RP Lidar A2M8

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/rplidar.h	Tue Dec 14 15:01:18 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/*  LIDAR RPLidar A2M8 module library                                       */
+/*  LEnsE / Julien VILLEMEJANE       /   Institut d'Optique Graduate School */
+/*  Library - rplidar.h file                                                */
+/*  Tested on Nucleo-L476RG / 4th nov 2021                                  */
+#ifndef __include_rplidar_h__
+#define __include_rplidar_h__
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define     LIDAR_MODE_STOP     0x25
+#define     LIDAR_MODE_RESET    0x40
+#define     LIDAR_MODE_SCAN     0x20
+#define     LIDAR_MODE_FORCE    0x21
+#define     LIDAR_MODE_INFO     0x50
+#define     LIDAR_MODE_HEALTH   0x52
+#define     LIDAR_MODE_RATE     0x59
+#define     NB_BYTE_INFO_REQ        7
+#define     NB_BYTE_INFO_RESP       20
+#define     NB_BYTE_RATE_REQ        7
+#define     NB_BYTE_RATE_RESP       4
+#define     NB_BYTE_HEALTH_REQ      7
+#define     NB_BYTE_HEALTH_RESP     3
+#define     NB_BYTE_FORCE_REQ       7
+#define     NB_BYTE_FORCE_RESP      5
+#define     NB_BYTE_SCAN_REQ        7
+// Fonction d'initialisation du Lidar
+void initLidar(void);
+// Fonction de test du Lidar
+void testLidar();
+// Variables du Lidar
+extern char     pc_debug_data[128];
+extern  Serial              debug_pc;
+extern  int                 data_nb;
+extern  int                 data_scan_nb;
+extern  char                received_data[];
+extern  char                mode;
+extern  char                scan_ok;
+extern  int                 distance_scan[];
+extern  int                 distance_scan_old[];
+extern  char                tour_ok;
+extern  char                trame_ok;
+extern  struct lidar_data   ld_current;
+// Lidar
+extern      Serial      lidar;
+extern      PwmOut      lidar_ct;     
+/* Data Structure of lidar */
+struct lidar_data{
+    int quality;
+    int angle;
+    int distance;
+/*********************************************************************** GENERAL FUNCTIONS */
+/** Print int value and its name
+ */ 
+void print_int(const char *name, int ki);
+/** Print data from serial communication
+ */ 
+void print_data(const char *name, char *datai, int sizedata);
+/** Wait seconds
+ */ 
+void wait_s(float sec);
+/** Find max in an integer array
+ */ 
+void findMax(int *int_data, int angle_min, int angle_max, int *value, int *indice);
+/************************************************************************* LIDAR FUNCTIONS */
+/** IT_lidar
+        interrupt function on serial receiving
+ */
+void IT_lidar(void);
+/** Reset request
+        send command to core reset of the lidar
+        this action took 2ms
+ */
+void sendResetReq(void);
+/** Health request
+        get device health information
+ */
+void getHealthLidar(void);
+/** Info request
+        get device information
+        model / firmware _ LSB / MSB / Hardware / SerialNumber (15 octets)
+ */
+void getInfoLidar(void);
+/** Sample Rate
+        get sample rate
+ */
+void getSampleRate(void);
+/** Start Scan
+        start standard scan
+ */
+void startScan(void);
+/** Stop Scan
+        stop standard scan
+ */
+void stopScan(void);
+#endif /* #ifndef __include_rplidar_h__ */
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