Space Game

Dependencies:   N5110 mbed

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Thu May 05 10:21:22 2016 +0000
Commit message:
final awesome

Changed in this revision

ESP.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ESP.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
N5110.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ESP.cpp	Thu May 05 10:21:22 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2069 @@
+// Elec 2645
+// Embedded Systems Project
+// 5 March 2016
+// Aleksander Filipiak
+#include "ESP.h"
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------MAIN()-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main()
+    // initialise buttons
+    speed_button.mode(PullDown);
+    start_button.mode(PullDown);
+    pause_button.mode(PullDown);
+    pause_button.rise(&pause_isr);
+    //initialise display
+    lcd.init();
+    //calibrate joystick
+    calibrateJoystick();
+    // print border
+    print_border(0,83,0,47);
+    // position in menu, 0 = start game, 1 = help
+    bool position = 0;
+    // attach joystick
+    pollJoystick.attach(&updateJoystick,0.05);
+    // menu
+    while (1) {
+        // select menu item: start game
+        if (joystick.direction == UP) {
+            position = 0;
+        }
+        // help
+        else if (joystick. direction == DOWN) {
+            position = 1;
+        }
+        //clear lcd
+        lcd.clear();
+        // print menu items
+        lcd.printString("START GAME",20,1);
+        lcd.printString("HELP",20,3);
+        // print cursor at appropriate position
+        if (!position) {
+            lcd.drawRect(15,10,2,2,0);
+        } else {
+            lcd.drawRect(15,25,2,2,0);
+        }
+        // refresh border
+        print_border(0,83,0,47);
+        // smaller ornamental border
+        print_border(2,81,2,45);
+        // refresh screen
+        lcd.refresh();
+        // if either button is pressed and the help menu function is selected bring up the help menu
+        if ((start_button || speed_button) && position) {
+            // outout variable
+            int output;
+            // create array for counter
+            int help_counter [5] = {0,1,2,3,4};
+            // state variable
+            int state = 0;
+            // help loop
+            while (1) {
+                // check which state the counter is in and see which the next state should be next,
+                //  depending on direction
+                switch(state) {
+                    case 0:
+                        switch(joystick.direction) {
+                            case RIGHT:
+                                state = 0;
+                                break;
+                            case LEFT:
+                                state = 1;
+                                break;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                        //
+                    case 1:
+                        switch(joystick.direction) {
+                            case RIGHT:
+                                state = 0;
+                                break;
+                            case LEFT:
+                                state = 2;
+                                break;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case 2:
+                        switch(joystick.direction) {
+                            case RIGHT:
+                                state = 1;
+                                break;
+                            case LEFT:
+                                state = 3;
+                                break;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case 3:
+                        switch(joystick.direction) {
+                            case RIGHT:
+                                state = 0;
+                                break;
+                            case LEFT:
+                                state = 4;
+                                break;
+                        }
+                        // last state brings the user back to the main menu
+                    case 4:
+                        break;
+                }
+                // outout current state
+                output = help_counter[state];
+                lcd.clear();
+                // refresh border
+                print_border(0,83,0,47);
+                // smaller ornamental border
+                print_border(2,81,2,45);
+                // print instructions based on counter output
+                if (output ==0) {
+                    // instructions
+                    lcd.printString("USE",10,1);
+                    lcd.printString("JOYSTICK",10,2);
+                    lcd.printString("TO MOVE",10,3);
+                    lcd.printString("SHIP",10,4);
+                } else if (output ==1) {
+                    // instructions
+                    lcd.printString("START BUTTON:",5,1);
+                    lcd.printString("PAUSE",10,2);
+                    lcd.printString("SPEED BUTTON:",5,3);
+                    lcd.printString("FASTER SHIP",10,4);
+                } else if (output ==2) {
+                    // instructions
+                    lcd.drawRect(5,10,2,2,0);
+                    lcd.printString("+ 8 seconds",15,1);
+                    lcd.drawLine(5,27,7,27,1);
+                    lcd.drawLine(6,26,6,28,1);
+                    lcd.printString("- 5 seconds",15,3);
+                } else if (output ==3) {
+                    // instructions
+                    lcd.printString("DON'T LET",10,1);
+                    lcd.printString("THE TIMER",10,2);
+                    lcd.printString("RUN OUT!",10,3);
+                    // 5th state breaks the loop and leads back to menu
+                } else if (output ==4) {
+                    break;
+                }
+                lcd.refresh();
+                //short delay
+                wait(0.3);
+            }
+        }
+        // if the button has been pressed and Start Game is selected, break the menu loop
+        // and continue to game initialisation
+        if ((start_button || speed_button) && !position) {
+            break;
+        }
+        wait(0.1);
+    }
+    lcd.clear();
+    // print game border
+    print_border(0,83,8,47);
+    // setup
+    setup_game();
+    lcd.refresh();
+    // flashing press start
+    while(1) {
+        lcd.printString ("PRESS START",10,2);
+        lcd.refresh();
+        wait(0.5);
+        lcd.printString ("           ",10,2);
+        wait(0.3);
+        // break loop when start button is pressed
+        if (start_button == 1) {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    wait(0.5);
+    // attach tickers:
+    // ship
+    ship_mover.attach(&speed_change,0.03);       // ship mover
+    //turrets
+    turret_mover.attach(&update_turrets,0.07);   // turret mover
+    shooter.attach(&shoot,0.5);                  // shooter
+    // missles
+    missle_mover.attach(&update_missles,0.04);   // missle mover
+    hit_checker.attach(&check_hit,0.04);        // hit checker
+    // collectibles
+    collect_printer.attach(&print_collect,5.0);  // collectible printer
+    collect_checker.attach(&check_collect,0.05); // collectible checker
+    collect_updater.attach(&update_collect,0.1); // collectible updater
+    collect_timer.attach(&collect_timeout,10.0); // collectible timer
+    // timer
+    timer.attach(&time_left,1.0);
+    // reset timer
+    g_time_left = 30;
+    // game loop
+    while(1) {
+        // pause loop
+        // if pause button is pressed
+        if (g_pause_flag) {
+            g_pause_flag = 0;
+            // detach tickers to stop gameplay
+            //ship
+            ship_mover.detach();     // ship mover
+            //turrets
+            turret_mover.detach();   // turret mover
+            shooter.detach();        // shooter
+            // missles
+            missle_mover.detach();   // missle mover
+            hit_checker.detach();    // hit checker
+            // collectibles
+            collect_printer.detach();// collectible printer
+            collect_checker.detach();// collectible checker
+            collect_updater.detach();// collectible updater
+            collect_timer.detach();  // collectible timer
+            // timer
+            timer.detach();
+            while(1) {
+                // flashing pause
+                lcd.printString("     ",25,2);
+                wait(0.3);
+                lcd.printString("PAUSE",25,2);
+                wait(0.5);
+                lcd.refresh();
+                // if the start button is pressed again game starts again
+                if (g_pause_flag) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            // reset flag
+            g_pause_flag = 0;
+            // clear pause
+            lcd.printString("     ",25,2);
+            // re-attach tickers to restart gameplay
+            // ship
+            ship_mover.attach(&speed_change,0.03);       // ship mover
+            //turrets
+            turret_mover.attach(&update_turrets,0.07);   // turret mover
+            shooter.attach(&shoot,0.5);                  // shooter
+            // missles
+            missle_mover.attach(&update_missles,0.04);   // missle mover
+            hit_checker.attach(&check_hit,0.04);        // hit checker
+            // collectibles
+            collect_printer.attach(&print_collect,5.0);  // collectible printer
+            collect_checker.attach(&check_collect,0.05); // collectible checker
+            collect_updater.attach(&update_collect,0.1); // collectible updater
+            collect_timer.attach(&collect_timeout,10.0); // collectible timer
+            // timer
+            timer.attach(&time_left,1.0);
+        }
+        // print game border
+        print_border(0,83,8,47);
+        // if missle hits
+        if(g_hit_flag == 1) {
+            // reset missle flags in case missle hits again
+            missle_one.hit_flag = 0;
+            missle_two.hit_flag = 0;
+            missle_three.hit_flag = 0;
+            missle_four.hit_flag = 0;
+            missle_five.hit_flag = 0;
+            missle_six.hit_flag = 0;
+            //take 5 seconds off the timer
+            g_time_left = g_time_left - 5;
+            // print new time left
+            char buffer[14];
+            int length = sprintf(buffer,"Time: %2d ",g_time_left);
+            if (length <= 14)  // if string will fit on display
+                lcd.printString(buffer,16,0);
+            // reset flag
+            g_hit_flag = 0;
+        }
+        // if collectible is collected
+        if(g_collect_flag) {
+            // add 8 seconds to timer
+            g_time_left = g_time_left +8;
+            // print new time left
+            char buffer[14];
+            int length = sprintf(buffer,"Time: %2d ",g_time_left);
+            if (length <= 14)  // if string will fit on display
+                lcd.printString(buffer,16,0);
+            // reset flag
+            g_collect_flag = 0;
+        }
+        //refresh screen
+        lcd.refresh();
+        // break loop if timer runs out
+        if (g_time_left < 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    // detach all tickers
+    // ship
+    ship_mover.detach();     // ship mover
+    //turrets
+    turret_mover.detach();   // turret mover
+    shooter.detach();        // shooter
+    // missles
+    missle_mover.detach();   // missle mover
+    hit_checker.detach();    // hit checker
+    // collectibles
+    collect_printer.detach();// collectible printer
+    collect_checker.detach();// collectible checker
+    collect_updater.detach();// collectible updater
+    collect_timer.detach();  // collectible timer
+    // timer
+    timer.detach();
+    lcd.clear();
+    // screen border
+    print_border(0,83,0,47);
+    // smaller ornamental border
+    print_border(2,81,2,45);
+    // print score
+    lcd.printString("SCORE: ",23,2);
+    char buffer[14];
+    int length = sprintf(buffer," %2d ",g_score);
+    lcd.printString(buffer,23,3);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------FUNCTION PROTOTYPES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void pause_isr ()
+    g_pause_flag = 1;
+// read default positions of the joystick to calibrate later readings
+void calibrateJoystick()
+    //button.mode(PullDown);
+    // must not move during calibration
+    joystick.x0 = xPot;  // initial positions in the range 0.0 to 1.0 (0.5 if centred exactly)
+    joystick.y0 = yPot;
+// read and update position of the joystick
+void updateJoystick()
+    // read current joystick values relative to calibrated values (in range -0.5 to 0.5, 0.0 is centred)
+    joystick.x = xPot - joystick.x0;
+    joystick.y = yPot - joystick.y0;
+    // read button state
+    //joystick.button = button;
+    // calculate direction depending on x,y values
+    // tolerance allows a little lee-way in case joystick not exactly in the stated direction
+    if ( fabs(joystick.y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = CENTRE;
+    } else if ( joystick.y > DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = UP;
+    } else if ( joystick.y < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.x) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = DOWN;
+    } else if ( joystick.x > DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = RIGHT;
+    } else if ( joystick.x < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE && fabs(joystick.y) < DIRECTION_TOLERANCE) {
+        joystick.direction = LEFT;
+    } else {
+        joystick.direction = UNKNOWN;
+    }
+    // set flag for printing
+    printFlag = 1;
+// function for creating border
+void print_border(int Xstart, int Xend, int Ystart, int Yend)
+    for (int i=Xstart; i<Xend+1; i++) {
+        lcd.setPixel(i,Ystart);
+        lcd.setPixel(i,Yend);
+    }
+    for (int j=Ystart; j<Yend+1; j++) {
+        lcd.setPixel(Xstart,j);
+        lcd.setPixel(Xend,j);
+    }
+// setup game screen for current level
+void setup_game()
+    // print ship in the middle of screen pointing up
+// set up default x/y coordinate of the centre pixel of the ship, in the middle
+// of the display, with the dwfault direction of UP. properties are defined within
+// the Ship struct.
+    ship.x = 42;
+    ship.y = 35;
+    ship.direction = UP;
+//print ship around the x/y centre coordinate
+    //centre
+    lcd.drawLine(ship.x,ship.y-2,ship.x,ship.y+1,1);
+    // centre left
+    lcd.drawLine(ship.x-1,ship.y-1,ship.x-1,ship.y+2,1);
+    // left engine
+    lcd.drawLine(ship.x-2,ship.y+1,ship.x-2,ship.y+2,1);
+    // centre right
+    lcd.drawLine(ship.x+1,ship.y-1,ship.x+1,ship.y+2,1);
+    // right engine
+    lcd.drawLine(ship.x+2,ship.y+1,ship.x+2,ship.y+2,1);
+    // turret setup
+    // sets the default parameters for the current level
+    // top turret setup
+    top_turret.position = 62;
+    top_turret.direction = LEFT;
+    // print turret at new position
+    lcd.drawRect(top_turret.position-2,9,4,2,1);
+    lcd.clearPixel(top_turret.position,11);
+    // bottom turret setup
+    bottom_turret.position = 21;
+    bottom_turret.direction = RIGHT;
+    // print turret at new position
+    lcd.drawRect(bottom_turret.position - 2,44,4,2,1);
+    lcd.clearPixel(bottom_turret.position,44);
+    // left turret setup
+    left_turret.position = 16;
+    left_turret.direction = DOWN;
+    // print turret at new position
+    lcd.drawRect(1,left_turret.position-2,2,4,1);
+    lcd.clearPixel(3,left_turret.position);
+    // right turret setup
+    right_turret.position = 31;
+    right_turret.direction = UP;
+    // print turret at new position
+    lcd.drawRect(80,right_turret.position-2,2,4,1);
+    lcd.clearPixel(80,right_turret.position);
+void speed_change()
+    // increment the ship counter every time the ship moves
+    g_ship_counter ++;
+    // if speed button is not pressed and counter number is divisible by 3
+    if (speed_button == 0 && g_ship_counter % 3 == 0) {
+        update_ship();
+    }
+    // else if speed_button is pressed
+    else if (speed_button == 1) {
+        // update ship with every repetition
+        update_ship();
+    }
+// update ship's position based on jostick controls
+void update_ship ()
+// clear ship at current position of x/y coordinates. since the ship has symetrical
+    lcd.drawRect(ship.x-2,ship.y-2,4,4,2);
+// update ship direction variable in struct based on position of joystick
+    if (joystick.direction == UP) {
+        ship.direction = UP;
+    }
+    if (joystick.direction == DOWN) {
+        ship.direction = DOWN;
+    }
+    if (joystick.direction == RIGHT) {
+        ship.direction = RIGHT;
+    }
+    if (joystick.direction == LEFT) {
+        ship.direction = LEFT;
+    }
+    // don't update position if joystick position is unchanged, or is unknown.
+    // i.e. ship continues to fly in a straight line
+    if (joystick.direction == CENTRE || joystick.direction == UNKNOWN) {
+        ship.direction = ship.direction;
+    }
+// Print ship in new position based on the four possible directions that the ship could be traveling in
+// i.e. UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT. The manitude of the shift of the x/y centre of the ship depends on
+// the state of the speed_button: shift by 1 pixel for standard movement and by 3 pixels for faster
+// movement. The newly printed ship points in the direction of travel.
+    if (ship.direction == UP) {
+        // print ship 1 pixel higher
+        ship.y = ship.y - 1;
+// print new ship
+        //centre
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x,ship.y-2,ship.x,ship.y+1,1);
+        // centre left
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x-1,ship.y-1,ship.x-1,ship.y+2,1);
+        // left engine
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x-2,ship.y+1,ship.x-2,ship.y+2,1);
+        // centre right
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x+1,ship.y-1,ship.x+1,ship.y+2,1);
+        // right engine
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x+2,ship.y+1,ship.x+2,ship.y+2,1);
+    }
+    if (ship.direction == DOWN) {
+        // print ship 1 pixel lower
+        ship.y = ship.y + 1;
+//print new ship
+        // centre
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x,ship.y-1,ship.x,ship.y+2,1);
+        // centre left
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x-1,ship.y+1,ship.x-1,ship.y-2,1);
+        // left engine
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x-2,ship.y-1,ship.x-2,ship.y-2,1);
+        // centre right
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x+1,ship.y+1,ship.x+1,ship.y-2,1);
+        // right engine
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x+2,ship.y-1,ship.x+2,ship.y-2,1);
+    }
+    if (ship.direction == LEFT) {
+        // print ship 1 pixel to the left
+        ship.x = ship.x + 1;
+//print new ship
+        // centre
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x-1,ship.y,ship.x+2,ship.y,1);
+        // upper centre
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x-2,ship.y-1,ship.x+1,ship.y-1,1);
+        // top engine
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x-2,ship.y-2,ship.x-1,ship.y-2,1);
+        // lower centre
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x-2,ship.y+1,ship.x+1,ship.y+1,1);
+        // bottom engine
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x-2,ship.y+2,ship.x-1,ship.y+2,1);
+    }
+    if (ship.direction == RIGHT) {
+        // print ship 1 pixel right
+        ship.x = ship.x - 1;
+//print new ship
+        // centre
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x-2,ship.y,ship.x+1,ship.y,1);
+        // upper centre
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x-1,ship.y-1,ship.x+2,ship.y-1,1);
+        // top engine
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x+1,ship.y-2,ship.x+2,ship.y-2,1);
+        // lower centre
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x-1,ship.y+1,ship.x+2,ship.y+1,1);
+        // bottom engine
+        lcd.drawLine(ship.x+1,ship.y+2,ship.x+2,ship.y+2,1);
+    }
+    // limit ship position to the game borders:
+    // X MIN
+    if (ship.x < 2) {
+        ship.x = 2;
+    }
+    // X MAX
+    if (ship.x > 81) {
+        ship.x = 81;
+    }
+    // Y MIN
+    if (ship.y < 10) {
+        ship.y = 10;
+    }
+    // Y MAX
+    if (ship.y > 45) {
+        ship.y = 45;
+    }
+// update position of top turret
+void update_turrets ()
+    // update top turret
+    // clear turret at current position
+    lcd.drawRect(top_turret.position-2,9,4,2,2);
+    // if the turret has reached the screen boundry, change the direction
+    if (top_turret.position == 3) {
+        top_turret.direction = RIGHT;
+    }
+    if (top_turret.position == 80) {
+        top_turret.direction = LEFT;
+    }
+    // shift the position of the centre pixel of the turret in the dirction of movement
+    if (top_turret.direction == LEFT) {
+        top_turret.position -- ;
+    } else if (top_turret.direction == RIGHT) {
+        top_turret.position ++ ;
+    }
+    // print turret at new position
+    lcd.drawRect(top_turret.position-2,9,4,2,1);
+    lcd.clearPixel(top_turret.position,11);
+    //update bottom turret
+    //clear turret at current position
+    lcd.drawRect(bottom_turret.position - 2,44,4,2,2);
+    // if the turret has reached the screen boundry, change the direction
+    if (bottom_turret.position == 3) {
+        bottom_turret.direction = RIGHT;
+    }
+    if (bottom_turret.position == 80) {
+        bottom_turret.direction = LEFT;
+    }
+    // shift the position of the centre pixel of the turret in the dirction of movement
+    if (bottom_turret.direction == LEFT) {
+        bottom_turret.position -- ;
+    } else if(bottom_turret.direction == RIGHT) {
+        bottom_turret.position ++ ;
+    }
+    //print turret at new position
+    lcd.drawRect(bottom_turret.position - 2,44,4,2,1);
+    lcd.clearPixel(bottom_turret.position,44);
+    // update left turret
+    // clear turret at current position
+    lcd.drawRect(1,left_turret.position-2,2,4,2);
+    // if the turret has reached the screen boundry, change the direction
+    if (left_turret.position == 10) {
+        left_turret.direction = DOWN;
+    }
+    if (left_turret.position == 44) {
+        left_turret.direction = UP;
+    }
+    // shift the position of the centre pixel of the turret in the dirction of movement
+    if (left_turret.direction == UP) {
+        left_turret.position -- ;
+    } else if (left_turret.direction == DOWN) {
+        left_turret.position ++ ;
+    }
+    // print turret at new position
+    lcd.drawRect(1,left_turret.position-2,2,4,1);
+    lcd.clearPixel(3,left_turret.position);
+    // update right turret
+    // clear turret at current position
+    lcd.drawRect(80,right_turret.position-2,2,4,2);
+    // if the turret has reached the screen boundry, change the direction
+    if (right_turret.position == 10) {
+        right_turret.direction = DOWN;
+    }
+    if (right_turret.position == 44) {
+        right_turret.direction = UP;
+    }
+    // shift the position of the centre pixel of the turret in the dirction of movement
+    if (right_turret.direction == UP) {
+        right_turret.position -- ;
+    } else if (right_turret.direction == DOWN) {
+        right_turret.position ++ ;
+    }
+    // print turret at new position
+    lcd.drawRect(80,right_turret.position-2,2,4,1);
+    lcd.clearPixel(80,right_turret.position);
+    lcd.refresh();
+//function for firing missles
+void shoot()
+    // generates a pseudo-random value between 0 and 99 for each turret.
+    srand(time(NULL));
+    int top_shoot = rand() %100+1;
+    int bottom_shoot = rand() %100+1;
+    int left_shoot = rand() %100+1;
+    int right_shoot = rand() %100+1;
+    // 20% chance for each turret to fire a missle. if random value is less than 20 the turret fires
+    // and the turret's shoot property is set to 1. the process is the same for each of the 4 turrets.
+    if (top_shoot < 20 ) {
+        //change shoot varialbe in turret struct
+        top_turret.shoot = 1;
+        // search for an inactive missle struct to assign the missle to. if none of the missle
+        // struct as available, i.e. there are already 6 missles on screen, the turret does not
+        // fire.
+        if (! { // if missle is available
+   = 1; // set missle to active
+            missle_one.x = top_turret.position; // set the x-axis position of the missle equal to the turret's position
+            missle_one.y = 10; // the Y coordinate is set to 8 to account for game border and turret
+            missle_one.direction = DOWN; // set the direction the missle should travel in
+        }
+        // steps are repeated in case of other missle structs being used
+        else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_two.x = top_turret.position;
+            missle_two.y = 10;
+            missle_two.direction = DOWN;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_three.x = top_turret.position;
+            missle_three.y = 10;
+            missle_three.direction = DOWN;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_four.x = top_turret.position;
+            missle_four.y = 10;
+            missle_four.direction = DOWN;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_five.x = top_turret.position;
+            missle_five.y = 10;
+            missle_five.direction = DOWN;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_six.x = top_turret.position;
+            missle_six.y = 10;
+            missle_six.direction = DOWN;
+        } else {
+            top_turret.shoot = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    // whole process is identical for the other three turrets. the only changes are the direction assigned
+    // to the missle when it fires, and whether the position of the turret dictates the x or y starting
+    // position of the missle
+    // bottom turret
+    if (bottom_shoot < 20 ) {
+        bottom_turret.shoot = 1;
+        if (! { // if missle is available
+   = 1; // set missle to active
+            missle_one.x = bottom_turret.position; // set the X-axis position of the missle equal to the turret's position
+            missle_one.y = 45; // the Y coordinate is set to 45 to account for game border and turret
+            missle_one.direction = UP; // set the direction the missle should travel in
+        }
+        // steps are repeated in case of other missle structs being used
+        else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_two.x = bottom_turret.position;
+            missle_two.y = 45;
+            missle_two.direction = UP;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_three.x = bottom_turret.position;
+            missle_three.y = 45;
+            missle_three.direction = UP;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_four.x = bottom_turret.position;
+            missle_four.y = 45;
+            missle_four.direction = UP;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_five.x = bottom_turret.position;
+            missle_five.y = 45;
+            missle_five.direction = UP;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_six.x = bottom_turret.position;
+            missle_six.y = 45;
+            missle_six.direction = UP;
+        } else {
+            bottom_turret.shoot = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    // left turret
+    if (left_shoot < 20 ) {
+        left_turret.shoot = 1;
+        if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_one.x = 3; // the X coordinate is set to 3 to account for game border and turret
+            missle_two.y = left_turret.position; // set the Y-axis position of the missle equal to the turret's position
+            missle_one.direction = RIGHT;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_two.x = 3;
+            missle_two.y = left_turret.position;
+            missle_two.direction = RIGHT;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_three.x = 3;
+            missle_three.y = left_turret.position;
+            missle_three.direction = RIGHT;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_four.x = 3;
+            missle_four.y = left_turret.position;
+            missle_four.direction = RIGHT;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_five.x = 3;
+            missle_five.y = left_turret.position;
+            missle_five.direction = RIGHT;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_six.x = 3;
+            missle_six.y = left_turret.position;
+            missle_six.direction = RIGHT;
+        } else {
+            left_turret.shoot = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    // right turret
+    if (right_shoot < 20 ) {
+        left_turret.shoot = 1;
+        if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_one.x = 81; // the X coordinate is set to 81 to account for game border and turret
+            missle_one.y = right_turret.position; // set the Y-axis position of the missle equal to the turret's position
+            missle_one.direction = LEFT;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_two.x = 81;
+            missle_two.y = right_turret.position;
+            missle_two.direction = LEFT;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_three.x = 81;
+            missle_three.y = right_turret.position;
+            missle_three.direction = LEFT;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_four.x = 81;
+            missle_four.y = right_turret.position;
+            missle_four.direction = LEFT;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_five.x = 81;
+            missle_five.y = right_turret.position;
+            missle_five.direction = LEFT;
+        } else if (! {
+   = 1;
+            missle_six.x = 81;
+            missle_six.y = right_turret.position;
+            missle_six.direction = LEFT;
+        } else {
+            right_turret.shoot = 0;
+        }
+    }
+// track position of currently flying missles, update their position and detect hits.
+void update_missles ()
+    // only preform operations if missle is active for efficiency
+    if ( {
+        //clear missle at current position
+        // centre
+        lcd.drawRect(missle_one.x-1,missle_one.y-1,2,2,2);
+        // set new position of missle based on direction of travel
+        if (missle_one.direction == UP) {
+            missle_one.y -- ;
+        }
+        if (missle_one.direction == DOWN) {
+            missle_one.y ++ ;
+        }
+        if (missle_one.direction == LEFT) {
+            missle_one.x -- ;
+        }
+        if (missle_one.direction == RIGHT) {
+            missle_one.x ++ ;
+        }
+        //draw missle at new position
+        lcd.drawLine(missle_one.x - 1,missle_one.y,missle_one.x + 1,missle_one.y,1);
+        lcd.drawLine(missle_one.x,missle_one.y - 1,missle_one.x,missle_one.y + 1,1);
+    }
+    // the function then repeats process for any other active missles
+    if ( {
+        //clear missle at current position
+        lcd.drawRect(missle_two.x-1,missle_two.y-1,2,2,2);
+        // set new position of missle based on direction of travel
+        if (missle_two.direction == UP) {
+            missle_two.y -- ;
+        }
+        if (missle_two.direction == DOWN) {
+            missle_two.y ++ ;
+        }
+        if (missle_two.direction == LEFT) {
+            missle_two.x -- ;
+        }
+        if (missle_two.direction == RIGHT) {
+            missle_two.x ++ ;
+        }
+        //draw missle at new position
+        lcd.drawLine(missle_two.x - 1,missle_two.y,missle_two.x + 1,missle_two.y,1);
+        lcd.drawLine(missle_two.x,missle_two.y - 1,missle_two.x,missle_two.y + 1,1);
+    }
+    if ( {
+        //clear missle at current position
+        lcd.drawRect(missle_three.x-1,missle_three.y-1,2,2,2);
+        // set new position of missle based on direction of travel
+        if (missle_three.direction == UP) {
+            missle_three.y -- ;
+        }
+        if (missle_three.direction == DOWN) {
+            missle_three.y ++ ;
+        }
+        if (missle_three.direction == LEFT) {
+            missle_three.x -- ;
+        }
+        if (missle_three.direction == RIGHT) {
+            missle_three.x ++ ;
+        }
+        //draw missle at new position
+        lcd.drawLine(missle_three.x - 1,missle_three.y,missle_three.x + 1,missle_three.y,1);
+        lcd.drawLine(missle_three.x,missle_three.y - 1,missle_three.x,missle_three.y + 1,1);
+    }
+    if ( {
+        //clear missle at current position
+        lcd.drawRect(missle_four.x-1,missle_four.y-1,2,2,2);
+        // set new position of missle based on direction of travel
+        if (missle_four.direction == UP) {
+            missle_four.y -- ;
+        }
+        if (missle_four.direction == DOWN) {
+            missle_four.y ++ ;
+        }
+        if (missle_four.direction == LEFT) {
+            missle_four.x -- ;
+        }
+        if (missle_four.direction == RIGHT) {
+            missle_four.x ++ ;
+        }
+        //draw missle at new position
+        lcd.drawLine(missle_four.x - 1,missle_four.y,missle_four.x + 1,missle_four.y,1);
+        lcd.drawLine(missle_four.x,missle_four.y - 1,missle_four.x,missle_four.y + 1,1);
+    }
+    if ( {
+        //clear missle at current position
+        lcd.drawRect(missle_five.x-1,missle_five.y-1,2,2,2);
+        // set new position of missle based on direction of travel
+        if (missle_five.direction == UP) {
+            missle_five.y -- ;
+        }
+        if (missle_five.direction == DOWN) {
+            missle_five.y ++ ;
+        }
+        if (missle_five.direction == LEFT) {
+            missle_five.x -- ;
+        }
+        if (missle_five.direction == RIGHT) {
+            missle_five.x ++ ;
+        }
+        //draw missle at new position
+        lcd.drawLine(missle_five.x - 1,missle_five.y,missle_five.x + 1,missle_five.y,1);
+        lcd.drawLine(missle_five.x,missle_five.y - 1,missle_five.x,missle_five.y + 1,1);
+    }
+    if ( {
+        //clear missle at current position
+        lcd.drawRect(missle_six.x-1,missle_six.y-1,2,2,2);
+        // set new position of missle based on direction of travel
+        if (missle_six.direction == UP) {
+            missle_six.y -- ;
+        }
+        if (missle_six.direction == DOWN) {
+            missle_six.y ++ ;
+        }
+        if (missle_six.direction == LEFT) {
+            missle_six.x -- ;
+        }
+        if (missle_six.direction == RIGHT) {
+            missle_six.x ++ ;
+        }
+        //draw missle at new position
+        lcd.drawLine(missle_six.x - 1,missle_six.y,missle_six.x + 1,missle_six.y,1);
+        lcd.drawLine(missle_six.x,missle_six.y - 1,missle_six.x,missle_six.y + 1,1);
+    }
+// detect hits missle expires
+void check_hit ()
+    // only preform operations if missle is active for efficiency
+    if ( {
+        if (ship.direction == UP) {
+            // check if the missle is within the x_axis constraints of the hit box
+            // the structure : if missle x coordinate is greater than the top right pixel of hit box...
+            // AND
+            // missle x coordinate is less than top right pixel of hit box + width of the hit box...
+            // then the missle is in the x constraints.
+            if ( (missle_one.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_one.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_one.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_one.y < ship.y + 3) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_one.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_one.x-1,missle_one.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // the process is repeated for the different directions of travel, with a different hitbox shape:
+        // down
+        if (ship.direction == DOWN) {
+            if ( (missle_one.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_one.x < ship.x + 2 ) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_one.y > ship.y - 3 ) && (missle_one.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_one.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_one.x-1,missle_one.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // left
+        if (ship.direction == LEFT) {
+            if ( (missle_one.x > ship.x - 3 ) && (missle_one.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_one.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_one.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_one.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_one.x-1,missle_one.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // right
+        if (ship.direction == RIGHT) {
+            if ( (missle_one.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_one.x < ship.x + 3) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_one.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_one.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_one.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_one.x-1,missle_one.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // detect missle expires
+        // depending on the direction of flight, if the missle reaches the border without coming in contact with the ship.
+        // the missle is set to inactive
+        if (missle_one.direction == UP) {
+            if (missle_one.y == 10) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_one.x-1,missle_one.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_one.direction == DOWN) {
+            if (missle_one.y == 45) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_one.x-1,missle_one.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_one.direction == LEFT) {
+            if (missle_one.x == 2 ) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_one.x-1,missle_one.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_one.direction == RIGHT) {
+            if (missle_one.x == 80 ) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_one.x-1,missle_one.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // only preform operations if missle is active for efficiency
+    if ( {
+        if (ship.direction == UP) {
+            //check if the ship is within the x_axis constraints of the hit box
+            // the structure : if missle x coordinate is greater than the top right pixel of hit box...
+            // AND
+            // missle x coordinate is less than top right pixel of hit box + width of the hit box...
+            // then the missle is in the x constraints.
+            if ( (missle_two.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_two.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_two.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_two.y < ship.y + 3) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_two.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_two.x-1,missle_two.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // the process is repeated for the different directions of travel, with a different hitbox shape
+        if (ship.direction == DOWN) {
+            if ( (missle_two.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_two.x < ship.x + 2 ) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_two.y > ship.y - 3 ) && (missle_two.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_two.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_two.x-1,missle_two.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (ship.direction == LEFT) {
+            if ( (missle_two.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_two.x < ship.x + 3) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_two.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_two.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_two.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_two.x-1,missle_two.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (ship.direction == RIGHT) {
+            if ( (missle_two.x > ship.x - 3 ) && (missle_two.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_two.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_two.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_two.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_two.x-1,missle_two.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // detect missle expires
+        // depending on the direction of flight, if the missle reaches the border without coming in contact with the ship.
+        // the missle is set to inactive
+        if (missle_two.direction == UP) {
+            if (missle_two.y == 10) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_two.x-1,missle_two.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_two.direction == DOWN) {
+            if (missle_two.y == 44) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_two.x-1,missle_two.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_two.direction == LEFT) {
+            if (missle_two.x == 2 ) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_two.x-1,missle_two.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_two.direction == RIGHT) {
+            if (missle_two.x == 80 ) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_two.x-1,missle_two.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // only preform operations if missle is active for efficiency
+    if ( {
+        if (ship.direction == UP) {
+            //check if the ship is within the x_axis constraints of the hit box
+            // the structure : if missle x coordinate is greater than the top right pixel of hit box...
+            // AND
+            // missle x coordinate is less than top right pixel of hit box + width of the hit box...
+            // then the missle is in the x constraints.
+            if ( (missle_three.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_three.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_three.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_three.y < ship.y + 3) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_three.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_three.x-1,missle_three.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // the process is repeated for the different directions of travel, with a different hitbox shape
+        if (ship.direction == DOWN) {
+            if ( (missle_three.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_three.x < ship.x + 2 ) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_three.y > ship.y - 3 ) && (missle_three.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_three.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_three.x-1,missle_three.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (ship.direction == LEFT) {
+            if ( (missle_three.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_three.x < ship.x + 3) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_three.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_three.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_three.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_three.x-1,missle_three.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (ship.direction == RIGHT) {
+            if ( (missle_three.x > ship.x - 3 ) && (missle_three.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_three.y > ship.y - 2) && (missle_three.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_three.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_three.x-1,missle_three.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // detect missle expires
+        // depending on the direction of flight, if the missle reaches the border without coming in contact with the ship.
+        // the missle is set to inactive
+        if (missle_three.direction == UP) {
+            if (missle_three.y == 10) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_three.x-1,missle_three.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_three.direction == DOWN) {
+            if (missle_three.y == 44) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_three.x-1,missle_three.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_three.direction == LEFT) {
+            if (missle_three.x == 2 ) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_three.x-1,missle_three.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_three.direction == RIGHT) {
+            if (missle_three.x == 80 ) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_three.x-1,missle_three.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // only preform operations if missle is active for efficiency
+    if ( {
+        if (ship.direction == UP) {
+            //check if the ship is within the x_axis constraints of the hit box
+            // the structure : if missle x coordinate is greater than the top right pixel of hit box...
+            // AND
+            // missle x coordinate is less than top right pixel of hit box + width of the hit box...
+            // then the missle is in the x constraints.
+            if ( (missle_four.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_four.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_four.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_four.y < ship.y + 3) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_four.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_four.x-1,missle_four.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // the process is repeated for the different directions of travel, with a different hitbox shape
+        if (ship.direction == DOWN) {
+            if ( (missle_four.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_four.x < ship.x + 2 ) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_four.y > ship.y - 3 ) && (missle_four.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_four.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_four.x-1,missle_four.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (ship.direction == LEFT) {
+            if ( (missle_four.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_four.x < ship.x + 3) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_four.y > ship.y - 2) && (missle_four.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_four.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_four.x-1,missle_four.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (ship.direction == RIGHT) {
+            if ( (missle_four.x > ship.x - 3 ) && (missle_four.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_four.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_four.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_four.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_four.x-1,missle_four.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // detect missle expires
+        // depending on the direction of flight, if the missle reaches the border without coming in contact with the ship.
+        // the missle is set to inactive
+        if (missle_four.direction == UP) {
+            if (missle_four.y == 10) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_four.x-1,missle_four.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_four.direction == DOWN) {
+            if (missle_four.y == 44) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_four.x-1,missle_four.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_four.direction == LEFT) {
+            if (missle_four.x == 2 ) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_four.x-1,missle_four.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_four.direction == RIGHT) {
+            if (missle_four.x == 80 ) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_four.x-1,missle_four.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // only preform operations if missle is active for efficiency
+    if ( {
+        if (ship.direction == UP) {
+            //check if the ship is within the x_axis constraints of the hit box
+            // the structure : if missle x coordinate is greater than the top right pixel of hit box...
+            // AND
+            // missle x coordinate is less than top right pixel of hit box + width of the hit box...
+            // then the missle is in the x constraints.
+            if ( (missle_five.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_five.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_five.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_five.y < ship.y + 3) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_five.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_five.x-1,missle_five.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // the process is repeated for the different directions of travel, with a different hitbox shape
+        if (ship.direction == DOWN) {
+            if ( (missle_five.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_five.x < ship.x + 2 ) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_five.y > ship.y - 3 ) && (missle_five.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_five.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_five.x-1,missle_five.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (ship.direction == LEFT) {
+            if ( (missle_five.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_five.x < ship.x + 3) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_five.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_five.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_five.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_five.x-1,missle_five.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (ship.direction == RIGHT) {
+            if ( (missle_five.x > ship.x - 3 ) && (missle_five.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_five.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_five.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_five.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_five.x-1,missle_five.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // detect missle expires
+        // depending on the direction of flight, if the missle reaches the border without coming in contact with the ship.
+        // the missle is set to inactive
+        if (missle_five.direction == UP) {
+            if (missle_five.y == 10) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_five.x-1,missle_five.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_five.direction == DOWN) {
+            if (missle_five.y == 44) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_five.x-1,missle_five.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_five.direction == LEFT) {
+            if (missle_five.x == 2 ) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_five.x-1,missle_five.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_five.direction == RIGHT) {
+            if (missle_five.x == 80 ) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_five.x-1,missle_five.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // only preform operations if missle is active for efficiency
+    if ( {
+        if (ship.direction == UP) {
+            //check if the ship is within the x_axis constraints of the hit box
+            // the structure : if missle x coordinate is greater than the top right pixel of hit box...
+            // AND
+            // missle x coordinate is less than top right pixel of hit box + width of the hit box...
+            // then the missle is in the x constraints.
+            if ( (missle_six.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_six.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_six.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_six.y < ship.y + 3) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_six.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_six.x-1,missle_six.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // the process is repeated for the different directions of travel, with a different hitbox shape
+        if (ship.direction == DOWN) {
+            if ( (missle_six.x > ship.x - 2) && (missle_six.x < ship.x + 2 ) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_six.y > ship.y - 3 ) && (missle_six.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_six.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_six.x-1,missle_six.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (ship.direction == LEFT) {
+            if ( (missle_six.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (missle_six.x < ship.x + 3) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_six.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_six.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_six.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_six.x-1,missle_six.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (ship.direction == RIGHT) {
+            if ( (missle_six.x > ship.x - 3 ) && (missle_six.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (missle_six.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (missle_six.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    missle_six.hit_flag = 1;
+                    //clear missle
+                    lcd.drawRect(missle_six.x-1,missle_six.y-1,2,2,2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // detect missle expires
+        // depending on the direction of flight, if the missle reaches the border without coming in contact with the ship.
+        // the missle is set to inactive
+        if (missle_six.direction == UP) {
+            if (missle_six.y == 10) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_six.x-1,missle_six.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_six.direction == DOWN) {
+            if (missle_six.y == 44) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_six.x-1,missle_six.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_six.direction == LEFT) {
+            if (missle_six.x == 2 ) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_six.x-1,missle_six.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (missle_six.direction == RIGHT) {
+            if (missle_six.x == 80 ) {
+       = 0;
+                //clear missle
+                lcd.drawRect(missle_six.x-1,missle_six.y-1,2,2,2);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    //if any of the missles have hit a flag is raised
+    if (missle_one.hit_flag == 1) {
+        g_hit_flag = 1;
+    }
+    if (missle_two.hit_flag == 1) {
+        g_hit_flag = 1;
+    }
+    if (missle_three.hit_flag == 1) {
+        g_hit_flag = 1;
+    }
+    if (missle_four.hit_flag == 1) {
+        g_hit_flag = 1;
+    }
+    if (missle_five.hit_flag == 1) {
+        g_hit_flag = 1;
+    }
+    if (missle_six.hit_flag == 1) {
+        g_hit_flag = 1;
+    }
+// raises flag for collectible timeout
+void collect_timeout ()
+    g_collect_timeout_flag = 1;
+//prints collectible
+void print_collect ()
+    // function first determines what collectible is free to be allocated, and if either collectible has expired
+    bool collect_free; // variable for determining which collectible struct is free, 0 for collec_one and 1 for collect_two.
+    // determined by if statments below
+    //  if both collectibles are active
+    if ( && {
+        // if either collectible has expired
+        if (g_collect_timeout_flag == 1) {
+            // if collect_one has expired
+            if (!g_what_expired) {
+                // set to free
+                collect_free = 0;
+                // reset collect_one
+       = 0;
+                //clear collectible
+                lcd.drawRect(collect_one.x-1,collect_one.y-1,2,2,2);
+                //reset timeout flag
+                g_collect_timeout_flag = 0;
+                //change the next collectible to expire
+                g_what_expired = 1;
+            }
+            // if collect_two has expired
+            else {
+                // set to free
+                collect_free = 1;
+                // reset collect_two
+       = 0;
+                //clear collectible
+                lcd.drawRect(collect_two.x-1,collect_two.y-1,2,2,2);
+                // reset timeout flag
+                g_collect_timeout_flag = 0;
+                //change the next collectible to expire
+                g_what_expired = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // if collect_two has been collected, or has not been allocated yet
+    else if ( && ! {
+        // set collect_two to free
+        collect_free = 1;
+    }
+    // if collect_one has been collected, or has not been allocated yet
+    else if (! && {
+        // set_collect_one to free
+        collect_free = 0;
+    }
+    // if neither collect_one or collect_two have been assigned, or both have been collected
+    else if (! && ! {
+        // set collect_one to free
+        collect_free = 0;
+    }
+    // reset rand() seed
+    srand(time(NULL));
+    // the function then allocates a new position to whatever collectible is free
+    // if collec_one is free
+    if (!collect_free) {
+        // sect collect_one to active
+ = 1;
+        //  assign random x/y coordinates within the bounds of the game edges, takes into account the way drawRect works
+        collect_one.x = rand ()%80 + 1;
+        collect_one.y = rand ()%44 + 10;
+        // draw the collectible
+        lcd.drawRect(collect_one.x-1,collect_one.y-1,2,2,0);
+    }// if collec_two is free
+    else if (collect_free) {
+        // sect collect_one to active
+ = 1;
+        //  assign random x/y coordinates within the bounds of the game edges, takes into account the way drawRect works
+        collect_two.x = rand ()%80 + 1;
+        collect_two.y = rand ()%44 + 10;
+        // draw the collectible
+        lcd.drawRect(collect_two.x-1,collect_two.y-1,2,2,0);
+    }
+// redraw collectible in case it disappeared
+void update_collect ()
+    if ( {
+        // draw the collectible
+        lcd.drawRect(collect_one.x-1,collect_one.y-1,2,2,0);
+    }
+    if ( {
+        // draw the collectible
+        lcd.drawRect(collect_two.x-1,collect_two.y-1,2,2,0);
+    }
+// check if collectible has been collected
+void check_collect ()
+    // only preform operations if missle is active for efficiency
+    if ( {
+        // ship pointing up
+        if (ship.direction == UP) {
+            // check if the collectible is within the ship's the hit box
+            if ( (collect_one.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (collect_one.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (collect_one.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (collect_one.y < ship.y + 3) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    g_collect_flag = 1;
+                    // since collect_one has been reset, collect_two will expire next
+                    g_what_expired = 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // ship pointing down
+        if (ship.direction == DOWN) {
+            if ( (collect_one.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (collect_one.x < ship.x + 2 ) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (collect_one.y > ship.y - 3 ) && (collect_one.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    g_collect_flag = 1;
+                    // since collect_one has been reset, collect_two will expire next
+                    g_what_expired = 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // ship pointing left
+        if (ship.direction == LEFT) {
+            if ( (collect_one.x > ship.x - 3 ) && (collect_one.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (collect_one.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (collect_one.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    g_collect_flag= 1;
+                    // since collect_one has been reset, collect_two will expire next
+                    g_what_expired = 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // ship pointing right
+        if (ship.direction == RIGHT) {
+            if ( (collect_one.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (collect_one.x < ship.x + 3) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (collect_one.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (collect_one.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    g_collect_flag = 1;
+                    // since collect_one has been reset, collect_two will expire next
+                    g_what_expired = 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // only preform operations if missle is active for efficiency
+    if ( {
+        // ship pointing up
+        if (ship.direction == UP) {
+            // check if the collectible is within the ship's the hit box
+            if ( (collect_two.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (collect_two.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (collect_two.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (collect_one.y < ship.y + 3) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    g_collect_flag = 1;
+                    // since collect_one has been reset, collect_two will expire next
+                    g_what_expired = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // ship pointing down
+        if (ship.direction == DOWN) {
+            if ( (collect_two.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (collect_two.x < ship.x + 2 ) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (collect_two.y > ship.y - 3 ) && (collect_two.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    g_collect_flag = 1;
+                    // since collect_one has been reset, collect_two will expire next
+                    g_what_expired = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // ship pointing left
+        if (ship.direction == LEFT) {
+            if ( (collect_two.x > ship.x - 3 ) && (collect_two.x < ship.x + 2) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (collect_two.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (collect_two.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    g_collect_flag= 1;
+                    // since collect_one has been reset, collect_two will expire next
+                    g_what_expired = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // ship pointing right
+        if (ship.direction == RIGHT) {
+            if ( (collect_two.x > ship.x - 2 ) && (collect_two.x < ship.x + 3) ) {
+                // same structure for y-axis of hit box. uses height instead of width
+                if ( (collect_two.y > ship.y - 2 ) && (collect_two.y < ship.y + 2) ) {
+                    // set missle to inactive, i.e. missle explodes
+           = 0;
+                    // set hit flag for missle 1.
+                    g_collect_flag = 1;
+                    // since collect_one has been reset, collect_two will expire next
+                    g_what_expired = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// time left
+void time_left ()
+    //with every second decrement time left by 1
+    g_time_left --;
+    //increases score by 10 every second
+    g_score = g_score + 10;
+    // print timer
+    char buffer[14];  // each character is 6 pixels wide, screen is 84 pixels (84/6 = 14)
+    // so can display a string of a maximum 14 characters in length
+    // or create formatted strings - ensure they aren't more than 14 characters long
+    int length = sprintf(buffer,"Time: %2d ",g_time_left); // print formatted data to buffer
+    // it is important the format specifier ensures the length will fit in the buffer
+    if (length <= 14)  // if string will fit on display
+        lcd.printString(buffer,16,0);           // display on screen
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ESP.h	Thu May 05 10:21:22 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+@file ESP.h
+@brief Header file containing function prototypes, global variables, ticker objects, structs as well as K64F connections
+@author Aleksander Filipiak
+@date   May 2016
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "N5110.h"
+@namespace lcd
+@brief N5110 library object
+@brief pin connections:VCC,SCE,RST,D/C,MOSI,SCLK,LED
+N5110 lcd(PTE26 , PTA0 , PTC4 , PTD0 , PTD2 , PTD1 , PTC3);
+@namespace start_button
+@brief GPIO input for "start" button
+DigitalIn start_button(PTE24);
+InterruptIn pause_button(PTE24);
+@namespace speed_button
+@brief GPIO input for button controlling ship speed
+DigitalIn speed_button(PTE25);
+@namespace xPot
+@brief GPIO input for joystick's x-axis potentiometer
+AnalogIn xPot(PTB3);
+@namespace yPot
+@brief GPIO input for joystick's y-axis potentiometer
+AnalogIn yPot(PTB10);
+///creates enumerated type for directions: 0 = UP, 1 = DOWN, 2 = LEFT, 3 = RIGHT, 4 = CENTRE and 6 = UNKNOWN
+enum DirectionName {
+    UP,
+    DOWN,
+    LEFT,
+    RIGHT,
+    CENTRE,
+typedef struct JoyStick Joystick;
+@struct Joystick
+@brief Struct for joystick parameters
+@param x - current x value
+@param x0 - 'centred' x value
+@param y - current y value
+@param y0 - 'centred' y value
+@param direction - direction joystick is set to
+@see {DirectionName}
+struct JoyStick {
+    float x;    
+    float x0;   
+    float y;    
+    float y0;   
+    DirectionName direction;  
+// create struct variable
+Joystick joystick;
+/** flag for joystick update
+@see {updateJoystick}
+bool printFlag = 0;
+@struct Ship
+@brief Struct for ship parameters
+@param x - Current x value of centre pixel
+@param y - Current y value of centre pixel
+@param direction - Direction of flight
+@see {DirectionName}
+typedef struct Ship Ship;
+struct Ship {
+    short x;         
+    short y;          
+    DirectionName direction;  
+// the ship, controlled by player
+Ship ship;
+@struct Turret
+@brief Struct for turret parameters
+@brief Four turret variables are used: one for each border edge
+@param position - Position along relevant axis. Depends on game edge on which the turrent moves long.
+@param shoot - Flag raised if missle was fired
+@see {shoot}
+@param direction - Direction of movement
+@see {DirectionName}
+typedef struct Turret Turret;
+struct Turret {
+    short position; 
+    bool shoot;    
+    DirectionName direction; 
+// four turrets, one for each side
+Turret top_turret;
+Turret bottom_turret;
+Turret left_turret;
+Turret right_turret;
+@struct Missle
+@brief Struct for missle parameters
+@brief Six variables are used, one for each of the six possible acitve missles on the screen 
+@param x - Position on x-axis
+@param y - Position on y-axis
+@param direction - Direction of travel
+@see {DirectionName}
+@param hit_flag - Flag that missle has hit a target
+@see {check_hit}
+@param active - Is the missle active
+@see {shoot}
+typedef struct Missle Missle;
+struct Missle {
+    short x; 
+    short y; 
+    DirectionName direction; 
+    bool hit_flag; 
+    bool active; 
+// maximum of 6 active missles
+Missle missle_one;
+Missle missle_two;
+Missle missle_three;
+Missle missle_four;
+Missle missle_five;
+Missle missle_six;
+typedef struct Collectible Collectible;
+@struct Collectible
+@brief Struct for collectible parameters
+@brief Two variables are used, one for each possible collectible
+@param x - x coordinate of collectible once it appears
+@param y - y coordinate of collectible once it appears
+@param active - Flag for when the collectible has appeared
+@see {print_collect}
+struct Collectible {
+    short x;
+    short y;
+    bool active; 
+// max number of 6 active collectibles
+Collectible collect_one;
+Collectible collect_two;
+//  --------------------------------------------------------------------------TICKERS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/// timer to regularly read the joystick
+Ticker pollJoystick;
+/// timer for updating missle position
+Ticker missle_mover;
+/// timer for checking for missle hits
+Ticker hit_checker;
+/// timer for turrets' shoot function
+Ticker shooter;
+/// game timer
+Ticker timer;
+/// timer for updating ship position
+Ticker ship_mover;
+/// updates position of turrets
+Ticker turret_mover;
+/// timer for collectible timeout
+Ticker collect_timer;
+/// triggers function for creating collectibles
+Ticker collect_printer;
+///Ticker for updating collectible on screen
+Ticker collect_updater;
+/// triggers function for checking if collectible has been collected
+Ticker collect_checker;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------VARIABLES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** int for keeping track of the number of loops of the change_speed function
+@see {speed_change} */
+int g_ship_counter;
+/** variable for time left in game
+@see {time_left} */
+int g_time_left;
+/// keep track of score
+short g_score;
+/// flag for collectible collected, set in check_collect
+volatile bool g_collect_flag;
+/// flag for hit detection
+volatile bool g_hit_flag;
+/// flag for collectible timeout, set in collect_timeout().
+volatile bool g_collect_timeout_flag;
+/// variable for storing what collectible (collect_one or collect_two) has expired
+volatile bool g_what_expired;
+/// flag for pause function, set in pause_isr
+volatile bool g_pause_flag;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------FUNCTION DECLARATIONS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** interrupt for game pause, triggered by pause_button
+@see {pause_button}
+void pause_isr();
+/** read default positions of the joystick to calibrate later readings
+@see {Joystick}
+void calibrateJoystick();
+/** read and update position of the joystick
+@see {Joystick}
+void updateJoystick();
+/** Isr for following timer, decrements g_time_left every second.
+@see {g_time_left}
+Prints the time left on the above the game borders. 
+void timer_isr ();
+/** prints border between four set points
+@param x_start - x axis starting point
+@param x_end - x axis end point
+@param y_start y axis starting point
+@param y_end y axis end point
+void print_border (int x_start, int x_end, int y_start, int y_end);
+/** Setup initial screen: prints four turrets and ship in their default positions.
+@see {Ship}
+@see {Turret}*/
+void setup_game ();
+/** Function for changing the speed of the ship based on the value of speed_button.
+@see {speed_button}
+    Uses a modulus command to either update the ship's position every time the function is called, 
+    i.e. when speed_button is pressed and the ship should fly fast, or only every third time the function is calles, 
+    when the ship should fly at 1/3 of the fast speed. */
+void speed_change();
+/** Update ship's position based on joystick controls: clears ship at current position and prints it at the next one.
+    The shape which is printed depends on the direction of flight set by the joystick controlls.
+    Stores position and direction of flight in the Ship struct. limits flight of ship to within the game boders
+    Is contained withing the speed_change function.
+@see {change_speed}
+@see {Ship}*/
+void update_ship ();
+/** Updates the position of the four turrets, clears turrets at current position and prints them at their new positions.
+    Turrets move along their respective axis until they hit the game screen boundry, then they travel in the opposite direction.
+    function is triggered at regular intervals by turret_mover Ticker.
+@see {Turret} */   
+void update_turrets();
+/** At regular intervals, dictated by shoort Ticker, gives each turret a 50% chance to shoot a missle.
+    Turret will shoot if any of the 6 possible missles are available. If a missle is available, its starting x/y position and direction of flight
+    will be set to that of the middle of the turret, and it will be set to active.*/
+void shoot();
+/** updates the position of all active missles at regular intervals.
+@see {missle_mover}
+@see {shoot}
+ */
+void update_missles ();
+/** Checks if missle has hit the ship, triggered by hit_checker Ticker.
+    Works by checking if the central pixel of the active missle has is inside the ship's "hit-box": a rectangle around its dimensions.
+    hit-box implementation idea sourced from:
+@see {} 
+@brief also deactivates and clears missles when the reach the game border 
+@see {update_missles}*/
+void check_hit();
+/** Checks if ship has moved through collectible by checking if the centre of the collectible is within the bounds of the ship's hit box.
+@see {check_hit}*/
+void check_collect (); 
+/** every 10 seconds the function sets a flag signaling that the oldest collectible has expired
+@see {print_collect}*/
+void collect_timeout();
+/** re-draws the collectible in case another object has removed it off the screen*/
+void update_collect();
+/** prints a collectible at random x/y coordinates every 5 seconds. Up to two collectibles can exist at a time. If two collectibles exist already 
+the finction will alternate between which one expires when the collec_timeout_flag is set.
+@see {collect_timeout}*/
+void print_collect(); 
+/** decrements the timer every second and prints the time left above the game borders*/
+void time_left();
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