Space Game

Dependencies:   N5110 mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ESP.h	Thu May 05 10:21:22 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+@file ESP.h
+@brief Header file containing function prototypes, global variables, ticker objects, structs as well as K64F connections
+@author Aleksander Filipiak
+@date   May 2016
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "N5110.h"
+@namespace lcd
+@brief N5110 library object
+@brief pin connections:VCC,SCE,RST,D/C,MOSI,SCLK,LED
+N5110 lcd(PTE26 , PTA0 , PTC4 , PTD0 , PTD2 , PTD1 , PTC3);
+@namespace start_button
+@brief GPIO input for "start" button
+DigitalIn start_button(PTE24);
+InterruptIn pause_button(PTE24);
+@namespace speed_button
+@brief GPIO input for button controlling ship speed
+DigitalIn speed_button(PTE25);
+@namespace xPot
+@brief GPIO input for joystick's x-axis potentiometer
+AnalogIn xPot(PTB3);
+@namespace yPot
+@brief GPIO input for joystick's y-axis potentiometer
+AnalogIn yPot(PTB10);
+///creates enumerated type for directions: 0 = UP, 1 = DOWN, 2 = LEFT, 3 = RIGHT, 4 = CENTRE and 6 = UNKNOWN
+enum DirectionName {
+    UP,
+    DOWN,
+    LEFT,
+    RIGHT,
+    CENTRE,
+typedef struct JoyStick Joystick;
+@struct Joystick
+@brief Struct for joystick parameters
+@param x - current x value
+@param x0 - 'centred' x value
+@param y - current y value
+@param y0 - 'centred' y value
+@param direction - direction joystick is set to
+@see {DirectionName}
+struct JoyStick {
+    float x;    
+    float x0;   
+    float y;    
+    float y0;   
+    DirectionName direction;  
+// create struct variable
+Joystick joystick;
+/** flag for joystick update
+@see {updateJoystick}
+bool printFlag = 0;
+@struct Ship
+@brief Struct for ship parameters
+@param x - Current x value of centre pixel
+@param y - Current y value of centre pixel
+@param direction - Direction of flight
+@see {DirectionName}
+typedef struct Ship Ship;
+struct Ship {
+    short x;         
+    short y;          
+    DirectionName direction;  
+// the ship, controlled by player
+Ship ship;
+@struct Turret
+@brief Struct for turret parameters
+@brief Four turret variables are used: one for each border edge
+@param position - Position along relevant axis. Depends on game edge on which the turrent moves long.
+@param shoot - Flag raised if missle was fired
+@see {shoot}
+@param direction - Direction of movement
+@see {DirectionName}
+typedef struct Turret Turret;
+struct Turret {
+    short position; 
+    bool shoot;    
+    DirectionName direction; 
+// four turrets, one for each side
+Turret top_turret;
+Turret bottom_turret;
+Turret left_turret;
+Turret right_turret;
+@struct Missle
+@brief Struct for missle parameters
+@brief Six variables are used, one for each of the six possible acitve missles on the screen 
+@param x - Position on x-axis
+@param y - Position on y-axis
+@param direction - Direction of travel
+@see {DirectionName}
+@param hit_flag - Flag that missle has hit a target
+@see {check_hit}
+@param active - Is the missle active
+@see {shoot}
+typedef struct Missle Missle;
+struct Missle {
+    short x; 
+    short y; 
+    DirectionName direction; 
+    bool hit_flag; 
+    bool active; 
+// maximum of 6 active missles
+Missle missle_one;
+Missle missle_two;
+Missle missle_three;
+Missle missle_four;
+Missle missle_five;
+Missle missle_six;
+typedef struct Collectible Collectible;
+@struct Collectible
+@brief Struct for collectible parameters
+@brief Two variables are used, one for each possible collectible
+@param x - x coordinate of collectible once it appears
+@param y - y coordinate of collectible once it appears
+@param active - Flag for when the collectible has appeared
+@see {print_collect}
+struct Collectible {
+    short x;
+    short y;
+    bool active; 
+// max number of 6 active collectibles
+Collectible collect_one;
+Collectible collect_two;
+//  --------------------------------------------------------------------------TICKERS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/// timer to regularly read the joystick
+Ticker pollJoystick;
+/// timer for updating missle position
+Ticker missle_mover;
+/// timer for checking for missle hits
+Ticker hit_checker;
+/// timer for turrets' shoot function
+Ticker shooter;
+/// game timer
+Ticker timer;
+/// timer for updating ship position
+Ticker ship_mover;
+/// updates position of turrets
+Ticker turret_mover;
+/// timer for collectible timeout
+Ticker collect_timer;
+/// triggers function for creating collectibles
+Ticker collect_printer;
+///Ticker for updating collectible on screen
+Ticker collect_updater;
+/// triggers function for checking if collectible has been collected
+Ticker collect_checker;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------VARIABLES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** int for keeping track of the number of loops of the change_speed function
+@see {speed_change} */
+int g_ship_counter;
+/** variable for time left in game
+@see {time_left} */
+int g_time_left;
+/// keep track of score
+short g_score;
+/// flag for collectible collected, set in check_collect
+volatile bool g_collect_flag;
+/// flag for hit detection
+volatile bool g_hit_flag;
+/// flag for collectible timeout, set in collect_timeout().
+volatile bool g_collect_timeout_flag;
+/// variable for storing what collectible (collect_one or collect_two) has expired
+volatile bool g_what_expired;
+/// flag for pause function, set in pause_isr
+volatile bool g_pause_flag;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------FUNCTION DECLARATIONS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** interrupt for game pause, triggered by pause_button
+@see {pause_button}
+void pause_isr();
+/** read default positions of the joystick to calibrate later readings
+@see {Joystick}
+void calibrateJoystick();
+/** read and update position of the joystick
+@see {Joystick}
+void updateJoystick();
+/** Isr for following timer, decrements g_time_left every second.
+@see {g_time_left}
+Prints the time left on the above the game borders. 
+void timer_isr ();
+/** prints border between four set points
+@param x_start - x axis starting point
+@param x_end - x axis end point
+@param y_start y axis starting point
+@param y_end y axis end point
+void print_border (int x_start, int x_end, int y_start, int y_end);
+/** Setup initial screen: prints four turrets and ship in their default positions.
+@see {Ship}
+@see {Turret}*/
+void setup_game ();
+/** Function for changing the speed of the ship based on the value of speed_button.
+@see {speed_button}
+    Uses a modulus command to either update the ship's position every time the function is called, 
+    i.e. when speed_button is pressed and the ship should fly fast, or only every third time the function is calles, 
+    when the ship should fly at 1/3 of the fast speed. */
+void speed_change();
+/** Update ship's position based on joystick controls: clears ship at current position and prints it at the next one.
+    The shape which is printed depends on the direction of flight set by the joystick controlls.
+    Stores position and direction of flight in the Ship struct. limits flight of ship to within the game boders
+    Is contained withing the speed_change function.
+@see {change_speed}
+@see {Ship}*/
+void update_ship ();
+/** Updates the position of the four turrets, clears turrets at current position and prints them at their new positions.
+    Turrets move along their respective axis until they hit the game screen boundry, then they travel in the opposite direction.
+    function is triggered at regular intervals by turret_mover Ticker.
+@see {Turret} */   
+void update_turrets();
+/** At regular intervals, dictated by shoort Ticker, gives each turret a 50% chance to shoot a missle.
+    Turret will shoot if any of the 6 possible missles are available. If a missle is available, its starting x/y position and direction of flight
+    will be set to that of the middle of the turret, and it will be set to active.*/
+void shoot();
+/** updates the position of all active missles at regular intervals.
+@see {missle_mover}
+@see {shoot}
+ */
+void update_missles ();
+/** Checks if missle has hit the ship, triggered by hit_checker Ticker.
+    Works by checking if the central pixel of the active missle has is inside the ship's "hit-box": a rectangle around its dimensions.
+    hit-box implementation idea sourced from:
+@see {} 
+@brief also deactivates and clears missles when the reach the game border 
+@see {update_missles}*/
+void check_hit();
+/** Checks if ship has moved through collectible by checking if the centre of the collectible is within the bounds of the ship's hit box.
+@see {check_hit}*/
+void check_collect (); 
+/** every 10 seconds the function sets a flag signaling that the oldest collectible has expired
+@see {print_collect}*/
+void collect_timeout();
+/** re-draws the collectible in case another object has removed it off the screen*/
+void update_collect();
+/** prints a collectible at random x/y coordinates every 5 seconds. Up to two collectibles can exist at a time. If two collectibles exist already 
+the finction will alternate between which one expires when the collec_timeout_flag is set.
+@see {collect_timeout}*/
+void print_collect(); 
+/** decrements the timer every second and prints the time left above the game borders*/
+void time_left();
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