Shell code for the Tanks game

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE EthernetInterface Game_Synchronizer MMA8452 SDFileSystem mbed-rtos mbed wave_player

diff -r b73f0842d3cd -r 7bc7127782e4 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Oct 27 18:10:03 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Oct 28 04:30:22 2015 +0000
@@ -2,36 +2,44 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "Speaker.h"
+#include "wave_player.h"
 #include "game_synchronizer.h"
 #include "tank.h"
 #include "bullet.h"
 #include "globals.h"
 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
 DigitalOut led3(LED3);
 DigitalOut led4(LED4);
-DigitalIn pb_l(p24);  // left button
-DigitalIn pb_r(p21);  // right button
-DigitalIn pb_u(p22);  // up button
-DigitalIn pb_d(p23);  // down button
+DigitalIn pb_u(p21);                        // Up Button
+DigitalIn pb_r(p22);                        // Right Button
+DigitalIn pb_d(p23);                        // Down Button
+DigitalIn pb_l(p24);                        // Left Button
-//MMA8452 acc(p28, p27, 100000); // Accelerometer
-uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9,p10,p11); // LCD (serial tx, serial rx, reset pin;)
-Game_Synchronizer sync(PLAYER1); // (tx, rx, rst, player mode)
-Timer frame_timer;
-// For debug only. Don't use in production code. It will slow your game down a lot.
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);                     
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);                    // Serial connection to PC. Useful for debugging!
+MMA8452 acc(p28, p27, 100000);              // Accelerometer (SDA, SCL, Baudrate)
+uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9,p10,p11);                 // LCD (tx, rx, reset)
+SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd");      // SD  (mosi, miso, sck, cs)
+AnalogOut DACout(p18);                      // speaker
+wave_player player(&DACout);                // wav player
+Game_Synchronizer sync(PLAYER1);            // Game_Synchronizer (PLAYER)
+Timer frame_timer;                          // Timer
+// Ask the user whether to run the game in Single- or Multi-Player mode.
+// Note that this function uses uLCD instead of sync because it is only 
+// writing to the local (Player1) lcd. Sync hasn't been initialized yet,
+// so you can't use it anyway. For the same reason, you must access
+// the buttons directly e.g. if( !pb_r ) { do something; }.
 int game_menu(void) {
-    // Figure out what mode the game will be run in.
-    uLCD.current_orientation = IS_LANDSCAPE;
     uLCD.puts("Select Mode:");
@@ -42,46 +50,66 @@
     uLCD.puts("  Multi-Player:");
     uLCD.puts("   Right Button");
-    // Right button -> Multiplayer
-    // Left button -> Single player
     while(1) {
-        if(!pb_r) { return  MULTI_PLAYER; }
-        if(!pb_l) { return SINGLE_PLAYER; }
+        if(!pb_r) { return  MULTI_PLAYER; }    // Right button -> Multiplayer
+        if(!pb_l) { return SINGLE_PLAYER; }    // Left button -> Single player
+// Initialize the world map. I've provided a basic map here,
+// but as part of the assignment you must create more
+// interesting map(s).
+// Note that calls to sync.function() will run function()
+// on both players' LCDs (assuming you are in multiplayer mode).
+// In single player mode, only your lcd will be modified. (Makes sense, right?)
 void map_init() {
+    // Fill the entire screen with sky blue.
+    // Call the clear screen function to force the LCD to redraw the screen
+    // with the new background color.
+    // Draw the ground in green.
     sync.filled_rectangle(0,0,128,20, GND_COLOR);
+    // Draw a wall in the middle of the map. It doesn't have to be black, 
+    // but it shouldn't be the same color as the sky or your tanks.
+    // Get creative here. You could use brown and grey to draw a mountain
+    // or something cool like that.
     sync.filled_rectangle(59, 20, 69, 60, BLACK);
-    sync.locate(0,0);
+    // Before you write text on the screens, tell the LCD where to put it.
+    sync.locate(0,15);
-    sync.puts("Pocket Tanks 2035");
+    char title[] = "  ECE 2035 Tanks";
+    sync.puts(title, sizeof(title));
 void game_init(void) {
     led1 = 0; led2 = 0; led3 = 0; led4 = 0;
-    pb_l.mode(PullUp);
+    pb_u.mode(PullUp);
-    pb_u.mode(PullUp);    
-    pb_d.mode(PullUp);
+    pb_d.mode(PullUp);    
+    pb_l.mode(PullUp);
     pc.printf("\033[2J\033[0;0H");              // Clear the terminal screen.
     pc.printf("I'm alive! Player 1\n");         // Let us know you made it this far.
     int mode = game_menu();
-    sync.init(&uLCD, mode);                     // Connect to the other player.
+    sync.init(&uLCD, &acc, &pb_u, &pb_r, &pb_d, &pb_l, mode); // Connect to the other player.
     pc.printf("Initialized...\n");              // Let us know you finished initializing.
 int main (void) {
-    int* p2_buttons;
+    int* p1_inputs;
+    int* p2_inputs;
@@ -94,19 +122,31 @@
     while(1) {
-        //double acc_x, acc_y, acc_z;
-        //acc.readXYZGravity(&acc_x,&acc_y,&acc_z);       //read accelerometer
-        //pc.printf("ACCELERATION X:%f Y:%f Z:%f\n", acc_x, acc_y, acc_z);
+        sync.set_p1_inputs();
+        p1_inputs = sync.get_p1_inputs();
+        p2_inputs = sync.get_p2_inputs();
+        led1 = p2_inputs[0] ^ p1_inputs[0];
+        led2 = p2_inputs[1] ^ p1_inputs[1];
+        led3 = p2_inputs[2] ^ p1_inputs[2];
+        led4 = p2_inputs[3] ^ p1_inputs[3];
-        p2_buttons = sync.get_button_state();
-        led1 = p2_buttons[0] ^ !pb_u;
-        led2 = p2_buttons[1] ^ !pb_r;
-        led3 = p2_buttons[2] ^ !pb_d;
-        led4 = p2_buttons[3] ^ !pb_l;
+        float ax1 = (float) p1_inputs[4] / 65536.0;
+        float ay1 = (float) p1_inputs[5] / 65536.0;
+        float az1 = (float) p1_inputs[6] / 65536.0;
+        pc.printf("P1 X: %f\tY: %f\tZ: %f\n", ax1, ay1, az1);
+        float ax2 = (float) p2_inputs[4] / 65536.0;
+        float ay2 = (float) p2_inputs[5] / 65536.0;
+        float az2 = (float) p2_inputs[6] / 65536.0;
+        pc.printf("P2 X: %f\tY: %f\tZ: %f\n", ax2, ay2, az2);
+        /*       
         if(!pb_l) t1.reposition(t1.x-1, t1.y, t1.barrel_theta);
         if(!pb_r) t1.reposition(t1.x+1, t1.y, t1.barrel_theta);
-        if(p2_buttons[3]) t2.reposition(t2.x-1, t2.y, t2.barrel_theta);
+        if(p2_inputs[3]) t2.reposition(t2.x-1, t2.y, t2.barrel_theta);
         if(p2_buttons[1]) t2.reposition(t2.x+1, t2.y, t2.barrel_theta);
         //if(!pb_d) t1.reposition(t1.x, t1.y, t1.barrel_theta-PI/30.0);
@@ -129,19 +169,21 @@
             pc.printf("P2 wins!"); 
-        frame_timer.reset();
+        */
+        //frame_timer.reset();
+    // This dies after a while, and I have NO IDEA WHY.
     int i = 0;
     while(1) {
-        sync.locate(i, 6);
-        sync.puts("GAME OVER!\n"); 
+        sync.locate(i, 9);
+        char msg[] = "GAME OVER!";
+        sync.puts(msg, sizeof(msg)); 
-        (++i) %= 10; 
+        i = (i+1)%10;
\ No newline at end of file