Library for the master controller

Dependents:   Test_Controller_Master AEB

diff -r d114feef8f3b -r 66d07e7a134a Controller_Master.h
--- a/Controller_Master.h	Wed Jul 06 08:22:31 2016 +0000
+++ b/Controller_Master.h	Sun Jul 10 13:17:48 2016 +0000
@@ -7,25 +7,52 @@
  * Code generated for Simulink model 'Controller_Master'.
- * Model version                  : 1.6
+ * Model version                  : 1.7
  * Simulink Coder version         : 8.10 (R2016a) 10-Feb-2016
- * C/C++ source code generated on : Wed Jul 06 10:20:25 2016
+ * C/C++ source code generated on : Sun Jul 10 14:56:51 2016
  * Target selection: ert.tlc
- * Embedded hardware selection: NXP->Cortex-M4
+ * Embedded hardware selection: ARM Compatible->ARM Cortex
  * Code generation objectives: Unspecified
  * Validation result: Not run
 #ifndef RTW_HEADER_Controller_Master_h_
 #define RTW_HEADER_Controller_Master_h_
+#include "rtwtypes.h"
+#include <math.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
 #ifndef Controller_Master_COMMON_INCLUDES_
 # define Controller_Master_COMMON_INCLUDES_
 #include "rtwtypes.h"
 #endif                                 /* Controller_Master_COMMON_INCLUDES_ */
 /* Macros for accessing real-time model data structure */
+#ifndef rtmGetBlockIO
+# define rtmGetBlockIO(rtm)            ((rtm)->ModelData.blockIO)
+#ifndef rtmSetBlockIO
+# define rtmSetBlockIO(rtm, val)       ((rtm)->ModelData.blockIO = (val))
+#ifndef rtmGetDefaultParam
+# define rtmGetDefaultParam(rtm)       ((rtm)->ModelData.defaultParam)
+#ifndef rtmSetDefaultParam
+# define rtmSetDefaultParam(rtm, val)  ((rtm)->ModelData.defaultParam = (val))
+#ifndef rtmGetRootDWork
+# define rtmGetRootDWork(rtm)          ((rtm)->ModelData.dwork)
+#ifndef rtmSetRootDWork
+# define rtmSetRootDWork(rtm, val)     ((rtm)->ModelData.dwork = (val))
 #ifndef rtmGetErrorStatus
 # define rtmGetErrorStatus(rtm)        ((rtm)->errorStatus)
@@ -56,9 +83,19 @@
   boolean_T En;                        /* '<S1>/AEB_QA' */
 } DW_Controller_Master_T;
+/* Parameters (auto storage) */
+struct P_Controller_Master_T_ {
+  uint8_T Memory_X0;                   /* Computed Parameter: Memory_X0
+                                        * Referenced by: '<S1>/Memory'
+                                        */
+/* Parameters (auto storage) */
+typedef struct P_Controller_Master_T_ P_Controller_Master_T;
 /* Real-time Model Data Structure */
 struct tag_RTM_Controller_Master_T {
-  const char_T * volatile errorStatus;
+  const char_T *errorStatus;
    * ModelData:
@@ -67,6 +104,7 @@
   struct {
     B_Controller_Master_T *blockIO;
+    P_Controller_Master_T *defaultParam;
     DW_Controller_Master_T *dwork;
   } ModelData;
@@ -100,15 +138,15 @@
  * MATLAB hilite_system command to trace the generated code back
  * to the parent model.  For example,
- * hilite_system('Controller_Model_07_05_v01/Controller/Controller_Master')    - opens subsystem Controller_Model_07_05_v01/Controller/Controller_Master
- * hilite_system('Controller_Model_07_05_v01/Controller/Controller_Master/Kp') - opens and selects block Kp
+ * hilite_system('Controller_Model_07_10_v01/Controller/Controller_Master')    - opens subsystem Controller_Model_07_10_v01/Controller/Controller_Master
+ * hilite_system('Controller_Model_07_10_v01/Controller/Controller_Master/Kp') - opens and selects block Kp
  * Here is the system hierarchy for this model
- * '<Root>' : 'Controller_Model_07_05_v01/Controller'
- * '<S1>'   : 'Controller_Model_07_05_v01/Controller/Controller_Master'
- * '<S2>'   : 'Controller_Model_07_05_v01/Controller/Controller_Master/AEB_QA'
- * '<S3>'   : 'Controller_Model_07_05_v01/Controller/Controller_Master/select_command'
+ * '<Root>' : 'Controller_Model_07_10_v01/Controller'
+ * '<S1>'   : 'Controller_Model_07_10_v01/Controller/Controller_Master'
+ * '<S2>'   : 'Controller_Model_07_10_v01/Controller/Controller_Master/AEB_QA'
+ * '<S3>'   : 'Controller_Model_07_10_v01/Controller/Controller_Master/select_command'
 #endif                                 /* RTW_HEADER_Controller_Master_h_ */