MAX44000 Ambient and Infrared Proximity Sensor

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MAX44000 Class Reference

MAX44000 Class Reference

#include <MAX44000.h>

Public Member Functions

 MAX44000 (PinName sda, PinName scl, int addr)
 ~MAX44000 ()
void getIntStatus (uint8_t *data)
 Get Interrupt Status.
void getMainConfig (uint8_t *conf)
 Get Main Configuration.
void setMainConfig (uint8_t newConf)
 Set Mein Configuration.
void getALS (uint8_t *ofl, uint16_t *value)
 Get ALS.
void getProx (uint8_t *value)
 Get PROX.
void getADC (uint8_t *ofl, uint16_t *als, uint8_t *prox)
 Get ADC value(s)

Detailed Description

 addr : R/W : Rst  : Register
 0x00 : R   : 0x04 : Interrupt Status 
 0x01 : R/W : 0x24 : Main Configuration 
 0x02 : R/W : 0x00 : Receive Configuration 
 0x03 : R/W : 0x00 : Transmit Configuration 
 0x04 : R   : 0x00 : ADC High Byte (ALS) 
 0x05 : R   : 0x00 : ADC Low Byte (ALS) 
 0x16 : R   : 0x00 : ADC Byte (PROX) 
 0x06 : R/W : 0x00 : ALS Upper Threshold (High Byte) 
 0x07 : R/W : 0x00 : ALS Upper Threshold (Low Byte) 
 0x08 : R/W : 0x00 : ALS Lower Threshold (High Byte) 
 0x09 : R/W : 0x00 : ALS Lower Threshold (Low Byte) 
 0x0A : R/W : 0x00 : Threshold Persist Timer 
 0x0B : R/W : 0x00 : PROX Threshold Indicator 
 0x0C : R/W : 0x00 : PROX Threshold 
 0x0F : R/W : 0x80 : Digital Gain Trim of Green Channel 
 0x10 : R/W : 0x80 : Digital Gain Trim of Infrared Channel 
 0x00 : R   : 0x04 : Interrupt Status 
 Bit[7:3] : (reserved)
 Bit[2]   : PWRON : if set, indicates that a power-on-reset (POR) condition has occurred,
                    and any user-programmed thresholds cannot be valid anymore.
 Bit[1]   : PRXINTS : indicates that an ambient light nterrupt condition occurred.
 BIt[0]   : ALSINTS : indicates that a proximity receive interrupt condition occurred.

 0x01 : R/W : 0x24 : Main Configuration 
 Bit[7:6] : (reserved)
 Bit[5]   : TRIM 
   0: Use bytes written to TRIM_GAIN_GREEN[7:0] and TRIM_GAIN_IR[7:0] registers
      to set the fine-trim gain of the green and IR gain channels.
   1: Use factory-programmed gains for green and IR channels.
      Ignore bytes written to TRIM_GAIN_GEEN[7:0] and TRIM_GAIN_IR[7:0] registers.
 Bit[4:2] : mode
   000: Shutdown : Analog circuits are shut down, but the digital register retains values.
   001: ALS G-IR : Standard ALS mode stores the difference between green and infrared channel readings.
                   Proximity channel operation and updates are disabled.
   010: ALS G    : ALS green channel only. Proximity channel operation and updates are disabled.
   011: ALS IR   : Infrared channel only. Proximity channel operation and updates are disabled.
   100: ALS/PROX : ALS and PROX are interleaved continuously.
   101: PROX Only : PROX only continuously. ALS channel operation and updates are disabled.
   110: (reserved)
   111: (reserved)
 Bit[1]   : PRXINTE : 
   0 : The PRXINTS bit remains unasserted, and proximity channel readings 
       are not compared with interrupt thresholds.
   1 : Detection of a proxmity interrupt event triggers a hardware interrupt (/INT pin is pulled low)
       and sets the PRXINTS bit (register 0x00, B1). Proximity channel readings are compared with
       proximity interrupt threshold settings and proximity persist timer.
 Bit[0]   : ALSINTE
   0 : The ALSINTS bit reamins unasserted, and ALS channel readings are not compared with interrupt thresholds.
   1 : Detection of an ambient light interrupt event triggers a hardware interrupt (/INT pin is pullued low)
       and sets the ALSINTS bit (register 0x00, B0). ALS channel readings are compared with ALS interrupt 
       threshold settings and ALS persist timer.

 0x02 : R/W : 0x00 : Receive Configuration 
 Bit[7:4] : (reserved)
 Bit[3:2] : ALSTIM : Ambient ADC Conversion Time
       | Intergration Time (ms) | Full-Scale ADC counts | Bit Resolution | Relative LSB Size |
    00 |        100             |        16,384         |        14      |           1x      | 
    01 |         25             |         4,096         |        12      |           4x      |
    10 |          6.25          |         1,024         |        10      |          16x      |
    11 |          1.5625        |           256         |         8      |          64x      |
 Bit[1:0] : ALSPGA : Ambient Light Measurement Gain
       |        LUX/LSB         |   Relative LSB Size   |
    00 |        0.03125         |          1x           |
    01 |        0.125           |          4x           |
    10 |        0.5             |         16x           |
    11 |        4               |        128x           |

 0x03 | R/W | 0x00 | Transmit Configuration 
 0x04 | R   | 0x00 | ADC High Byte (ALS) 
 0x05 | R   | 0x00 | ADC Low Byte (ALS) 
 0x16 | R   | 0x00 | ADC Byte (PROX) 

Definition at line 91 of file MAX44000.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MAX44000 ( PinName  sda,
PinName  scl,
int  addr 


sdaSDA pin
sclSCL pin
addraddress of the I2C peripheral

Definition at line 28 of file MAX44000.cpp.

~MAX44000 (  )


Definition at line 38 of file MAX44000.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void getADC ( uint8_t *  ofl,
uint16_t *  als,
uint8_t *  prox 

Get ADC value(s)

uint8_t*ofl overfolow indicator
uint16_t*als ALS data
uint8_t*prox PROX data

Definition at line 109 of file MAX44000.cpp.

void getALS ( uint8_t *  ofl,
uint16_t *  value 

Get ALS.

uint8_t*ofl overflow indicator
uint16_t*value ALS value

Definition at line 94 of file MAX44000.cpp.

void getIntStatus ( uint8_t *  data )

Get Interrupt Status.

uint8_t*data pointer to receive the 8bit register value.

Definition at line 50 of file MAX44000.cpp.

void getMainConfig ( uint8_t *  conf )

Get Main Configuration.

uint8_t*conf pointer to receive the 8bit register value.

Definition at line 55 of file MAX44000.cpp.

void getProx ( uint8_t *  value )


uint8_t*value PROX value

Definition at line 104 of file MAX44000.cpp.

void setMainConfig ( uint8_t  newConf )

Set Mein Configuration.

confuint8_t to specify the 8bit register value.

Definition at line 60 of file MAX44000.cpp.