Support for the emWin GUI library from Segger.

Dependents:   lpc4088_displaymodule_emwin

This library contains the porting layer needed to start working with emWin from Segger. Details about emWin can be found both as well as

The high performance emWin embedded graphics library developed by SEGGER Microcontroller is now offered by NXP Semiconductors in library form for free commercial use with NXP microcontrollers.

For a better description of what is included and the limitations, see emWin Graphics Library.


The emWin library and PNG support files must be downloaded as the downloaders contains the license info. The steps are described in the readme.h file.



File content as of revision 0:582739e02e4d:

*                SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG                *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
*                                                                    *
*        (c) 1996 - 2014  SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG       *
*                                                                    *
*        Internet:    Support:    *
*                                                                    *

** emWin V5.24 - Graphical user interface for embedded applications **
All  Intellectual Property rights  in the Software belongs to  SEGGER.
emWin is protected by  international copyright laws.  Knowledge of the
source code may not be used to write a similar product.  This file may
only be used in accordance with the following terms:

The software has been licensed to  NXP Semiconductors USA, Inc.  whose
registered  office  is  situated  at 411 E. Plumeria Drive, San  Jose,
CA 95134, USA  solely for  the  purposes  of  creating  libraries  for
NXPs M0, M3/M4 and  ARM7/9 processor-based  devices,  sublicensed  and
distributed under the terms and conditions of the NXP End User License
Full source code is available at:

We appreciate your understanding and fairness.
File        : GUIConf.h
Purpose     : Configures emWins abilities, fonts etc.

#ifndef GUICONF_H
#define GUICONF_H

*       Multi layer/display support
#define GUI_NUM_LAYERS       16    // Maximum number of available layers

*       Multi tasking support
#define GUI_OS               (1)  // Compile with multitasking support

*       Configuration of touch support
#define GUI_SUPPORT_TOUCH    (1)  // Support a touch screen (req. win-manager)

*       Default font
#define GUI_DEFAULT_FONT     &GUI_Font6x8

*         Configuration of available packages
#define GUI_SUPPORT_MOUSE    1    // Support a mouse
#define GUI_WINSUPPORT       1    // Use window manager
#define GUI_SUPPORT_MEMDEV   1    // Memory device package available
#define GUI_SUPPORT_DEVICES  1    // Enable use of device pointers

#endif  // Avoid multiple inclusion