student number 200985925 heliyuan

Dependencies:   N5110 mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu May 05 09:36:47 2016 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

N5110.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/N5110.lib	Thu May 05 09:36:47 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu May 05 09:36:47 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+#include "main.h"
+int detectBounce() //check the pixel at this position
+    if (lcd.getPixel(circle_x+3,circle_y-1)||lcd.getPixel(circle_x+3,circle_y)||lcd.getPixel(circle_x+3,circle_y+1) ) {
+        return 1; 
+    }
+    if (lcd.getPixel(circle_x-3,circle_y-1)||lcd.getPixel(circle_x-3,circle_y)||lcd.getPixel(circle_x-3,circle_y+1) ) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    if (lcd.getPixel(circle_x-1,circle_y+3)||lcd.getPixel(circle_x,circle_y+3)||lcd.getPixel(circle_x+1,circle_y+3) ) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    if (lcd.getPixel(circle_x-1,circle_y-3)||lcd.getPixel(circle_x,circle_y-3)||lcd.getPixel(circle_x+1,circle_y-3) ) {
+        return 1;
+    } else {
+        return 0;
+    }
+// read default positions of the joystick to calibrate later readings
+void calibrateJoystick()
+    joystickbutton.mode(PullDown);
+    // must not move during calibration
+    joystick.x0 = xPot;  // initial positions in the range 0.0 to 1.0 (0.5 if centred exactly)
+    joystick.y0 = yPot;
+void updateJoystick()
+    // read current joystick values relative to calibrated values (in range -0.5 to 0.5, 0.0 is centred)
+    joystick.x = xPot - joystick.x0;
+    joystick.y = yPot - joystick.y0;
+    // read button state
+    joystick.button = joystickbutton;
+    // calculate direction depending on x,y values
+    // tolerance allows a little lee-way in case joystick not exactly in the stated direction
+    if ( fabs(joystick.y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = CENTRE;
+    } else if ( joystick.y > DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = UP;
+    } else if ( joystick.y < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = DOWN;
+    } else if ( joystick.x < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = RIGHT;
+    } else if ( joystick.x > DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = LEFT;
+    } else {
+        joystick.direction = UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    // set flag for printing
+    printFlag = 1;
+void blue()
+    blue_led = !blue_led; //turn on the blue led
+    }
+PwmOut buzzer (PTA2);
+int main()
+    // first need to initialise display
+    lcd.init();
+    // these are default settings so not strictly needed
+    lcd.normalMode();      // normal colour mode
+    lcd.setBrightness(1.0); // put LED ccklight on 50%
+    joystickbutton.mode(PullDown);
+    // can directly print strings at specified co-ordinates
+    lcd.printString("Flexible ball",0,2);  //name, the col, and the line
+    buzzer.period(1.0/1046.0);  
+    buzzer.period(1.0/1175.0);
+    buzzer = 0.5;  // turn on (square wave)
+    wait(2.0);
+    buzzer = 0.0;  // turn off (0% duty cycle)
+    // so can display a string of a mbimum 14 characters in length
+    // or create formatted strings - ensure they aren't more than 14 characters long
+    lcd.refresh();
+    wait(2.0);  // wait 2s move to neat page
+    lcd.clear();  // clear screen
+    lcd.printString("Loading...",6,1);
+    wait(2.0);
+    lcd.clear();
+    int recx1=70;    //create 4 rectangle
+    int rech1=17;
+    int recx2=30;
+    int rech2=17;
+    int recx3=45;
+    int rech3=17;
+    int recx4=60;
+    int rech4=17;
+    calibrateJoystick();  // get centred values of joystick
+    pollJoystick.attach(&updateJoystick,1.0/10.0);  // read joystick 10 times per second
+    while(1) {
+        if(recx1<0) {
+            recx1=82;
+            rech1 = rand() % 24;        //create new rectangle have random height
+        }
+        if(recx2<0) {
+            recx2=82;
+            rech2 = rand() % 24+3;
+        }
+        if(recx3<0) {
+            recx3=82;
+            rech3 = rand() % 24+4;
+        }
+        if(recx4<0) {
+            recx4=82;
+            rech4 = rand() % 24+5;
+        }
+        recx1--;      // when rec move to 0, it will show at right of screen
+        recx2--;
+        recx3--;
+        recx4--;
+        lcd.clear();
+        lcd.drawRect(recx1,0,1,rech1,1);   //draw new rectangle
+        lcd.drawRect(recx2,30,1,rech2,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(recx3,40,1,rech3,1);
+        lcd.drawRect(recx4,0,1,rech4,1);
+        lcd.drawCircle(circle_x,circle_y,2,1);  //draw the circle
+        lcd.refresh();
+        if (printFlag) {  // if flag set, clear flag and print joystick values to serial port
+            printFlag = 0;
+            // check joystick direction
+            if (joystick.direction == UP) {
+                lcd.drawCircle(circle_x,circle_y,2,2);
+                circle_y -=3;
+                lcd.drawCircle(circle_x,circle_y,2,1);
+                flag=detectBounce();   // condition of collision
+                if (flag) {
+                    lcd.clear();
+                    lcd.printString("Game Over",2,2);    
+                    lcd.printString("score=",2,3);
+                    char s[14];
+                    sprintf(s,"%d",score);     //show the score of game
+                    lcd.printString(s,45,3);
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    ticker.attach(&blue,0.5);   // the blue led will turn on when game over
+                    buzzer.period(1.0/1046.0);  //the buzzer will turn on at this frequency
+                    buzzer.period(1.0/1175.0);
+                    buzzer = 0.5;  // turn on (square wave)
+                    wait(2.0);
+                    buzzer = 0.0;  // turn off (0% duty cycle)
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (joystick.direction == DOWN) {
+                lcd.drawCircle(circle_x,circle_y,2,2);
+                circle_y +=3;
+                lcd.drawCircle(circle_x,circle_y,2,1);
+                flag=detectBounce(); // condition of collision
+                if (flag) {
+                    lcd.clear();
+                    lcd.printString("Game Over",2,2);//show the game over
+                    lcd.printString("score=",2,3);
+                    char s[14];
+                    sprintf(s,"%d",score);
+                    lcd.printString(s,45,3);
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    ticker.attach(&blue,0.5);  //the led blue will turn on
+                    buzzer.period(1.0/1046.0);  //the buzzer will turn on
+                    buzzer.period(1.0/1175.0);
+                    buzzer = 0.5;  // turn on (square wave)
+                    wait(2.0);
+                    buzzer = 0.0;  // turn off (0% duty cycle)
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (joystick.direction == LEFT) {
+                lcd.drawCircle(circle_x,circle_y,2,2);
+                circle_x -=3;
+                lcd.drawCircle(circle_x,circle_y,2,1);
+                flag=detectBounce(); // condition of collision
+                if (flag) {
+                    lcd.clear();
+                    lcd.printString("Game Over",2,2);
+                    lcd.printString("score=",2,3);
+                    char s[14];
+                    sprintf(s,"%d",score);
+                    lcd.printString(s,45,3);
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    ticker.attach(&blue,0.5);
+                    buzzer.period(1.0/1046.0);  
+                    buzzer.period(1.0/1175.0);
+                    buzzer = 0.5;  // turn on (square wave)
+                    wait(2.0);
+                    buzzer = 0.0;  // turn off (0% duty cycle)
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (joystick.direction == RIGHT) {
+                lcd.drawCircle(circle_x,circle_y,2,2);
+                circle_x +=3;
+                lcd.drawCircle(circle_x,circle_y,2,1);
+                flag=detectBounce();  // condition of collision
+                if (flag) {
+                    lcd.clear();
+                    lcd.printString("Game Over",2,2);
+                    lcd.printString("score=",2,3);
+                    char s[14];
+                    sprintf(s,"%d",score);
+                    lcd.printString(s,45,3);
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    ticker.attach(&blue,0.5);
+                    buzzer.period(1.0/1046.0);  
+                    buzzer.period(1.0/1175.0);
+                    buzzer = 0.5;  // turn on (square wave)
+                    wait(2.0);
+                    buzzer = 0.0;  // turn off (0% duty cycle)
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (joystick.direction == CENTRE) {
+                lcd.drawCircle(circle_x,circle_y,2,1);
+                flag=detectBounce();  // condition of collision
+                if (flag) {
+                    lcd.clear();
+                    lcd.printString("Game Over",2,2);
+                    lcd.printString("score=",2,3);
+                    char s[14];
+                    sprintf(s,"%d",score);
+                    lcd.printString(s,45,3);
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    ticker.attach(&blue,0.5);
+                    buzzer.period(1.0/1046.0);  
+                    buzzer.period(1.0/1175.0);
+                    buzzer = 0.5;  // turn on (square wave)
+                    wait(2.0);
+                    buzzer = 0.0;  // turn off (0% duty cycle)
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (joystick.direction == UNKNOWN) {
+                lcd.drawCircle(circle_x,circle_y,2,1);
+                flag=detectBounce(); // condition of collision
+                if (flag) {
+                    lcd.clear();
+                    lcd.printString("Game Over",2,2);
+                    lcd.printString("score=",2,3);
+                    char s[14];
+                    sprintf(s,"%d",score);
+                    lcd.printString(s,45,3);
+                    lcd.refresh();
+                    ticker.attach(&blue,0.5); // the led will turn on 
+                    buzzer.period(1.0/1046.0);  //the buzzer will turn on
+                    buzzer.period(1.0/1175.0);
+                    buzzer = 0.5;  // turn on (square wave)
+                    wait(2.0);
+                    buzzer = 0.0;  // turn off (0% duty cycle)
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        score+=1;   //the score will add every time
+        lcd.refresh();
+        wait(0.2);
+    }
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.h	Thu May 05 09:36:47 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+@file main.h
+@brief Header file containing functions prototypes, defines and global variables.
+@brief Revision 1.0.
+@author liyuan,He
+@date   May 2016
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "N5110.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+@namespace N5110 lcd
+@brief lcd connection
+N5110 lcd(PTE26 , PTA0 , PTC4 , PTD0 , PTD2 , PTD1 , PTC3);
+// Can also power (VCC) directly from VOUT (3.3 V) -
+// Can give better performance due to current limitation from GPIO pin
+// change this to alter tolerance of joystick direction
+// connections for joystick
+@namespace joystickbutton
+@brief useless
+DigitalIn joystickbutton(PTB10);
+@namespace xPot
+@brief control the x-axis movement of circle
+AnalogIn xPot(PTB2);
+@namespace yPot
+@brief control the y-axis movement of circle
+AnalogIn yPot(PTB3);
+// timer to regularly read the joystick
+@namespace pollJoystick
+@brief the movement of joystick
+Ticker pollJoystick;
+@namespace ticker
+@brief the time of led turn on
+Ticker ticker;
+// create enumerated type (0,1,2,3 etc. for direction)
+// could be extended for diagonals etc.
+@namespace DirectionName
+@brief control the direction of circle
+enum DirectionName {
+    UP,
+    DOWN,
+    LEFT,
+    RIGHT,
+    CENTRE,
+@namespace Joystick
+@brief know the current value of circle
+// struct for Joystick
+typedef struct JoyStick Joystick;
+struct JoyStick {
+    float x;    // current x value
+    float x0;   // 'centred' x value
+    float y;    // current y value
+    float y0;   // 'centred' y value
+    int button; // button state (assume pull-down used, so 1 = pressed, 0 = unpressed)
+    DirectionName direction;  // current direction
+// create struct variable
+Joystick joystick;
+int printFlag = 0;/*!< print flag set in ISR */
+// function prototypes
+set the position of joystick
+void calibrateJoystick();
+joystick connection
+void updateJoystick();
+int circle_x=10;/*!<the x-axis of circle's centre */
+int circle_y=10;/*!<the y-axis of circle's centre */
+ the condition of Collision (circle and rect)
+int detectBounce();
+int flag;
+int score=0;/*!<circle goes more, the score will be high */
+@namespace blue_led
+@brief lcd connection
+PwmOut blue_led(PTC2);
+let led turns on
+void blue();
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Thu May 05 09:36:47 2016 +0000
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\ No newline at end of file