; }
+#include <PinNames.h>
+#include <Serial.h>
+#include <DigitalOut.h>
+#include <CircularBuffer.h>
 /// Interface to the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module.
-class ESP8266
+class ESP8266 {
   /// Result of sending an AT command.
-  enum CmdResult
-  {
+  enum CmdResult {
     AT_OK = 1,
     AT_FAIL = 0,
     AT_ERROR = -1,
     HardwareError = -2,
     TimeoutError = -3
   /// ESP8266 Wi-Fi mode.
-  enum WifiMode
-  {
-    station_mode = 1,
-    softAP_mode = 2,
-    softAP_station_mode = 3
-  };
+  enum WifiMode { station_mode = 1, softAP_mode = 2, softAP_station_mode = 3 };
   /// Connection type.
-  enum ConnType
-  {
-    TCP,
-    UDP
-  };
+  enum ConnType { TCP, UDP };
   /// Recovery time between Send Data operation as specified by datasheet.
-  static const unsigned int sendDataRecoveryTimeMs = 1000;
+  static const int sendDataRecoveryTimeMs = 1000;
   /// Builds command strings for the ESP8266 with proper formatting.
-  class CmdBuilder
-  {
+  class CmdBuilder {
     /// @param cmd Command of the format "AT+[cmd]".
     CmdBuilder(const std::string & cmd = "");
     /// Clear all arguments.
     /// @param cmd Command of the format "AT+[cmd]".
     void clear(const std::string & cmd);
     /// Append an argument using the default string conversion for that type.
     /// @param arg Argument to append to the command.
-    template <typename T> void addRawArgument(const T & arg)
-    {
+    template <typename T> void addRawArgument(const T & arg) {
       cmdStream << ((numArgs == 0) ? "=" : ",") << arg;
     /// Append a string argument with proper quoting.
     /// @param arg Argument to append to the command.
     void addStringArgument(const std::string & arg);
     /// Create a string suitable for use with sendCommand().
     /// @returns The formatted command string.
     std::string str() const;
     int numArgs;
     std::ostringstream cmdStream;
   /// @param tx Transmit pin from mbed to ESP8266.
   /// @param rx Receive pin from ESP8266 to mbed.
   /// @param rst Reset pin on ESP8266.
   /// @param CH_PD Power-down pin on ESP8266.
   /// @param baud Baud rate that the ESP8266 is using.
   /// @param debugMsgIntf Optional serial interface for debugging messages.
-  ESP8266(const PinName tx, const PinName rx, const PinName rst, const PinName CH_PD, const int baud, mbed::Serial * debugMsgIntf = NULL);
+  ESP8266(const PinName tx, const PinName rx, const PinName rst,
+          const PinName CH_PD, const int baud,
+          mbed::Serial * debugMsgIntf = NULL);
   /// Reset the ESP8266 via the hardware reset pin.
   void reset();
   // Update the baud rate for the ESP8266.
   void setBaud(int baud) { AT_intf.baud(baud); }
   /// @{
   /// Control if the ESP8266 is powered via the hardware power-down pin.
   bool powered() const;
   void setPowered(bool powered);
   /// @}
   /// Perform a self-test on the ESP8266.
   CmdResult performSelfTest();
   /// Set the current Wi-Fi mode.
   CmdResult setCurrentWifiMode(const WifiMode mode);
   /// Join a Wi-Fi access point.
   /// @param ssid Network SSID to connect to.
   /// @param pwd Network password.
   /// @param bssid Optional network BSSID.
-  CmdResult joinCurrentAccessPoint(const std::string & ssid, const std::string & pwd, const std::string & bssid = "");
+  CmdResult joinCurrentAccessPoint(const std::string & ssid,
+                                   const std::string & pwd,
+                                   const std::string & bssid = "");
   /// Quit the current access point.
   CmdResult quitAccessPoint();
   /// Set the maximum WiFi tranmission power.
   /// @param power_dBm Power in dBm valid from 0 to 20.5 in 0.25 dBm increments.
   CmdResult setMaxRFTXPower(const float power_dBm);
   /// Ping a host via the current access point.
   /// @param IP IP address or resolvable hostname.
   CmdResult ping(const std::string & IP);
   /// Open a connection to a host via the current access point.
   /// @param type TCP or UPD connection.
   /// @param remoteIP IP address or resolvable hostname to connect to.
   /// @param remotePort Port on the host to connect to.
-  CmdResult openConnection(const ConnType type, const std::string & remoteIP, const unsigned int remotePort);
+  CmdResult openConnection(const ConnType type, const std::string & remoteIP,
+                           const unsigned int remotePort);
   /// Close the connection to the current host.
   CmdResult closeConnection();
   /// Send data to the currently connected host.
   /// @param data May be in text or binary form.
   CmdResult sendData(const std::string & data);
   /// Send an AT command to the ESP8266.
   /// @param cmd Formatted command to send.
   CmdResult sendCommand(const CmdBuilder & cmd);
   /// Check if received IP data is available in the buffer.
   /// @note Allow some processing delay to happen between calls to this function.
   /// @returns True if data is available.
@@ -176,33 +164,37 @@
   char getcRecvIpData();
   /// Clear all received data from the buffer.
   void clearRecvData();
   mbed::Serial AT_intf;
   mbed::DigitalOut resetPin;
-  mutable mbed::DigitalOut powerDownPin; ///< @note Mark as mutable for use in powered().
-  mbed::CircularBuffer<char, 1024> recvIpDataBuffer; ///< Received IP data buffer.
+  /// @note Mark as mutable for use in powered().
+  mutable mbed::DigitalOut powerDownPin;
+  /// Received IP data buffer.
+  mbed::CircularBuffer<char, 1024> recvIpDataBuffer;
   mbed::Serial * debugMsg;
-  volatile bool parseRecvReset; ///< Indicates when AT interface received data parsers should be reset.
+  /// Indicates when AT interface received data parsers should be reset.
+  volatile bool parseRecvReset;
   /// Send raw AT data to the ESP8266.
   /// @param cmdString Data to send.
   /// @param expectEcho True if the ESP8266 will echo sent data back.
   CmdResult send_AT_data(const std::string & cmdString, const bool expectEcho);
   /// Attempts to read an entire line terminated with \r\n from the AT interface.
   /// \r will be preserved in the final string and \n will be stripped.
   /// @param line Buffer to store received characters in.
   /// @returns True if an entire line was read.
   bool read_line(std::string & line);
   /// Callback for when data is received on the AT interface.
   void recv_AT_data_cb();
   /// Parse the next character received on the AT interface checking for valid IP data.
   void parseRecvIpData(const char received);
-  /// Parse the next character receive on the AT interface for the connection closed message.
+  /// Parse the next character receive on the AT interface for the connection
+  /// closed message.
   void parseRecvConnClosedMsg(const char received);
   /// Print a message on the debugging interface if setup.
   /// @param message Null terminated string.
   void printDbgMsg(const char * message);