Shell code for the Tanks game

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE EthernetInterface Game_Synchronizer MMA8452 SDFileSystem mbed-rtos mbed wave_player

diff -r 3c68eea5a609 -r 77049670cae6 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Oct 29 05:14:49 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Oct 30 08:54:10 2015 +0000
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
 // Global variables go here.
+int winner = -1;
+int whose_turn = PLAYER1;
 // Ask the user whether to run the game in Single- or Multi-Player mode.
@@ -52,8 +53,12 @@
     // Button Example:
     // Use !pb_r to access the player1 right button value.
-    wait(2);
-    return SINGLE_PLAYER;
+    wait(2);        // Eventually you can take this out.
+    // Eventually you should return SINGLE_PLAYER or MULTI_PLAYER
+    // depending on the user's choice.
+    return SINGLE_PLAYER;       
 // Initialize the world map. I've provided a basic map here,
@@ -89,10 +94,11 @@
     // Display the game title.
     char title[] = "  Title";
     sync.puts(title, sizeof(title));
-    sync.update();
+    // Flush the draw buffer and execute all the accumulated draw commands.
+    sync.update();          
 // Initialize the game hardware. 
 // Call game_menu to find out which mode to play the game in (Single- or Multi-Player)
 // Initialize the game synchronizer.
@@ -138,42 +144,79 @@
     Bullet b1(&t1);
     Bullet b2(&t2);
+    frame_timer.start();
+    // Your code starts here...
     while(true) {
+        s
+        // Get a pointer to the buttons for both sides.
+        // From now on, you can access the buttons for player x using
+        //
+        // px_buttons[U_BUTTON] 
+        // px_buttons[R_BUTTON] 
+        // px_buttons[D_BUTTON] 
+        // px_buttons[L_BUTTON]
-        // Read the buttons/accelerometer and store the values
-        // in the synchronizer's internal array.
-        sync.set_p1_inputs();
-        // Get a pointer to the buttons for both sides.
         p1_buttons = sync.get_p1_buttons();
         p2_buttons = sync.get_p2_buttons();
+        led1 = p1_buttons[0] ^ p2_buttons[0];
+        led2 = p1_buttons[1] ^ p2_buttons[1];
+        led3 = p1_buttons[2] ^ p2_buttons[2];
+        led4 = p1_buttons[3] ^ p2_buttons[3];
         // Get the accelerometer values.
         sync.get_p1_accel_data(&ax1, &ay1, &az1);
         sync.get_p2_accel_data(&ax2, &ay2, &az2);
-        // Game logic goes here.
-        // Depending on whose turn it is, 
-        //  - update their tank's position using the accelerometer state for that player.
-        //  - update their bullet's position using the time elapsed since the previous frame.
-        // You have to handle the case where sync.play_mode == SINGLE_PLAYER 
-        // as well as the case where sync.play_mode == MULTI_PLAYER
-        // Useful functions:
-        // t1.reposition(...);
-        // t2.reposition(...);
-        // b1.timestep(...);
-        // b2.timestep(...);
-        // End of game logic
-        // sync.update() flushes the internal buffer and performs all the draw commands on both sides.
-        // This must be called at the end of every frame, or things won't be drawn and buttons won't get 
-        // updated.
-        sync.update();      
+        if(whose_turn == PLAYER1) {
+            // Accelerometer example
+            if(ax1 >  ACC_THRESHOLD) { 
+                // Move the tank to the right if the accelerometer is tipped far enough to the right.
+                 t1.reposition(+1, 0, 0);          
+            }
+            // Button example
+            if(p1_buttons[D_BUTTON]) { 
+                b1.shoot(); 
+            }
+            float dt =;
+            int intersection_code = b1.time_step(dt); 
+            if(intersection_code != BULLET_NO_COLLISION || intersection_code == BULLET_OFF_SCREEN) { 
+                pc.printf("Now it's P2's turn!\n");
+                whose_turn = PLAYER2;
+            }
+            // If you shot yourself, you lost.
+            if(sync.pixel_eq(intersection_code, t1.tank_color)) { 
+                sync.update();  // Is this necessary?
+                winner = PLAYER2;
+                break;
+            }
+            // If you shot the other guy, you won!
+            if(sync.pixel_eq(intersection_code, t2.tank_color)) { 
+                sync.update();
+                winner = PLAYER1;
+                break;
+            }
+        } else if(whose_turn == PLAYER2) {
+            // I gave you a lot of the logic for Player1. It's up to you to figure out Player2!
+            // If you are in SINGLE_PLAYER mode, you should use the p1 inputs to control p2.
+            // In MULTI_PLAYER mode, you should use the p2 inputs to control p2.
+            //
+            // Hint: 
+            //         sync.play_mode will tell you if you are in MULTI_PLAYER or SINGLE_PLAYER mode.
+            //         
+        }
+        frame_timer.reset();
+        sync.update();     