Code to load a LPC1114 over tx/rx. I have only tested with a 1114 chip but it should work with other LPC uControllers

Dependencies:   DirectoryList MODSERIAL mbed

Fork of ika_shouyu_poppoyaki by Tedd OKANO



File content as of revision 32:3700d5df4e18:

#include    "mbed.h"
#include    "target_table.h"
#include    "serial_utilities.h"
#include    "command_interface.h"
#include    "writing.h"
#include    "uu_coding.h"
#include    "target_handling.h"
#include    "verification.h"
#include    "isp.h"
#include    "_user_settings.h"

BusOut          leds( LED4, LED3, LED2, LED1 );
Ticker          success;

int             file_size( FILE *fp );
unsigned int    crp_check( FILE *fp );
void            success_indicator();

int isp_flash_write( char *file_name )
    FILE            *fp;
    target_param    *tpp;
    int             data_size;
    int             last_sector;
    int             transferred_size;
    int             err;

    if ( NULL == (tpp = open_target( ISP_BAUD_RATE )) ) {
        return ( ERROR_AT_TARGET_OPEN );

    printf( "  target device found : type       = \"%s\"\r\n",     tpp->type_name );
    printf( "                        ID         = 0x%08X\r\n",     tpp->id );
    printf( "                        RAM size   = %10d bytes\r\n", tpp->ram_size );
    printf( "                        flash size = %10d bytes\r\n", tpp->flash_size );

    printf( "  opening file: \"%s\"\r\n", file_name );

    if ( NULL == (fp    = fopen( file_name, "rb" )) ) {
        return ( ERROR_AT_FILE_OPEN );

    data_size   = file_size( fp );
    last_sector = data_size / tpp->sector_size;
    if ( crp_check( fp ) )
        //  warn CRP

    printf( "  data size = %d bytes, it takes %d secotrs in flash area\r\n", data_size, last_sector + 1 );
    printf( "  resetting target\r\n" );

    if ( erase_sectors( last_sector ) )
        return ( ERROR_AT_SECTOR_ERASE );

    printf( "\r\n  ==== flash writing ====\r\n" );

    if ( err    = write_flash( fp, tpp, &transferred_size ) )
        return ( err );

    printf( "  -- %d bytes data are written\r\n", transferred_size );

    printf( "\r\n  ==== flash reading and verifying ====\r\n" );

    if ( err    = verify_flash( fp, tpp, &transferred_size ) )
        return ( err );

    printf( "  -- %d bytes data are read and verified\r\n", transferred_size );

    fclose( fp );

    post_writing_process( tpp );

    return ( 0 );

int file_size( FILE *fp )
    int     size;

    fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END ); // seek to end of file
    size    = ftell( fp );       // get current file pointer
    fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ); // seek back to beginning of file

    return size;

unsigned int crp_check( FILE *fp )
    unsigned int    crp;

    fseek( fp, 0x2FC, SEEK_SET ); // seek back to beginning of file

    if ( 1 != fread( &crp, sizeof( crp ), 1, fp ) )
        return ( CRP_CHECK_ERROR );

    fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ); // seek back to beginning of file

    switch ( crp ) {
        case NO_ISP :
        case CRP1 :
        case CRP2 :
        case CRP3 :
            /*  do nothing  */
        default :
            crp = 0x0;

    return ( crp );

void start_target_in_normal_mode( int baud_rate )
    set_target_baud_rate( baud_rate );
    reset_target( NO_ISP_MODE );

void start_success_indicator( void )
    success.attach( &success_indicator, 0.1 );

void success_indicator()
    static int  i   = 0;

    leds    = 0x1 << (i++ & 0x3);

void toggle_led( char v )
    leds    = leds ^ (0x1 << v);