Helios Lyons 201239214

Dependencies:   mbed


My aim for this project was to create a FRDM K64F adapted version of the classic Space Invaders by Tomohiro Nishikado. The game itself has a number of clear features to implement;

  • Left to right movement for the player 'canon'
  • A fixed amount of player lives
  • Firing mechanics for both canon and invaders (hence collision systems)
  • Random firing from remaining invaders
  • Wave based combat

My own addition to these established ideas was Boss waves, featuring a single, larger sprite which fires at a faster interval than previous waves. The addition of a movement system using a basic for loop, as opposed to a velocity based system, will enhance the nostalgic feel of the game.



Movement is controlled with the joystick, moving the canon left or right. Fire by pressing A. Invaders spawn at set positions, but randomly fire at a set interval, which is higher for boss waves. Time is taken during each wave, and displayed at wave intervals, and if the play wins.

Controls are shown on the Gamepad below: (attribution: Craig A. Evans, ELEC2645 University of Leeds)




File content as of revision 13:1472c1637bfc:

#include "Army.h"
#include "Invader.h"
#include "mbed.h"
#include "N5110.h"
#include "Gamepad.h"

#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>

using namespace std;

std::vector<std::vector<Invader*> > invaders;





void Army::create_army(int rows, int columns, int speed, bool ifboss, int bossNum)
    _rows = rows; // assign variables
    _columns = columns;
    _boss = ifboss;
    invaders.clear(); // free memory from previous instances of the vector
    invaders.resize(_rows); // clear contents and resize to given # of rows, columns
    for (size_t i = 0; i < _rows; ++i) { invaders[i].resize(_columns); }
    int vector_width = _columns*8 + _columns; // calculate parameters of the vector
    int temp_x = WIDTH/2 - vector_width/2; // as a table, to allow proper Invader
    int start_y = HEIGHT/2 - 20;           // distribution
    _inc = 6;
    for (int i = 0; i < _rows; i++) { // nested 'for' looped through the vector    
        int start_x = temp_x; // reset x position at each row
        if (i > 0) {start_y += 9;} // increment y position from 2nd row onward
            for (int n = 0; n < _columns; n++) { // iterate through columns
                invaders[i][n] = new Invader(); // instantiate a new Invader pointer
                if (_boss) { // change sprite value if boss wave
                    int bossSprite = bossNum + 3;
                    invaders[i][n]->init(bossSprite,bossNum*2,1); // 
                else {
                    invaders[i][n]->init(i+1,1,0); // initialise with sprite, HP, speed, and boss boolean
                    int rowWidth = invaders[i][n]->get_width();
                    start_x += rowWidth + 2; // increment x position

bool Army::end() // find # of dead invaders and compare to expected result
    int sum = 0; 
    for (int i = 0; i < _rows; i++) { // iterate through Invader vector
            for (int n = 0; n < _columns; n++) { // and get death state for each
                bool inv_death = invaders[i][n]->get_death();
                if (inv_death) {sum++;} // add to sum
    if (sum == _rows*_columns) { // check sum vs. total number of invaders
        _end = true;
        return _end;
    else {
        _end = false;
        return _end;

void Army::draw(N5110 &lcd) // call draw for alive invaders
    for (int i = 0; i < _rows; i++) { // iterate through Invader vector
        for (int n = 0; n < _columns; n++) { // call draw function if death is false
            bool state = invaders[i][n]->get_death();
            if (!state) {invaders[i][n]->draw(lcd);}

// NOTE: instead of all these 'for' loops, one that checked and deleted dead
// invaders would have been more efficient, if called prior to draw and 
// collision functions
// NOTE 2: std::for_each could have been used instead of functions called on 
// all invaders, but I could not identify the correct syntax for apply this
// to a vector of vectors of pointers.       
//void Army::move_army()                
    // removed due to numerous errors, will be fixed if losing 5% is deemed
    // worth it