MAX44000 Ambient and Infrared Proximity Sensor

Dependents:   test_MAX44000 testSensor PMK2022_Agriculture



File content as of revision 1:e3d11ab4c524:

 * MAX44000
 * Ambient and Infrared Proximity Sensor
 * I2C 7bit address: 0x4A

#ifndef _MAX44000_H_
#define _MAX44000_H_

#include "mbed.h"

class MAX44000 
 *  constructor
 * @param sda SDA pin
 * @param scl SCL pin
 * @param addr address of the I2C peripheral
 MAX44000(PinName sda, PinName scl, int addr) ;
 ~MAX44000() ;

  * some member functions here (yet to be written)

void getIntStatus(uint8_t *data) ;
 * Get Main Configuration
 * @param *conf uint8_t pointer to receive the 8bit register value.
 * Bit[7:6] : (reserved)
 * Bit[5]   : TRIM 
 *   0: Use bytes written to TRIM_GAIN_GREEN[7:0] and TRIM_GAIN_IR[7:0] registers
 *      to set the fine-trim gain of the green and IR gain channels.
 *   1: Use factory-programmed gains for green and IR channels.
 *      Ignore bytes written to TRIM_GAIN_GEEN[7:0] and TRIM_GAIN_IR[7:0] registers.
 * Bit[4:2] : mode
 *   000: Shutdown : Analog circuits are shut down, but the digital register retains values.
 *   001: ALS G-IR : Standard ALS mode stores the difference between green and infrared channel readings.
 *                   Proximity channel operation and updates are disabled.
 *   010: ALS G    : ALS green channel only. Proximity channel operation and updates are disabled.
 *   011: ALS IR   : Infrared channel only. Proximity channel operation and updates are disabled.
 *   100: ALS/PROX : ALS and PROX are interleaved continuously.
 *   101: PROX Only : PROX only continuously. ALS channel operation and updates are disabled.
 *   110: (reserved)
 *   111: (reserved)
 * Bit[1]   : PRXINTE
 * Bit[0]   : ALSINTE
void getMainConfig(uint8_t *conf) ;
 * Set Mein Configuration
 * @param conf uint8_t to specify the 8bit register value.
 * For the meanings of each bits, please refer to setMainConfig() description.
void setMainConfig(uint8_t newConf) ;
void getRxConfig(uint8_t *conf) ;
void setRxConfig(uint8_t newConf) ;
void getTxConfig(uint8_t *conf) ;
void setTxConfig(uint8_t newConf) ;
void getALS(uint8_t *ofl, uint16_t *value) ;
void getProx(uint8_t *value) ;
void getADC(uint8_t *ofl, uint16_t *als, uint8_t *prox) ;
void getUPTHR(uint16_t *thr) ;
void setUPTHR(uint16_t newThr) ;
void getLOTHR(uint16_t *thr) ;
void setLOTHR(uint16_t newThr) ;
void getTHRPT(uint8_t *data) ;
void setTHRPT(uint8_t newData) ;
void getPRXTHR_IND(uint8_t *value) ;
void setPRXTHR_IND(uint8_t newValue) ;
void getPRX_THR(uint8_t *data) ;
void setPRX_THR(uint8_t newValue) ;
void getTRM_GAING(uint8_t *data) ;
void setTRM_GAING(uint8_t newValue) ;
void getTRM_GAINIR(uint8_t *data) ;
void setTRM_GAINIR(uint8_t newValue) ;

  I2C m_i2c;
  int m_addr;
  void readRegs(int addr, uint8_t *data, int len) ;
  void writeRegs(uint8_t *data, int len) ;
} ;
#endif /* _MAX44000_H_ */