Geolocation through Ethernet

Dependencies:   mbed HTTPClient MMA8452Q mbed-rtos 4DGL-uLCD-SE NTPClient SDFileSystem1 EthernetInterface

Thu Dec 17 18:34:29 2020 +0000
Final, Part

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 1 #include "mbed.h"
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 2 #include "NTPClient.h"
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 3 #include "uLCD_4DGL.h"
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 4 #include "EthernetInterface.h"
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 5 #include "HTTPClient.h"
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 6 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 7 //Geolocation output to LCD and SD card reader
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 8 //Code based on:
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 9
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 10 //Set up Networking, LCD and SD Card reader
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 11 uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9,p10,p11); // serial tx, serial rx, reset pin;
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 12 SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd"); //SD card, SPI pins
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 13 EthernetInterface eth;
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 14 NTPClient ntpClient;
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 15 HTTPClient httpClient;
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 16
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 17 void parse(char buffer[], int *j, char *string); //FUNCTION TO PARSE HTTP GET DATA
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 18 void sdlog(int type, float time, float input0, char input1[], char input2[], char input3[]); //Function to write to the SD card
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 19 char httpGetData[200]; //BUFFER TO HOLD DATA FROM HTTP GET REQUEST
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 20
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 21 int main() {
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 22 //Display Settings
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 23 uLCD.baudrate(115200); //Baudrate of display
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 24 uLCD.cls(); //Clear uLCD screen
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 25 uLCD.background_color(BLACK); //SET BACKGROUND COLOR TO WHITE
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 26 uLCD.color(WHITE);
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 27 uLCD.locate(0,0); //Start printing on col0, row0
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 28 uLCD.printf("Getting Location \nInformation...");
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 29
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 30 eth.init(); //USE DHCP to get local IP address
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 31 eth.connect(); //Connect to the network
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 32
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 33 char success[10]={0}; //success first
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 34 char countryFull[20]={0}; //Full Country Name
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 35 char countryAbrv[5]={0}; //Abbreviated Country Name or country Code
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 36 char stateAbrv[5]={0}; //Abbreviated State or region code
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 37 char stateFull[15]={0}; //Full State Name
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 38 char city[15]={0}; //City Name
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 39 char zip[6]={0}; //ZIP CODE
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 40 char latitude[10]={0}; //latitude
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 41 char longitude[10]={0}; //longitude
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 42 char timeZone[30]={0}; //timeZone
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 43 int j=0;
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 44 HTTPResult r = httpClient.get("",httpGetData,128); //GET GEOLOCATION DATA (CSV)
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 45
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 46 if (r==HTTP_OK) { //IF THE DATA WAS RECIEVED
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 47 j=0;
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 48 //parse and display each of the API's location information strings on the LCD
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 49 parse(httpGetData, &j, success);
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 50 parse(httpGetData,&j,countryFull);
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 51 parse(httpGetData,&j,countryAbrv);
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 52 parse(httpGetData,&j,stateAbrv);
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 53 parse(httpGetData,&j,stateFull);
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 54 parse(httpGetData,&j,city);
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 55 parse(httpGetData,&j,zip);
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 56 parse(httpGetData,&j,latitude);
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 57 parse(httpGetData,&j,longitude);
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 58 parse(httpGetData,&j,timeZone);
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 59 }
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 60 else { //HTTP GET REQUEST ERRORED
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 61 uLCD.cls();
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 62 uLCD.printf("HTTP Error %d", r);
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 63 return -1;
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 64 }
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 65 sdlog(0, 1, 2, latitude, longitude, city);// Save info to SD card
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 66 //Print Location Information
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 67 uLCD.cls();
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 68 uLCD.locate(0,0);
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 69 uLCD.printf("%s, %s\n",city,countryFull); //Print City and Country
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 70 uLCD.printf("LAT:%s\nLONG:%s\n",latitude,longitude); //LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 71 uLCD.printf("Timezone:\n%s",timeZone); //PRINT TIMEZONE
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 72 eth.disconnect(); //DISCONNECT FROM THE NETWORK
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 73
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 74 }
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 75
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 77 void parse(char buffer[], int *j, char *string) {
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 78 //extracts next location string data item from buffer
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 79 int i=0;
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 80 for (i=0; i<=strlen(buffer); i++) { //TOTAL SIZE OF RETURNED DATA
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 81 if ((buffer[*j+i] == ',')||(buffer[*j+i] == '\0' )) { //IF comma or end of string
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 82 //comma is the string field delimiter
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 83 string[i]=0; //SETS END OF SRTRING TO 0
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 84 *j=*j+i+1; //UPDATES to 1 after comma seperated value
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 85 break;
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 86 } else string[i]=buffer[*j+i]; //Keep adding to the string
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 87 }
stephenb 0:070ff55a028f 88 }
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 89
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 90 void sdlog(int type, float time, float input0, char input1[], char input2[], char input3[]){
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 91 FILE *file;
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 92 switch (type){
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 93 case 0:
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 94 file = fopen("/sd/location.txt", "w");
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 95 fprintf(file, "TIME: %f, Latitude: %s Longitude: %s, City: %s\n\r", time, input1, input2, input3);
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 96 fclose(file);
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 97 break;
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 98 case 1:
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 99 file = fopen("/sd/temperature.txt", "w");
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 100 fprintf(file, "TIME: %f, %f degC\n\r", time, input0);
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 101 fclose(file);
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 102 break;
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 103 case 2:
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 104 file = fopen("/sd/acceleration.txt", "w");
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 105 fprintf(file, "TIME: %f, WARNING: LOAD EXCEDDED MAXIMUM ALLOWED ANGLE\n\r", time);
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 106 fclose(file);
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 107 break;
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 108 default:
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 109 break;
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 110 }
stephenb 1:b0c480b628cd 111 }