The out-of-the-box demo application flashed on all display modules before they are shipped.

Dependencies:   DMBasicGUI DMSupport

This is the software that is flashed on the LPC4088 Display Modules before they are shipped from Embedded Artists.


This project works on both the 4.3" and 5" display modules but requires different file systems to handle the different display resolutions.

For the 4.3" displays first drag-n-drop the media/fs_480_raw.fs5 (if you are using the new DAPLINK firmware use fs_480_raw.hex) file to the MBED drive and then drag-n-drop the demo itself. This way both the file system and software are up to date.

For the 5" displays first drag-n-drop the media/fs_800_raw.fsF (if you are using the new DAPLINK firmware use fs_800_raw.hex) file to the MBED drive and then drag-n-drop the demo itself. This way both the file system and software are up to date.

There is a prebuilt version of the demo binary here.

This is what it looks like on a 4.3" display:

/media/uploads/embeddedartists/demo480_cap_000.png /media/uploads/embeddedartists/demo480_cap_001.png /media/uploads/embeddedartists/demo480_cap_002.png /media/uploads/embeddedartists/demo480_cap_004.png /media/uploads/embeddedartists/demo480_cap_006.png /media/uploads/embeddedartists/demo480_cap_007.png /media/uploads/embeddedartists/demo480_cap_008.png
The first slide from the Slideshow:
A couple of images from the Image Viewer
/media/uploads/embeddedartists/demo480_cap_009.png /media/uploads/embeddedartists/demo480_cap_010.png

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AppRTCSettings.cpp	Fri Mar 20 13:36:44 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+ *  Copyright 2014 Embedded Artists AB
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "AppRTCSettings.h"
+#include "lpc_swim_font.h"
+ * Defines and typedefs
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#define BTN_OFF    20
+ * Private variables
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// Ugly but needed for callbacks
+static AppRTCSettings* theApp = NULL;
+ * Private functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void buttonClicked(uint32_t x)
+  bool* done = (bool*)x;
+  *done = true;
+static void fieldClicked(uint32_t x)
+  if (theApp != NULL) {
+    theApp->setActiveField(x);
+  }
+static void increaseValue(uint32_t x)
+  AppRTCSettings* app = (AppRTCSettings*)x;
+  app->modifyValue(1);
+static void decreaseValue(uint32_t x)
+  AppRTCSettings* app = (AppRTCSettings*)x;
+  app->modifyValue(-1);
+static void nextField(uint32_t x)
+  AppRTCSettings* app = (AppRTCSettings*)x;
+  app->changeActiveField(true);
+static void prevField(uint32_t x)
+  AppRTCSettings* app = (AppRTCSettings*)x;
+  app->changeActiveField(false);
+void AppRTCSettings::draw()
+    // Prepare fullscreen
+    swim_window_open(_win, 
+                   _disp->width(), _disp->height(),         // full size
+                   (COLOR_T*)_fb,
+                   0,0,_disp->width()-1, _disp->height()-1, // window position and size
+                   1,                                       // border
+                   GREEN,WHITE,BLACK);/*WHITE, RED,  BLACK);*/                     // colors: pen, backgr, forgr
+    swim_set_pen_color(_win, BLACK);
+    swim_set_title(_win, "Real Time Clock Settings", GREEN);
+    swim_set_pen_color(_win, BLACK);
+    ImageButton* ib;
+    Resource* rOk = _res[Resource_Ok_button];
+    Resource* rCancel = _res[Resource_Cancel_button];
+    ib =  new ImageButton(_win->fb, _win->xpmax - 2*BTN_OFF - rCancel->width() -rOk->width(), _win->ypmax - BTN_OFF - rOk->height(), rOk->width(), rOk->height());
+    ib->loadImages(rOk);
+    ib->draw();
+    _buttons[ButtonOk] = ib;    
+    ib =  new ImageButton(_win->fb, _win->xpmax - BTN_OFF - rCancel->width(), _win->ypmax - BTN_OFF - rCancel->height(), rCancel->width(), rCancel->height());
+    ib->loadImages(rCancel);
+    ib->draw();
+    _buttons[ButtonCancel] = ib;    
+    int arrowW = _res[Resource_ArrowUp_button]->width();
+    int arrowH = _res[Resource_ArrowUp_button]->height();
+    ib =  new ImageButton(_win->fb, 300, 40, arrowW, arrowH);
+    ib->loadImages( _res[Resource_ArrowUp_button]);
+    ib->setAction(increaseValue, (uint32_t)this);
+    ib->draw();
+    _buttons[ButtonUp] = ib;    
+    ib =  new ImageButton(_win->fb, 300, 40+arrowH+arrowH, arrowW, arrowH);
+    ib->loadImages( _res[Resource_ArrowDown_button]);
+    ib->setAction(decreaseValue, (uint32_t)this);
+    ib->draw();
+    _buttons[ButtonDown] = ib;
+    ib =  new ImageButton(_win->fb, 300-arrowW/2-10, 40+arrowH, arrowW, arrowH);
+    ib->loadImages(_res[Resource_ArrowLeft_button]);
+    ib->setAction(prevField, (uint32_t)this);
+    ib->draw();
+    _buttons[ButtonLeft] = ib;
+    ib =  new ImageButton(_win->fb, 300+arrowW/2+10, 40+arrowH, arrowW, arrowH);
+    ib->loadImages(_res[Resource_ArrowRight_button]);
+    ib->setAction(nextField, (uint32_t)this);
+    ib->draw();
+    _buttons[ButtonRight] = ib;
+    // To avoid having each DigitButton deallocate the shared image
+    void* pointerToFree = _digitImage.pointerToFree;
+    _digitImage.pointerToFree = NULL;
+    addDateFields(0, 20);
+    addTimeFields(0, 20+65);
+    // Restore shared image so that it will be deallocated during teardown
+    _digitImage.pointerToFree = pointerToFree;    
+  for (int i = 0; i < NumButtons; i++) {
+    _buttons[i]->draw();
+  }
+  markField(_activeField, true);
+void AppRTCSettings::addDateFields(int xoff, int yoff)
+    DigitButton* db;
+    int fontY = yoff;
+    int y = fontY + swim_get_font_height(_win) + 2;
+    int btny = y-7;
+    y += _win->ypvmin; // compensate for title bar 
+    int x = xoff+20;
+    int idx = ButtonYear;
+    int btnw;
+    swim_put_text_xy(_win, "Year", x, fontY);
+    btnw = 65;
+    db =  new DigitButton(_win->fb, x, y, btnw, 34);
+    db->loadImages(&_digitImage);
+    db->setNumDigits(4);
+    db->setValue(_values[idx]);
+    db->setAction(fieldClicked, idx);
+    _buttons[idx++] = db;
+    x += btnw + 20;
+    btnw = 45;
+    swim_put_text_xy(_win, "Month", x, fontY);
+    db =  new DigitButton(_win->fb, x, y, btnw, 34);
+    db->loadImages(&_digitImage);
+    db->setNumDigits(2);
+    db->setValue(_values[idx]);
+    db->setAction(fieldClicked, idx);
+    _buttons[idx++] = db;
+    swim_put_box(_win, x-13, btny+20, x-2, btny+23);
+    x += btnw + 10;    
+    swim_put_text_xy(_win, "Day", x, fontY);
+    db =  new DigitButton(_win->fb, x, y, btnw, 34);
+    db->loadImages(&_digitImage);
+    db->setNumDigits(2);
+    db->setValue(_values[idx]);
+    db->setAction(fieldClicked, idx);
+    _buttons[idx++] = db;
+    swim_put_box(_win, x-13, btny+20, x-2, btny+23);
+void AppRTCSettings::addTimeFields(int xoff, int yoff)
+    DigitButton* db;
+    int fontY = yoff;
+    int y = fontY + swim_get_font_height(_win) + 2;
+    int btny = y-7;
+    y += _win->ypvmin; // compensate for title bar 
+    int x = xoff+20;
+    int idx = ButtonHour;
+    int btnw = 45;
+    swim_put_text_xy(_win, "Hour", x, fontY);
+    db =  new DigitButton(_win->fb, x, y, btnw, 34);
+    db->loadImages(&_digitImage);
+    db->setNumDigits(2);
+    db->setValue(_values[idx]);
+    db->setAction(fieldClicked, idx);
+    _buttons[idx++] = db;
+    x += btnw + 10;    
+    swim_put_text_xy(_win, "Minutes", x, fontY);
+    db =  new DigitButton(_win->fb, x, y, btnw, 34);
+    db->loadImages(&_digitImage);
+    db->setNumDigits(2);
+    db->setValue(_values[idx]);
+    db->setAction(fieldClicked, idx);
+    _buttons[idx++] = db;
+    swim_put_box(_win, x-13, btny+22, x-2, btny+25);
+    x += btnw + 10;    
+    swim_put_text_xy(_win, "Seconds", x, fontY);
+    db =  new DigitButton(_win->fb, x, y, btnw, 34);
+    db->loadImages(&_digitImage);
+    db->setNumDigits(2);
+    db->setValue(_values[idx]);
+    db->setAction(fieldClicked, idx);
+    _buttons[idx++] = db;
+    swim_put_box(_win, x-13, btny+22, x-2, btny+25);
+void AppRTCSettings::markField(int field, bool active)
+  COLOR_T oldPen = _win->pen;
+  COLOR_T oldFill = _win->fill;
+  _win->fill = active ? BLACK : _win->bkg;
+  _win->pen = active ? BLACK : _win->bkg;
+  if (field >= 0 && field < NumFields) {
+    int x0, y0, x1, y1;
+    _buttons[field]->bounds(x0,y0,x1,y1);
+    y1 -= _win->ypvmin+1;
+    x0--;
+    swim_put_box(_win, x0, y1, x1, y1+3);
+  }
+  _win->fill = oldFill;
+  _win->pen = oldPen;
+ * Public functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+AppRTCSettings::AppRTCSettings() : _disp(NULL), _win(NULL), _fb(NULL), _activeField(0)
+  for (int i = 0; i < NumButtons; i++) {
+    _buttons[i] = NULL;
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < NumResources; i++) {
+    _res[i] = NULL;
+  }
+  time_t rawtime;
+  struct tm * timeinfo;
+  time (&rawtime);
+  timeinfo = localtime (&rawtime);
+  _values[ButtonYear] = timeinfo->tm_year + 1900;
+  _values[ButtonMonth] = timeinfo->tm_mon + 1;
+  _values[ButtonDay] = timeinfo->tm_mday;
+  _values[ButtonHour] = timeinfo->tm_hour;
+  _values[ButtonMinute] = timeinfo->tm_min;
+  _values[ButtonSecond] = timeinfo->tm_sec;
+  _digitImage.pointerToFree = NULL;
+  theApp = this;
+    theApp = NULL;
+    teardown();
+bool AppRTCSettings::setup()
+    _disp = DMBoard::instance().display();
+    _win = (SWIM_WINDOW_T*)malloc(sizeof(SWIM_WINDOW_T));
+    _fb = _disp->allocateFramebuffer();
+    int res = Image::decode(_res[Resource_Digits], Image::RES_16BIT, &_digitImage);
+    return (_win != NULL && _fb != NULL && res == 0);
+void AppRTCSettings::runToCompletion()
+    // Alternative 1: use the calling thread's context to run in
+    bool done = false;
+    bool abort = false;
+    draw();
+    _buttons[ButtonOk]->setAction(buttonClicked, (uint32_t)&done);
+    _buttons[ButtonCancel]->setAction(buttonClicked, (uint32_t)&abort);
+    void* oldFB = _disp->swapFramebuffer(_fb);
+    // Wait for touches
+    TouchPanel* touch = DMBoard::instance().touchPanel();
+    touch_coordinate_t coord;
+    int lastPressed = NumButtons;
+    Timer t;
+    t.start();
+    int repeatAt;
+    uint32_t maxDelay = osWaitForever; 
+    while(!done && !abort) {
+      Thread::signal_wait(0x1, maxDelay);
+      if (touch->read(coord) == TouchPanel::TouchError_Ok) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < NumButtons; i++) {
+          if (_buttons[i]->handle(coord.x, coord.y, coord.z > 0)) {
+            _buttons[i]->draw();
+            if (_buttons[i]->pressed()) {
+              lastPressed = i; // new button pressed
+              t.reset();
+              repeatAt = 1000;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        if (lastPressed == ButtonUp || lastPressed == ButtonDown) {
+          maxDelay = 10;
+          if (_buttons[lastPressed]->pressed() && t.read_ms() > repeatAt) {
+            modifyValue((lastPressed == ButtonUp) ? 1 : -1);
+            repeatAt = t.read_ms()+(200/(t.read_ms()/1000));
+          }
+        } else {
+          maxDelay = osWaitForever;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (!abort) {
+      RtosLog* log = DMBoard::instance().logger();
+      log->printf("New time: %04d-%02d-%02d  %02d:%02d:%02d\n", _values[0], _values[1],
+          _values[2], _values[3], _values[4], _values[5]);
+        tm t;
+        t.tm_year = _values[ButtonYear] - 1900;  // years since 1900
+        t.tm_mon = _values[ButtonMonth] - 1;      // month is 0..11
+        t.tm_mday = _values[ButtonDay];
+        t.tm_hour = _values[ButtonHour];
+        t.tm_min = _values[ButtonMinute];
+        t.tm_sec = _values[ButtonSecond];
+        set_time(mktime(&t));
+    }
+    // User has clicked the button, restore the original FB
+    _disp->swapFramebuffer(oldFB);
+    swim_window_close(_win);
+bool AppRTCSettings::teardown()
+    if (_win != NULL) {
+        free(_win);
+        _win = NULL;
+    }
+    if (_fb != NULL) {
+        free(_fb);
+        _fb = NULL;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < NumButtons; i++) {
+        if (_buttons[i] != NULL) {
+            delete _buttons[i];
+            _buttons[i] = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    if (_digitImage.pointerToFree != NULL) {
+        free(_digitImage.pointerToFree);
+        _digitImage.pointerToFree = NULL;
+    }
+    return true;
+void AppRTCSettings::modifyValue(int mod)
+  uint32_t v = _values[_activeField];
+  switch (_activeField) {
+      case ButtonYear:
+          // 1970..2100
+          _values[_activeField] = (((v - 1970 + (2100-1970)) + mod) % (2100-1970)) + 1970;
+          break;
+      case ButtonMonth:
+          // 1..12
+          _values[_activeField] = (((v - 1 + 12) + mod) % 12) + 1;
+          break;
+      case ButtonDay:
+          // 1..31
+          _values[_activeField] = (((v - 1 + 31) + mod) % 31) + 1;
+          break;
+      case ButtonHour:
+          // 0..23
+          _values[_activeField] = (v + 24 + mod) % 24;
+          break;
+      case ButtonMinute:
+      case ButtonSecond:
+          // 0..59
+          _values[_activeField] = (v + 60 + mod) % 60;
+          break;
+  }
+  ((DigitButton*)_buttons[_activeField])->setValue(_values[_activeField]);
+void AppRTCSettings::changeActiveField(bool next)
+  markField(_activeField, false);
+  if (next) {
+    _activeField = (_activeField+1) % NumFields;
+  } else {
+    _activeField = (_activeField+NumFields-1) % NumFields;
+  }
+  markField(_activeField, true);
+void AppRTCSettings::setActiveField(uint32_t newField)
+  if (_activeField != newField && newField < NumFields) {
+    markField(_activeField, false);
+    _activeField = newField;
+    markField(_activeField, true);
+  }
+void AppRTCSettings::addResource(Resources id, Resource* res)
+    _res[id] = res;